Stories by Freelancer
Hot response The Ibex Valley volunteer fire department was dispatched to put out this truck fire late Friday afternoon.
- The government is ignoring the high cost of food It was heartening to watch and listen to the protestors in Iqaluit last week, fighting to send the government a message about the state of food in the North.
Licence plates have been a driving force in Yukon history He is no one, but he is everyone: "Yukon Sam”, "Goldpanner Pete”, "Klondike Mike” — the ubiquitous image of a prospector has dominated the territory's licence plate for what seems like an eternity.
- Changes to notification of low-level mining exploration Changes to notification of low-level mining exploration
Celebrate a preserve milestone! Ten years ago, the Yukon Wildlife Preserve Operating Society formally took over the reins for the management and care of our territory's most valuable collection of indigenous northern animals at the Yukon Wildlife Preserve off the Takhini Hot Springs Road.
Roots breaks own record in Air North fun run Whether it was the promise of sunshine or good food at the Air North Family Fun Run on Saturday, the race saw the biggest turnout ever.
- A litany of errors impaired Teresa Scheunert's care ( Comment ) Ed. note: the late Teresa Scheunert's family released this statement before members of the jury in last week's Whitehorse inquest handed down their recommendations.
- Fracking debate is skewed by misinformation The debate surrounding hydraulic fracturing or fracking has become obscured by misinformation.
- Frack report overshadows doctors' views at hearing ( Comment ) The mandate and duty of a chief medical officer of Health is to protect the health of a population and not of government image.
- Make no mistake: our paramedics save lives ( Comment ) The national Paramedic Services Week, which started May 25 and runs until Saturday, recognizes the individuals who make up Canada's Emergency Medical Services and their contributions to their communities.
- The government is constructing us a housing crisis ( Comment ) Ed. note: this commentary was submitted by the Yukon Residential Landlord Association and the Yukon Real Estate Association.
- Eighty thousand square kilometres of land are protected ( Comment ) Last week, the prime minister announced a National Conservation Plan that commits $252 million over the next five years for a series of conservation initiatives (Star, May 20).
A better relationship for Yukon citizens and the RCMP ( Comment ) National Police Week began in Canada in 1970 as a way to connect with communities and increase awareness about the services that police provide.
- Saving lives during Canada Road Safety Week May 13-19 marks Canada Road Safety Week, a national campaign aimed at making Canada's roads the safest in the world.
- Frack Canada report a preview of the frack Yukon report? Frack Canada report a preview of the frack Yukon report?
Coming out of the shadows and ending the stigma Mental illness isn't talked about much because of the stigmas associated with it.
Coming out of the shadows and ending the stigma Mental illness isn't talked about much because of the stigmas associated with it.
- Skagway ferry service will resume Sunday After a two-week interruption of ferry service due to a sunken dock, Skagway can expect to see the M/V LeConte pulling into its terminal on Sunday.
Investors seem smarter than the Pasloski government ( Comment ) I met the late Johnny Charlie, then chief of the Tetlit Gwich'in, at his family fish camp in the summer of 1982. I'd been canoeing in the Peel watershed.
- National Day of Honour: a time to reflect ( Comment ) Veterans have contributed to Canada in ways most of us will never fully comprehend.
- Smashed is coming to the Yukon's schools ( Comment ) With a realistic story line in which most young people could imagine themselves, and personal stories showing the heartache and grief caused by impaired driving, MADD Canada's 2013-2014 School Assembly Program challenges students.
- We're determined to pave the way for tourism Yukon tourism is growing, and the numbers are impressive.
- Independent newspapers and democracy ( Comment ) When we moved here from Calgary in 2008, there were three independently owned newspapers serving the Yukon, two English and one French-language publication.
- What is a capital plan, and how do Yukoners benefit? ( Comment ) One of the tools the Yukon government uses to manage the use of taxpayers' dollars is a multi-year capital plan.
- Survival depends on stopping the insidious Agenda 21 ( Comment ) Sustainability.
Archeological find ‘will help write history books,' professor believes Proponents extolling the virtues and benefits of mutuality would be the first to take note of some recent developments from an unlikely source.
Working with communities, we're making great strides During this past week, Yukoners have been celebrating Education Week,
- Yukoners need protection from spiralling pad rents ( Comment ) In the legislature this week, I have denounced the Yukon government's inaction on price-gouging faced by mobile home owners.
- Getting the facts on a new continuing care facility ( Comment ) Your government has set aside $6.9 million in the 2014-15 territorial budget for design work on a new continuing care facility for Yukoners.
- After much thought, what is the new awareness? I have followed Owen Waters, an international author and spiritualist, over the last few years, and have come to respect his insights.
Second World War Quonset hut needs a home ( Comment ) When Con Lattin and his wife Dot arrived in Whitehorse in 1952 with a few suitcases and $50, they felt lucky to be able to rent a little cabin made from a recycled army building in Whiskey Flats.
Co-operation counts in the Heart of Riverdale ( Comment ) About 10 years ago, Andrea Simpson-Fowler saw an opportunity.
- Haines opposes bill on reciprocal fishing licences arrangement The Haines Borough Assembly has voted unanimously to send a letter to House Rep. Jonathan Kreiss-Tomkins, D-Sitka, asking him to remove a bill that would eliminate Alaska's reciprocal fishing licence arrangement with the Yukon.
- Strengthening democracy is our responsibility ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the fifth and final instalment of a series of articles on proportional representation. The first was published Feb. 25.
We've created a budget with Yukoners in mind ( Comment ) As the premier, I am very proud of the $1.3-billion territorial budget for 2014-15, which I tabled on Tuesday, March 25.
- This budget reflects a lack of vision and leadership The latest Yukon budget shows a government that has no vision and lacks leadership to diversify Yukon's economy.
- Making Gold Green: Sir Fraser Stoddart holds forth ( Comment ) Strengthening the brain-drain from the Old World to the New, when groundbreaking chemist Dr. Fraser Stoddart relocated out to California from the redbrick University empires of England and his native Scotland, he immediately began to assemble his research teams and to seek out collaborative possibilities within and outside of the academic system.
- Our government is spending like drunken sailors A $20-million increase in the cost of the new F.H. Collins Secondary School project tells the Yukon public all they need to know about the 2014-2015 budget released Tuesday.
Circus-themed race draws hundreds The 28th annual Buckwheat Ski Classic saw more than a few firsts.
Yukon's Atom Mustangs showed they love gold Ed. note: this report on the March 15-18 Richmond Minor Hockey Association Spring Classic appears here because Arctic Winter Games coverage fills today's local sports section.
- We are at work, so Yukoners can play (and succeed) ( Comment ) Yukoners are known nationally and internationally for their love of sport, recreation and the outdoors, so it should come as no surprise that we have a number of elite Yukon athletes, despite our small population.
- Canada doesn't deserve our antiquated electoral system ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the fourth of a series of five articles on proportional representation. The last one was published last Friday.
- PR's isolated problems are easily solvable Ed. note: this is the third of a series of five articles on proportional representation. The previous one was published last Friday.
- Continuing to invest in our emergency response system ( Comment ) Recently, I announced the delivery of a new $336,000 pumper fire truck to the Ibex Valley Volunteer Fire Department (Star, March 11).
- Tourism continues to perform for Yukon's economy In 2013, the number of border crossings into Yukon increased by eight per cent and reached an all-time high, according to data from the Canada Border Services Agency.
- PR would create a fairer system ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the second of a series of five articles on proportional representation. The first was published Feb. 25.
A Teslin Treat Heavy early-winter snowfall and the wolves have brought the moose down into Teslin, as seen above.
Yukoner out to improve 2013 Iditarod showing When Michelle Phillips made the drastic change from figure skating to dog mushing, it pretty much meant her days of shopping for sequins were over.
Longtime Yukoner helped colour up the 2014 Rendezvous Diana Mulloy recently contacted the Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous office.
- New high school will enhance the learning experience ( Comment ) This week, the Yukon government was pleased to announce it has signed an intent-to-award letter with Clark Builders for the F.H. Collins Secondary School replacement project (Star, Feb. 20).
- Where is the Green Party on fracking? ( Comment ) The territorial Green Party, led by Kristina Calhoun, as well as the federal leader, Elizabeth May, have made it clear to Yukoners the party stands against unconventional oil and gas extraction or fracking.
Kings Of The Klondike It took a shootout to decide,
- Race was abbreviated, unpredictable The 2014 Yukon Quest is history.
- Instead of hiking taxes, we're helping families ( Comment ) I welcome the federal budget, Economic Action Plan 2014, and its focus on job creation, economic growth, and keeping taxes low – along with its plan to get back to balance by 2015 – as a positive for Yukon.
‘Rookie' only partly describes Quest musher Matt Hall is classified as a Yukon Quest rookie, but that description may not be an entirely accurate one for the 22-year-old musher.
- Dogs were rigorously tested for drugs A new phase of the Yukon Quest began for the race's veterinary teams, as they started an extensive drug-testing program to ensure the dogs aren't being given banned substances.
- Musher quits after dog dies Healy, Alaska musher Dave Dalton has scratched from the Yukon Quest following the death of one of his dogs, race officials announced today.
- Francophones have access to health services in French Three separate health sector sites in Whitehorse are now able to offer French language services to their clients as a result of a pilot project that was recently launched (Star, Jan. 29).
Making a Milestone Yukon Quest sled dog race musher Allen Moore
First Quester is due into Dawson tonight A middle-of-the-night manoeuvre put Yukon Quest musher Brent Sass squarely in position to claim the gold in Dawson City tonight.
Schandelmeier is having some fun on his return to the Quest For a two-time champion, John Schandelmeier has never sounded much like someone expecting a competitive run in the Yukon Quest this year.
Zirkle finds redemption with YQ300 win After missing out on first place last year by just eight seconds, Aliy Zirkle won the 2014 YQ300 Monday.
- Fast pace surfaces as an early-race concern Saturday's first day of the Yukon Quest was highlighted by a surprisingly common concern from the first group of mushers at the Two Rivers checkpoint:
- Mushers penetrated summit's soupy fog Plenty of well-made plans have gone awry on Eagle Summit during the past three decades, but the daunting peak didn't derail any of the Yukon Quest leaders this year.
Off and Running Torsten Kohnert of Slussfors, Sweden
‘We've ended up with just a phenomenal trail' Alaska – When Brent Sass pulled into the Central checkpoint at 9:25 a.m. Sunday, race marshal Doug Grilliot checked the time and did a quick calculation.
Casavant fine with drawing No. 1 to begin Yukon Quest Normand Casavant plucked a scrap of paper from a bunny boot on Thursday, took a peek, and broke into a grin.
- Quest mushers wondering about impact of warm weather As Yukon Quest mushers chatted between autographs at the Alpine Lodge in Fairbanks on Wednesday, a steady theme seemed to emerge: How about that weather?
- Student engagement sign of success in program delivery ( Comment ) New rural education delivery models are seeing positive results In Yukon,
Watchful Eye This Pine Marten was cruising the neighbourhood at the Teslin Cottage Lots recently.
Story Time Education minister Elaine Taylor, Brooklyn Balmforth and mayor Dan Curtis (left to right) enjoyed ‘story Time' at the Family Literacy Centre during sunday's Family Literacy Day celebrations at the Canada Games Centre.
- The rockin' hypocrite Young is at it again (comment) TORONTO – Neil Young, the '60s-era folk singer and drug lifestyle icon, has come to Canada to lecture us about the oilsands.
- Home care's success a testament to collaborative care ( Comment ) The term "collaborative care” has been in the news recently, as a model of care we are adopting across Yukon's health care system.
Clearing The Runway Some Teslin residents believe the village has exceeded its snowfall record set in 1969.
- A frack tour checklist for the committee's consideration ( Comment ) A number of distortions on hydraulic fracturing have been presented to the Yukon community and to the MLAs who serve on the select committee on fracking.
- A frack tour checklist for the committee's consideration ( Comment ) A number of distortions on hydraulic fracturing have been presented to the Yukon community and to the MLAs who serve on the select committee on fracking.
- Recent changes to these acts build on past success ( Comment ) In Yukon, the Quartz Mining Act and the Placer Mining Act are longstanding statutes that provide a well-understood framework for mineral exploration, development and production.
- Yukon tourism is bucking the national trend ( Comment ) In recent weeks, a number of high-profile groups,
- Leef, Tories are delivering you a lump of coal ( Comment ) Re. "Canada Post is following the right route, MP believes”, Star, Dec. 17.
- The government has no vision for a better territory ( Comment ) The Yukon government demonstrated again and again during this legislative sitting that it does not have a vision for a better Yukon.
- The government has no vision for a better territory ( Comment ) The Yukon government demonstrated again and again during this legislative sitting that it does not have a vision for a better Yukon.
- A time to reflect and celebrate achievements ( Comment ) In a few days, Yukoners will gather with family and friends to celebrate Christmas and the start of the new year.
- A slowing economy, mismanagement top my concerns ( Comment ) Our weakening economy, the Yukon Party's habit of wasting money on mismanaged capital projects such as F.H. Collins Secondary School deteriorating relations with First Nations governments and the government's botched Bill 66 were the focus of the fall sitting for me.
- Our premier must advocate for the CPP's expansion ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP is calling on the Yukon premier to join premiers from Ontario, P.E.I., Manitoba and Newfoundland and Labrador to push for an expansion of the Canada Pension Plan (CPP)
Trades training trailer will help rural Yukoners ( Comment ) This week, the Government of Yukon joined Yukon College to officially launch a new and innovative $1.8-million mobile trades training lab and supply trailer.
- Government's mishandling of Ross River case continues ( Comment ) Concerns raised by Yukon First Nations on the government's handling of amendments to mining legislation confirm worries I have raised with the controversial Bill 66.
- New Emergency Response Centre improves services ( Comment ) The Government of Yukon recently opened a new Emergency Response Centre to better serve residents of Whitehorse and surrounding areas.
- Nature provides the Yukon's future energy template ( Comment ) For a territory so widely perceived as founded and grounded in the most traditional of extractive industries, the average Yukon city resident does not have to travel far to encounter some truly non-traditional and highly innovative thinking.
- FASD's facts are swiftly gaining national attention ( Comment ) Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) has been a health issue for many years, but it has also been gaining traction as a justice issue.
- We are working to eliminate the tragedies from bullying ( Comment ) I want to highlight legislation to help keep our communities safer by cracking down on cyberbullies.
- This is a victory for the families ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP welcomes Tuesday's announcement by the chief coroner that there will be a public inquest into the deaths of Watson Lake Hospital patients Teresa Ann Scheunert and Mary Johnny.
- The responsibility of well-managed resource development is ours ( Comment ) Earlier this week, I had the privilege of speaking at the 41st Yukon Geoscience Forum (Star, Nov. 18).
Marking A Special Week Education Minister Elaine Taylor (far right) presented a tribute in the Yukon Legislative Assembly last week in recognition of National Skilled Trades and Technology Week.
- Mining sector a key contributor to Yukon's economy ( Comment ) Next week, key mining industry stakeholders will be in Whitehorse for the 41st annual Yukon Geoscience Forum and Trade Show.
- Justin Trudeau is way over his head ( Comment ) Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau has again revealed how he is out of touch with northerners and Yukoners.
- Making equality and inclusion a municipal priority ( Comment ) The City of Whitehorse has recently sent a callout to volunteers to sit on the newly formed Canadian Coalition of Municipalities Against Racism and Discrimination (CCMARD) advisory committee.
- Conflict of interest demands full transparency ( Comment ) Transparency is everything these days (just ask media link-man turned senator Mike Duffy).
- The government's inaction on this report is unacceptable ( Comment ) Over a year after the tragic death of Teresa Ann Scheunert at the Watson Lake hospital from mixed drug toxicity,
- This is what I would have told the hearing ( Comment ) This is most of the comment I was prevented from making last Thursday before the end of the public hearing held by the Yukon Utilities Board (YUB) at the High Country Inn in Whitehorse.
An incredible mystery: Where is Shorty Roiles' grave? Henry (Shorty) Roiles was a veteran of the First World War.
- Reflections on Veterans' Week and Remembrance Day ( Comment ) Each year at this time, Canadians pay tribute to and remember the veterans of past conflicts whose sacrifices allow us to enjoy the freedoms we have today.
A Family Affair Whitehorse resident Ramesh Ferris (left) stands alongside Ontario Lt.-Gov. David Onley (right) at the Fairmont Royal York Hotel in Toronto earlier this week.
Remembering the war artists and music of the '40s The MacBride Museum will host an evening of wartime music and art of the Alaska Highway and Canol Projects at 7 p.m. next Thursday.
- Government to contractors: you're not welcome On Wednesday, the government released a new tendering package for the F.H. Collins Secondary School reconstruction with criteria that will essentially disqualify local contractors (Star, Oct. 31).
- Government kicks off sitting with key motions ( Comment ) The Government of Yukon this week put forth a number of motions in the legislative assembly that set out its plans to further develop a clean power future for Yukon, increase transparency in ministerial travel expenses and offer Yukoners additional legal protections.
Snack Time This black-capped chickadee is grabbing a sunflower seed
- Housing announcement reeks of political considerations ( Comment ) The Cathers government has bungled the spending of federal housing money.
- Conference provided a great showcase opportunity ( Comment ) Last week, Yukon hosted the Canada's North Summit, a major event that brought together hundreds of delegates from across the country to discuss northern issues and opportunities.
- New ice age publication explains Yukon's ancient history ( Comment ) A couple of weeks ago, the Department of Tourism and Culture added Ice Age Old Crow: Yukon's ancient history from north of the Arctic Circle to its collection of historic and scientific publications.
- Yukon Party's inaction caused this bridge crisis ( Comment ) Despite four years of studies from engineers calling for urgent repairs to the 70-year old suspension bridge built as part of the World War II-era Canol Pipeline project, the Yukon Party government decided to do nothing.
- Reviewing a track record of mismanagement and inaction Two years after the last territorial election, the Yukon government continues to demonstrate that it confuses spending large amounts of money with sound financial management.
- Yukon's great spirit of giving ( Comment ) Each year as autumn approaches, we can count on leaves turning from green to red and yellow, the air turning a little cooler, and the generosity and goodwill of Yukoners making us all proud.
The environmental risks of fracking in Eagle Plains The absence of any big game in the vicinity of Eagle Plains on the Dempster Highway on a recent weekend likely had more to do with the duration of the hunting season than any exploratory activities undertaken by Northern Cross.
1933: The Century of Progress and the Italian flying boats The 1930s are remembered as an era of economic depression, hard times, and the prelude to the Second World War.
- Mining royalties are continuing their positive impacts ( Comment ) This week's release of the latest figures on mining royalties in the Yukon provide a good opportunity to look at the positive economic influence our mining industry is having throughout the territory.
- This government has a lot of explaining to do ( Comment ) The news of the immediate risk of the Ross River suspension bridge collapsing perplexes me, and the Yukon Party government has a lot of explaining to do.
- We're working together on FASD prevention, intervention The tragedy of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome Disorder, or FASD, is one that touches all Yukoners in one way or another.
- Please help! (The economics of climate change) ( Comment ) I grew up in the Yukon within my own unique family.
Tourism ministers' meeting was an opportunity to build ( Comment ) In the business of attracting international tourists, the generation of large amounts of marketing information is the way of the world.
Stephens makes splash in debut for MHL's Weeks Crushers David Stephens is doing exactly what the Weeks Crushers hoped he would do when they acquired him from the Prince George Spruce Kings – he's contributing offensively.
Tessier shatters record at annual One Club Wonder event Blaine Tessier strode atop the Yukon golf world Saturday as he once again dominated the Mountain View Golf Course and his competitors to take the 17th annual One Club Wonder golf tournament.
A Determined Critter This chipmunk's desire for a meal of sunflower seeds
Author to give talk on the old Canol Road S.R. (Sandy) Gage, the author of the popular book,
- Exciting new opportunities for Yukon tourism ( Comment ) On Wednesday evening, Tourism and Culture Minister Mike Nixon and I returned from a nine-day mission to Germany and the U.K.
- We will consider all opinions on the Peel's future I would like to provide some explanation and context to my comments in last week's coverage on the number of submissions government received in the final round of public consultation for the Peel Watershed Land Use Plan.
Tories have entered a swamp of hyper-partisanship ( Comment ) A sure sign that summer is drawing to a close is the rush of political commentators,
- I have news for you, Mr. Dixon ( Comment ) Re. the revelation the Government of Yukon is hiding Peel watershed opinion numbers.
- Kudos to Team Yukon from the minister of sport Whenever Yukoners travel outside the territory, no matter the purpose, they become ambassadors for Yukon.
Handoff Sara Burke-Forsyth, left, exchanges the baton with Kate Londero
- Natural gas is not a viable energy alternative ( Comment ) Green Fracking?
Donald Emerson Taylor: gone, but not forgotten The summer residents of Stewart Lake, along with a few close friends from around the Yukon and across Canada,
- Ribbon-cutting doesn't address coroner's recommendations ( Comment ) Over-budget and behind schedule, the Watson Lake hospital was officially opened this week (Star, July 31).
- Bringing environmental management into this century ( Comment ) In Yukon, the environmental management and protection regime is significantly influenced by the Environment Act and its regulations.
- We the people are one of our biggest resources I am deeply honoured and very grateful to have been asked by my elders to run for chief of Kluane First Nation (KFN).
Remembering my contacts with the Trudeau legend ( Comment ) Seeing Justin Trudeau in Cranbrook's Rotary Park last week sure brings back the memories and raises some intriguing political questions as well.
- Commentary on gas bears closer examination ( Comment ) Re. commentary by Darielle Talarico, chair of the Yukon Chamber of Commerce's energy committee, Star, July 26.
- When these deaths occur, Yukoners should be told ( Comment ) On behalf of the Yukon NDP official Opposition caucus,
- It is clear that natural gas is here to stay ( Comment ) The North is now a geopolitical player in a global petroleum energy match.
- Thoughts on the pure sciences and the performing arts ( Comment ) Subjects:
- The North needs access to clean, affordable power The North needs access to clean, affordable power
Bell caps frustrating week with Tour de White Rock win Two-time Canadian Olympian Zach Bell is best known for power bursts around a cycling velodrome.
- Mt. Sima: a realistic and equitable solution ( Comment ) I would like to point out that this letter is a personal reflection on the Mt. Sima situation and in no way represents the opinion of council.
- Do not embrace LNG with such haste! This is an open letter to David Morrison, CEO Yukon Energy, and Piers McDonald, chair, Yukon Energy board of directors
- LNG hearing presentations promoted gas fracking 1. Equipment orders are under way for new liquefied natural gas (LNG)-burning generator units at an about $40-million cost.
- A decade of inaction is costing Yukoners lots Unsettled land claims in the Yukon continue to cause uncertainly for First Nations and industry alike.
- We can never underestimate infrastructure's importance Maintaining safe and reliable infrastructure is one of the most important priorities for Canadians.
- It's time to put an end to floor-crossing ( Comment ) In the wake of the Pasloski-Elias political marriage (Star, July 8, 9), I am calling for an end to the practice of floor-crossing.
- Government must restore the balance on the committee Ed. note: these remarks were made before the release of Premier Darrell Pasloski's open letter to MLAs on the composition of the legislature's select committee on fracking.
Brothers bonded during dream Dempster adventure Growing up on the family farm near Luseland, Sask., George Olfert's seven children learned to share their father's fascination with Canada's North.
Picturesque Northern Tranquility An angler enjoys an evening of fishing beneath the bridge at Johnson's Crossing.
The legends of a Yukon hotel and a writer's cabin Many would agree that if it weren't for the tenacity of John Hatch, the portions of the old 1898 Pioneer Hotel would not have been saved.
- Working together, we can keep our territory safe! ( Comment ) Over the past week, the world has watched Alberta's landscape change, with many communities largely under water and much of the metropolis of Calgary left without basic services.
- Whitehorse has something Toronto will never have ( Comment ) You are standing in Toronto on a downtown sidewalk, waiting for a traffic light to change so you can cross the street.
- We're focused on providing clean, affordable energy ( Comment ) Recently, there has been significant interest in the financial costs and environmental footprint of our energy mix here in Yukon.
- We're focused on providing clean, affordable energy ( Comment ) Recently, there has been significant interest in the financial costs and environmental footprint of our energy mix here in Yukon.
- Our privacy has been plundered ( Comment ) George Orwell was right. Big Brother is watching!
Show teaches history through art, experiential learning Elijah Smith Elementary School hosted an art show June 6 to celebrate the 40th anniversary of the milestone document Together Today for our Children Tomorrow.
A Couple For 77 Years Bishop Gary Gordon of Whitehorse blesses Canada's longest-married couple, Art, 102, and Alice John, 96, on May 19 at St. Michael's Catholic Church in Ross River. Photo by MINNIE CLARK
- We can work together to make summer safe As we move into the summer season, it's important for all Yukoners to remember to take steps to minimize conflict between humans and wildlife, particularly bears.
- One ringing blow taught me two vital facts ( Comment ) He came barrelling up out of the ditch, 400 lbs. of muscle, head down, snorting and bucking, angry as all hell, and threw himself straight into the path of my car.
- We are helping strengthen the family fabric Parents are fully aware of the expenses that come with raising a family. From basic necessities such as clothing and food, to education and recreational activities – it adds up fast.
Rotary supports shelter locally and globally ( Comment ) During May, the Rendezvous Rotary Club of Whitehorse concluded its Rotary Artshare 2013 project.
Wartime entertainment was always morale-boosting Goodie (Erickson) Sparling is noted as one of the few real sourdoughs still making her home in Whitehorse.
Slowly but steadily, Casino project moves onward Mining company Western Copper and Gold is entering the permitting stage for its Casino project north of Carmacks.
- Staying active means a healthier lifestyle ( Comment ) With the warm weather finally here, it is a good opportunity to reflect on the importance of physical activity in the lives Yukoners.
- Yukon boaters get reporting rules reprieve After two weeks of confusion over newly enforced restrictions on foreign boats, U.S. Customs and Border Protection Assistant Area Port Director Jeffrey Lisius set the record straight.
- I'll be walking for Jack and many others ( Comment ) When parents take to the streets on Sunday in the Purina Walk for Autism, it's important to take pause to think about what they are walking for.
- The YP puts politics ahead of proper planning ( Comment ) Poor planning is the common denominator behind the main issues that dominated discussions in the legislature's spring sitting.
- I did my best to advance key issues ( Comment ) I am celebrating my second sitting as an independent member of the legislature.
- Working together, we'll defeat our challenges Municipal governments play an integral role in the day-to-day lives of Yukoners by providing and maintaining many of the programs, services and infrastructure we use every day.
- Who owns city hall? Look in the mirror! Ed. note: this is the final instalment of an eight-part series, which has been published every other Friday.
- Our energy planning should be moved in-house ( Comment ) The Government of Yukon should examine the potential of moving energy planning in-house, away from the Yukon Energy Corp.
- We can help put an end to the violence ( Comment ) Northern Canada has higher rates of violence against women, particularly aboriginal women, than the rest of Canada.
- Premier has short-circuited clarity on this question Recent comments by Premier Darrell Pasloski demonstrate he is out of touch when it comes to the development of the Eagle mine near Mayo.
- The YP is short-changing our suffering parents ( Comment ) Today, as Victims of Crime Awareness Week comes to a close, the Yukon Party government showed a callow disregard for parents whose children have been murdered, are missing or are critically ill.
Cowboy Junkies lasso a fix in Whitehorse The Cowboy Junkies are coming west for a tour of the cowboy lands, and are heading north for their first-ever Yukon show.
- Trying to make sense of senselessness The legacy of Boston will be inspiration and triumph, not violence and fear.
- Who owns city hall? Look in the mirror! The Official Community Plan (OCP) is a bylaw like no other.
- We're working on responsible waste management ( Comment ) As we go about our busy lives every day – at our jobs, our homes, our places of recreation – each and every one of us is contributing to the volume of garbage, or solid waste, that our communities and governments must deal with.
- There is no defence in the court of public opinion ( Comment ) Article Twelve of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states:
Late For Easter, But Still Hopping This rabbit is hinting at losing its white winter coat
- We're ensuring your money is spent intelligently ( Comment ) One of the most important responsibilities elected officials have is ensuring that taxpayers' money is spent wisely.
- Efficient and highly-charged: Yukon's hidden forces I have weathered a lifetime of puns and wordsmithery associated with my surname.
- ‘Audi Alteram Partem.' Share in the outrage! The day I picked up a copy of Stéphane Hessel's Time for Outrage! at my local bookstore was the day the Royal Bank of Canada's (RBC's) hiring practices made headlines.
- Fracking: we plan an educated, informed and balanced approach The world is becoming increasingly interested in Yukon.
- Who owns city hall? Look in the mirror! The purpose of local government, as defined in the Municipal Act, sec. 3(a), is to provide "good government for its community.”
- Amid the boondoggles, the YP says everything is fine The Yukon Party government has rejected an official Opposition motion to prevent future capital project boondoggles (Star, Apr. 1).
- This is a question of respect and restraint ( Comment ) Political speeches are more about posturing than policy.
- The YP finally admits it doesn't have a housing plan ( Comment ( The Yukon Party government has finally admitted that it doesn't have a housing plan for the territory.
- Together, we can create the housing Yukoners need ( Comment ) Housing needs have been front and centre in Yukon for the last few years, as was evident during the last election campaign in 2011.
- This fiscal bungling is costing my community ( Comment ) The centrepiece of the latest Cathers/Pasloski budget is a $27-million bailout of the Yukon Hospital Corp., and it confirms fears about poor planning and fiscal mismanagement.
Winter Blues Burned Brightly Photo's
Remembering A Unique Era Centre Spread
- Who owns city hall? Look in the mirror! Part 3 of the Municipal Act regulates all aspects of elections, from elector and candidate qualifications to the resolution of conflicts and irregularities.
- Businesses have been put in an impossible predicament The Tourism Industry Association of the Yukon (TIA Yukon) is concerned by the short timeline the federal government has given the private sector to take on the responsibility of some of the Parks Canada front line services affected by last year's cuts (Star, March 8, 11).
- Another project, another Yukon Party fiasco ( Comment ) The Government of Yukon should take the time needed and properly plan the new F.H. Collins Secondary School project.
- Clearly, our MP has given up on this issue ( Comment ) An announcement that the private sector will take over tours of the SS Klondike and Dredge #4 (Star, March 8, 11) is disappointing, but not a surprise.
- Beware: our government wants to frack the Yukon YTG's oil and gas branch is giving Yukoners two months to comment on proposed regulations for the construction and operation of liquefied natural gas (LNG) plants in the Yukon (Star, March 11).
- Who really owns city hall? Look in the mirror! ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the fourth instalment of an eight-part series published every other Friday.
Phillips, Willomitzer looking good early at Iditarod: Schnuelle The 41st edition of the Iditarod is well underway, with the first teams approaching the halfway town of its name sake – Iditarod.
- Politicians missing in action on Parks Canada cuts As the clock strikes March, there is still no word from the minister of Tourism nor Yukon's MP regarding the future of Parks Canada services for the upcoming summer.
Dawson-area exploration prospects shone at roundup The promise of a new, fully-operational gold mine at the Eagle Gold property, part of the Dublin Gulch claim now owned by Victoria Gold Corp., was a notable highlight of January's mineral exploration roundup in Vancouver.
- ‘It's the hallmark of a bull-headed government' ( Comment ) Yukon's NDP official Opposition is taking the Yukon Party government to task for its poor planning and mismanagement of health care services in the territory.
- Audit confirms the government's poor planning Tuesday's auditor general of Canada report confirms what the Liberal caucus has been saying for years:
- Who owns city hall? Look in the mirror! ( Comment ) Referendums can be good and bad.
Let's avert this gem's death by a thousand cuts ( Cuts ) According to the Peel River Watershed Commission report, the area in question has "two mineral deposit types of significant economic size: the Crest iron deposit and the Bonnet Plume coal deposits.” (p. 2-6.)
- Yukon can be proud to be a home for mining As the annual mineral exploration Roundup finally wound down in Vancouver recently , the assembled delegates and prospecting glitterati got to reflect upon an almost stellar year for Yukon exploration.
- This government's action will leave people at risk ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP official Opposition is again calling on the Yukon government to implement all of the safety recommendations of the Oil-Fired Appliances Working Group and industry expert Rod Corea to prevent future avoidable tragedies.
- Let's not destroy a finely executed process ( Comment ) Bear Creek splits into two channels as it passes around a hill and enters the Wind River, and in turn the Peel.
- Here's why this watershed plan deserves acceptance ( Comment ) This is my "consultation submission” to YTG regarding the Peel plan ("We want to hear from you” campaign).
- Who owns city hall? Look in the mirror! Ed. note: this is the second instalment of a series whose first part appeared Jan. 25. Instalments are published every other Friday.
- Presenting a dozen ways to vastly improve your cash flow Cash flow is typically considered the gold standard for measuring the strength of a business.
- YTG has hung up on the rural calls for 911 service ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP official Opposition is again calling on Premier
Yukoner Amber Church's art is homeward bound ( Review ) If you're not an avid artisan or follower of the local art scene, you might still have seen some of Amber Church's work.
- Brinksmanship is threatening our resource economy ( Comment ) The Yukon Party government's escalating brinksmanship with First Nations governments poses a significant threat to the territory's resource economy.
Spilt to see: artist Leslie Leong shows us her insides ( Review ) Blood-Letting: A Rite of Purification opened Jan. 11.
- Who owns city hall? Look in the mirror! ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the first part of an eight-part series on municipal structures and the Yukon Municipal Act review. They will be published every other Friday.
- Why you – and YTG – should support the Peel plan ( Comment ) Even people who disagree with the Peel Watershed Plan have a serious and compelling reason to support it. It is in their self-interest to do so.
- Yukon court decision could profoundly impact B.C. ( Comment ) The decision of the Yukon Court of Appeal in Ross River Dena Council v. Government of the Yukon was delivered just days before the end of 2012 (on Dec. 27).
Scoffin rink wins Alberta junior men's curling title Thomas Scoffin has been to this dance before.
- What's good for First Nations is good for our businesses Typically, I write columns that start with a clear premise, then add in examples and facts that are easily agreed upon.
- We have great concerns about this priceless watershed ( Comment ) My name is Charlie Snowshoe, and I live in Fort McPherson, N.W.T.
Children's talent spectacle delighted community residents "We have a special evening ahead of us,” Cody Gill-Sims told those on hand for last month's Traditional Northern Tutchone Gala at the Eliza Van Bibber School.
- Sitting highlighted the economy, First Nations ( Comment ) During the recent fall sitting of the legislature, I used my time to press the government on a number of issues that are important to Yukoners.
- When is it time to shut down your struggling business? I've long wanted to write a column about how to know if your business has failed.
Balance in the Peel: shall we ever meet? ( Comment ) The forces of nature have been at work through the ages in the Peel River watershed and created a magnificent mountain landscape with sparkling lakes, clear, flowing rivers and all the wildlife species which embody a healthy northern ecosystem.
- We plan to take action on the Parks Canada cuts ( Comment ) The Tourism Industry Association of the Yukon (TIA Yukon) is taking decisive steps to create more dialogue on the issue of the Parks Canada cuts, stressing the need for urgent action.
- The Yukon Party has attacked your democratic rights ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP official Opposition is demanding the Yukon Party government take its contentious changes to the Access to Information and Protection of Privacy Act out for public consultation
- Important information for Riverdale residents ( Comment ) This fall, the City of Whitehorse set up the East Yukon River Trails Task Force to decide how to designate trails on the east side (Riverdale side) of the Yukon River.
Encouraging Safe Behaviour Equipped with 5,000 Trojan condoms to give out,
- Return the teachers to the classrooms! The Yukon Party government has refused an opposition request to return teachers from Department of Education offices back to classrooms.
- Exploring the perils and benefits of data information In my line of work, data are really important.
- The YP's botched approach to fracking The Yukon Party government has entered full damage control mode over its botched approach to the issues of fracking and oil and gas development in the territory.
- A living wage can lift families out of poverty ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is a submission to the Yukon Employment Standards Board.
- This government is lagging on mining's concerns I used the week leading up to the 2012 Yukon Geoscience Forum to highlight several concerns the mining industry has raised with the Government of Yukon.
Pushing that rock uphill – making real change happen There are a lot of business books with models for all kinds of business processes.
Assessing The Damage Using a work light,
Evening will recall territory's war history Remembering the Yukon at War, an evening of short presentations by pioneers and historians marking the Yukon's involvement in the First and Second World Wars, will be held at 7:00 tonight at the MacBride Museum.
- Rejecting these ideas leave Yukoners at risk ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP official Opposition is calling on the Yukon Party government to implement all of the recommendations of the Oil-Fired Appliances Working Group.
Thank you for your warm welcome, Whitehorse "You really get it!”
- Pasloski, Cathers are steering us into a calamity We are in serious trouble if the public and the First Nations lose confidence in the Yukon land use planning process and it falters.
- Small business continues to drive Canada's economy strongly Small businesses are a good news story.
- Emergency preparedness requires sound leadership On Tuesday, the Yukon NDP official Opposition called on the Yukon government to lead by example in preparing for natural disasters and other emergencies.
Career recognized Greig Bell (right), a longtime Yukon educator who now lives Outside, received a Prime Minister's Award
White Pass pulls the pin on Eagle ore haul After two years of promoting the possibility of bringing ore to Skagway via train cars, White Pass and Yukon Route president Eugene Hretzay now says the company will not commit to operating an ore haul on the railroad.
Lessons learned: better burning, a better marriage Sparked by our short woodpile at Hallowe'en, and inflamed by Canada's decision to renege on the Kyoto commitment to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 30 per cent,
What an adventurous trip we had in visiting beautiful Japan! Some of the Tlingit people from Teslin and Atlin went to Japan Oct. 6-13 to reunite the Ainu indigenous people who joined the Haa Kus Teyea Celebration in Teslin last year.
- Smart is better than lucky in a variety of business cases Every successful business owner has some sort of strategic plan; it might be stuck in their head, discussed only occasionally at home, or written out in a formal document.
- Oil and Gas Act changes demand consultation ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP official Opposition is calling on the Yukon Party government to halt its plan to amend the Oil and Gas Act when the legislature sits this fall without first consulting the public and Yukon First Nations.
- Pasloski regime is one of disappointing inaction ( Comment ) On the one-year anniversary of the territorial election, the NDP official Opposition is calling for action on issues that matter to Yukon families and reminding the public of the Yukon Party government's poor record.
Cancer claims political pioneer Don Taylor Don Taylor fought the political establishment for decades, and for the past three years he kept up that fight while battling lung cancer.
- Yukoners deserve a prompt response ( Comment ) The Government of Yukon should publicly outline its response to the release of a "Reasons for Decision” document from the water board.
- Government is showing contempt for water board The Yukon NDP official Opposition is condemning the Yukon government's silence on the water licence violation at Minto Mine that occurred with the knowledge of the Department of Energy, Mines and Resources.
Venus in Fur: a hit on Broadway, a hit in Whitehorse (Review ) A man on stage, talking into his cell phone, describes for the audience the exact kind of actress he doesn't want and the kind he had to audition all day: too young, too old, too "like” immature, too … well, just not ladylike.
- A primer on sales: learning a skill that can make a difference Most small business owners must wear many hats, often being forced to learn things they never thought they would and maybe never wanted to.
- Our government must become more transparent ( Comment ) On the occasion of last week's Right to Know Week, the Yukon NDP official Opposition is calling on the Yukon Party to practise more open and transparent government.
- Death by a thousand cuts for McIntyre Creek ( Comment ) Re. the proposed Fish Lake Road zoning amendment.
- How do I get out of this place and go on a fishing excursion? Early this year, I asked my readers if this was the year to prepare their company for a sale.
Tessier, MacNicol dominant in 2012 One Club Wonder Blaine Tessier was triumphant in the 16th annual One Club Wonder golf tournament held at the Mountain View Golf Club last Saturday.
- Access plan demonstrates an unbalanced approach ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is a summary of a submission made by MLA Lois Moorcroft on behalf of the Yukon NDP official Opposition regarding the Yukon government's Resource Access Roads Framework.
- This sloth-like response to a tragedy is inexcusable ( Comment ) Re. the Yukon government response to the report of the Oil-Fired Appliances Working Group:
Broken? Current local production is anything but ( Review ) Last today night saw the premiere of Broken, a play written and performed by Brian Fidler.
- I bring experience and conciliation to the issues ( Comment ) My 10 months on council following the byelection last December have been extremely busy.
The Fishing's Good A bear fishes
- Is oil the devil's tool, as some critics suggest? ( Comment ) Here are just a few observations about a possibly dangerous direction for Canadians and northerners.
Yukoners compete with style and grace in Canada 55+ Games "Be classy … Be flexible!”
- Micro-businesses make up three in four of all businesses A micro-business is one that employs one to four people. This is 75 per cent of all Canadian businesses!
Team Yukon wins first medal at Canada 55+ Games On Wednesday evening, Donna Jones won a silver medal for running the 10-kilometre race in the 55 - 64 age category.
Feature film production is being shot here in Whitehorse "We love you, Pong! We really frickin' love you!” the young waitress shouts at the cook during her break outside Green Garden Restaurant where she works.
Towering Growth Rates It has been a bumper year for growing in the Yukon.
- Golden Predator will make its mark on the Yukon (Comment) Most mining companies will go through several well-defined phases of development before putting a mine into production.
- Social media as a business tool are tremendously overrated I read everywhere these days that all businesses absolutely must be using social media if they are to survive in the new economy.
- Rodney Hulstien, Lauren Whyte lead the way in Intersport Tuesday night fun run Not everyone is at home watching the wall-to-wall Olympic coverage.
Lessons from mom A healthy black bear sow shows her two off-coloured cubs how to dig up grubs
- A story of gas frackers on the dole (Comment) A study on the frack gas potential in the Whitehorse Trough was released by the Yukon Geological Survey on July 4, 2012
A gold mining discovery boom is on its way (Comment) TORONTO – The Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC) hosted its 80th annual convention in March in Toronto
Our Western educational system is out of date "I tell you that the children of yesteryear are walking in the funeral of the era which they created for themselves.
Future looks bright for Canada's youngest pitcher Seventeen-year-old Jocelyn Cater isn't having a typical summer vacation.
- Environmentally sensitive areas have been left vulnerable ( Comment ) The Yukon Party government's announcement last week of a five-year prohibition on mineral staking in parts of the City of Whitehorse leaves environmentally sensitive areas vulnerable to industrial activity.
- ATV riders must observe rules and responsibilities ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the second of two parts of an address on the draft ATV Bylaw to Whitehorse city council. The first part was published Friday.
- We need to pare poverty, build social inclusion ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP Official Opposition has reacted to the release of the government's Social Inclusion and Poverty Reduction Strategy Framework Document.
Our latrine still stands and awaits being honoured With some excitement, I noticed in the July 6 Star a tender from the YTG's Department of Highways and Public Works: Proposals: design construction, delivery and installation of concrete outhouses, various Yukon locations.
- ‘Pushing' rule would give ATVers short-cuts! Ed. note: this is the first of two parts of an address to Whitehorse city council. The second part will be published Monday.
- My staff will follow me anywhere: retaining good employees We know that staff turnover is expensive and in a region where there can be labour shortages, this is a really critical issue.
- Our territory could be a genuine Arctic leader It is encouraging to see that the premiers of the three northern territories have taken an interest in Canada's chairpersonship of the Arctic Council in 2013.
Late Afternoon Mishap A tow truck prepares to haul away one of two vehicles involved in a collision
- This plan appears to have a lot of spin in it ( Comment ) Re: Northwestel's modernization plan (Star, July 5).
Esteemed Elder Honoured Annie Smith receives a Queen's Jubilee medal
- Setting up a new partnership that won't drag you down When you start a business with one or more partners, there is a tendency to focus on how you will be stronger together.
Trail-Blazing Political Figures Honoured Deborah Grey, a former Conservative MP, Audrey McLaughlin, a former Yukon MP and leader of the federal NDP, and Liberal Senator Catherine Callbeck, a former premier of Prince Edward Island, seen left to right, were honoured as Female Firsts by Famous 5 Ottawa last month.
- Hulstein leads the way in Yukon 5-km Road Race Championships Local runners and walkers were at it again on Tuesday night for the Athletics Yukon's annual 5-kilometre road race championships.
Educator Recognized Veteran Yukon educator Sandra Henderson receives a Commissioners Award from Commissioner Doug Phillips during the Canada Day celebrations at Shipyards Park.
- Yukoners require input into this crucial issue ( Comment ) The executive committee of Yukoners Concerned About Oil and Gas Development has held two meetings since the minister responsible for the YTG oil and gas branch, Mr. Brad Cathers, announced a four-year moratorium on drilling for gas and oil in the Whitehorse Trough.
- White Pass president envisions trains to Whitehorse If he gets the $50 million US he's asking for, White Pass and Yukon Route president Eugene Hretzay says, it would save Skagway.
- Urban chickens: good intentions, truly bad idea ( Comment ) Producing local food is good for the environment and creates a less dependence on out-of-territory producers.
- Urban chickens: good intentions, truly bad idea ( Comment ) Producing local food is good for the environment and creates a less dependence on out-of-territory producers.
Performance Goes This Evening Gwaandak Theatre and the Savage Society, a Vancouver- based theatre company,
- Yukon Party sits idly by amid condo conversions ( Comment ) Amidst new stories of plans to convert Whitehorse rental housing into condominiums (Star, June 15), I am calling on the Yukon government to prevent evictions and the loss of rental housing stock due to condo conversions.
- Hiring temporary foreign workers may help you What do you do when you can't find anyone for a job that's open now?
- We must avert pool of second-class labourers ( Comment ) The NDP official Opposition calls on the Yukon government to release the results of its investigations into the allegations of mistreatment of workers under the Yukon nominee and the foreign workers programs.
Music Making The Kluane Mountain Bluegrass Festival took place over the weekend.
It was a rewarding year of great music, cherished memories It was a rewarding year of great music, cherished memories
Remembering a momentous anniversary for Whitehorse Seventy years ago, about this time, a major chapter in the history of Whitehorse was set to open with the building of the Alaska Highway and the Canol Project.
- How to be the rock star of service regardless of your industry Two weeks ago, I wrote that there are three key ways a business can differentiate itself from its competitors: product, price and service.
Winged Visitor This Eurasian dove was spotted last weekend at the Timberpoint Campground on Teslin Lake.
Our priority is the land, not money: elders Elders from the four First Nations—Tr'ondëk Hwëch'in, Na‐Cho Nyak Dun, Tetlit Gwich'in and Vuntut Gwitchin—which call the Peel watershed home gathered off the Dempster Highway last Saturday to discuss the protection of their region.
- Don't just try to be better; resolve to be different! I recently had the pleasure of speaking about starting a business to a group of health care professionals last week.
Greetings, Folks This Southern Lakes muskrat drifted in to shore to preen itself under a boat recently.
Moose Munch These twin moose were spotted over the weekend
- How not to be a Titanic: risk and how to manage it There is tremendous value in risk.
A few final words about Flo's era at the Star ( Comment ) After Flo Whyard's funeral last Saturday afternoon in Whitehorse, I was sitting with Elsa Wohlfarth.
Artwork evokes an invitation for a stroll amid nature The walls are ablaze with colour, movement, passion and spirit, all to carry the message of this month's featured artist at the Copper Moon Gallery; an invitation to take a walk.
- Tactful ways for positioning yourself for promotion The StatsCan Labour Force Survey (LFS) says that the percentage of employed workers searching for other jobs is on the rise.
Resting Up A trumpeter swan spreads its wings as it waits on the Teslin River
- On promoting from within or recruiting from without It's a long established HR practice to give preference to existing employees over new recruits, and there are many advantages to doing so; however, I often see employers who are reluctant to do this.
- Two great films to have an encore presentation this month ( Review ) On March 25, I attended the second evening of the OUT North Film Festival, hosted by the Yukon Queer Film Alliance.
- Your competitors are your friends, and not your enemies Being competitive can be a good thing. It keeps you driven, pushing forward, always trying to do better, better than yourself and better than others around you.
- Let's move the Peel debate from fiction to facts ( Comment ) Yukoners have been debating what to do about the Peel Watershed since before the Peel Watershed Region Land Use Planning Commission was struck in 2004.
- Let us stand together against racism My parents lived for over 60 years in Canada.
- Agenda 21 is all about totalitarianism ( Comment ) I can ask people if they have heard of Agenda 21. The inevitable answer is "No.”
Winging The Dance Steps Throw your running shoes away and dance!
- The truth behind five fracking falsehoods ( Comment ) Ed. note: the first part of this two-part series was published Friday. Here, the writer concludes his list of myths about fracking.
Why rejecting the Peel Plan is bad public ( Comment ) In the previous commentary (Star, March 14), I discussed why the Peel Plan is good public policy.
- The truth behind five fracking falsehoods ( Comment ) Ed. note: the second part of this two-part series will be published Monday.
- There are numerous ways to promote your small business You don't need a big advertising campaign or expensive brand development to promote your small business.
Why the Peel Plan is good public policy Why the Peel Plan is good public policy
Fire guts old hotel wing, damages four businesses SKAGWAY – Skagway firefighters battled a downtown fire that destroyed a Westmark Inn building this week and caused fire damage to the Diamonds International building next door.
- Yukon mushers could still penetrate the top 10 The Iditarod 2012 is well under way.
Bus Fuss This Greyhound bus, seen last Friday in Teslin,
- Marketing yourself doesn't have to be costly or complex There seems to be endless chatter about marketing, but in my experience, a lot of small business people feel uncomfortable with the whole notion.
- How carbon pricing backfires – in major ways ( Comment ) The basic premise of carbon pricing policies is simple, make fossil fuels more expensive to discourage and reduce their use, and with that, reduce CO2 emissions, pollution and other associated problems.
Be sure to mount The 39 Steps of laughter before tomorrow ( Review ) On opening night of The 39 Steps, I found myself doubling over with laughter and struggling to find further air.
Family Get-Together Two adults and five youngsters
- Let's make sure to walk down the right path ( Comment ) The City of Whitehorse wants our input into planning, and then says the results reflect our input.
Single Vechicle Mishap Sometime before midnight Friday evening a vehicle travelling up Two Mile Hill struck a signpost at the Industrial Road intersection
- Building a high-functioning team is a crucial pursuit Too many managers underrate the value of a strong team.
- This competitive battle could hurt Yukon families ( Comment ) Re: WestJet's Jan. 29, 2012 announcement.
The Perils Of Winter Driving A loader clears snow from around a transport truck around 10:00 Sunday morning near km 1273 of the Alaska Highway near the Teslin Cottage Lots Road,
- Another failing grade for the Yukon Utilities Board ( Comment ) For the second year in a row, the annual report card for the Yukon Utilities Board from the consumer watchdog Utilities Consumers' Group (UCG) has given the agency's performance over the past year an overall failing grade of D-.
- Time to sell your business? Here's how to plan strategy Is 2012 the year you plan to sell your business?
There is money for people with disabilities The RDSP (Registered Disability Savings Plan) is a unique savings plan designed for people with disabilities under 60 by the federal government.
- Medicare has no friends in politics ( Comment ) Since its establishment by Tommy Douglas and Lester B. Pearson and earlier, medicare continues to be consistently supported by 80 to 90 per cent of Canadians.
- What happens in Italy doesn't matter to your business What happens in Italy doesn't matter to your small business in Whitehorse, Fort St. John, B.C. or most other small towns in Canada.
Flashes In The Sky The First Night fireworks display was held again with the New Year's Eve
Winged Wisdom This unusual visitor was recently spotted along the banks of the Teslin River
- I create awareness, love, and give it freely ( Comment ) Every night, before I go to sleep, I self-reflect about my evolution as a human being because, the next morning, when I arise, I try very hard to align my thoughts with my spirit – to see past the illusion of behaviour and attitude and see the Creator's illumination in all life.
- Brave New Sex indeed: watch for more shows coming in 2012! ( Review ) In November, Lauren Tuck, along with Erin Corbett, produced a two-night show called Brave New Sex.
Canadian team ready to compete in Yukon's Fulda Challenge Canadian team ready to compete in Yukon's Fulda Challenge
Christmas amid Whitehorse's sunny summer Ed. note: the Star and the Whitehorse Leader in Australia have performed a seasonal story swap.
- Policies and Procedures: why your business sorely needs them It's the end of the year, and many of you will be working with your bookkeepers and accountants to wrap up your 2011 taxes, perhaps paying some bonuses if it's been a good year.
- Pipe dreams: the feds have opted to take over Last week, the federal government announced that from now on, the Northern Pipeline Agency in Ottawa is exclusively in charge of all things Alaska gas pipeline in Yukon.
Busy Faro artist toiling on 100 paintings over 100 days Jackie Irvine is an artist who lives near Faro, and is painting 100 paintings in 100 days.
- Managing staff: motivation, delegation and evaluation Performance = Ability x Motivation.
- Yukon Energy perspectives are numerous and varied ( Comment ) The Yukon Energy Corp. (YEC) hosted a comprehensive, broad public energy consultation and "teach-in'” back in March.
The Peel area: everything has a universal balance The Peel watershed is an area that lies between the Tr'ondek Hwech'in and First Nation of Nacho Nyak Dun traditional territories.
Exhibit debuts at Yukon Arts Centre Community Gallery At 76, I still consider myself as an emerging artist.
- Emilee's gift: A memorable Christmas story to reflect on After hanging the last ornament on the Christmas tree, Emilee stepped back and stood beside her father.
- Develop your managers and teach them problem-solving skills Skilled managers are more often trained and developed than born.
Boston Marriage: A delight to the linguistic palate ( Review ) It is with raucous laughter that this writer finds herself sitting in the audience at the Guild Hall watching Boston Marriage on Wednesday evening.
Going Nowhere This canoe has clearly over-stayed its welcome on the shores of Teslin Lake
Unofficial Duties Commissioner Doug Phillips
Memories of the Second World War in Toronto Here, on the eve of Remembrance Day, Whitehorse resident June Cable shares some personal memories of the Second World War's impact on a child/youth growing up in Canada.
- Know your target market before you begin to plan strategy When I first began as a small business strategist, I thought I would be talking to clients about financing, business systems and management skills.
Scenic Frothing Four to five-foot waves pound the south shores of Teslin Lake
- Conference covered a wide array of subjects ( Comment ) The Yukon Chamber of Commerce recently hosted Opportunities North – the Power of Progress conference in Whitehorse.
Southern-Bound A Harlan's red-tailed hawk perches on a truck in the Logan subdivision Tuesday.
- Financing your small business: payback and exiting plan Ed. note: this is the third instalment of a three-part series. This column is published every other Friday.
- Of escarpment history and empty lots Apparently, the City of Whitehorse hopes to fast-track infill plans and to start with the empty property on Rogers Street near the escarpment, and we expect more to come.
- The YP's cat is out of the bag – and it stinks ( Comment ) Open climate denial and the undisguised pipe dream of never-ending fossil fuel bliss, that are somewhat popular in Ontario and Alberta, don't fly in the Yukon.
- Financing your small business – the risks and the returns Ed. note: This is the second part of a three-part series.
Pre-Winter Cleanup The boat lock at the Marsh Lake Control was cleaned recently.
Candidates, youth discussed vote issues The basement of the MacBride Museum was full last Thursday evening as Yukon election candidates had a chance to connect with Yukon youth.
Yukon athlete wins medals in the Huntsman Senior Games Tom Parlee of Whitehorse has won two medals in the track and field competition at the Huntsman World Senior Games in Utah this week.
Youth group to host meet-and-greet With the territorial election only five days away, Bringing Youth Towards Equality (B.Y.T.E.), is getting youth involved with their campaign Yukon Youth Want...
Optical Illusion The camera lens makes this Schwatka Lake pair seem closer to each other than they really are
All-candidates' forum had heated moments Klondike MLA Steve Nordick was on the defensive throughout last Thursday evening's all-candidates' election forum in Dawson City.
- The Yukon environment is not for sale ( Comment ) Ed. note: this commentary has been written on behalf of the First Nation of Na-Cho Nyak Dun.
- The options for financing your small business are varied Ed. note: This new column, which debuted Sept. 16, is published every other Friday.
Before you vote, ponder a developed creek The Friends of McIntyre Creek have staked part of Middle McIntyre Creek to show where housing and roads could be constructed if City of Whitehorse proposals go ahead.
- We ponder a Yukon Wolf Humiliation Plan ( Comment ) A couple of weeks ago, I went on a wolf howl, a rudimentary attempt to talk with wolves, connect with other beings.
Frey surpasses Wiggins at One Club Wonder golf tourney Graham Frey was triumphant in the One Club Wonder golf tournament at the Mountain View Golf Club on Saturday.
- League leaders drop off at disc golf championships Round one of the Disc Golf League Championships opened last night with a strong field on hand.
- Too often, children lack a structured life For nearly a century, people have decried the conduct of the younger generation
PM quizzed on N.W.T. water monitoring fracas THE CANADIAN PRESS HAINES JUNCTION — Prime Minister Stephen Harper sharply rebuked federal environment officials Friday
FOXY INSPECTOR This fox paid a visit
Inn's uncertainty hasn't dulled market's success The second season of the Yukon Craft Society's retail store, The Artisan Market, is coming to a close, but spirits and sales among the 35-year-old organization are high.
- Some questions before your trip, Mr. Suzuki Ed. note: this is an open letter to scientist David Suzuki.
- Come and help mark World Hepatitis Day ( Comment ) The theme for this first official World Health Organization (WHO)-sponsored World Hepatitis Day is "Hepatitis affects everyone, everywhere. Know it. Confront it.”
- Come join the Ha Kus Teyea celebration hosted by Teslin Tlingit Today, National Tlingit Day, the Teslin Tlingit Council (TTC) opened a four-day celebration of Tlingit culture in Teslin.
- It's time for the government to protect the Peel Now is the time for the territorial government to take concrete steps to protect the Peel watershed and ensure any future development is sustainable and responsible.
City orders benefit concert shut down A concert staged as a fund-raiser for a children's playground was shut down by the city's bylaw department on Saturday night.
- Injured hiker saved, but dispute surrounds facts Passengers and crew aboard a state ferry rescued an injured Skagway hiker in late June, but not everyone agrees on who deserves the credit.
Learning The Ropes Walter Nehring, a Yukon Wildland Fire Management air attack officer,
- The Yukon Party has mismanaged pharmacare A government audit into Yukon's Pharmacare and Extended Health Benefits Program (Star, July 6) describes yet another example of mismanagement when it comes to our health care system.
Fishing With The Family Yukon conservation Officer Aaron Koss-Young
Skagway lets Selwyn pursue ore dock project With caution and concern, Skagway officials will entertain a Yukon mining company's offer to build its own ore terminal at the mouth of the Skagway River,
Rix Rookies Tennis Yukon's junior tennis team
- Tuesday night disc golf wrapup While the weather proved a deterrent to some, those who turned out were in fine form
Band society ended year on a high note It has been a banner year for the various musical events of the All-City Band Society.
Bootin' It Whitehorse Elementary School's Gumboot Dancers
Parker falls short of record in Skagway Hill Climb Parker falls short of record in Skagway Hill Climb
Artist At Work Claire Rudge paints nails last Thursday
The Maiden Arrival Condor's first flight of this season touches down at Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport on Wednesday evening.
- Devost shoots -10 in disc golf league night In a round that had fans weeping on the final tee, Jesse "The Arm” Devost tied Mount McIntyre's course record at league night Tuesday.
Early-Season Excursion Kim Winnicky and Jolene Lust paddle away from shore
Disc golf back in full swing at Mount McIntyre With all the snow nearly melted in the Mount McIntyre Recreation area, Whitehorse's Disc Golf thoroughbreds were back in action Tuesday night.
- What's happening with the YQII these days? ( Comment ) When the MV Yukon Queen II (YQII) started voyaging between Dawson City and Eagle, Alaska back in 1999, people who live and work along the Yukon River began to raise concerns about the negative effects of this boat.
Musical Talent On The Road Members of the Extremely Moving Youth Society's
Future Canuck Trentyn Pye, 23 months old, proudly wears his Vancouver Canucks jersey
Model of health still walking strong at 92 Ninety-two year-old Amanda Rendell is fascinated by nature.
Sign Right Here Book buyer Lise Schonewille
We're only seconds from extinction Ed. note: this long-time Whitehorse resident wrote the following before he died March 31. A celebration of his life was held Thursday evening.
- Youth, voting, and the federal election of Canada ( Comment ) For the past four elections, the percentage of youth voting in the federal election of Canada has been decreasing.
Spring Motorcycling Peter Zwikirsch stands with his 1968 Chang Jiang motorcycle with sidecar
- The F-35 purchase is a double insult to voters ( Comment ) The procurement of 65 F-35 Lightning 2 aircraft from Lockheed Martin is degrading to Canada, exemplifying a larger situation.
Snow? What Snow? Local residents may be wondering why there are signs
- Conservatives' budget is revealed as a document of deep disappointment I am disappointed in the federal budget tabled by Finance Minister Jim Flaherty on Tuesday afternoon.
Yukoners nab four medals at speed skating meet in Calgary To answer the question: yes, Yukoners are fast.
- Let's Talk with Bell, fellow Canadians ( Comment ) There are what are called the five stages of depression: denial and isolation; anger; bargaining; depression; and finally, acceptance.
Challenging The Law? A bohemian waxwing seemed to defy this parking sign
Here comes the 47th Sourdough Rendezvous! ( Comment ) Like an apparition he was, covered in an oversize buffalo coat with a beaver hat and mitts.
- PeeWee Mustangs exit tourney after rematch with Dawson Creek Traveling 1,430 kilometres for a few hockey games may seem a little extreme to some, but it's just another day at the office for any Mustangs team.
Up, Up and Away Balloonists were in Whitehorse on Sunday.
- PeeWee Mustangs take gold in Winfield tournament Fifteen hundred kilometers is a long way to go for gold but that's exactly what happened as the Whitehorse Mustangs PeeWee team traveled to Winfield, B.C.,
- The excitement builds as race time gets closer The Star is pleased to welcome our junior Yukon Quest reporter, Lexi Joinson.
Autograph Time Barry Jenkins (right) watches as Andy Jones signs a DVD for him on Friday at Mac's Fireweed Books.
- Winning effort: ‘How the North Defines Canada' Ed. note: Miriam Moore, a 17-year-old student at Vanier Catholic Secondary School, wrote the following essay.
- Animal abuse in the Yukon, and ways to best deal with it ( Comment ) The debate on what to do with an abused animal is touchy. Why?
Wright and The Wrongs: on the right track ( Preview ) Old-time country music star Luther Wright will be bringing his brand of twangy tunes north this weekend, for a month of touring the Yukon and Alaska.
Hiroshikai Judo Championships results from last weekend Four judo clubs took part in the Hiroshikai Judo Championships (HRK) over the weekend.
Actor's quest for Shakespearean tragedy comes north (Preview ) Actor's quest for Shakespearean tragedy comes north
Skyline-Changing Blaze Smoke billows from the Ford truck
- North Korea and the prospects of a sudden Third World War ( Comment ) Lately, there has been a huge scare about the North Koreans.
- Sima will offset cold weather and electrical woes ( Comment ) Mt. Sima is back to full operations beginning today.
Entertaining Education Educators David Fletcher (left) and Remy Rodden
Time Distortion meant to preserve the WhiskeyDicks The WhiskeyDicks, a Yukon-rooted pop band, is back on the scene with its newest album, Time Distortion.
- We know our veterans matter greatly ( Comment ) It has been said that every day is Remembrance Day for families and friends who have lost a loved one in service to our great country.
- If you build it, they will thrive ( Comment ) "We fail to see the child, just as one time we were unable to see the woman, the peasant, the oppressed social strata and oppressed peoples.”
Longest Night ponders life beyond the heavens ( Preview ) As the annual Longest Night celebration approaches, show organizers are gazing upwards and wondering what lays beyond the night sky.
- Ex-Yukoner faces life in a U.S. prison A South Dakota jury convicted a former Yukon man of murder last Friday in the shooting death of an American Indian Movement activist in 1975.
Leaping Feats gives kids a break Renowned breakdancers from around the world are making their way to the Yukon, courtesy of a new program at the Leaping Feats dance school.
Yukon speed skaters on track for Canada Winter Games following Edmonton meet Four members of the Whitehorse Rapids Speed Skating Club made an impressive showing at the Edmonton Winter Classic this past weekend as part of the lead up to the 2011 Canada Winter Games.
Winter Residents It seems that a colony of muskrats has set up for the winter
- I will no longer stay silent on this issue ( Comment ) I am writing this now while the incident is still fresh in my mind (12:30 p.m. last Saturday).
- Bellekeno begins shipping through Skagway Now, the Yukon's two producing mines are shipping ore to the Skagway port.
- Rights defenders acting against discrimination ( Comment ) December 10, 1948, was the day on which the Universal Declaration of Human Rights was signed by member nations of the United Nations in New York.
Northern Lights shine for Nutcracker ( Preview ) The annual production of Nutcracker, presented by the Northern Lights School of Dance,
Four songwriters to share Gold Rush spotlight Inspired by a similar event two months ago,
Omnipresent Reflection A reflection in a pool of ‘warm' water
- It was demonstration day in Cancun ( Comment ) Tuesday was demo day in Cancun, as participants in the people's climate change discussions,
- Peewee Mustangs win gold at invitational tourney It was a long way to go for gold.
- The true solution is a retroevolution ( Comment ) I like Rick Mercer. Particularly his rants. They feel good because he is saying something as if he means it.
Yukoner Down Under Whitehorse resident Ramesh Ferris speaks
Jingle Blades Bryn Hoffman, pictured here competing at last year's Yukon Championships
A genial conveyor of the Christian message Although he's a true northern bishop, with a remarkable story, Terry Buckle would be the first to say he is just an ordinary guy, just doing what "the Boss ordered.”
- Placing the priority on classroom connections ( Comment ) Positive discipline in schools is a widespread challenge facing educators today.
- Junior Canadian Rangers had a memorable week ( Comment ) They often say that today's youth are the future of the North. Well, stand-easy, because we are in good hands.
- We can avoid the price of a new road Referenced article: "Modify bus stop, minister urges city”, by Star reporter Stephanie Waddell.
Amnesty film fest aims to open eyes Opening tonight at The Old Fire Hall, the Amnesty International Film Festival aims to enlighten and inform the community of human rights abuses around the world and here at home.
- Tennis Yukon completes national program Tennis Yukon is finishing its third and final year as part of Tennis Canada's Building Tennis Communities (BTC) program,
Local painters mix real and imagined in new show From the picturesque to the surreal, interpretations of landscapes are to be found in a new art show at the Copper Moon Gallery.
Unplanned Detour This roll-over near the Lewes River Bridge
Young business dynamo takes on the Capital The Capital Hotel's bar is once again under new management after Keith Jacobsen closed the doors just two months ago.
Kim Barlow: a little more Wise and Weathered ( Preview ) Kim Barlow's seventh album, Saplings, will be honoured with a special release party entitled Wise and Weathered next Wednesday at The Old Fire Hall.
A Decade of Dedication comes to fruition ( Preview ) The 10th annual Blue Feather Music Festival gets underway tonight and is expected to be a great celebration of all that has come before.
Ailing advocate is in the fight of his life It's highly probable that the Hon. Donald Emerson Taylor is battling what could well be lung cancer.
Renowned bluegrass banjo star can't get enough of North ( Preview ) As is the case with so many others, Elmer Burchett came to the Yukon to play a show, fell in love, and has now come back.
Storytelling trio to share words with music ( Preview ) A community of storytellers will come together Thursday evening at the Yukon Arts Centre.
Placer miners are rocking the economy ( Analysis ) Gold prices hovering at $1,400/oz. Cdn are certainly affecting developments in the Dawson region.
Trombetta's return ushers in new era of Guild Hall comedy ( Preview ) Two years ago, former Guild Hall president Anthony Trombetta sadly departed the territory to pursue dreams of professional comedy in Saskatchewan.
Varietease returns for super-sized Halloween bash ( Preview ) For what may be this year's grandest Halloween party, the Varietease burlesque troupe will dance its way into town next week for one fun-filled night of music and debauchery.
Classical percussionists take over the arts centre ( Review ) Whitehorse Concerts presented its second show of the season Saturday evening, with a performance by marimbist Anne-Julie Caron, accompanied by pianist Akiko Tominaga.
- The Peel planning process has failed Yukon residents The Peel planning region hosts some of the Yukon's and Canada's most significant mineral deposits,
- There is help out there for Yukon farmers ( Comment ) A constant need to keep up to change and competition, and to overcome adversity, has always characterized Canada's agriculture industry and the lives and fortunes of our farmers.
- Violence against women violates human rights ( Comment ) The use of male intimidation and violence has been a strategic way for men to hold positions of power over women for many years.
- Testosterone-inspired laughter at the Guild Hall ( Preview ) Testosterone-inspired laughter at the Guild Hall
- We're asking for fair land use planning ( Comment ) The Yukon mining industry, and the 400-plus members of the Yukon Chamber of Mines,
Local legends to kick off classical concert series ( Preview ) The Whitehorse Concerts classical music series gets underway this weekend with its first performance of the season.
- Please help this cause by coming out Sunday ( Comment ) This Sunday, the second annual Whitehorse Walk for Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) will take place at Shipyards Park.
- A sudden case of indigestion has dawned ( Comment ) The new advertisement placed in our local newspapers by the Yukon Chamber of Mines is certainly food for thought.
- Disc golfers play last round of the season on Tuesday With league play drawing to a close Tuesday night and first place locked up, one might have forgiven Matthew Grant had he played a less than stellar round.
- Yukon Curling Association reaches deal to compete in future national championships The Yukon Curling Association (YCA) is excited about the upcoming 2010-2011 curling season.
Wiggins shoots one shy of One Club Wonder golf tournament record Wiggins shoots one shy of One Club Wonder golf tournament record
Japanese students took on the Yukon wilderness "What I learned was the power of laughter.”
Whitehorse Terry Fox Run to be held Sunday Hundreds of thousands of people across Canada are expected to participate in the 30th Annual Terry Fox Run on Sunday, September 19th, marking a milestone anniversary year for the Foundation which bears Terry's name.
- Orienteers take to the woods for last meet in 2010 Forty-eight keen orienteers ran through the colourful, berry-filled forest below Grey Mountain during the last meet of the season Wednesday night.
- We seeks a fair and balanced land use plan ( Comment ) The Yukon mining industry, and the Yukon Chamber of Mines membership, are seeking a fair and balanced approach to the Peel Watershed Land Use Plan – something not yet delivered by the Peel Watershed Planning Commission in its recommended plan.
- The Peel planning commission did its best ( Comment ) Around this time last year, while on leave to attend our national annual planners' conference at Niagara Falls, Ont.,
Injuries Avoided No one was seriously hurt when this tractor trailer unit rolled over in front of Jakes Corner
- Community food projects and sustainable farming ( Comment ) Growing food has been an important part of Yukon life since the Gold Rush.
- Canada needs a university in the North ( Comment ) Canada is the only circumpolar country without a northern university. This is a serious problem.
- The gun registry saves women from death ( Comment ) The long gun registry is essential to reducing violence against Canadian women.
- Grant, Devost battle it out for league lead at Mount Mac Disc Golf course With league play scheduled to continue as long as weather permits,
Flag Flap Resolved Bobbi Rhodes from The KebaBery took advantage of a break in the rain and wind recently to use a long wooden pole to untangle the five flags flying in front of the restaurant.
RV Becomes Toast Haines Junction RCMP keep a watchful eye on a 13-metre RV burning in a pullout off the Alaska Highway near Kluane Lake
SS Keno's final crew had to rough it Ed. note: the first two parts of this three-part series on the SS Keno's final voyage from Whitehorse to Dawson City were published on the last two Fridays.
How tragedy put Frank Slim aboard the Keno Ed. note: the first part of this three-part series on the SS Keno's final 1960 trip from Whitehorse to Dawson City was published last Friday
Orienteers pursue controls on Goldenhorn map Well, it was pretty wet running but we had just under 25 people out for the Wednesday night orienteering meet
- Headline: Yukon360 back for another round The Discovery Day weekend saw the second running of the Yukon360 race.
Orienteering event provides fun-in-the-sun for 45 A beautiful sunny Wednesday evening brought 45 participants out to enjoy the bi-weekly Orienteering event.
- Rough night for disc golf It was tough sledding at the Mount McIntyre Disc Golf Course Tuesday night.
- It's the ‘last call' to join this community project ( Comment ) There is an exciting project that is about to start. It's coming down to the wire, but you still have a chance to be involved.
Catching up with a four-time Quest champion Having never been in the Yukon wilderness before, I set out for my interview with Hans Gatt, the 2010 Yukon Quest champion, with horror stories of mosquitoes as large as a man's fist in the back of my mind .
- Fedoroff picks up second straight win in disc golf As the disc golf season progresses and players round into form, every week it becomes harder and harder to top the field.
- AIDS epidemic has this country on its knees ( Comment ) Through an African Lens is a children's participatory photography project started by Robertson Bales and Tracey Wallace.
- Devost maintains disc golf lead Early in the day it appeared Mother Nature might be the winner on Tuesday,
Washouts' Toll A man views the impact of one of the major washouts on Alaska's Taylor Highway,
- Whitehorse to welcome senior women's fastball teams Whitehorse is scheduled to host the Canadian and American Senior Women's Fast Pitch teams on Tuesday and Wednesday for two exhibition games.
- Judokas gain valuable experience at Lethbridge matches Five judo athletes recently participated in the 2010 Junior Nationals in Lethbridge.
- Battle for birdies at disc golf league night With a number of top players absent this week with fund-raising commitments, league leaders
Flat-tailed visitor checked out fish ladder On Canada Day, when I came to work, there was a small beaver in the fish ladder.
Good Samaritan With the help of a bucket truck, Const. Ken Milne, a city bylaw officer, rescues a cat from a tree in the McIntyre subdivision last Wednesday.
- Preventable dog bites to kids will continue ( Comment ) The recent fatal dog attack to an infant in Quebec and near-fatal attack to a child in Alberta last month were completely preventable.
- 1,100 riders set for this weekend's Kluane Chilkat Bike Relay This is the last day to register for the 18th annual Kluane Chilkat Bike Relay.
- Strong tailwind helps cyclists achieve top times in road race Once again, perfect riding conditions greeted 13 riders who participated in this season's Jake's Corner to Whitehorse road race.
Bear's finder not sure he's a hero TARANAKI, New Zealand – Cayden Searancke reckons if he ever lost a treasured possession, he would want someone to return it.
From YT to NYC: the story of Guinness ( Comment ) Guinness Carroll was born in Watson Lake on June 9, 1999, and spent the early years of her life there. Population: 1,500.
- This week's disc golf recap Conditions were near perfect Tuesday night and the field took full advantage of the clear skies and calm winds to go low – low enough to set a new course record of 10 under 46.
- Girl rejoices at happy end to tale of lost teddy bear Ed. note: the Taranaki Daily News in New Zealand kindly made this story available to the Star.
Standing together: grandmothers meet in Swaziland ( Comment ) From May 6-8, 42 Canadian representatives of the Canadian Grandmothers to Grandmothers groups, Stephen Lewis Foundation, met 2,000 African grandmothers from 13 sub-Saharan African countries in Manzini, Swaziland.
- Devost dominates the disc There was some tough competition on the Mt. McIntyre Disc Golf Course on Tuesday night
- Help us reduce ATVs' negative impacts ( Comment ) TOYA stands for Trails Only Yukon Association.
- Wednesday's disc golf league report Two of the league's elite players went toe to toe this week in a battle of the birdies.
- Bike relay supports community groups There are many community groups and volunteers that help make the annual Kluane Chilkat International Bike Relay a successful event.
- Tuesday night's disc golf league report With league leader Matthew Grant side-lined with sponsorship commitments,
- Women's music group plans month-end concert In 1998, at the home of Lucie Desaulniers, women musicians started meeting to address the need for community, support and more venues for their songs.
- Arctic security: a key government priority ( Comment ) The Arctic has always figured large in the Canadian identity.
- 2010 Haywood Ski Nationals helped boost local economy In an analysis recently completed by the Yukon Convention Bureau,
- 18th annual Kluane Chilkat bike relay registration now open A sure sign of spring is the appearance of some hardy road cyclists on the Alaska Highway.
- Soccer tournament set for this weekend The fourth annual Whitehorse Rapids International 35 and over Men's Indoor Soccer Tournament
- Elderactive volunteers honoured in Teslin Several communities from around the Yukon gathered at the Teslin Recreation Centre on April 15 to participate in various games,
Music stimulates memories of those with Alzheimer's The doors slide open and a small troupe of happily chatting women enters Copper Ridge Place in Whitehorse.
- Seniors stay active at Teslin Sports Day On April 15, approximately 60 seniors from Atlin, Faro, Tagish, Teslin and Whitehorse descended on Teslin's recreation centre to enjoy a fun-filled day of activity.
The summit on poverty was long overdue On April 8 and 9, I was given the opportunity to attend a conference and symposium on social inclusion and poverty reduction (Star, April 12).
- A moment's distraction could prove fatal ( Comment ) Our roads are now snow-free, and more and more cyclists, joggers and pedestrians are out enjoying the nice weather.
- Chasing ‘Unicorns': an ode to the prospector ( Comment ) Chasing Unicorns.
- Rotary Dictionary Project back for a second year ( Comment ) On Thursday morning, April 8, members of the Rotary Club of Whitehorse Midnight Sun
- Youngest Glacier Bears have outstanding meet in Calgary A group of seven young Glacier Bears attended the Dino Cup held in Calgary recently.
Territory had role at mining trade show The Yukon had a presence at the largest prospectors trade show of its kind in the world, held earlier this month in Toronto.
- Why is March 21 important to Yukoners? ( Comment ) March 21, the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, is observed annually to remind us that racism still exists in our world and in our territory.
- Guns and Hoses game raises thousands for cancer society The Battle of the Badges charity hockey game held in Whitehorse this past Sunday raised $6,500 for the Canadian Cancer Society.
- It was my life's most amazing 45 minutes ( Comment ) I, along with seven other Yukon native youth from around the Yukon,
Entrepreneur's new venture takes the cake The sweetest, most colourful spot in Whitehorse may well be nestled between TD-Canada Trust and the KEBABery on Second Avenue.
An out of the ordinary roadtrip for the Fernie Ghostriders ( Comment ) Fernie Ghostrider forward Matty MacDonald was unable to play in the Jan. 19th and 20th Ghostrider versus Creston Valley Thunder Cats games that happened in Whitehorse
- No scrooges in northern small businesses ( Comment ) In his 1843 novel A Christmas Carol, Charles Dickens' character Ebenezer Scrooge is a stingy businessman. Mr. Scrooge is grumpy, greedy, and despises everything to do with making others happy.
Gold-plated power: a brief review of ‘liquid gold” ( Comment ) Gold-plated power: a brief review of ‘liquid gold”
- Glacier Bears dominate at Haines Winter Games swim meet The Whitehorse Glacier Bears swim club competed at the Winter Games swim meet this past weekend in Haines, Alaska.
Troy Henry first at Western Canada Cup Local speedskater Troy Henry cleaned up at the third Western Canada Cup of the season, held in Medicine Hat, Alta., finishing first in the 1,500-metres, third in the 500, fifth in the 1,000, and third overall at the meet.
Duncan's wins 2010 Yukon Atom Hockey Championships This year's Yukon Atom Hockey Championships finished in Haines Junction on Sunday with Duncan's of Whitehorse defeating Teslin 9-0 in the gold medal game.
- A newsman's tale from decades gone by By the time I arrived at CBC Whitehorse in February, 1978, I had been sued (or threatened with suits) so many times it was almost boring.
- Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club launches Ski S'cool On Feb. 1, the Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club will launch the first session of Whitehorse Ski S'cool, sponsored by Subway.
- This week's Mt. McIntyre trail report A few more centimeters of snow has been the icing on the cake! Skiing is excellent.
- ElderActive association holds winter competition The ElderActive Recreation Association held their second annual winter competition Jan. 15 and 16 at the Canada Games Centre.
Yukon cross country ski championships classic race held The Whitehorse Cross Country Ski Club hosted the first day of the two day Yukon Cross Country Ski Championships Saturday at the Mount McIntyre trails.
Representing The North The Yukon women's curling team
Midget Mustangs take top slot at Juneau tournament The Whitehorse Midget Mustangs took top honours at the first Annual Sister City Showdown held in Juneau Alaska over the holiday break.
- Nishikawa disappointed at Noram Olympic trials Graham Nishikawa, charging hard right to the end,
- Considering Copenhagen: talks were challenging ( Comment ) Although Canada was deeply committed to playing a constructive and active role at the recent climate change negotiations in Copenhagen, they were challenging from the outset.
- Nishikawa hits podium in Olympic qualifier Graham Nishikawa hit the Noram podium on Sunday with a solid third place finish in a tough Noram sprint race in Canmore.
- Let's stage a national summit on pensions ( Comment ) Canada's finance ministers will meet in Whitehorse on Thursday and Friday to talk about pensions.
- Mustangs rally to gold in Fort St. John The Whitehorse Bantam Mustangs B team took home a well deserved gold medal at the Fort St. John Bantam Tier 3 Tournament this weekend.
Zoo turns to Yukon for sheep insemination Ewes at the Calgary Zoo have been artificially inseminated with Yukon sperm in hopes of adding a Dall lamb to the Canadian Wilds Exhibit.
The mystery of the old riverboat chair ( Comment ) That was a great story in the Star last month on finding the sunken Gold Rush sternwheeler, A.J. Goddard, in Lake Laberge.
The proposal for these tailings terrifies me ( Comment ) I am the mayor of the small community of Buchans in central Newfoundland.
A Snowy Stroll One doesn't often see a bear with snow all around,
- Yukon Quest partners with Northern Outfitters Northern Outfitters is supporting the Yukon Quest by providing a portion of every purchase made through the Northern Outfitters online store at to the Yukon Quest.
- Thefts leave Yukoner disappointed in Haines About a dozen Canadian fishermen camped at a pullout at the 4 Mile Haines Highway on Oct. 10
Homelessness is a shared responsibility ( Comment ) Living on the street is hard. Very hard. I figured that out after just five days.
My higher loyalty is saving our caribou Out of the 13 Arctic barren ground caribou herds in Canada,
Another great season start for young Arctic Edge skaters The Arctic Edge Skating Club has had a great start to the 2009 fall/winter season.
The Signs Of Homelessness Volunteer photographers are capturing images of homlessness around Whitehorse this week.
Garage gateway turning many heads Brad Thoe said he always admired the AB Hall since he was a kid and wanted to build a shed or garage that resembled it.
- Training already underway for ski patrol It is that time of year again. Autumn colours are painting the mountains in vibrant reds, yellows and oranges.
- Accident prevention is major focus of Yukon zone ski patrol The Yukon Zone of the Canadian Ski Patrol System has operated in Whitehorse since 1983.
Tessier and Davidson dominate at 13th Annual One Club Wonder Blaine Tessier took the championship in the One Club Wonder golf tournament this past Saturday with a four stroke victory over Vic Istchenko.
Gearing Up For Next Year Joe Reynolds, a student enrolled in the Renewable Resources Program at Yukon College,
- This year, many have counted their blessings ( Comment ) Unions and workers in Canada were celebrating Labour Day decades before it was a national holiday for the first time on Sept. 4, 1894.
- The Liberals' EI proposal would be ineffective Earlier this summer, Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Liberal Leader Michael Ignatieff agreed to put partisanship aside and work to find consensus on Employment Insurance reform.
- Our forest industry has taken a step backward ( Comment ) On July 22, the Yukon forest management branch (FMB) put out this public tender:
New locomotive: less rumbling, less smoke SKAGWAY - The sound of White Pass and Yukon Route trains travelling through Skagway and up the summit is starting to change.
Trevor's story goes nationwide Ed. note: this report on the city's Trevor the dog saga has been distributed to media outlets across the country.
- What made me declare it the last hunt ( Comment ) Former Yukon resident T. Alastair ("Haddie") Findlay occasionally contributes memories of Yukon hunting trips and outdoor adventures to the Star.
- We have serious concerns about these sheep ( Comment ) These are my comments on the Yukon government (YTG) press release, hand-outs and statements made during the July 21 briefing in relation to the Pilot Mountain sheep management issue.
I Spy James Cackette helps a young astronomy enthusiast test out the Night Skies Astronomy Club's
- Repairs over; Carcross train service resumes SKAGWAY - White Pass and Yukon Route trains are travelling the full length of the tracks between Skagway and Carcross again.
Rocking In Atlin Mamaguroove, from Dunster, B.C.,
Heat failed to melt spirits at gold pan championships DAWSON CITY - The heat didn't keep the crowds away at the 2009 Yukon Gold Panning Competition on Canada Day. In fact, after last year's chilly torrential downpour, it was welcomed.
Celebrating Summer Scotty Derrico, Tyler Powers and Fred Engler (left to right), from the Whiskey Dicks,
Yukon Graduate Honoured Canadian Forces Col. J. Poitras hands the Rouleau Cup to Capt. Cheryl Major of Whitehorse earlier this month in Gatineau, Que.
Furtive Fox This four-footed Whitehorse resident was seen last Thursday on Black Street.
Bolivian woman cherishes freedom, safety Most of us living in Canada are aware of the benefits.
Western premiers have gathered in Dawson DAWSON CITY - Canada's western premiers are pitching free trade as the shining light out of the recession and the alternative to the "Buy America" stance south of the border.
Air North Delivers Leaders Premier Dennis Fentie, left, Saskatchewan Premier Brad Wall, centre, and British Columbia Premier Gordon Campbell
- Cold water is no laughing matter It's one of those unseasonably warm days, and a group of young adults are gathered on the beach, taking turns on a personal watercraft (PWC).
- Mining is essential to alternative energy Ed. note: this commentary is in recognition of Mining and Geology Week (May 11-17).
- This planetary treasure deserves protection I'm in favour of strong protection for the Peel watershed for a number of reasons.
- Registration open for 17th Annual Kluane Chilkat International bike relay It looks like an early start to the bike season so there will be lots of time to prepare for the 17th annual Kluane to Chilkat bike relay.
Yukoner mixes sports with humanitarian work For Whitehorse native Allison Furniss, leaving the northern cold for the Tanzanian heat offered an opportunity to pursue two of her greatest passions - humanitarian work and sport.
- I believe we are bringing a new energy to the Senate It is a great honour for me to represent Yukon in Ottawa as a new senator, and I wish to share with you some of my first observations.
- Thirteen Yukoners' deaths were 13 too many On Tuesday, April 28, Canadians observe a National Day of Mourning in memory of workers killed or injured on the job.
Going My Way? This fox was photographed
In the '40s, Whitehorse was three towns People often ask me to describe what Whitehorse was like when I worked there from 1946 to 1950.
- Ending a $2-billion joke on taxpayers Many jokes get played on April Fool's Day.
Pee Wee Mustangs forge silver at hockey championships The Whitehorse Pee Wee Mustangs lost a heartbreaker in Trail, B.C.
- Ottawa must protect our hard-earned pensions The global economy is in its deepest downturn since the 1930s.
Happy to be a proud Yukoner – a proud Canadian As premier, it is my honour and duty to keep the welfare of our territory at the forefront of my mind at all times.
- Gratitude expressed for the RCMP’s service and sacrifice Just a few short weeks ago, the nation was shocked to hear about the tragic series of events in Moncton, N.B.,
- Meeting the need for reliable backup power ( Comment ) Construction has begun on a facility to house two new liquefied natural gas (LNG) engines in Whitehorse,
- A frank analysis of Canada’s energy destiny ( Comment ) What makes the energy issue hard to grasp is the need for understanding its complexity, not as a fancy but at minimum.
- Our nation is swiftly becoming an energy loser ( Comment ) The first part of this two-part commentary was published Tuesday.
Car slides into lake after train derails on summit A northbound White Pass & Yukon Route train derailed at the White Pass summit just before the U.S.-Canada border Wednesday afternoon,
- We all have an interest in water protection The Yukon Water Strategy and Action Plan was recently released to the public.
Wakeup Time This fox had been curled up in the sun in a Copper Ridge back yard all day earlier this week.
- Commonwealth Games duo puts Watson Lake on map ( Comment ) The Commonwealth Games are a lot of things to a lot of people, pro and con, but to this typist they are The Home of the Human Interest Story.
- Ensuring safe drinking water from source to tap The way in which Yukoners access drinking water can vary significantly depending on where they live.
- We are deeply concerned with this statement of claim Ed. note: Environment Minister Currie Dixon released this statement Tuesday.
Dawson commemorates 100 years since First World War Reenactments, stories and a moment of silence were shared Aug. 4 at the Palace Grand.
- Reflections on my reunion with Stephen Harper ( Comment ) Last Thursday night, I did something few would expect of a contestant running for the Liberal nomination.
- Broken rod at switch caused train derailment After examination,
- Arctic security: it’s more than just patrol ships ( Comment ) As usual, the prime minister’s annual northern tour generates a national conversation about the future of the Canadian North.
- 9-1-1: improving public safety across the Yukon An ongoing commitment of your government is to improve emergency response capabilities in the territory.
PM’s token northern tours solve no problems ( Comment ) As another summer comes to a close,
- The world is taking notice of the Yukon Did you know that millions and millions of dollars of total private sector revenue, attributable to tourism,
Mining industry leader had major impact in Yukon Bob Cathro, the pioneering western Canadian mineral exploration geologist,
- Living with disabilities: some of the challenges ( Comment ) I am writing this difficult piece from my own life experiences in the hopes someone can benefit from it and make changes in their lives.
Family revisits origins of middle name Kluane When Jim Lightner drove the Alaska Highway in 1951,
Istchenko wins One Club Wonder with record score Vic Istchenko stormed to victory at the 2014 One Club Wonder golf tournament Saturday.
- A five-year commitment to the Yukon Research Centre ( Comment ) In five short years,
- Franklin discovery strengthens our Arctic sovereignty ( Comment ) For almost 200 years, the fate of the Franklin Expedition has captured our imaginations.
- Opportunities North: it’s about Pushing Boundaries ( Comment ) Businesses in the Yukon need to learn to speak with one powerful voice.
- Yukon Chamber of Commerce is Pushing Boundaries Business people: it is time to take a break and come together to talk about Pushing Boundaries in business.
New opportunities for training, economic growth ( Comment ) As Yukon’s minister of Education, I regard training for workers as one of my top priorities, key to the success of our economy and the territory’s future.
- Shelter issues have existed since the cavewoman/man ( Comment ) I was in Dawson City this month attending a conference put on by the Northern Community Economic Development association.
- Come join us for some thought-provoking discussions ( Comment ) Pushing the Boundaries is the slogan for Opportunities North, the Yukon Chamber of Commerce’s conference Oct. 6-8 in Whitehorse.
- Fracking will reveal itself as the absurdity it is ( Comment ) This was my submission to the Select Committee Regarding the Risks and Benefits of Hydraulc Fracturing.
- This fibre is the highway of a digital economy Monday’s Internet, mobile and landline telephone service breach affected virtually all Yukoners.
Greer trades skis for shoes with Trojans XC team David Greer finally decided to become a team player.
- As the snow arrives, it’s harvest time in Yukon As Thanksgiving approaches and the snow begins to fall, we’re reminded that the long days of summer are behind us.
- Energy’s health risk, reliability and cost-effectiveness ( Comment ) There’s all this talk about what sources of energy are available and what types of energy the Yukon should not develop or develop.
Our duty to protect democracy is paramount ( Comment ) As Canadians, we have seen – in this past week – unprecedented attacks on our democracy.
- Caribou subsist on lichen, not reuben sandwiches ( Comment ) As the hydraulic fracking committee’s 2014 territorial tour ended last month and the numbers were in for enumeration,
- Marketing Yukon: the best place to live and to visit ( Comment ) Given Yukon’s incredible natural assets, rich heritage and culture, wilderness, wildlife, northern lights, midnight sun and the welcoming spirit of Yukoners, our impressive tourism statistics come as no surprise.
- YP’s non-answers show a lack of leadership The Yukon NDP has once again been stonewalled by the Yukon Party government
Celebrating a breath of living, local history Yukoner Les Allen was born in Hinckley Leics, England, in 1921, and today, at 93, still has a sharp mind many of us would envy.
- Landlord and tenant act needs a new lease on life ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP is calling on the Yukon Party government to roll out the long overdue regulations
- Staking ban is approaching its first anniversary I used question period this week to ask about a mineral staking ban
- Construction is driving our economic turnaround Recent revised GDP data from Statistics Canada confirmed what many Yukoners already knew: 2013 was a difficult year for our economy.
- Premier’s Shakwak lobbying proves fruitless ( Comment ) A high-profile lobbying trip to Washington has produced no results on the Shakwak highway funding file.
The first descent of the Finlayson River canyon Bob (Daffe) was searching through the maps for potential hunting rivers when he noticed a canyon on the Finlayson River.
- Nominee program failings exposed again ( Analysis ) As a supposed “fast-track” to permanent residence,
- Minister’s silence is a major blow to public oversight ( Comment ) “The member opposite obviously knows more about (my) budget than I do.”
- Yukon Party’s cronyism does not serve the public interest The Yukon Party government has some explaining to do
- Why do words matter? Yukon women’s groups are, once again, running a 12-day campaign to end violence against women from Nov. 25 to Dec. 5.
- Premier’s First Nations relations approach is toxic On Monday in Ottawa,
- Valcourt pins the YESAA tail on the premier ( Comment ) The premier has some explaining to do after federal Aboriginal Affairs Minister Bernard Valcourt said Monday
- Respect the court’s decision, Premier Pasloski ( Comment ) The long-awaited decision from Justice Veale on the Peel watershed
- Lefrance strikes for four, Klondike wins 9-1 Christmas arrived early for Klondike Business Solutions in local over-35 soccer action Saturday at the Canada Games Centre.
- Griffiths leads Kids in the Hall to upset victory The sixth-place Kids in the Hall made some waves in local eight-ball action as they took on league-leading Yukon Jack last Thursday.
- Clarifying YESAA and First Nation governments I write to address one of the most important topics in Yukon today –
- Continued progress on securing Yukon’s energy future It’s no secret that the provision of reliable, affordable, clean energy is an issue of utmost importance for all Yukoners.
A tribute to a great Yukoner – Alex Van Bibber Ed. note: Yukon Senator Dan Lang made these comments Wednesday in the Senate.
- Upsets galore in local eight-ball action With the top three teams in the league all losing Thursday night, local eight-ball league standings continue to tighten up.
- Support local business and shop Yukon ( Comment ) December is a busy time for Yukoners.
- The camaraderie and generosity of the late Al Baer ( Comment ) This fall, I attended the biodiversity forum, a yearly round-up of biology goings-on in the territory.
- Late strike by Bingham preserves 6-6 draw The Canada Games Centre crowd witnessed a 12-goal thriller in the early kickoff between Quest Computers and Yukon Brewing.
Working with industry to improve project planning ( Comment ) The Yukon government recently announced changes to our capital planning process, a multi-year process that identifies capital spending priorities (Star, Dec. 15).
- A sitting to forget for the Cathers/Pasloski club ( Comment ) The fall sitting of the Yukon legislature is one the government will likely want to forget.
Lorraine Joe: a local business success story ( Comment ) At the recent annual Yukon Foundation AGM dinner,
- A place of great citizens is starting to lose its way ( Comment ) As we near the holiday season, it is a good time for reflection.
- Calling him a gentleman doesn’t even come close ( Comment ) I was the city manager in Dawson City at the time, and the town built a new ice arena.
- Rayo, Lafrance lead Klondike to 5-3 win David Rayo hit a superb hat trick for Klondike Business Solutions as they overcame Yukon Brewing 5-3 in over-35 soccer action Saturday.
- Eight-ball league caps year with unique twist It was the last night of eight-ball league play prior to the Christmas break and so to switch things up a bit league organizers went with a Scotch Doubles format.
- Yukon’s ‘frackonomist’ presented false oil and gas data ( Comment ) Keith Halliday’s Dec. 5 column published locally with the glib title “Love it or hate it, fracking is here to stay” starts off with invented data that hype up fracking:
- Yukon Party dropped lumps of coal into our stockings As many Yukoners focused on spending the Christmas season with their friends and loved ones,
- Promises made, promises kept: the year in review In 2014, this government delivered on our commitments, as outlined in our platform Moving Forward Together.
- 2015 Canada Winter Games Announces BCLC Centre Stage line-up The 2015 Canada Winter Games is proud to announce its 100 per cent Canadian artist line-up for the 2015 Canada Winter Games Coldsnap Festival.
- Here’s why we’re appealing the Peel decision ( Comment ) As we announced on Dec. 30, the Yukon government is appealing the Peel watershed land use planning court case.
- It’s a bloody big deal: Irish striker finally tallies in draw Yukon Brewing’s Eric Murphy finally got a goal as the Irish eyes smiled on him and the team as they held Quest Computers to a 3-3 tie in over-35 soccer action on Saturday morning.
- Our education system has become closed ( Comment ) In 1990, after five years of consultations and with considerable fanfare, a new Education Act was proclaimed in the Yukon legislature.
- Yukon Jack thumps rivals 8-1 as pool play resumes Play resumed last week in the local eight-ball league following the Christmas break.
- Education in Yukon: a top priority for us, our partners ( Comment ) As premier, I read with interest the commentary in Wednesday’s Star signed by five individuals (Ken Taylor, Fred Smith, Don Roberts, Piers McDonald and Shakir Alwarid).
- Premier knew something had to change Friday’s Yukon Party cabinet shuffle is a major reset for a premier clearly unhappy with the direction the government was heading.
- Overhaul rewards key ministers despite missteps ( Comment ) Friday morning’s sweeping Yukon Party government cabinet shuffle is yet another sign that the government is spinning its wheels instead of offering real solutions to the serious challenges faced by Yukoners.
- Report invites mini-fracking, acid-fracking, sneak-fracking Some frack impact details are hard to predict.
- We would not issue permits for fracking At this time, there are too many unknowns to support fracking in the Yukon.
It’s time to put Ted in the National Gallery of Canada Like so many, I was saddened to hear of the passing of the great Ted Harrison, a creator of iconic and quintessentially northern art.
Speedskaters to welcome top coach Gearing up for this year’s Canada Winter Games and future Arctic Winter Games,
- Crusaders pick up where they left off The Vanier Crusaders senior boys basketball team, led by reigning MVP Christian Carino
Yukon takes tourism marketing to the next level ( Comment ) It is an exciting time in Yukon’s tourism industry.
- Unlikely hero snipes last-minute winner The Whitehorse Rapids men’s over-35 soccer league moved into the playoffs Saturday morning with two fantastic games.
- Celebrating the Yukon’s proud Year of Sport Earlier this year, Governor-General David Johnston proclaimed 2015 the Year of Sport.
Crusaders rout Warriors 98-60 in Super Hoops final Super Hoops action concluded Thursday night with a 98-60 victory for the Vanier Crusaders senior boys basketball team over the F.H. Collins Warriors.
Space researchers study Arctic Ultra athletes What does the Yukon have in common with outer space?
- We await a response, minister Kent The content that was found in the draft documents on hydraulic fracturing confirms the Yukon Party is planning to completely disregard the work done by the select committee over the last year and a half.
All About The Big Day The Aurora Bridal Faire took place Saturday at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre.
- Let’s put caring for Yukon seniors first ( Comment ) Caring for aging loved ones presents an ongoing and growing challenge for Yukoners and our health care system.
Atom Mustangs’ season ends with silver lining The Whitehorse Atom Mustangs have had a tough season.
- Celebrate, know your H2O during Canada Water Week This month, your government is pleased to recognize and participate in Canada Water Week.
- Nominate a city volunteer of the year Organizations are invited to nominate a Volunteer of the Year. The deadline for submissions is Monday.
- Investing in our relationship with First Nations ( Comment ) All relationships – whether interpersonal or intergovernmental – must have a foundation of good faith, honesty and mutual respect.
- Cynically buying Yukoners’ hearts with their own cash ( Comment ) The Yukon Party government will try to buy Yukoners’ hearts and minds with their own money when the legislature sits this week.
- Cutting taxes and putting Yukoners to work ( Comment ) This afternoon, I rose in the Yukon Legislative Assembly to present your government’s 2015-2016 budget.
I’ve been blessed by almost unbelievable moments This is a hunting story,
- A spending spree isn’t the path to long-term prosperity The desperate spending outlined in the Yukon Party government’s 2015-16 budget
- Who can we believe about the pilot fracking project? ( Comment ) Days after the Yukon Party government was caught designing a fracking project while telling Yukoners that none were scheduled,
- Embracing the unique talents of those with autism ( Comment ) On April 2, I rose in the Yukon Legislative Assembly to pay tribute to World Autism Awareness Day,
Institute to address grim aboriginal health conditions The University of Toronto has established an institute to address the poor health conditions of many aboriginal Canadians.
- Working together to improve the Alaska Highway ( Comment ) I write this submission to clarify misinformation and rumours surrounding the Whitehorse Corridor Draft Functional Plan for the Alaska Highway.
- YP on continuing care: confusion, contradictions I am calling on the Yukon Party government to reveal the cost of its 300-bed seniors’ facility.
- The tourism industry matters in the Yukon ( Comment ) Along with industry partners and representatives from around the territory and beyond,
- We cannot trust Harper to serve northerners’ needs ( Comment ) In the lead-up to the federal budget, Canadians across the North provided feedback on their priorities to the Conservative government.
- Growth has stalled under the Yukon Party I am calling on the Yukon Party to take responsibility for Yukon’s continuing economic decline.
- Here’s my position on the Whistle Bend sportsplex ( Comment ) Here’s my position on the Whistle Bend sportsplex ( Comment )
- Liberals, NDP would reverse all these gains ( Comment ) I would like to correct some inaccuracies in the op-ed by MP Yvonne Jones that was recently published in Monday’s Whitehorse Daily Star.
- There’s a strong case for a new sports complex In the context of the current debate and discussion about potential track and fields proposed for Whistle Bend,
- We have a duty to stand up and stop this madness! ( Comment ) Ed. note: Yukoner Sally Wright made these remarks Sunday afternoon opposite Yukon Energy’s liquefied natural gas (LNG) generators construction site in Whitehorse. The event was called the Black Balloon Awareness Parade.
Fifty years old and never having slept in a bed! The headline above is the sad plight of many poor people in Africa, and certainly the case for Siphiwe Ginindza and her five daughters, ages 12 to 22.
- Yukon Party builds a foundation for economic success I have often said that mining is the cornerstone of our economy, and has been for over a century.
- Your minister requires discipline, Premier Pasloski The Yukon NDP is calling on Premier Darrell Pasloski to remove Kluane MLA Wade Istchenko from cabinet following his admission of alcohol consumption while at the wheel of an off-road vehicle last week.
- Get out and celebrate Yukon Francophonie Day! ( Comment ) As the minister responsible for the French Language Services Directorate,
- Kerry’s chairmanship is bad news for the Yukon ( Comment ) U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry assumed his position as chair of the Arctic Council on April 24, and will have it until April 2017.
Government/First Nations pilot project a resounding success ( Comment ) Three governments are working together to engage aboriginal youth in skilled trades and entrepreneurship, and the results to date have been a resounding success.
- Leaks and non-disclosure in hydraulic fracturing ( Comment ) Whether they be painted ponies or nodding donkeys,
- In its own words: the YP defends housing inaction ( Comment ) Despite repeated opportunities for action, including cancelled affordable housing projects and a multimillion-dollar federal fund that lay unspent until this year’s budget,
Quest’s Alaska board paints different picture The mood was decidedly upbeat Wednesday night at the Yukon Quest Alaska annual meeting in Fairbanks,
- Mental health, economic woes were my focus Unanimous support for a motion calling for a mental health strategy was one of the highlights of the spring sitting for me.
- We are focused on the economy, jobs and tax cuts ( Comment ) Our priority during this year’s spring sitting of the Yukon Legislative Assembly,
- Broken relations underscore the YP’s economic ineptitude Reflecting on the end of a legislative sitting marked by skirmishes over divisive Yukon Party decisions,
- Leaks and non-disclosure in hydraulic fracturing ( Comment ) The art of denial is well-entrenched in the science (and pseudoscience) of climate change.
- Fracking comes in carbon price clothing ( Comment ) The answer to JP Pinard’s core question, “ … no carbon pricing at all?”
Take the opportunity to Explore Your Yukon ( Comment ) Join Yukon businesses and organizations across our territory in participating in the Explore Your Yukon event,
- Wildfire prevention: we all have a role to play ( Comment ) Like many of you, I’ve been enjoying our beautiful Yukon weather,
- After long hiatus, local rugby program resurfaces From the ashes of the old Whitehorse Wolverine rugby team rises the newly formed Whitehorse Gold Diggers RFC.
- Partnership and collaboration build our housing plan Your Yukon government is pleased to release the results of two years of hard work by the many organizations which gathered together to identify solutions to Yukon’s housing needs.
- Energy prices are not to be a political football This commentary responds to the June 11 letter to the editor by Wilf Carter – “How to ensure cheap energy in the Yukon”.
Upstart Yukon rugby squad turns heads in Alaska It was quite the weekend for the Yukon’s brand-new rugby team.
- The tragedy that unfolded that day is unforgiveable ( Comment ) Ed. note: Yukon Senator Dan Lang made these remarks Tuesday in the Red Chamber to mark the 30th anniversary of the Air India terrorist bombing.
- First Nations’ emerging youth leaders are flourishing ( Comment ) I was pleased to celebrate a successful National Aboriginal Day with Yukoners and visitors this year at the Kwanlin Dün Cultural Centre.
Celebrating the best country in the world ( Comment ) As premier, it is always an honour to attend Canada Day citizenship ceremonies.
- Our Whitehorse General Hospital is expanding ( Comment ) Thanks to the efforts of the community,
- Beleaguered Greece writes down its massive debt ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the first of a two-part commentary.
- This vital council belongs to every Yukoner! ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the first part of a three-part series to be published on consecutive Fridays.
- Beleaguered Greece writes down its massive debt ( Comment ) Part #2 It is not a secret that the 2008 financial meltdown and banking bailouts, their worsening destabilizing impacts and the suffering from them are far from over.
- Beleaguered Greece writes down its massive debt ( Comment ) Part #3 Germany’s agenda to strangle a trustworthy Greek government to extract pounds of flesh from Greece is not based on economics but on political domination.
- The road to residency isn’t cheap in Canada ( Comment ) This year, like any other on Canada Day, we welcomed another 40 or so new citizens into Canada under the brilliant blue skies of the Yukon Territory.
- Yukon will assume a leadership role for premiers ( Comment ) Last week, I was honoured to represent Yukon at the 2015 meeting of Canada’s Premiers, the Council of the Federation (COF).
- This vital council belongs to every Yukoner! ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the final part of a three-part series being published on consecutive Fridays.
Skagway helps make child’s wish come true Experiencing the beauty of Alaska is something Skagway residents take for granted every day.
- Camp is a life-changer for Yukon youth ( Comment ) This year, the Yukon Youth Conservation Corps (Y2C2) and the Conservation Action Team (CAT) celebrate 25 successful years of programming (Star, July 24).
- The Senate: love it or hate it, why we need it ( Comment ) The Senate was first created by our Founding Fathers in 1867 (after fierce debate) to protect the public from the “Tyranny of an Elected House.”
- It’s time for a renewable energy plan that works ( Comment ) The Yukon Party will miss yet another deadline on the long road to developing an independent power production (IPP) policy.
- For the Yukon’s sake, go, Liz and Larry! ( Comment ) As a citizen, I enjoy some aspects of our electoral system.
- Great news across the board for Yukon athletes ( Comment ) Yukon is known for producing world-class athletes, despite our small population.
- First Nations are becoming major economic players ( Comment ) Ed. note: this commentary was provided by the Yukon Chamber of Mines.
Protection, research are ongoing at Herschel Island ( Comment ) As ministers for the Departments of Environment and Tourism and Culture,
Dawson Rocks shook up Klondike enthusiasm This year’s Dawson Rocks event took place Aug. 6 at the historic Oddfellows’ Hall.
- Chukchi Sea drilling threatens Yukon’s North Slope ( Comment ) I believe that Washington’s approval for Shell to drill in the Arctic Alaskan Chukchi Sea has the potential for damage to Yukon’s North Slope and Canadian Arctic waters.
- Who wins and who loses in Yukon Zinc’s restructuring ( Comment ) On Sept. 2, Yukon businesses will vote on whether to receive a fraction of the money they are owed for work completed at the Wolverine Mine.
Yukon’s Pettitt aims to continue gold rush as junior Whitehorse is known as the least polluted city in the world, and also the driest in Canada.
- It’s blood and oil, not Saudis against fracking ( Comment ) It’s blood and oil, not Saudis against fracking ( Comment )
This plant mustn’t foil a sensible energy future ( Comment ) Construction of Yukon Energy’s $43-million liquefied natural gas (LNG) storage and electricity generating facility is complete.
Mayo seniors’ residence is officially opened ( Comment ) I was honoured to open the new seniors’ residence in Mayo last week with Premier Darrell Pasloski and several members of the community, including Mayor Scott Bolton and local seniors and elders.
- Yukon First Nations were given no option ( Comment ) It is disappointing but predictable that Yukon First Nation governments have once again been forced to resort to court action to have their final agreements respected and upheld.
- Yet another broken Yukon government relationship ( Comment ) As three Yukon First Nations prepare to defend the negotiated treaty rights undermined by Bill S-6 in yet another court battle,
- Harper is ready to throw the YP under the bus ( Comment ) While visiting Whitehorse last Friday,
- Hot streak propels Lomas to top of pool standings He’s heating up!
- First Nations and French-language education ( Comment ) With the change in the seasons and students getting back into the routine of going to school, it can be easy to forget the real purpose of education.
- Tackling crime and supporting community policing ( Comment ) This summer, Yukoners have been deeply concerned to learn about the rash of petty crime that has affected many of us, either directly or through a friend or family member.
Tessier rebounds to win sixth One Club Wonder Blaine Tessier regained the One Club Wonder championship trophy Saturday with a record-tying round of 77 at the Mountain View Golf Club.
- Final Four set in ‘Chase’ for Porter Creek Billiards Cup The combatants in the last battle have been determined.
- New Democrats’ town hall drew a packed and passionate house ( Comment ) Yukoners of all political stripes crammed into Hellaby Hall Wednesday night to share their perspectives about the future of continuing care in Yukon (Star, Sept. 17).
- We’re listening, responding to seniors, their families Caring for elders and seniors has always been and will always be extremely important to our government.
- The Yukon Fracking Party’s LNG stench level ( Comment ) Pinocchio’s family seems to be alive and well and to have emigrated right here to the Yukon Territory.
- A strong economy is the top priority I watched last Thursday night’s leaders’ debate, organized by The Globe and Mail, with great interest.
- ‘We will make up for 10 long, lost years’ ( Comment ) First Nations and the Council of Yukon First Nations submitted a series of questions to the territory’s four federal election candidates.
- The LNG stench level of the Yukon Fracking Party ( Comment ) Let us harken back in time to an age when the “would-be used diesel engine salesman,” aka Scott Kent, the minister responsible for the Yukon Development Corp./Yukon Energy Corp., boasted – according to a July 18, 2014 Whitehorse Star article – that “the notion that this project (LNG plant) is intended to promote natural gas development in Yukon is misguided.”
- We need faster refugee application processing Four years of violent conflict in Syria have resulted in more than 12 million people in need of humanitarian assistance inside Syria, with more than seven million Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs).
- Investing in home care for seniors’ independence ( Comment ) In the course of everyday life, most of us do not think about our health and its relationship to our independence.
- Leef’s shots about the gun registry are off-target ( Comment ) The latest attack leaflet distributed by Ryan Leef, the Yukon’s Conservative candidate in the federal election, is most misleading, if not just a political lie.
Sinclair downs Lomas to win billiards league final The local nine-ball summer league wrapped up Wednesday night with trophies and cash being awarded to top performers.
- We are out to create jobs and growth for northerners A re-elected Conservative government would further support and enhance economic opportunities across the North.
- Ministers’ visits show we care I was honoured to have Candice Bergen, the minister for Social Development, visit Whitehorse on Wednesday.
- We are ready to represent Yukoners in the legislature ( Comment ) As the clock counts down to one of the last pre-election sittings of the Yukon legislature (Star, Oct. 1), the Yukon NDP caucus is outlining the top priorities it has heard from Yukoners over the summer.
- Caring for seniors is a Yukon government priority ( Comment ) The Yukon Party government has a proven track record of investment in the health and well-being of Yukon seniors and elders.
- How the candidates stand on the resource economy ( Comment ) Ed. note: this commentary was submitted by the Yukon Chamber of Mines.
- Yukon’s entire regulatory process under the gun ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the second of a series of responses to the Yukon Chamber of Mines’ questions from the territory’s federal election candidates.
- Environmental plans must precede mining activities ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the third instalment of a series of responses to the Yukon Chamber of Mines’ questions from the territory’s federal election candidates.
Zen and the art of unicycle maintenance Deadhorse to Whitehorse by the most direct overland route comes in at around 1,700 kilometres, very little of it what you would term level-trekking.
- We have a nursing crisis and the Health minister is AWOL Ed. note: the Yukon New Democratic Party released this statement this week.
- I will engage Yukoners in wide-ranging dialogue ( Comment ) It is the hallmark of a conscientious government to listen to its constituents.
- Hitch the hero as Pepsi edges Quest Computers Deadly Doug Hitch has made an early play for the golden boot in the local old-timer soccer league.
- Loyalty and resistance beat strategic voting ( Comment ) Those families who resisted and hid children from being kidnapped into residential schools across North America have survived better against cultural genocide.
- We welcome new and returning elected local officials Yesterday marked a day of elections in Yukon for our local governments.
- Brew Crew blanks Pepsi 7-0 for first win of season Yukon Brewing earned their first old-timer soccer victory in style.
- What are the opportunities in Canada’s North? ( Comment ) From Oct. 26 through Oct. 29, the Yukon Chamber of Commerce is once again working with our sister chambers in Edmonton and the Northwest Territories to host a delegation of business leaders for discussions about business in Canada’s North.
Moose Remains Dumped, Abandoned The remains of a moose are seen last Thursday evening beside the Copper Haul Road.
- The policies are at odds with Yukoners’ preferences This session, the Yukon NDP caucus is focused on echoing the vision for a fairer, more sustainable Yukon shared by people across the territory.
Building our brand, creating jobs, growing capacity ( Comment ) On Wednesday evening, I was honoured to join the cast, crew and many Yukon stakeholders in the unveiling of five new Yukon tourism television commercials (Star, Oct. 22).
This gross disregard and disrespect is upsetting ( Comment ) In response to reports of Porcupine caribou being harvested and abandoned (Star, Oct. 21),
Poaching charges dropped in case with Yukon link Abe Dougan was charged with 12 counts of poaching in connection with his 1999 killing of a record-sized sheep.
- Yukoners: when will you stop a dictatorship? ( Comment ) On Oct. 22, the fall session of the Yukon legislative assembly started.
- Paris affords a chance to showcase Yukon values ( Comment ) I will travel to Paris as part of the Yukon delegation to the 21st Conference of the Parties (COP21) of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change.
- Changes will directly affect many Yukoners ( Comment ) With the fall legislative session underway, I wanted to share our government’s plans for legislation with all Yukoners.
Sinclair grabs early lead in winter nine-ball league Rob Sinclair doesn’t appear to be relinquishing his billiards title anytime soon.
- He’s heating up! Murphy nets second straight hat trick Eric Murphy is like a London bus – you wait ages for one then you are flooded with them.
- We’re investing in technology, telecom services For the past four-plus years, our government has been focused on making investments to create an environment that allows Yukoners to succeed in their business ventures and make life better in the territory.
Goals aplenty as soccer old-timers clash Saturday Goals came fast and furious Saturday morning at the Canada Games Centre.
- Ruling calls for an end to divisive Yukon Party politics Yukoners are celebrating the chance to start a new chapter in the Yukon government’s relationship with First Nation governments following last week’s precedent-setting Court of Appeal of Yukon rejection of the Yukon Party government’s Peel watershed appeal.
- Terrific trio steals show; Stanyer climbs pool rankings Three local billiard players pulled out the brooms in nine-ball action Nov. 4.
- Oil and gas resources – options for Yukon’s future Diversifying Yukon’s economy is one of the key goals of our government.
- The Land Titles Modernization Project progresses ( Comment ) This week, the Yukon Legislative Assembly passed a new modernized Land Titles Act, part of a project which we began by listening to Yukoners.
- I am ready to work with the new government ( Comment ) Ed. note: Yukon Senator Dan Lang delivered these remarks last Sunday at the 43rd annual Yukon Geoscience Forum in Whitehorse.
- Steely defence, quick-strike offence lead Brew past KBS A new fab four is emerging in old-timer soccer action.
- I am dismayed by what I see happening ( Comment ) Having pursued an athletic career and a strong presence in the Yukon business community,
I had a privileged role at the first ministers meeting ( Comment ) On Monday, I was privileged to represent Yukoners at the first meeting of premiers and the prime minister in nearly seven years, and to chair a meeting of Canada’s premiers (Star, Nov. 25).
- The YP’s shallow commitment to vital consultation The NDP condemns the Yukon Party government for holding “information sessions” on its planned Whistle Bend facility instead of meaningful consultations about the future of continuing care in Yukon.
- Secular nationalism makes ISIS tick ( Comment ) Glimpses into conventional Arab nationalism, non-religious military command as well as secular administrative leadership under the Islamic State recruiter veneer are not new,
- Reporting back on our Climate Change Action Plan ( Comment ) On Wednesday of this week, I tabled the 2015 Climate Change Action Plan Progress Report in the Yukon Legislative Assembly.
- Let’s turn that LNG eyesore into a solar parking lot ( Comment ) I once again attended the Yukon Development Corp. (YDC) Next Generation Hydro workshop the other week and, as I have done before, I have some reflections I would like to share.
- Irvine’s perfect week highlights local billiards action Vicki Irvine stole the show at Porter Creek Billiards as pool play entered December.
- Your work has hardly been completed, Mr. Premier Despite a suggestion from the premier that there was “not a lot” left to be done before the end of its mandate,
- Our caucus made progress on several issues ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP official Opposition caucus has raised issues on behalf of Yukoners that show a widespread desire for change in Yukon as the territory heads into an election year.
- We hope the government will embrace this special day Yukon First Nations cultural recognition and reconciliation were granted a hopeful step forward on Dec. 9 with the passage of my motion to recognize National Aboriginal Day,
- A busy fall legislative sitting comes to its close ( Comment ) The fall sitting of the Yukon Legislative Assembly came to a close on Tuesday.
- A fracking sell-out by MLAs and NGOs ( Comment ) They claim the Yukon government (YG) does not follow its own adopted 21 frack while talk recommendations of the legislature’s select committee report, signed by all parties and lobbied for by the NGOs, and in deed fully complied with by YG in all its oil and gas measures.
- We can’t afford to let this special moment slip away ( Comment ) Now that we’ve caught our breath from the seemingly endless election campaign,
- Carbon pricing blames ordinary people with little say ( Comment ) This is a rebuttal to Sally Wright’s letter (Star, Dec. 21).
- Looking ahead to 2016 with optimism ( Comment ) As Yukoners reflect on the year that was,
- Old-timers renew hostilities following holiday break 2016 kicked off with a bang for the Whitehorse Rapids old-timer soccer league.
- Prime minister’s pledge holds great promise Ed. note: Carcross/Tagish First Nation Khà Shâde Héni (Chief) Danny Cresswell has released this statement regarding Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s recently announced plan to renew the federal government’s relationship with First Nations.
- The children’s tears mingle with our tears ( Comment ) In the build-up to the Paris climate conference, I thought about my father, who was a writer, an early peace activist here in Canada, and a disciple and devotee of Rachel Carson of Silent Spring fame.
- Oil-fired appliance rules help keep Yukoners safe ( Comment ) Here in the North, many of us use wood stoves or oil furnaces to heat our homes.
- Khalik quietly vying for old-timer Golden Boot award There is a new challenger for the old-timer soccer golden boot award.
Training Begins Members of Team Ts’alvit work on their paddling technique at the Whitehorse pool, Thursday.
- Stay warm and eat right for each season Winter is here, and that can be a tough pill to swallow for some folks.
Unveiling a warm, modern space for Yukon students ( Comment ) Just before the holidays, former and current students gathered at the old F.H. Collins Secondary School building.
- I challenge Doug Graham to reinstate YuWIN’s money ( Comment ) On the heels of the Yukon Party government’s decision to defund the popular YuWIN job board in favour of a federal job website (Star, Jan. 19), the Yukon NDP is calling for a review of the important local online employment listing’s funding.
- We’re investing in science and knowledge Supporting Yukon’s science, technology and research sectors is more important than ever before.
- Lacking leadership on energy and climate policy ( Comment ) Liz Hanson’s letter in the Jan. 11 Star about her participation in a popular program of the German Foreign Office,
- Title up for grabs as old-timer league winds down The old-timer soccer league title remains up for grabs after Yukon Brewing blew the chance to win the league outright, Saturday morning.
- Lacking leadership on energy and climate policy ( Comment ) Part one of this two-part commentary, published Wednesday, rebutted NDP Leader Liz Hanson’s conclusions from her participation in the Climate and Energy Policy in Germany – Study Tour, where she had skipped the policy part.
- Planning for the future, taking action now ( Comment ) Mining has been a cornerstone of Yukon’s economy and part of our culture for more than a century.
- Our aims are respite, care and peace of mind Last week was a milestone for Yukon seniors and their families, as your government unveiled its plans for the Whistle Bend continuing care facility (Star, Jan. 29).
- Race fans crowd in to meet mushers Dog mushing fans both young and old showed up in droves for the Yukon Quest’s Meet the Mushers event Wednesday night.
Yukon Quest start order set after bib draw She was the last to be born, but the youngest musher in the 2016 Yukon Quest will start first after drawing bib No. 1 at the pre-race banquet on Thursday evening.
- Crowded Yukon Quest 300 field filled with rookies A rookie-rich Yukon Quest 300 field departed Fairbanks a few hours behind their peers in the 1,000-mile edition Saturday.
Teams go up and over Eagle Summit on day two Teams competing in the 2016 Yukon Quest trickled, then streamed, into this tiny Interior town midday Sunday after the race’s first 142 miles.
Large crowd watched Quest teams hit the trail Twenty-three mushers and more than 300 sled dogs are off and running in the 2016 Yukon Quest International Sled Dog Race.
Roaring onto Yukon River, Sass retakes lead Defending Yukon Quest champ Brent Sass of Eureka, Alaska, blew through this checkpoint about a quarter of the way through the race early today, retaking the lead in a game of leapfrog so far for the frontrunners.
Sass leads Quest by two hours into Eagle The front pack of Yukon Quest mushers pulled into town early this morning led by defending champ Brent Sass, who arrived at 4:28 a.m. under a faint green aurora.
- Yukon Brewing, KBS will clash in finals It was a clash of the titans in the first round of the old-timer soccer playoffs Saturday where two very physical teams traded blows until only one team remained.
Film crew following Japanese Quest veteran They’re more than 3,600 miles from home, but it’s the 1,000 miles of the Yukon Quest that promise to be the toughest for a Japanese film crew shooting a documentary about the race.
Hall mushes home to open arms, warm welcome Hometown hero Matt Hall’s arrival here Tuesday morning behind a trotting team of perky sled dogs marked a return for the young Yukon Quest musher to where he learned to run dogs not long after he learned to walk.
Honouring and preserving our heritage and culture ( Comment ) This past week, I was pleased to make two announcements in support of Yukon heritage and culture.
Youngest Quest musher is upbeat on the trail Despite some bruises in her rookie run so far in the 2016 Yukon Quest, 19-year-old Laura Neese had a bounce in her step and a smile on her face after bedding down her dogs here Wednesday morning.
We all have a role in ending the crisis of violence ( Comment ) Last week,
- All Yukoners will suffer from YESAB’s inadequacies ( Comment ) Ed. note: this commentary was submitted by the Yukon Chamber of Mines.
- A new Biomass Energy Strategy for Yukon ( Comment ) Yukon has a long history of using wood as a source of energy.
- Alberta carbon price plan ambushes clean energy ( Comment ) Blacked out is renewable energy source legislation from Denmark to Texas to China that have become legend for reducing emissions and leveraging employment.
- Climate change pact accommodates Yukon interests ( Comment ) This week’s first ministers’ meeting in Vancouver resulted in a declaration from all leaders that is a big win for all northerners and Canadians.
A Warm-Weather Stroll A rural red fox walks the edge of the forest
- NDP brings in Bill McKibben and bad climate advice It seems out of touch with the still carbon price confused energy and climate conversation in Yukon where, e.g. an S. David Freeman,
Science and the uncertainty of recovery ( Comment ) Amidst the muted rumblings of market recovery, with commodities rising marginally and a barrel of oil touching $40 again, new shoots of emergent vegetation in the territory herald an impending spring.
- For Yukoners, a challenge is an opportunity ( Comment ) As Premier Darrell Pasloski noted in this space just three weeks ago, mining has been a cornerstone of Yukon’s economy and an important part of our culture for more than a century.
Mining alliance, government are an effective team ( Comment ) The Yukon made its presence known at last week’s Prospectors and Developers Association (PDAC) gathering in Toronto.
Klondike curlers go out in style The Dawson City Curling Club hosted the fourth annual Akio Saito Cup on Saturday to decide the league champions.
- Supporting sport and recreation in our territory ( Comment ) Year after year, Yukon’s young athletes continue to impress me with their skill, dedication to sport and sense of fair play.
- An internal bank manual for the Carbon Pricing Club ( Comment ) The club image as a signal for special finance interests looks cynical, but the honesty of it is a refreshing contrast to the World Bank’s generally false advertising of fighting poverty with free trade and the climate crisis with carbon pricing.
- Sharing the details of a truly explosive plot In an obvious nod to the Watergate era, a “deep” source within the Canadian Security Establishment identifying himself only by the code name “Cunning Linguist” met with me in a hidden dark corner of a famous Canadian institution recently.
- Growing Yukon’s information technology sector ( Comment ) Last October, the Yukon government announced it would increase its information technology (IT) capital spending by $2 million in the upcoming 2016/17 budget.
Exploring our rich First Nations culture When I walk downtown Whitehorse, I see many aboriginal people hanging around doing what appears to be nothing.
- Building on a poor record of managing capital projects The goal of the 2016-17 budget is to try to buy Yukoners’ hearts and minds with their own money.
- The Northern Way – a budget built for Yukoners ( Comment ) Yesterday, I was proud to stand up on behalf of our entire caucus and all Yukoners to table our 2016/17 budget.
Macdonald, Fru lead green squad to soccer glory The Yukon Brewing Co-ed Soccer Tournament brought together the best talent the territory has to offer last weekend.
- Fitness and art tax credits support healthy families ( Comment ) The federal government recently announced it is cutting back both the children’s fitness and arts tax credits to 50 per cent for 2016, and eliminating them completely in 2017.
- Making land available to Yukoners is a priority ( Comment ) A key component of the Yukon Party’s 2011 platform, part of our vision for achieving a better quality of life, is providing land for Yukoners.
Five LEAP Manifesto touch-ups to unite Canada ( Comment ) Following compelling statements, on page five, carbon pricing as “a progressive carbon tax” lets down climate survival, forgetting oil and gas expansion is driven through the carbon price frame.
- Five LEAP Manifesto touch ups to unite Canada ( Comment ) Part one of this two-part commentary, published Wednesday, looked at why the carbon price needs to come out of the manifesto.
- Education is the best path to a bright future ( Comment ) In our 2011 platform document Moving Forward Together, o
Guidance from a river rescue professional Ed. note: this is the first of a series of articles on river safety to be published over the next few weeks.
- Remembering remarkable Yukon women in mining ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the first part of a three-part mini-series timed for Yukon Mining and Geology Week. The writers are with Yukon Women in Mining.
A Clean Burn A pile of used, untreated timber ties owned by the White Pass and Yukon Route burned Wednesday evening in Carcross.
- Like your smart phone? Then thank a miner! ( Comment ) Our government was very pleased to pay tribute to Yukon Mining and Geology Week yesterday in the legislative assembly.
- Remembering remarkable Yukon women in mining ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the second part of a three-part mini-series timed for Yukon Mining and Geology Week. The writers are with Yukon Women in Mining (YukonWIM ).
- I ask Yukon libraries to free the Internet ( Comment ) Limiting Internet access in Yukon public libraries restricts access to information for Yukon citizens who could otherwise benefit from Internet freedom.
Guidance from a river rescue professional Ed. note: this is the second of a series of articles on river safety to be published over the next few weeks. The first one appeared last Friday.
Remembering remarkable Yukon women in mining ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is the final part of a three-part mini-series observing Yukon Mining and Geology Week (last week). T
- Skagway helicopter pilot dies in crash Skagway is mourning the loss of pilot Christopher Maggio, 59,
- The mental health strategy lacks concrete outcomes ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP official Opposition is welcoming the Government of Yukon’s new mental wellness strategy.
Our city is prepared for major threats from fire In light of the recent situation in Fort McMurray,
- Caring for all Yukoners is one of our priorities ( Comment ) The past two weeks have been busy and exciting ones for me as Yukon’s minister of Health and Social Services.
- Please celebrate our nurses during Nursing Week This week, Yukoners join the world in recognizing nurses during Nursing Week,
Guidance from a river rescue professional Ed. note: this is the third part of a series of articles on river safety being published Fridays.
- Let’s talk about fueling the Yukon’s economy It’s time we had a conversation about how the Yukon’s economy and way of life are primarily fueled.
More money for campgrounds means more fun for all ( Comment ) Like many Yukoners, one of the reasons I love living in this territory is our incredible wilderness.
Guidance from a river rescue professional Guidance from a river rescue professional
New life for Watson Lake track It’s not only by taking a look at the before and after photos where one can see the change in Watson Lake.
- Looking back at a busy spring sitting ( Comment ) As the spring sitting of the Yukon Legislative Assembly came to a close yesterday,
- Oil and gas expansion’s crown jewel: carbon price How does it work?
- Climate survival equals renewable industry growth Part one of this two-part commentary, published Friday,
- Yukon workers can expect a busy summer ahead The summer months are a busy time for Yukon businesses and workers, and this year will be no different.
- IMF breaks rank with the free market agenda A highly unusual defector document from free trade religion with the title Neoliberalism: Oversold? was released by three of the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF’S) senior figures.
Guidance from a river rescue professional Ed. note: this is part of a series of articles on river safety being published Fridays.
How tea kindled a meaningful correspondence There’s something about a letter in the mail, the paper, the text, the scent, that conveys so much more than today’s digital correspondence.
Celebrating students and graduates across the Yukon As the minister of Education, and on behalf of my Yukon Party caucus colleagues,
- The bed shortage: a patient’s perspective ( Comment ) I would like to add my voice and share my perspective as a recent patient at Whitehorse General Hospital.
Working toward safe homes, safe communities ( Comment ) Our Yukon Party government is committed to ensuring all Yukoners feel safe and secure in their own homes and communities.
- Clintonomics created Trump; only Sanders can beat him ( Comment ) It is mathematical, after all.
- Canadians deserve better than this bill’s failures Ed. note: Yukon Senator Dan Lang made these remarks in the Red Chamber last Thursday.
Passing The Light Celebration Grade 6 students at Christ the King Elementary School
- We value the contributions of aboriginal peoples ( Comment ) Ed. note: Premier Darrell Pasloski issued the following statement Tuesday, National Aboriginal Day.
Securing safe water for the people of the Yukon ( Comment ) Our water, whether we use it for drinking or recreation, is a precious resource and one that we sometimes take for granted.
- TPP-Brexit sets back free trade and Clinton ( Comment ) A slap in the face for those who support Hillary Clinton instead of Bernie Sanders to beat Donald Trump, who superficially, similar to Sanders, is firmly against the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP).
- Fossil-fueling Yukon’s economy is a bad idea The Yukon Chamber of Commerce and Yukon government have embarked on aggressive yet friendly-seeming marketing campaigns promoting a Yukon oil and gas industry,
Celebration of poetry spurred more creativity With “Jump” as the theme of the annual Haiku Canada meeting,
‘Rolf stands as an iconic community member’ ( Comment ) Ed. note: Rich Thompson, chair of the Yukon Chamber of Commerce, made these remarks last month in presenting Whitehorse resident Rolf Hougen with a Lifetime Achievement Award.
- Let’s make Whitehorse a milestone for reform ( Comment ) Canada’s 13 provincial and territorial premiers will be talking about everything from internal trade to indigenous disparity when they meet July 20-22 in Whitehorse.
Pathfinders enjoy the adventure of a lifetime A group of nine Pathfinders,
B.C. talks stall CPP deal, but hopes remain high Prime Minister Justin Trudeau hoped to crash the annual premiers conference
- Solving our health care challenges – together ( Comment ) Increasing access to vital health services and improving care for Yukoners have always been priorities for our government.
Yukon wildlife and our way of life ( Comment ) Hunting and fishing are key aspects of the Yukon way of life,
Dawson exhibit plants The Seeds of Change An important multi-media exhibit, which is excellent in its message and quality, is on at the Dänojà Zho Cultural Centre until Sept.15.
- Skagway assemblyman jailed for not filing business taxes Skagway Assemblyman Dan Henry
- Trail-building program a remarkable success Creating a strong, diverse economy that creates jobs in our communities and helps to prepare our youth for those jobs are priorities of our government.
- Electoral and responsible gov’t. reforms since 1848 ( Comment ) The very first prime minister of Canada,
- Miners’ demands are evidence of outdated legislation ( Comment ) A recent application to the Yukon Surface Rights Board
We must create the world we owe our children ( Comment ) My grandparents lived at an interesting time.
- One Club Wonder turns 20, Wiggins wins trophy Jeff Wiggins was the victor in the 20th annual One Club Wonder golf tournament at the Mountain View Golf Club links on Sept. 17.
- Standing for Yukon by standing against a carbon tax ( Comment ) Here in Yukon, we feel the effects of climate change every day.
- Over 35s soccer back in session The new over 35s soccer season kicked off in style this weekend
- We’re proud to support this innovative mining centre ( Comment ) Providing Yukoners with the skills and training they need to find well-paying jobs here in the territory has long been a priority for our Yukon Party government.
- Fragmented words fracture the land ( Comment ) Is Premier Darrell Pasloski being duplicitous on a carbon tax? Nothing new there.
- Mamadou dissects the opposition Mamadou Togola
- For some, climate change is a political football ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP is ready to make Yukon a partner in securing a better future.
- Looking ahead to a bright Yukon future ( Comment ) As I wrap up my first term as premier of this remarkable territory,
Yukon mining: where we’re at in 2016 Ed. note: the first part of this two-part submission was published last Friday.
- Yukoners Concerned is trapped in 21 recommendations ( Comment ) Almost two years from the release of the legislature’s fracking committee’s report,
In For Another Run Japanese race veteran Yuka Honda,
Strange days, starry nights: my Yukon winter writing The morning I arrived in Dawson City to begin an artist-in-residence program,
- Carbon pricing is counterproductive to climate/energy realities Conventional oil production,
- Electric mail delivery fleet lowers energy costs, gases A long overdue initiative for electric road transportation is here,
- Mines chamber distributes campaign questionnaire ( Comment ) Ed. note: this commentary was submitted by the Yukon Chamber of Mines.
- Some still buy into fracking PR tricks ( Comment ) Gordon Gilgan failed to keep conventional stimulation fracking apart from late edition brute force area fracking of shales and other low permeable rock formations.
- Carbon tax commands no GST like compliance Nobody asks for a carbon tax from renewable energy drivers Denmark or Germany, where carbon pricing is a joke, so they would live up to Paris and previous climate agreements.
- Over 35’s soccer round-up Guest player Dave Black
- Over 35s Soccer Round-Up What runs all day but never gets tired? No it’s not a river, it’s Travis Schommer.
The life lessons of coming up seven votes short ( Comment ) I’ve always admired Audrey McLaughlin.
Inaugural Victors Patrick Gardiner, left, and Terry Creamer
- Latest pot shop request is denied in Skagway Skagway won’t be getting a second pot shop anytime soon.
Yukon poets contribute to circumpolar anthology Yukon poets contribute to circumpolar anthology
- What does the NDP and its leader stand for? ( Comment ) The first part of this three-part commentary was published last Friday. The final part will appear next Friday.
The Trump family: from Whitehorse to the White House The world was astonished by Donald Trump’s rise to presidential glory.
- Over 35 soccer report Eric Murphy hit the jackpot
- What do the NDP and its leader stand for? Searching the record,
- Grace and dignity give way to a bullying buffoon ( Comment ) Grace and dignity give way to a bullying buffoon ( Comment )
- Like it or not, we are at war today ( Comment ) Just over a year ago, my uncle, sound engineer Eric Tomlinson, died.
- Governor scraps concept of road route to Juneau The Northern Lynn Canal corridor will not see a road to Juneau anytime soon – at least not under the Walker-Mallott administration.
Jerome Stueart: a Yukon-made writer All 60 people at last month’s launch of Angels of Our Better Beasts,
- Over 35 soccer round up Jim Connell has been out of action for 2 ½ months due to injury,
Speed Skating Photo spread
Bakery loyalists break bread with new owners Some decisions in life are constant, while others are like taking a leap of faith.
- High-scoring game starts off weekend over 35 soccer action Larry White, Klondike Business Solutions star player,
- Yukon Brewing takes over league lead In over 35’s soccer action, the early game saw a crunching match between Tony’s Pizza and Yukon Brewing.
- We need a debate on deploying to UN missions ( Comment ) In the coming weeks, the government will be making a decision on the deployment of members of the Canadian military to a UN mission, most likely in Africa.
- Liberals should speak to Ottawa about the refugee rules The Yukon NDP caucus is calling on the Yukon Liberal government
- America needs to ‘abort’ this mission now ( Comment ) NASA scientists and engineers were distraught in the lead-up to the Challenger explosion in January 1986.
- PM’s broken vow: outrage, disgust, disappointment ( Comment ) Ed. note: this commentary was submitted by Fair Vote Canada.
Putting the Quest and the Arctic Ultra in the shade Hauling your survival gear from Dawson City to Tuktoyaktuk and back again on foot
First marijuana retailer buds in Skagway The Remedy Shoppe, Skagway’s first marijuana retail store and the first to receive a licence in Alaska,
- Brew maintaining pace to win league’s regular season Pepsi, who have been at the basement of the Men’s 35 and Over Soccer league most of the season,
- It has been an extraordinarily bad year for dog lice This is a collaborated article from my business, Camp K9 Pet Daycare, and the All Paws Veterinary Clinic in Whitehorse.
First Quest teams arrive in Eagle The first Yukon Quest dog teams have arrived at Eagle, the first checkpoint in Alaska.
- Pepsi breezes to league title in over-35 soccer with one game remaining Scott Wood, a veteran of many over-35 seasons,
This cook dishes it up for fussy Yukon Quest musher appetites Joe Hardenbrook transformed from cook to maitre’d
- Concern for dogs sees 2015 champ Sass scratch in Central 2015 Yukon Quest champion Brent Sass of Eureka, Alaska,
Musher Hall grabs Quest lead into Circle The Yukon Quest has a new leader,
- Seeking young women leaders in the Yukon Ed. note: this item was submitted by Grace Lore of Vancouver-based Equal Voice,
Alaskan Hall prevails in Yukon Quest This year’s running of the Yukon Quest finished this afternoon.
Eagle Summit living up to notorious reputation Hugh Neff’s dogs turned around on him twice Monday afternoon during the climb up Eagle Summit,
Well-wishers, special rose greet Quest victor Two Rivers, Alaska musher Matt Hall won the 2017 Yukon Quest Tuesday,
Winds block final teams from summit High winds have bottlenecked the final six mushers in the Yukon Quest on the far side of Eagle Summit.
Batch of dog teams cross Quest finish line Wednesday was a busy day at the Yukon Quest finish line in downtown Fairbanks.
- In 2017, it’s Dr. Strangelove all over again ( Comment ) One of my favourite films of all time is Stanley Kubrick’s masterpiece Dr. Strangelove (or How I Learned To Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb).
For rookie musher, Quest is tough but worth it It was warm and calm Thursday
- Musher’s wrong turn proved costly A Yukon Quest musher appears to have made a costly wrong turn with fewer than 20 miles left in the 1,000-mile race.
- A proposition for the placer mining industry ( Comment ) The placer mining industry is a traditional and legendary business for the Yukon.
2017 Yukon Quest concludes with awards Out on Yukon Quest trail, the experience of the dog team and the musher typically determines the winners.
Quest trail hosted more than dogs, mushers Dog teams weren’t alone in running the Yukon Quest trail this month.
- Murphy repeats as golden boot trophy winner In the final round of games in the over-35’s soccer league,
- Finals set for Over 35 playoffs Yukon Brewing carried on their quest to win the 'double' of league and playoff champions, with a hard-fought 5-3 victory over Pepsi.
Cyclist connects Quest and Iditarod trails Between the start of the Yukon Quest and start of the Iditarod,
The task of studying a moose starving with a full stomach “Rain” looks like a ghost moose.
Tony’s Pizza slice Yukon Brewing to take over 35’s title Tony’s Pizza won a thrilling match against Yukon Brewing 4-2
Whitehorse Rapids skaters prove their speed at RU Fast meet in Calgary Seven skaters from the Whitehorse Rapids Speed Skating Club travelled to the Olympic Oval in Calgary for the RU Fast meet last weekend.
Tuesday Night Thunder wins ‘A’ division at local Oldtimers hockey tourney It was third time lucky for the Tuesday Night Thunder (TNT) team
Yukon squad fares well at Lower Mainland soccer tournament The Whitehorse FC U11 boys’ soccer team
- Conservation society mollycoddles fracked LNG ( Comment ) During the March 3 Midday Café interview with Leonard Linklater, Anne Middler, the senior energy analyst for the Yukon Conservation Society (YCS),
- Yukon Conservation Society mollycoddles fracked LNG ( Comment ) Ed. note: the first part of this two-part commentary was published Friday.
Whiskered Visitors After a fruitless attempt at chasing a marten in the Teslin area,
- History is the river all of us will descend ( Comment ) On a sunny autumn afternoon,
Polish athlete completes highly personal Quest Michal Kielbasinski is not only the first person to walk from Whitehorse to Fairbanks on the Yukon Quest trail,
- Liberals see Yukon as an afterthought Stacey Hassard,
Buckwheats Convene Skiers begin the 50-km race last Saturday
Adventurer savours last chance to trudge ice road In an era where paraplegic ascents of sheer granite faces in Yosemite are successfully undertaken,
Canyon City Hockey League’s Sundogs hoist championship trophy The Sun Life Sundogs were atop the regular season Canyon City Hockey League standings heading into the playoffs.
- What would aliens make of U.S. president? ( Comment ) The Hiroshima atomic bomb, named Little Boy, was 15 kilotons (a kiloton is 1,000 tons of TNT).
- The Yukon’s minimum wage is a poverty wage ( Comment ) I recently pressed the Community Services minister to take immediate action to increase the minimum wage,
- White Pass caboose slips rails during icy accident A White Pass and Yukon Route caboose recently came off the tracks in an incident near Slippery Rock.
‘I believe in the resiliency of the human spirit’ Jackie MacLaren left Iqaluit in 1984 and moved to the Yukon following completion of her BScN in 1986.
‘Every step of the way has been a gift’ Michael Bearden has worked in advanced practice nursing for most of his nursing career and has specialized in mental health and addictions.
Just Starting Life Baby foxes
- Liberals play blame game, try to stifle debate Last week,
Who Goes There? A herd of sea lions
Honouring the caribou with fun and respect Floes of candle ice glisten in the brilliant sunlight as they sail swiftly down the Porcupine River.
- Frost won’t pledge to help these kids or see their families On Monday,
Homebrewers celebrated their craft in Haines The 25th Annual Haines Craft Beer and Home Brew Festival homebrew competition was judged last Friday,
Mural festival to unite artists, youth, public Have you ever stopped to think what makes Whitehorse so unique and distinguished among many other cities?
- Premier remains lashed to a carbon tax Last week, after the federal government confirmed that the possibility of an exemption to the carbon tax for Yukon is still on the table,
- Liberals watching Yukoners struggle with a poverty wage ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP denounces the Liberal government’s decision to reject a review of Yukon’s minimum wage (Star, May 26).
- Yukoners shouldn’t be on the hook for wells The Yukon NDP is calling on the government to take action so the public isn’t left to pay for cleanup costs of oil and gas companies.
- Liberals feel no need to show accountability May 29, the Yukon Teachers’ Association (YTA) raised concerns regarding the minister of Education’s plans to cut the amount of educational assistants in schools.
- Premier produced little but hotel bills and photo ops After a week-long junket to Washington, D.C. (Star, June 6, 8),
Band society sounds the final note on 2016-17 All-City started the year with tones of new beginning band students at our annual Squeak & Squawk Night.
- Rural hospital patients deserve Internet access Last Monday in question period,
- The filthiest energy production method in history ( Comment ) Grouping LNG and “clean energy” is like grouping a pigpen and a waterfall.
- Our territory joined Confederation 119 years ago ( Comment ) Ed. note: Yukon Senator Dan Lang made these remarks Tuesday in the Red Chamber.
- ‘I am very proud of what we have accomplished’ The Government of Yukon concluded the spring sitting of the legislative assembly on Tuesday.
- Pare poverty before cutting corporate taxes ( Comment ) The Yukon NDP concluded the first sitting of the 34th legislature
- Government sees the light on census implications ( Comment ) It seems the premier is wrong about the value of an accurate population count.
- ‘I look forward to what we will achieve’ Premier Sandy Silver issued the following statement on the eve of National Aboriginal Day (Wednesday):
- ‘It has come time for me to move to another chapter’ ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is how Yukon Senator Dan Lang announced his resignation to the Red Chamber last Thursday.
- Break climate denial of carbon pricer – flat earther symbiosis Imagine Winston Churchill levying on NAZI trade, a 25 per cent sales tax during the Battle of Britain. The self-directing market, right?
Our beloved Yukon is vanishing Yukon ( Comment ) We’ve gone from cabins to condos in a very short time.
- A carbon tax would significantly harm our economy ( Comment ) This is the Yukon Party’s response to the technical paper on the pending carbon tax recently released by the federal government.
Music of the Land is both a beautiful and inspirational song The above lyrics are part of the refrain from the Music of the Land,
Remembering the bishop behind the Hippy School Remembering the bishop behind the Hippy SchoolEd. note: Anglican Bishop John T. Frame died last Friday in Courtenay, B.C. at the age 86 following a stroke.
Ramblings on the road to Dawson and Keno Ed. note: part two of this two-part travel feature will be published next Friday.
The digital megaphone for Yukon millennials “I’m a cast-off, but I’m proud of it . …”
Rockslide spreads debris, reroutes cruise ships A rockslide occurred at the north end of the railroad dock at approximately 3 a.m. Tuesday,
Tessier victorious in 21st annual one club wonder Blaine Tessier returned to what he seems to consider his rightful place
- The Rapids look forward to a bright future This weekend sees the start of the over 35’s soccer league at the Canada Games Centre.
I hold the city responsible for my plight ( Comment ) On Sept. 6,
- Minister Morneau should bring his consultations north ( Comment ) The Yukon Chamber of Commerce wants the opportunity for Yukon businesses to provide input on proposed new federal small business taxes changes.
- Your Yukon government has a spending problem ( Comment ) Discussions around gold royalty rates have been ongoing for much of my near-35 years in the placer mining industry,
- High Drama in over 35’s opener The 2017/18 over 35’s soccer season kicked off this weekend with two games,
A Yukon survey: your opinion matters ( Comment ) Jon Breen, a long-time Yukoner,
- Steele stacks up defensively and offensively Jason Steele was in sublime form Saturday for Klondike Business Solutions in over 35 soccer action,
PM’s tribalism opposes his father’s vision Like father, like son?
- Forest conservation requires tree scientists ( Comment ) I fully agree with the recent Star commentary by Dan Kraus
Wrapping Up The Season Lawrie Crawford (far left),
- Here’s to you, Mr. Robinson Ian Robinson
Honouring their memories through murals I always knew that a name is a tricky and delicate thing.
- Pulido’s yield too great Simon Pulido is like a vintage wine,
- Homelessness costs Canadians big money ( Comment ) For most of his life, Murray Barr was an ordinary American until everything changed abruptly
- ANWR’s future is important to you ( Comment ) The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) is wild and spectacular—and, get this: It belongs to all Americans. Including you.
- Elegant Woodhouse shows his prowess Goalkeeper Geoff 'the cat' Woodhouse
Canadian songwriter, guitarist to perform Sunday It’s been a hectic month for Glenn Chatten, a veteran Vancouver singer/songwriter/guitarist who this year has made Whitehorse his second home.
- Remembrance Day and the upcoming poppy campaign ( Comment ) I am writing this as an individual, not on behalf of the Whitehorse Legion.
- Five-star Ladroue leads Yukon Info JP Ladroue was in magnificent form for Yukon
Rayo too good for the Brew Not many players in the Whitehorse Rapids over 35 soccer league are as constantly as good as Guliano Rayo.
Iridesce: the Living Apology Project This past week, Whitehorse United Church opened its doors to “Iridesce: The Living Apology Project”.
Ham operators teach youth radio skills George Privett loves with the wizardry of radio.
An ancient story emerges with climate change It only takes a 21-minute helicopter ride from Whitehorse to go back in time.
Jim Brown’s lucky boots in Rapids action Winless Yukon Brewing needed something to change their luck in Whitehorse Rapids over-35 soccer action and they found it in Jim Brown’s lucky boots.
- It’s time to retire Canada’s AIDS epidemic Having turned 60 two months ago,
- Affordable home ownership has many benefits Wednesday was National Housing Day.
Coming to the Yukon is like coming home In 1986,
Rotary honours three Yukon communitarians The Whitehorse and Rendezvous Rotary Clubs
The Tracks Tell The Story Teslin had a late-season visit from a grizzly bear earlier this month,
Mutual Curiosity Otters in the Teslin River
A perennial search for a reason to return ( Comment ) When I joined the staff at Nedaa in Whitehorse in the mid-1980s, I was a dunderhead about First Nations history.
- Our government accomplished a great deal ( Comment ) Ed. note: Premier Sandy Silver and the Liberal cabinet released this statement Monday.
- Murphy uses his head Eric Murphy scored what turned out to be the winning goal
A victory for First Nations, environmental groups ( Comment ) Ed. note: Several Yukon First Nations and environmental groups released this statement Friday from Ottawa.
- McCullough’s brace decides the game James McCullough, a long-time veteran of Whitehose Rapids over 35’s soccer,
We can now sponsor another refugee family ( Comment ) Ed. note: this submission is from Whitehorse-based Yukon Cares.
- Liberals should trade deflections for answers Ed. note: this submission is from the Yukon Party.
- The Northwest Passage and Canada’s claim to the North ( Comment ) “The people of Canada today are being taxed to pay interest on millions of dollars of fictitious capital.”
- Yukoners can step up to this challenge One of the few public colleges still teaching the classical education system is the College of William and Mary in Virginia, chartered in 1693.
- Eighteen-goal thriller lights up Rapids soccer The highest-scoring game in Whitehorse Rapids over-35 soccer history
Crowd-Pleasing Performances Members of the All-City Band Society held their annual Music For a Winter’s Eve concerts earlier this month.
- Rapids soccer delivers classics in holiday season As families gathered for the holiday season and many sports took a pause,
- The government must revisit these proposed fees ( Comment ) TechYukon’s Designated Materials Regulation (DMR) subcommittee attended Wednesday evening’s round table alongside representatives from several Yukon technology and retail businesses.
- We have questions about the cannabis act Ed. note: this statement was released by the Yukon Party.
- Presentation of coast-to-coast trip disappointed ( Comment ) The legacy of Canada 150 was given stale,
- Potter’s magic evens tie in Rapids soccer were on a hiding to nothing when they lined up against Tony’s Pizza,
- Being policed by transient officers has drawbacks ( Comment ) Whitehorse resident Christian Torbik writes:
Keeping The Arteries In Shape Highways crews have been out in full force around the territory,
- Korn’s return not enough for Yukon Info Jürgen Korn returned to the Whitehorse Rapids Over-35 soccer league on Saturday
‘Her legacy and influence in Yukon will continue for generations to come’ Ed. note: on Thursday, Premier Sandy Silver released the following statement on Tuesday’s death of Doris McLean (Star, Jan. 24):
- Electoral reform: examining first past the post ( Comment ) Shortly after the 2011 election in the Yukon,
- Pepsi secures Rapids regular-season title Pepsi has won the Whitehorse Rapids Over-35 soccer league title with three rounds of games still to be played, as they beat Yukon Brewing in a very competitive 2-1 game on Saturday morning.
Mushers pummelled by Rosebud, Eagle Summits It was the biggest one-two punch the teams will face during the 35th running of the Yukon Quest 1,000 Mile International Sled Dog Race.
- Harsh trail takes toll on teams; several scratch Every year, sled dog teams enter to compete in the Yukon Quest.
Hundreds turned out to watch frigid Quest start Rookie Tim Pappas led the pack as 26 mushers and 364 dogs began the 35th running of the Yukon Quest 1,000 Mile International Sled Dog Race on Saturday behind the Morris Thompson Cultural and Visitors Center in downtown Fairbanks.
Musher relishes YQ300 win; four drop out of Yukon Quest CIRCLE — It had to have been the beaver hat.
Long haul to Eagle poses new challenges Each day is harder than the previous for the mushers, dogs and team handlers brave enough to take on the challenge of the Yukon Quest 1,000 Mile International Sled Dog Race.
Paw care top priority for Quest mushers Running a team of sled dogs can be a daunting undertaking for any musher.
Quest champ gets hometown welcome in Eagle Throughout the day, the people of Eagle were waiting for their hometown hero to return.
- Basement battle ends in tie The game between Yukon Brewing and Yukon ended with honours even as they both tried to avoid the ignominy of finishing bottom of the league.
- Memories of the days when I could cancan ( Comment ) When I showed my 15-year-old son a 35-year-old photograph of myself as a Yukon Sourdough Rendezvous cancan dancer, he gave me a curious look and said, “Was that OK to be lifting your dress up like that?”
Even for top mushers, dogs carry the load Mushers may be considered the face of their teams, but the dogs will always be the heart, soul and driving force.
- Florkiewicz comes to the soccer party Rob Florkiewicz has had many memorable games in the Whitehorse Rapids Over-35 soccer league,
- Electoral reform: the two-round electoral system ( Comment ) The Yukon government is forming a non-partisan commission to study electoral reform in the Yukon.
- Penalty drama ends Yukon Info’s dream In Whitehorse Rapids Over-35 soccer semifinal playoffs,
Portraying a beloved pillar of grace and courage In the fall of 1995, Sarah Steele travelled to Vancouver to receive radiation treatment on her hip.
Ice cool Maratos, the penalty hero for Pepsi The final of the Whitehorse Rapids Over-35 soccer season went all the way to penalties
- Electoral reform: the alternative voting system ( Comment ) The Yukon government is forming a non-partisan commission to study electoral reform in the Yukon.
- Hockey Night in the Yukon: lessons for all To travel with the NHL Indigenous Alumni Hockey Team to the Yukon earlier this month
- These proposals are punitive and wrong ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is a submission from Seniors Action Yukon.
- Forestry, fish and wildlife should be together ( Comment ) If the future of our forests, a “natural resource”, means anything to you … have your say!
- This minister contradicts press releases, colleagues The official Opposition is asking the Yukon Liberals to explain contradictory statements about the status of the Procurement Advisory Panel recommendations.
Penalties decide Rapids tourney After 21 hard-fought games across the weekend,
- We stand up for lawful firearm owners in Yukon This week,
- Liberals’ $26-million bill is unclear When it comes to details on the $26-million carbon tax scheme, there are still more questions than answers.
The CANOL Project and the atomic bomb Pipe and equipment were brought up by a laborious route for the CANOL Project.
A happy coincidence after 14,000 miles alone As Sir Noel Coward so appositely put it, only “mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the mid-day sun.”
‘Family is the fabric of our society’ ( Comment ) Ed. note: Commissioner Angélique Bernard gave this address,
- Regime change deal frames Iran with fiction nukes ( Comment ) Part one of my commentary, published Wednesday, shed light on the Orwellian content of the Iran nuclear deal and the language it projects,
- Mixed member proportional representation ( Comment ) The Yukon government is forming a non-partisan commission to study electoral reform in the Yukon.
Youngest competitor wins big national shooting championship A 12-year-old Junior Canadian Ranger is the surprise winner of the recent 2018 Junior Ranger National Marksmanship Championship.
Weeds, weeds, weeds We get them, and unfortunately there is no product available to take care of just weeds, except elbow grease,
- No one injured in Skagway slide A large rock struck the safety fence above the railroad dock last Wednesday morning, but officials believe no one was injured.
- Premier dished up curiously creative fare On Wednesday, at a $100/plate private event in Toronto –
Road stressful to moose family I was driving into town last Saturday at around 10:50 a.m.,
Reward for missing dog boosted to $5,000 It will be four weeks tomorrow since little Joey ran away from his dog sitter in Riverdale, and frantic owner Sarah Steinberg is desperate to have him home.
Circus Visits Teslin Members of a travelling circus showed their stuff
- Electoral reform: preferential ridings proportional ( Comment ) The Yukon government is forming a non-partisan commission to study electoral reform in the Yukon.
- Brace for flimsy redundancy, bloated bureaucracies Re. the Yukon government fiber-optic project (Star, June 22, 27).
- ‘The North is at the heart of our identity’ Prime Minister Justin Trudeau issued the following statement on Nunavut Day (Monday):
Global warming pros and cons: an outsider’s view ( Comment ) Rachel Carson was one of the very first writers to draw attention to a potential global armageddon affecting planetary life,
- The White Rose and the age of Trump ( Comment ) This week marks the 75th anniversary of the death of Alexander Schmorell.
Order of St. Ann had an important presence (Comment) The accompanying photo, sent to me by Mimi (Schmidt) Scoretz of the last group of sisters of St. Ann to serve Dawson City,
- Extend Quartz Mining Act consultation Amid rising concerns from industry, the official Opposition is calling on the Yukon Liberal government to extend their consultation on proposed changes to the Quartz Mining Act to Nov. 30, 2018.
- If only Frost had listened from the start After over a year of lobbying from the official Opposition and chronic inaction from the minister of Environment,
- Electoral reform: the single transferable vote ( Comment ) The Yukon government is forming a non-partisan commission to study electoral reform in the Yukon.
- The importance of a safe workplace is paramount ( Comment ) The Yukon Chamber of Commerce (YCC) continues to advocate the importance of safe and healthy workplaces.
White Pass sale to joint venture finalized A casual glance may not reveal it, but something big has changed at Skagway’s waterfront.
This statesman will not be forgotten Ed. note: Yukon MP Larry Bagnell released this statement Monday.
- Energy ratepayers deserve a say in the future ( Comment ) Ed. note: this commentary was prepared by the Whitehorse-based Utilities Consumers’ Group.Attention: ratepayers of electricity.
Our air conceals a myriad volatiles Smog, the natural progeny of smoke and fog, a relative rarity in Whitehorse,
White’s team goes from zero to hero in opening tournament The annual Whitehorse Rapids over 35’s pre-season soccer tournament was won by Graham White’s Green team.
- Riexinger and luck help Pepsi to open their account Thomas Riexinger whom suffered a broken leg in the first game last year,
- The pledge to review medical travel has been weakened After committing to a review to improve the medical travel program last March, the Liberals have now watered down this commitment.
- O’Brien makes early claim for Golden Boot Yukon Brewing secured their first win of the season with a comprehensive 6-3 win over Driving Force in over 35’s soccer action.
A tale of two Peters: survival of the fattest Sitting in the lobby of the conference room during the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro,
- Liberals’ stance will disadvantage rural Yukon ( Comment ) Ed. note: this commentary was submitted by the official Opposition Yukon Party.
- The Liberals are coming for Yukoners’ guns ( Comment ) Last week, hot on the heels of the backdoor gun registry,
- Tirgar too hot for Yukon Info Mehrdad Tirgar hasn’t been part of the over 35’s soccer league for a number of years,
Yukoner hailed in Europe for ‘in-depth research’ (Comment) Two recent publications by William F. Drischler,
- Driving toward a review of school busing policies Ed. note: the official Opposition Yukon Party has submitted this statement.
- Shady dealing around the Cannabis Yukon store ( Comment ) The windows are actually shaded into complete darkness, save for bare light bulbs – in fairness, LED ones.
- Strange bedfellows make for strange dances ( Comment ) “Politics makes strange bedfellows” has got to be one of the oldest clichés in the political lexicon.
Canyon City Hockey League update Wednesday saw more Canyon City Hockey League action at the Canada Games Centre,
- Studying electoral reform: rural-urban split The Yukon government is forming a non-partisan commission to study electoral reform in the Yukon.
- Ending universality hurts more than it helps ( Comment ) What happens when you move from a universal benefit program for older adults to a more restrictive, income-tested program?
- Murphy returns to form in men’s over 35 soccer Eric Murphy the hot shot striker has been struggling to recreate the form that took him to two golden boot awards,
- Celebrating ‘rich history, vibrant culture’ Ed. note: Yukon MP Larry Bagnell made these remarks in the House of Commons last week,
- EDI nets their first win of the season Checking in on the past weeks action in the Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League.
- Pepsi falls at last in over 35’s soccer Pepsi’s unbeaten run came to a crashing end in over 35’s soccer on Saturday
- The past week in Oldtimers hockey Tim Hortons got back to a .500 record
- McCullough finishes off Pepsi Utility player James McCullough started the game between the sticks for Klondike Business Solutions, but ended it by scoring a stunning goal to help his team to a 5-2 win over Pepsi in over 35 soccer action, on Saturday.
Remembrance, resilience and recovery ( Comment ) Owen scripted his “anthem” from the Edinburgh hospital in 1917, where he was receiving treatment for shell shock.
- Liberals have missed a major Gateway deadline ( Comment ) Ed. note: the official Opposition Yukon Party has submitted this item.
- Legislators discussed some major issues ( Comment ) Legislators from the Pacific Northwest states and western Canadian provinces and territories met in Whitehorse last week for the Pacific NorthWest Economic Region’s (PNWER) Economic Leadership Forum.
- The past week in the Canyon City Hockey League The weekend has come and gone, so it’s time to catch up on the happenings in the CCHL from the past week before this week’s action unfolds.
- Fearon’s speed accelerates Yukon Brewing to win The over 35’s soccer league contined on Saturday at the Canada Games Centre.
- The past week in the Oldtimers Hockey League In this week's Oldtimer action:
- Macdonald and Khalik lead Pepsi’s great escape If you want drama, intrigue and a great finale, the Canada Games Centre is the place to be on a Saturday morning.
The ‘Yukonsen’ economy – hot springs eternal (Comment) Picture the scene: a dusty and dimly-lit office within the cloistered ivory towers of a reputable redbrick university.
- Skagway bridge’s completion is moved to 2019 The replacement for the William Henry Moore Bridge near Skagway has been delayed until the fall of 2019, according to the Alaska Department of Transportation (AKDOT).
- Distortion, disrespect won’t generate solutions ( Comment ) **Ed. note: this submission was prepared by the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations.**
- The past Saturday action in men’s over 35 soccer Hats off for O’Brien
Sunday's action in Oldtimer's hockey Yukon Inn 7 Kilrich 6
- Electoral reform: resisting the darkness ( Comment ) The Yukon government is forming a non-partisan commission to study electoral reform in the Yukon.
- No-plastics challenge was educational Members of the Whitehorse United Church took on a four-week challenge to eliminate single-use plastics from mid-October to mid-November.
- Scores from the Oldtimers hockey league On Sunday:
- The past weekend in over 35 soccer Oscar Rodriguez was acquired in the late season draft,
The past week in Oldtimers hockey League statisticians scoured the archives but could find no record of Gary Vantell ever scoring a hat trick in all his storied years in the Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League.
- Over 35’s soccer Yukon were short a couple of players and picked up Phil Jackson from the sub list, this proved to be an inspired pick as he scored two magnificent goals as he helped his team to a 3-3 tie against Pepsi in over 35’s soccer.
Neologisms, nomophobes and narcisticks When he wasn’t leading her through the Looking Glass,
The weekly roundup, over 35 soccer Graham White had a memorable morning in over 35’s soccer action,
- Oldtimers hockey update John Pereira scored the game winner
- Forget the human rights. Show us the money ( Comment ) On Aug. 23, 2018, the Canadian Parliament revoked the honourary citizenship of Myanmar’s prime minster, Aung San Suu Kyi.
Down Memory Lane: the Dowell School It was the best of times, it was the worst of times – it was Whitehorse.
- Oldtimers action Mike Gau scored with 28 seconds left to propel Air North to a 5-4 win over Medicine Chest
- Oldtimers hockey action Mike Gau scored on a penalty shot with 1:22 left in the game
- Over 35 soccer Jim Brown’s legendary diet should be made into a book, movie and lecture tour, because his performances since he started his program have been nothing short of remarkable.
Species at risk – ennobled and endangered (Comment) Sir Edwin Landseer’s Monarch of the Glen is a classic oil-on-canvas depiction of a monumental “royal” or 12-point stag, standing proud within the Scottish Highlands.
- Oldtimers action Mike ‘Grizz’ Menzies rifled home a perfect pass from Mike Blower
- Scandal is shocking – even by B.C. standards ( Comment ) Could there be anything more deliciously ironic than what lies at the centre of B.C.’s latest political scandal – a wood splitter?
- Over-35 soccer Iain Breckenridge was Klondike Business Solution’s hero on Saturday.
Upset musher says Quest forced her out EAGLE – Rookie Olivia Webster scratched from the Yukon Quest last Thursday night in Dawson City.
Brent Sass holds strong lead It looks like Brent Sass will be the 2019 Yukon Quest 1,000-Mile International Sled Dog Race champion.
Sass may be a force for years to come Moments after he walked onto the stage,
- Has the beaming Trudeau lost sight of the sun? ( Comment ) Are those dark clouds gathering over the head of Mr. “Sunny Ways,” otherwise known as Prime Minister Justin Trudeau?
- Aspiration killed dog, necropsy shows A five-year-old male dog on the Yukon Quest team of Misha Wiljes died late Monday night from aspiration, race officials said Tuesday.
Middle-of-the-packers have differing mindsets There can only be one champion.
Back-of-the-packers mushers near the finish line The Yukon Quest Rookie of the Year award is headed back to Kaktovik, Alaska.
- Over 35 soccer update James Wigmore is one of the most charismatic in the over 35 soccer league.
Checkpoint stands on guard for the back of the pack Wes Brightman figured the last Yukon Quest teams would make their way through the final checkpoint outside Fairbanks by the end of Thursday,
Laughter reigned as Quest held awards banquet The latest chapter of the Yukon Quest 1,000-Mile International Sled Dog Race came to a close last Saturday evening.
- Oldtimers update .
Hindsight, of course, is always 20-20 “I am a man more sinned against than sinning” marked the point at which Shakespeare chronicled King Lear’s gradual descent into madness.
- Oldtimers update Gary Jerome scored a hat trick under pressure
- Canadians grab three medals at Para Nordic Ski Championships In a press release from Cross Country Canada.
Artificial intelligence: a fridge too far ( Comment ) “Welcome to The Machine,” exhorted Pink Floyd in the mid-’70s, long before the Internet could personally extend the invitation.
Climate change is the only constant Put two Italians together and they will talk of love.
- Klondike Kondomania bites the dust April may be the cruellest of months, as readers of TS Eliot will likely know.
- Over 35 soccer update Cheeseman leads from the front
- Oldtimer hockey round-up Ben Kielb didn’t miss a beat
- Trudeau, Butts are preoccupied with politics ( Comment ) Who would sacrifice 9,000 Canadian jobs for the sake of keeping her own job?
- Acronymphomania – brevity is the soul of wit My old biology teacher was always keen to abbreviate.
- The weekly roundup, over 35 soccer In the early game on Saturday morning,
- Aging with indignity, turning the volume up to 11 Famously etched into the headstone of comedian Spike Milligan is the epitaph “I told you I was ill.” He simply had to have the last laugh.
- The federal budget helps build the Yukon ( Comment ) We are pleased to see investments in education, infrastructure, and renewable energy and a commitment to advancing economic reconciliation reflected in the Government of Canada’s 2019-20 budget.
- The weekly roundup, over 35 soccer Parking spots and front row seats were a hot commodity last Saturday morning as the hockey tournament shared top billing with the Rapids Over-35’s soccer pantheon.
- No to a carbon-tax, Ms. May and Mr. Singh! ( Comment ) Ed. note: this is an open letter to Green Party Leader Elizabeth May and federal NDP Leader Jagmeet Singh.
- Team effort takes Yukon Info to victory A massive team performance for the Orangeman took them past Klondike Business Solutions in a 6-3 win in the penultimate game in the over 35’s soccer league.
Biomimicry – the sincerest form of flattery Biomimicry – the sincerest form of flattery
Over 35s soccer regular season ends, playoffs begin Yukon Brewing may have taken the league title but they hit the ground with a bump on Saturday,
- Oldtimers playoff action Medicine Chest and Tim Hortons stayed alive in Whitehorse Oldtimers playoff hockey action Wednesday night at the Canada Games Centre, but EDI and Yukon Inn had their seasons end.
Carbon sequestration: not even scratching the surface Relying on large-scale deployments of carbon-removal technologies is like eating lots of dessert today, with great hopes for liposuction tomorrow.
Music Yukon executive director settling into role Inside the Music Yukon office at the historic Smith House in LePage Park, Scott Maynard is looking to the future.
- Road safety is not a Liberal budget priority Ed. note: the official Opposition Yukon Party has submitted this item.
- A dog-gone tale that will never fade away ( Comment ) In ’95, I had a hard winter in Dawson City.
Every lodge has a character all of its own If you really want to live on the edge for a time, try operating a highway lodge in the Yukon.
Pot Latch – Yukon’s latest reality show We can never be sure if Wilde was under the influence of the many opium dens of Victorian London that he is said to have visited when he composed his essay on life’s realities.
Almost true tales of Yukon folklore ( Comment ) Did you ever have the feeling you were being watched ... you know,
- Liberals have left a million tourists on our doorstep Ed. note: the official Opposition Yukon Party has submitted this item.
Honouring the friendship of the Indigenous people ( Comment ) Grant Allan, the president of the Yukon Prospectors Association,
Everyone enjoyed a unique trip through the history of weddings On May 4, the Whitehorse United Church hosted “A Century of I Do” – a look at weddings with a historical lens, through actual wedding dresses from each decade.
Exploring the origins of Watson Lake (Comment) The lake was named after Frank Watson, a Yorkshire Englishman who started for the Klondike in early 1897 from Edmonton, Alberta.
When global warming hit the Yukon Two Whitehorse-based pilots flew a Great Northern Airways DC-3 loaded with construction supplies to Faro on Friday, June 13, 1969.
Al Kulan: a portrait of a prospector Al Kulan was an outstanding prospector whose unwavering optimism for the Yukon’s vast mineral potential was a great inspirational legacy to others.
Allan Downes left friends everywhere Al Downes (Dec. 17, 1928-Jan. 1, 2002) loved his family, dogs, old trucks and the Yukon.
Re-imagining zero waste concepts Way back in the prehistory of Californian political incorrectness, a feeble joke went the rounds, asking, “Why did Los Angeles end up with all the lawyers and San Francisco get all the gay people?”
Turning a failing grade into a teachable moment No…not school.
At 102, venerable Yukoner is still going strong Mary Merchant will turn 102 on June 18. She is likely the oldest person in the Yukon.
- Treason afoot: wielding a weaponized carbon tax Ed. note: this commentary is the second part of a three-part series.
- Treason afoot: wielding a weaponized carbon tax (Comment) Ed. note: this commentary is the final part of a three-part series.
Remembering years of gold specks and ulcers Sometimes an event, a person, or even a book, can change the entire course of our lives.
Endurance in the brutal North of the 1930s On Oct. 11, 1930, a prospector by the name of “Three Finger Bob” Martin chartered a single-engine Junkers aircraft at Atlin, B.C., just south of the Yukon border.
Endurance in the brutal North of the 1930s Part one, published Friday,
Regaling you about dry rice and road bumps This item was originally published in the longtime Yukon writer’s **Yukoner Magazine** in 1998. The Star is publishing some of its past works on Fridays.
- ‘Fly me to the moon’ is a big waste of money (Comment) “Mars can wait; oceans can’t.”
- The Sixty Mile Goldfields, with a British touch A few summers ago, I came out of the Sixtymile Goldfields here in the Yukon as broke as I could be.
- YG studying LGBTQ2S+ inclusion ideas The Yukon government hopes to narrow down ways to improve LGBTQ2S+ inclusion through its policies, services and practices by year’s end.
- Liberals spurn consultation over thermal generation facility Ed. note: the official Opposition Yukon Party released this statement Tuesday.
Charting the killing of Sheslay Free Mike On March 19, 1985, nine Mounties carrying M-16 rifles arrived in Teslin, Yukon Territory, dressed in bush clothes and camouflage suits.
Liberals’ record calls road funding into question (Comment) Ed note. the official Opposition Yukon Party has released this statement.
This historic building had big, big ears It was Sunday, May 1, 1960.
How aviation has been affected by flying robots (Comment) We have seen an eruption of drones or “remotely piloted aircraft systems” into the sky over the past four years,
Walking on water for Olympic glory “Standing up in a Hammock” .... Buddy Rich, 1968
- So much for an open, honest prime minister (Comment) Ed. note: Andrew Scheer, the leader of the official Opposition Conservative Party,
Beware the impending disaster of the Mahoneys In the late fall of 1899,
- YG should make medicine like medicare (Comment) Disney’s Mary Poppins used to sing that “a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down.”
- China and ‘Near-Arctic’: a long-lost opportunity (Comment) Much attention has been devoted to China’s Arctic ambitions.
Yukoner gaining valuable skills in Armed Forces I found Cpl. Bethany Savage in the back of her light support vehicle wheeled ambulance deep in the training area of Garrison Petawawa, Ont.,
The last journey of the SS Klondike In 1959, some directors of Parks Canada had a meeting in Ottawa at which they decided to preserve one of the Yukon sternwheelers.
- Nix the horror stories of user-fees, cost-shares (Comment) Seniors Action Yukon – or SAY – is an independent voice for older Yukoners (55+) committed to speaking out and/or opening dialogue about issues that affect the well-being of older Yukoners.
The day Jim Robb went to Army Beach My first job in the Yukon was for an electrical contractor.
- There are many ways to improve seniors’ health (Comment) The chief medical officer’s report – the section on seniors – contains many sound suggestions for improvements to the health care system (with the one exception of income-testing).
Electoral reform to electoral rebellion? (Comment) Come election day, all Green Party supporters and all NDP supporters in their riding need to vote for the one candidate on the ballot, of the two, who is leading the race between the two.
- Electoral reform to electoral rebellion? Part one of this two-part series, published Wednesday, shows how Canadians fight back with ecological strategic voting.
Speaker brought 3% Project to local students “What kind of future do we want?”
- Let’s create a friendlier society for older adults (Comment) Oct. 1 is the International Day of Older Persons. The theme is “Journey to Age Equality”.
- Murphy stars in 12-goal extravaganza In an explosive start to the over 35’s soccer season,
- Our Community as One The schools of Whitehorse are coming together on October 9th for the annual food drive,
- A matter of life-changing vs. life-ending ( Comment) The Green Party platform for the 2019 election, “Honest. Ethical. Caring. Leadership”, is extremely long (18,950 words).
- Oldtimers hockey round-up Nash brothers snuff Flames in Oldtimers hockey action
- A Driving Force: Murphy does it again Eric Murphy has started the season like a man possessed;
- Mental health for Yukoners is a vital concern (Comment) Ed. note: this article was submitted by the Canadian Mental Health Association – Yukon.
- Climate criminals: justice follows the money! (Comment) Jailing climate criminals will not be enough; the extinction rebellion will have to commandeer their bankster loot. Vote against the fossil-dinosaur establishment!
Reluctant hero Maratos gets three in over 35 soccer action In the early game,
- The Westmark goal machine rolls on Unbeaten Westmark eased to another win
- Oldtimers hockey action Chris Nash hammered home a hat trick to lead Kilrich past the Firth Rangers
- Around and around, aiming for characterhood I had a friend in Dawson City who passed away a couple of years ago.
- We shall remember; we must never forget The epics of the 20th century will have the history of the great wars.
- No I in team, as the Force wins It was a great team performance from Driving Force on Saturday as they took a comfortable 5-2 win from Klondike Business Solutions in over 35’s soccer action.
- Oldtimers hockey wrap-up Gary Jerome brought his own crowd (his kids) to his game Sunday night,
Memories of that intolerably coldest day The Yukon could be losing its reputation as North America’s deep freeze.
Escape at 17 from East Germany and communism Michael Brauer was born in Berlin in 1931, part of a large family.
- Ladroue’s clinical finishing hurts Driving Force JP Ladroue is a cultured man,
- Oldtimers hockey league action Peter Johnston banged in a bouncing puck
- A violent nation, skidding toward failure, irrelevance “In God we trust.”
- Memo to boomers: it’s not OK, in fact (Comment) The week of remembrance gives us pause to recall The Greatest Generation.
There’s life at the end of this old road Last month, I took a drive to Mayo, and from there, I drove 30 miles uphill along the gravel road to the old silver mine at Elsa.
- Oldtimers hockey action Darryl Cann showed no rust from a conditioning stint in the minors,
- Pepsi rises to the challenge In the early morning game of the amateur men’s over 35’s struggling Pepsi took on Jekyll and Hyde Yukon Brewing.
Steele’s new book reveals a man of many passions (Review) Since arriving here in 1975, England-born Peter Steele has been the Yukon’s own answer to Anton Chekhov – a doctor-cum-writer, peddling prescriptions by day and pounding out paragraphs by night.
- Westmark flex their muscles There are many words that could describe Westmark’s performance on Saturday
Once wetlands dry up, they’re gone forever (Comment) This is in response to the territorial wetland policy.
- Will that be next season’s landfill contribution? (Comment) What’s the latest fashion this year?
- Oldtimer hockey action Defence was nowhere to be seen in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action, as the eight teams piled up 53 goals in the four games Sunday night at the Takhini Arena.
- Macphail’s magic decides the game Westmark’s John Macphail,
A wartime Christmas story of a time of love and of giving This story is specifically about my dad, when I was about three, but it could be any family’s story, anywhere in the world in 1942.
- Gortari and Dolphin too agile and graceful for KBS In over 35’s soccer action Marcelo Gortari and Myles Dolphin had their game in partnership together when they overran the midfield for Driving Force destroying Kondike Business Solutions 8-3 in the early game.
- Oldtimer hockey action from last week Myles Dolphin played swimmingly to lead Medicine Chest past Tim Hortons 5-1 in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action Sunday night at Takhini Arena.
Bringing joy to the Carcross-Tagish First Nation Mr. Cliff Power, the CEO of the Extreme Outreach Society in Victoria, B.C., joined me on Dec. 10 to personally hand out children’s Christmas stockings to the Ghuch Tla Community School located in Carcross-Tagish First Nation.
- It’s my privilege to report on the first year (Comment) It has been a year since the announcement of my appointment to the Senate.
- Practise better burning for better health (Comment) It may seem odd to have a public health doctor tell you how to burn wood.
A Christmas carol: the story of Edna Eldorado Far from their homes in the South, three young prospectors mushed their team through the crackling cold.
- Oldtimer hockey update Oldtimer hockey Ed van Randen continued his goalscoring tear to propel Air North to a hard-fought 2-1 win over Yukon Inn in Whitehorse Oldtimers action Thursday night at Takhini Arena.
- It’s my privilege to report on the first year (Comment) I have learned that the simple phrase “sober second thought” hardly begins to describe the work of a senator.
- Proposing a better way to mark our ballots As 2019 concludes, how do you respond to a federal election where there were clearly no winners?
- Reading ‘Whitehorse 2020’ – on the cusp of 2020 (Comment) I recently found this poem in an old cardboard box with a scribbled note dated Nov. 16, 1986.
- Khalik delivers the knockout blow for Yukon Adil Khalik has one of the hardest shots in the league,
- The grand adventure of the bathtub ring (Comment) It was just before 7:00 in the evening. We walked up Shala Road toward the Mine school.
- Oldtimer hockey scores Mike Blower scored twice,
- Minister Mostyn needs a road map to the facts Ed. note: the official Opposition Yukon Party released this statement Wednesday.
Madam Tremblay: a story of romance and courage A young French Canadian woman hummed softly to herself as she prepared the evening meal in her mother’s kitchen. Her mama’s voice broke into Emilie Fortin’s thoughts:
- Oldtimer hockey update Goalies stole the show in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action at Takhini Arena on Thursday night.
- Oldtimer hockey scores Steve Fecteau and Laurie Malo were dynamic for EDI
- Yukon Info win thriller over Westmark Yukon beat league leaders Westmark 5-4 in an incredible game in over 35 soccer action on Saturday.
- Can we prevent a global climate catastrophe? (Comment) The pace of technological and social change, along with the changes we have affected in the natural world in the past century or so, have been dizzying.
- The week that was in Oldtimer hockey league action Mike Gau poured in the game winner midway through the final period
We can build a strong North and Arctic (Comment) Earlier this month, I had the opportunity to visit Churchill, Whitehorse, and Yellowknife for the first time since being named the minister of Northern Affairs.
- Oldtimer hockey action Rick Smith rifled home four goals to lead EDI to a 5-1 upset win over AON in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action Sunday night at Takhini Arena.
- The Force is strong with Gortari Driving Force’s Marcello Gortari showed that class is permanent as he led his team to an 8-2 victory over Klondike Business Solutions in over 35’s soccer action.
- From La-La Land to Lotus Land (Comment) So they have had the chat with the Boss of The Firm,
Alaskan musher Beattie draws bib No. 1 The 15 mushers attempting the 37th running of the Yukon Quest 1,000 Mile International Sled Dog Race drew for their bib numbers and starting positions on Thursday night at the Quest’s Start and Draw Banquet at the Westmark Hotel in downtown Fairbanks.
For Quest rookies, finishing would be a win Three rookies will start the 37th Yukon Quest 1,000 Mile International Sled Dog Race in downtown Fairbanks on Saturday, all with the same goal: just finish
- Oldtimers hockey action Goaltenders shone during this week’s Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action
- The saga of Lady Diana and the message it carries Dark clouds were hanging low over Kootenay Lake, B.C. as we pulled into the Balfour ferry terminal.
Quest got off to a chilly start Richie Beattie and his team of 14 dogs led the group of 15 mushers attempting the 37th running of the Yukon Quest 1,000 Mile International Sled Dog Race out of Fairbanks on Saturday morning, beginning the journey to Whitehorse.
Sass’ early lead was purely unintentional Brent Sass was the last Yukon Quest musher to leave Fairbanks on Saturday, and prior to the start, he said he had no intention of grabbing an early lead.
Yukoner tied for Quest lead; two mushers scratch The first five Yukon Quest mushers were neck and neck as of noon today.
- Hallucinations strike on Birch Creek Mushers stumbled into the Circle City checkpoint dizzy from the previous 50 miles of Birch Creek trail, which is known for being winding, never-ending and cold.
‘It takes 1,000 people to go 1,000 miles’ At the starting line of the 2020 Yukon Quest here last Saturday morning, all eyes were on the mushers and their teams of dogs.
Has dog mushing become a dying sport? (Comment) The question in the headline is one I hear more and more as the entries for the Yukon Quest have gradually declined to the point where this year, we have the smallest number of teams, 15, in its 36-year history.
How to survive the subzerosphere (Comment) As a one-time applications engineer working at room temperature, it was mildly gratifying to finally operate in the same thermal extremes at which our specially-calibrated kit could earn the “extended temperature tested” certification.
- Jordan blasts Westmark out of the water Ash Jordan scored a record eight goals,
Biodiversity and adaptation are going viral (Comment) There was something of a cruel irony in the scheduling of this year’s annual Biodiversity Forum at the Yukon Beringia Interpretive Centre.
COVID-19 shows need for global leadership (Comment) How much do you value your health, the health of your loved ones, your freedom to travel, go to restaurants, stores, work, and meet up with friends?
- National front gov’t. with three responsibilities (Comment) Face facts with effective, appropriate responses and leave ideological baggage behind.
Remembering the crisis of the Second World War (Comment) This summer marks the end of the Second World War, the epoch of the atomic bomb in history.
- A youthful perspective on this world crisis (Comment) I had so many cool plans for spring break of 2020 before COVID-19 started to spread to Canada.
Improbable link forms part of Yukon history Norman Hartnell, who lived in London, England, never heard of Émilie Tremblay until more than a decade after her death.
- Ducks patrol open leads in the ice in search of food .... The first of the two pieces was published Friday.
- Dear God: what is this world coming to? Twenty-two people dead, including former Yukoner Lillian Hyslop, as the Star reported last week. Maybe more.
Let’s be kind to ourselves, and each other (Comment) The world with all of its problems, inequity, conflicts, and environmental issues, along with our collective “hope” of improvement, has in a sense been put on “pause” now.
Thinking about six years of sacrifice The pandemic has made it hard to focus on other things, for people both here in the Yukon and everywhere else around the world.
The complex role of wetlands needs urgent study The following subject matter has been forwarded to deputy premier Ranj Pillai; Brad Cathers and Currie Dixon, candidates for the Yukon Party leadership; and NDP Leader Kate White. Their comments are appreciated.
- Domestic travel quarantine periods must end (Comment) The requirement for a 14-day quarantine period for anyone entering Yukon from the rest of Canada must now end.
- YESAB kills explorationists’ short season (Comment) The Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB) announced it will extend the Seeking Views and Information Period to the maximum allowable period for all applications.
- This is a great program that needs restructuring (Comment) The Yukon Mineral Exploration Program (YMEP) provides assistance to mineral exploration companies to help them locate, explore and develop mineral project to an advanced exploration stage.
- Let’s draw conclusions after it’s all over During the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian health officials have admittedly made several major mistakes despite their experience with SARS in 2003.
Thanks, Dr. Barnes. We’re in your debt (Comment) The 2020 pandemic put a stop to all measure of events, including high school and college graduations.
- Let’s bring respect, compassion to one’s opinions (Comment) This is a response to backlash to my article entitled “It’s about money and social class” (Star, June 24).
- Environmental assessment and the COVID crisis (Comment) The Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB) recognizes the challenges facing many individuals and organizations, in particular First Nations, to participate effectively in assessments during the pandemic.
A treasure from the past: the Old Log Church This year celebrates the 120th anniversary of the original Christ Church (now the Old Log Church Museum) built by an Anglican minister, Rev. Richard Bowen, and volunteers in 1900.
- Why is Trudeau still standing at the plate? (Comment) It’s too bad that Justin Trudeau never took up baseball.
- COVID-19 pandemic reveals gaps in older adults’ care (Comment) Who would have guessed that I could be facing some of the same issues as an older person that I did as a parent of a toddler?
Thanks to technology, I am alive today (Comment) Ed note: Here, this popular former Star columnist updates Yukoners on her life in B.C. since she left the territory.
Display may be publicly available later this year I have assembled a display to mark the 75th anniversary of the ending of WWII, Victory in Europe, VE Day was May 8.
John Motherwell, war veteran and author This is the 75th anniversary of the ending of the Second World War.
- Forty years ago, I learned about border agents (Comment) In 1981, after college, my friend Marcus and I drove home to Alaska.
- The irony of Sept. 11 and the lobby effort (Comment) On 9/11, I was in Washington, D.C., as part of a delegation with the Gwitch’in, lobbying to prevent oil drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR).
Tessier, Taylor top podium in 2020 One Club Wonder Blaine Tessier won the One Club Wonder golf tournament on Sept. 12.
Recalling a genial conveyor of the Christian message Ed. note: Archbishop Terry Buckle died Sept. 10, shortly after his 80th birthday. This story about him was first published in the Star on Nov. 26, 2010.
- Connolly in the business of breaking hearts Ciaran Connolly is an all action type of player,
- Parties make statements on MLAs’ remuneration issue (Comment) Ed. note: the Yukon Liberal Party executive has released this statement on MLAs’ remuneration. Following that is a response from the Yukon Party.
- Easing into the cosy seclusion of winter (Comment) September in the Yukon is fall – October is nearly winter.
- Seniors’ plan: positive progress, but glaring gaps (Comment) As a completely volunteer organization, Seniors Action Yukon (SAY) monitors government activities, undertakes some research and analysis, and encourages the voice of older Yukon adults to be heard in government decision-making.
Memories of a child evacuee during the war To mark the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War, here is a recount of an interview with Jane McIntyre.
- Ombuds Day: unusual name, vital service! (Comment) Ombuds Day (Star, Oct. 7) was celebrated this week in the Yukon and internationally.
- Oldtimer hockey league roundup Dave Bakica kicked off a most unusual Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey season with the first goal of the league season as Medicine Chest blanked Air North 3-0 at Takhini Arena on Wednesday night in Senior Circuit action.
- Amid a pandemic, B.C. voters go to the polls So, another B.C. election has rolled around and the biggest question to be answered is: can the NDP find yet another way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory?
- Oldtimer hockey league action Kilrich scored six goals during a frantic six-minute stretch in the first period and hung on to defeat Yukon Inn 6-4 in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action Thursday night at Takhini Arena.
- Air North team display too good for Yukon Brewing Air North Rangers showed the quality and depth that their team has, as no fewer than seven different players scored as they beat a free falling Yukon Brewing 7-2 in the early matchup in over 35’s soccer.
Environment has become subservient to mining I concur with Mr. Murray Martin’s statement made in his letter to the editor dated Oct. 16 that “it’s time for an environmental awakening in the Yukon.”
- Oldtimers continue to light the lamp Rick Smith scored his second goal of the game with only 19 ticks on the clock to give EDI a wild 7-6 win over Medicine Chest in Senior Circuit play in Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League action Wednesday night at Takhini Arena.
- Deadly Doug Hitch dispatches Pepsi Like the eponymous hero Benjamin Button, Doug Hitch seems to get younger as the years go on.
- Air North flies past EDI and other oldtimers action Stu MacMillan returned from a team-mandated conditioning stint with something to prove,
- Mining is favoured at the expense of the environment (Comment) Ed. note: the first part of this two-part commentary was published last Friday.
Train station hubbub and a puzzled little girl Ed. note: the Star presents this material as a prelude to Remembrance Day.
- COVID-19 is impacting how we remember them (Comment) It has been 102 years since the end of the Great War.
- Oldtimers continue to fill the net Newcomer Caleb Tomlinson recorded the first hat trick of his young oldtimers career to lead the Firth Rangers to a 9-5 win over Capri CMW (formerly AON) in Junior Circuit action of Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey on Sunday at Takhini Arena.
- Chandler picks up a hat trick Mark Chandler was at it again with three goals as his Driving Force team were able to hold off a charging 5-4 in the first game of the morning.
- Oldtimers scores Martin Lawrie scored two of his three goals in the second period
- The journey to net zero emissions by 2050 (Comment) As the Government of Canada continues to protect and support Canadians through the COVID-19 pandemic, we must also look to rebuilding the economy and the opportunity of a better future.
- Oldtimers pour in the goals Greg Lane scored three times to help Tim Hortons snap a four-game losing streak in Whitehorse Oldtimers Senior Circuit hockey action Sunday at Takhini Arena.
- We’ll pay the price for ‘dithering’ on COVID-19 Is it time the government changed its COVID-19 strategy in B.C.?
- Oldtimers light the lamp The Mikes were at it again for Tim Hortons in Senior Circuit action of Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey Sunday night at Takhini Arena.
Donnie: kindness, compassion and carpentry Oak and birch are two of the most-loved trees in the world, and for good reason.
- Oldtimer hockey scores Scott Olafson did his best Borje Salming impersonation Thursday night in Junior Circuit action of Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey at Takhini Arena.
Christmas nostalgia: the memories are golden This Christmas is like none other that I know of, and at 85 years old, I’ve seen many.
- Oldtimers burn out the goal lamp It was a hat trick night in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action Sunday at the Canada Game Centre, as four players collected three-goal games.
A seasonal treat: The Man in the Manger **Writer’s note:** The seed for this work of fiction was planted after reading the late Richard Wagamese’s nonfiction essay on homelessness, The Real Expert, in his book **One Story, One Song** (2011).
- Oldtimers light it up before Christmas break Stu Mackay continued to defy his advanced age by netting three goals to lead Medicine Chest to a 5-2 win over EDI in the teams’ final game before Christmas
Despite COVID-19, we accomplished much As we get ready to say goodbye to 2020, here is a review of the last year from the Office of the Commissioner of Yukon.
- Air North Rangers come back to win In the first game back after an enforced lay off saw Air North put together a fine second-half performance to maintain their lead in the Over 35’s soccer league, as they beat Yukon Brewing 5-2
- Trump: the quintessential recurring nightmare? Finally, it’s over! Or is it?
- Hartmann back to top form for KBS Mathius Hartmann was back to his best in over 35’s soccer action as his side Klondike Business Solutions beat Pepsi 5-2 in the early game at the Canada Games Centre.
- Gortari’s driving the bandwagon Marcelo Gortari has many assets he can be proud of.
- Oldtimer hockey action Capri CMW defeated Kilrich for the first time this season in Junior Circuit action of Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey Sunday at Takhini Arena.
- Lamenting the ‘lost generation’ of our youth (Comment) As we bid farewell to 2020, an annus horribilis if there ever was one, spare a thought or two for Canada’s youth.
- Oldtimers light the goal lamp A few months off skates didn’t affect 73-year-old Bernie Heffner as he made his presence felt for Tim Hortons in their 6-3 win over Medicine Chest in Senior Circuit action of Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey Sunday at Takhini Arena.
- Macdonald reigns supreme over Driving Force Danny MacDonald has had a tough year.
- The man is gone, but his disciples live on So, it’s over, eh? Not so fast.
We expect our good relationship to continue (Comment) Ed. note: Chief Jack Caesar of the Ross River Dena Council issued this statement last Wednesday.
- Air North show their class in comeback performance In the top of the table clash between Air North Rangers and Klondike Business Solutions, Air North showed why they will win the league this year, when they put in a thoroughly professional performance to top KBS 3-2 in over 35’s soccer action.
- Oldtimers continue goal-scoring ways It was gentlemen’s night in Senior Circuit action of Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey, as both games played Sunday night at Takhini Arena were penalty-free.
- Air North wins Over 35 soccer title for first time Air North dominated Yukon Brewing from whistle to whistle in the first game of over 35s soccer.
- Our economic recovery requires bold ideas (Comment) The most recent labour force data released by the Yukon Bureau of Statistics last week paint a startling picture of the state of Yukon’s private sector economy.
- Indigenous engagement charts a positive course As much as opponents of Canadian oil and gas production hate to admit it, the future of the industry appears to be set.
- Jablonski anchors the ship with his defensive play On loan Andrzey Jablonski had a phenomenal game for Klondike Business Solutions, as he helped his side to a 5-4 win over Pepsi in over 35’s soccer action.
- Indigenous procurement: time for a B.C. plan (Comment) The Business Council of B.C. sees “a generational opportunity to accelerate and realize a new future where Indigenous communities and businesses are equitably participating in B.C.’s open trading economy.”
- Oldtimers keep potting the goals Greg Lane scored the game winner midway through the second period to give Tim Hortons a hard-fought 3-2 win over Air North in Senior Circuit oldtimers hockey action Sunday night at Takhini Arena.
- Oldtimer hockey action Brian Currie donned the Sears catalogues for his Kilrich team Sunday in Junior Circuit oldtimers hockey action,
- Oldtimer hockey update Gerry Brandt put three toppings on Kilrich as his Firth Rangers upset the league leaders 7-2 in Junior Circuit action of Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey Thursday night at Takhini Arena.
The Colourful, Five Per Cent Illustrated Stories and Photos By Jim Robb
Remembering Wye area-Drury Street history The Wye area was once part of the White Pass roundhouse property, an industrial area.
- Oldtimer hockey update Little was cleared up in the tenacious playoff position battle in the Senior Circuit of Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey Sunday night at Takhini Arena.
- Yukon outgun Air North Yukon Info has timed their charge to the playoffs perfectly, as they dismantled league winners Air North Rangers 5-3, in an entertaining game in over 35’s soccer action.
- Squash Yukon division two league standings Squash Yukon’s league play continued last Thursday at Better Bodies.
- Oldtimers gear up for playoffs Playoff action in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey kicked off Monday night with an upset in Junior Circuit play, as fourth-place Firth knocked off first-place Kilrich by a 6-2 count.
- What you should know about this special month (Comment) COVID-19 has radically changed our health care landscape, impacting the way we access our health care professionals and how we seek health advice.
- Zuccarini, Macdonald and Chetcuti’s goals enough for In a slow paced game overcame Pepsi 6-4 to progress to the semifinal stage of the Whitehorse Rapids over 35’s soccer playoffs.
Yukon Inn, Tim Hortons victorious in Oldtimer action Yukon Inn and Tim Hortons emerged victorious after a jam-packed schedule of Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey playoff action this weekend at the Canada Games Centre.
- Squash Yukon division rankings Squash Yukon’s season continues its path to the playoffs at Better Bodies.
- Air North Rangers pick up the double In an absorbing final game of the season, the spectators witnessed Air North take on Klondike Business Solutions in over 35’s soccer action.
Memories from an antique rocking chair (Comment) The question is: what is an antique?
- Tips for helping manage seasonal allergies It’s starting to warm up in Whitehorse,
Flash Fire Yukon Protective Services report that staff responded to their first wildfire of the season on Monday afternoon.
Kona’s Coalition closure called ‘bittersweet’ Kona’s Coalition, a locally run animal advocacy group, is closing its doors for good in the wake of COVID-19.
The Ross River forest service office of 1977 In 1977 in Ross River, there was no TV and there were no cell phones.
- Thomas Berger’s legacy remains alive and well (Comment) Canada’s eminent juror, Thomas Berger, died April 28, and a memorial was held for him last Tuesday (Star, April 30, May 5).
2021 Yukon cycling season glides into action The sound of bike tires zipping around asphalt corners was the sign: Yukon’s 2021 cycling season is underway.
Tour de Haines Junction The Tour de Haines Junction had every kind of weather you can imagine; there was rain, wind, snow, sunshine, headwinds and tailwinds.
Tom Berger, Old Crow and the northern Yukon The passing of Tom Berger on April 28 at the age of 88 brought back memories for former Star reporter Max Fraser,
- Squash Yukon Squash League SEMI-Finals Division 2 Held Thursday, May 20 1st Place Precision North Mechanical played Chieftan 4th place Energy.
Tour de Skagway 2021: a success The U Kon Echelon Biking Club held the Tour de Skagway road bike stage race over the long weekend.
- Despite COVID, the Senate has achieved much (Comment) Spring in the Yukon!
What in the Haeckel Hill? A number of hearty soles scraped and scampered up the mountain Saturday as part of the Yukon Energy Haeckel Hill run organized by Athletics Yukon.
- Determine why you’re confessing your cheating Ed. note: with mental health awareness coming under rising concern and scrutiny since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the Star publishes this occasional column written by a Yukon resident which invites the participation of our readers.
- Project leaves many unanswered questions (Comment) The Executive Committee (EC) of the Yukon Environmental and Socio-economic Assessment Board (YESAB) released its Draft Screening Report and Recommendation (DSR) for Newmont’s (“the Proponent”) Coffee Gold Mine Project (“the Project”) in January, and requested comments to be submitted by March 25, 2021.
New mountain bike events in Dawson City and Whitehorse Mountain biking is an exciting sport with many different disciplines.
- The process guiding project approval is flawed (Comment) Ed. note: the first part of this two-part commentary was published last Friday.
Yukon Energy hillclimb results Yukon Energy Champs – race #1, the 5.75-km hill climb took place June 10 and best part?
My two dads: the saga of baby Yukon Greg Shaw and his husband, Allen Penny, are not your typical parents. And the story of the birth of their son is not typical either.
Nurse remembered for decades of dedication Dorothy Sorensen, who gave three decades of nursing service to Whitehorse General Hospital, died April 19 at the age of 87.
To help myself to heal, I share this with you (Comment) I have decided to be open, transparent, and honest about the situation I am currently dealing with in my personal life.
A summer where all three curses have combined (Comment) Ed. note: this column was written late last week, shortly before the Southern Lakes exceeded their 2007 flood levels. Pestilence. Floods. Fire.
Remembering Shipyards Park’s spirited history Strolling along the delightful Shipyards Park river trail, with its manicured lawns, flowers and restored historic houses, one can enjoy a spic-and-span picture, garnished with high-end condos at each end.
This literary respite from COVID won’t disappoint (Review) Tired of the pandemic? Longing to travel?
Athletics Yukon holds 10 km Road Race Championships The 2021 Yukon 10K Road Race Championships were held on the F.H. Collins Secondary School track and Millennium Trail, starting at 6 p.m. Tuesday.
- Graves show a huge government failure (Comment) People are mad. Finally! And sadly, belatedly.
- Skagway witnesses unprecedented rise in cases From July 28 to Aug. 10, Skagway saw 15 COVID-19 cases, a shocking number for a town that reported 33 total positive cases since the pandemic began in March 2020.
- Alaskans glad to resume visiting territory After 17 months of separation, Skagwegians can now be reunited with what many consider their big backyard — the Yukon.
Yukon Orienteering Association holds meet; virtual banquet and silent auction coming up The Yukon Orienteering Association (YOA) held a Type B Meet on Aug. 18 at Ear lake, West of Miles Canyon, outside of Whitehorse.
- Having a naloxone kit could save a life This International Overdose Awareness Day (Aug. 31), and as the opioid crisis continues to be dire in Canada, it’s crucial for all Canadians to understand that an opioid overdose can happen to anyone – to you or someone you love.
Chiropractor Kay MacDonald By Liesel Briggs
Mountain bikers shred the Midnight Dome Enduro Nearly 40 mountain bikers took part in the Cycling Association of Yukon’s and Dawson City’s first-ever Midnight Dome Enduro on Aug. 21.
- Notice to Yukon drivers regarding 'Kinda' Klondike Road Relay this Saturday Sept. 11 A notice to drivers: please be aware of the runners and walkers participating in the “Kinda” Klondike Road Relay on Saturday, Sept. 11th.
Baldwin and Janzen victorious in 2021 One Club Wonder Derek Baldwin was the victor in the 25th Annual One Club Wonder (OCW) golf tournament held at the Mountain View Golf Club (MVGC) last Saturday.
- Candidates respond to Yukon Chamber of Mines (Comment) Ed. note: here is a summary of the questions the Yukon Chamber of Mines has asked the territory’s five federal election candidates, followed by their responses in random order.
Velonorth Cycle Club hosts fourth annual cyclocross The carnival that is the sport of cyclocross descended on Whitehorse last Saturday when Velonorth Cycle Club hosted the fourth annual YXYCross.
- Wild Rose Country gives us a bitter lesson (Comment) Last Wednesday, Alberta Premier Jason Kenney declared a public health emergency in Wild Rose Country.
Autumn Classic canoe race paddles off down the river The Autumn Classic Canoe Race took place last Saturday on the McClintock River, the last Saturday in September, as usual.
Over-35 Men’s Indoor Soccer Results Aalt Van den Hoorn saves his team
- Information and privacy legislation has changed (Comment) Right to Know Week takes place Sept. 27 to Oct. 3 this year,
- YP prefers unsupervised environmental havoc (Comment) Currie Dixon has demanded I resign.
- Over-35 Men’s Soccer League: second week results Rayo strikes late for a share of the spoils
WOHL weekly update The Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League faced off again last Wednesday and Thursday nights.
Over-35 Men’s Indoor Soccer Results Over-35 Men’s League action Saturday saw some more competitive games on the soccer pitch at the CGC. Here are the results:
- Reconciliation day: well-intentioned but hollow (Comment) Canada’s first National Day of Truth and Reconciliation (Sept. 30) fell far short of expectations.
- Ombuds Day, vaccine credentials and fairness (Comment) International Ombuds Day is celebrated around the world and this year falls on Oct. 14.
- Two teams notch first Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League wins Two teams notch first Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League wins
- Over-35 Men’s Soccer: Pepsi team continues comeback Macdonald leads Pepsi to the promised land
- Yukon’s GHG emissions are underreported (Comment) The latest information on progress made in the mission to reduce our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions can be found in Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Yukon: 2019 (the report).
- Heavyweights battle to draw in Over-35 Men’s Soccer action Saturday’s Over-35 Men’s Soccer League games featured a battle of the top two teams in the league. Here are the results:
- WOHL: Clark, Kinsella continue tear for undefeated Rangers Weekly results from Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League action at Takhini Arena:
- Tough sledding to meet Yukon’s GHG emission goals Yukon’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2019, as reported by the Yukon Government (YG), were 738 kilotonnes (kt) of CO2e; a 14 per cent increase from the 2010 level of 684.
Volleyball alive and well in rural Yukon After an absence of over two years, the gym at Robert Service High School was once again filled with the trill of whistles, the booming of spikes, and screams of excitement. DIVT has returned.
- Over-35 men’s soccer: Pepsi crushes like a pop can Results from last weekend’s Over-35 men’s soccer matches:
- WOHL: Morberg dominates, Medicine Chest outlasts previously unbeaten Firth Here are the results from last week’s Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League games:
- Visiting the pharmacy for someone else? The pandemic has changed our community, making us more aware of the vulnerable people around us, including older people, leading many of us to lend a helping hand to friends and loved ones.
- Happy endings depend on political will (Comment) Are we a little too jaded to believe in fairy tales any more?
- Whitehorse Rapids Men’s Over-35 Soccer: KBS outlasts Pepsi Air North flying to new heights
- WOHL weekly results: Tim Hortons brews an upset over Kilrich The weekly Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League results:
- Stop this aggressive behaviour Ed. note: Premier Sandy Silver and Dr. Catherine Elliott, the acting chief medical officer of health, issued this statement Wednesday afternoon.
- 2023: it had been fun a long time ago (Comment) A small tousled child, hanging onto the ruff of a big yellow dog, stood staring down the long paved road.
- WOHL: Kilrich edges Medicine Chest; Yukon Inn blasts EDI Here are the results from Wednesday's Whitehorse Oldtimer's Hockey League action:
Attention, fat bikers: it’s time to rally The snowy season is upon us and Cycling Association of Yukon wants to rally fat bikers to celebrate.
- The ramifications of green energy going dark Atlin has been called “Little Switzerland of the North”.
- Tuesday evening Superleague Curling results Results from Tuesday evening’s Whitehorse Curling Club’s Tuesday Superleague games.
- WOHL: O’Riordan scores late goal to lift CapriCMW past Tim Hortons Following a break in their schedule due to new COVID-19 restrictions, the Whitehorse Oldtimer’s Hockey League resumed play Sunday. Here are the results.
Community choir’s Christmas concert goes online The COVID-19 era has been challenging for all of us, but especially for performing artists.
- 2023 – the question: what came next? (Comment) The small child came home, belly groaning with hunger.
U15 Mustangs B team score silver at B.C. tourney The U15 Mustangs B team travelled to Enderby BC to play in the North Okanagan U15 Recreation Tournament from Nov. 26-28th.
- Rapids Soccer: Khalik rises from the ashes to help Pepsi to second place Rapids Soccer: Khalik rises from the ashes to help Pepsi to second place
- WOHL Wrap: Currie caps crazy comeback win for EDI over the Chest It was a week of late-game heroics for EDI. Brian Currie scored a late goal to propel EDI over Medicine Chest and Nathan Bingham also sniped a late marker earlier in the week to earn a tie with CapriCMW. Here are the results:
- Memories of my first Christmas in the North (Comment) I was 11 years old when we moved from Dawson Creek, B.C. to Haines Junction, Yukon, a community of perhaps 500 residents.
Author’s love for Dawson can be found on every page (Review) Chris Ross, formerly Chris Beacom, texted me earlier this year to tell me his book was about to be published and I should buy it because I’m in it.
- Sometimes you need her to climb in beside you (Comment) I heard stories from residential school survivors and hugged them.
Yukon Wild U15 girls compete hard in Summerland U15 Female A tourney Every trip with a female hockey club is an adventure when you're from the Yukon.
- Rapids soccer: Top teams battle to draw The top two teams in the league lined up against each other in over 35’s soccer action and if you were watching the first half you would have thought that Pepsi were going to walk to victory as they eased to a 2-0 lead.
- WOHL: Medicine Chest stages comeback; no games last Sunday The Medicine Chest mounted a tremendous comeback against Kilrich in the Whitehorse Oldtimer’s Hockey League Wednesday at Takhini Arena.
- WOHL Wrap: CapriCMW comes from behind to upset Yukon Inn; double-dip in weekend win column The Whitehorse Oldtimer's Hockey League (WOHL) played a couple of make-up games Saturday, followed by their regular Sunday games.
Judo Yukon continues to develop Canada Winter Games hopefuls at B.C. tournament Five Yukon Judo athletes attended the Steveston Shiai Invitational tournament in Richmond, B.C. at the end of November.
A tried and true snow shovel angel In memory of my parents, Ken and Aldene Snider
- 2023 – I wanna go see Santa Claus! Hunkered down in the bush, the small child, dressed for -30, scanned the highway.
- The row over rapid antigen testing vs. PCR (Comment) Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests are the “gold” standard for identifying who has COVID, and that’s why the Yukon’s chief medical officer of health (CMOH) prefers them to rapid tests.
- We need to get land to market faster (Comment) During the Dec. 13 regular meeting, Whitehorse city council approved a motion to move forward with more lot development in Whistle Bend (Star, Dec. 17).
- Important tips for managing diabetes November was Diabetes Awareness Month, a time to build awareness about diabetes and its impact, diabetes management, and the risk factors that come with improperly managing diabetes.
- Assessing the politics of self-righteousness We live in angry, intolerant times.
- 2023 – what happened on the road trip? What could be more fun? Two kids, a dog, a sled, a hill!
The Gold Rush legacy of Fr. William Judge Historians agree that the discovery of gold in 1896 was the single-most important event in Yukon history. This is the 125th anniversary of the world- famous Klondike Gold Rush.
Examining a ‘vexing, tragic and unsolved mystery’ The Douglas C-54 “Skymaster” was a big airplane.
- A safe mining industry supports everyone’s health (Comment) The Yukon’s COVID-19 testing and tracing regime has served us well throughout the pandemic.
- 2023 – I’d like to go with the truckers’ convoy to Ottawa “Kids,” called Grandad. “Let’s strap on snowshoes and take a look around in the bush. Maybe we can scare up some grouse for dinner.”
- 2023 – People do want freedom. And peace. “I talked on Zello, I did,” spouted an older child waving toast and jam around.
- 2023 – my dream really scared me (Comment) “You’re not the only one calling the Freedom Convoy,” stated the young child, as he and his older friend put on skates by the pond.
We have a snow crisis facing our city (Comment) Ed. note: Coun. Ted Laking delivered these remarks on the city’s planned review of its snow removal strategy, at Monday evening’s city council meeting.
- There is a place for everyone in this story (Comment) Ed. note: this is a statement from Kaaxnox, Dän Nätthe Äda (Steve Smith), chief of the Champagne and Aishihik First Nations.
- Rapids Over-35 Soccer returns: moves closer to clinching first Even though Klondike Business Solutions were missing their inspirational leader, Greg Grady, they peppered the Yukon Brewing goal throughout the game.
- 2023 – We have to be strong, and must have love (Comment) “Why are you crying?” asked Mom.
- Let’s cross the finish line for Terry! (Comment) Freedom!
History burned on Christmas Day, 1961 Weather is always a good topic.
- wrap up the title In a very disrupted season, were able to keep their ship steady and ride the waves to glory.
‘Yukon Girls’ show off skills at U13 North BC zone female rep weekend It’s another small town rink – cold but full of energy and atmosphere. I’m standing in the corner with a lukewarm coffee watching the game ahead of ours but this time it’s different …
- 2023 – Grandad will explain what to do! (Comment) “Can I get to Grandad’s?” was on the young child’s mind on falling asleep.
- WOHL wrap: Clark picks up where he left off; Adilman nets first hatty The Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League is back in action.
- on victory lap were able to celebrate their championship victory with a 4-2 win over Klondike Business Solutions in over-35 soccer action.
- Debunking myths to prioritize heart health February was Heart Month, a perfect time for Canadians to put matters of the heart first by checking in on heart health.
- 2023 – death from COVID jab suicide, says court A horn honked and the wood truck driver called. “Hey, kid, ready to go?”
"They Helped Me To put Many A Lonesome Night Behid Me" The Colourful Five Per Cent Illustrated
- WOHL Wrap: EDI upsets first-place Firth; Capri unbeaten in six Yukon Inn scored four times in the first period and then hung on to defeat CapriCMW 6-3 in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action Monday night at ATCO arena.
- WOHL Wrap: Firth maintains lead atop standings Chris ‘Car’li raced around the Olympic-sized ice Monday night at the Canada Games Centre to lead his Firth Rangers to a 5-3 win over Yukon Inn in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action.
Putin is destroying himself and his country (Comment) “Be wary of great leaders.”
- WOHL Wrap: Yukon Inn triumphant in last second of furious comeback;Tim's holds off another comeback The Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League continued its stretch run this past week, with games last Wednesday, Friday, Sunday and Monday.
The flying Madonna from Old Crow It has been said that God has a sense of humour and cheers us up through sudden acts of coincidence. The following true story could illustrate this.
Yukon/N.W.T. squads and U11 Yukon Wild enjoy great success at Richmond Ice Classic There are four stories from Richmond Ice Classic
Over-35s own Braveheart leads Air North Rangers to final Iain Breckenridge is an inspirational leader just like William Wallace.
- WOHL Wrap: Tim Hortons brews up first-place Tim Hortons won their ninth game in a row with a 6-4 win over EDI Wednesday at the Canada Games Centre, and in the process locked up first place in the Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League 2021-22 regular season standings.
Yukon freestylers compete at Junior Nationals Yukon Freestyle sent five developmental team athletes to Junior Nationals March 24-27.
- 2023 – my beloved dog knew she was very sad! Grandad and the small child had strolled to the creek, looking at ice, and talking about water vibrations.
West must show Russia the meaning of punishment The roots of the most recent illegal Russian invasion of Ukraine that began on Feb. 24 actually go back much further.
WOHL Wrap: Kilrich clinches fourth place with last-second win; Air North all tied up Kilrich scored twice in the last 50 seconds to pull out a stunning 5-4 win over Tim Hortons in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey 'action' Sunday at the Canada Games Centre.
Air North fly into the record books as Over-35 Champs Farrow seals the deal
- WOHL Wrap: Buzzer sounds on regular season; playoffs start Saturday Josh Savill dispensed three goals to lead Medicine Chest to a 7-5 upset win over Firth in both teams' final game of the Oldtimers hockey season Wednesday at the Canada Games Centre.
Gentle giants are struggling to survive (Comment) Ed. note: this item was submitted by Grizzly Bear Protection Yukon.
- 2023 – Grandad, what’s an immunodeficiency syndrome? Head down, the big yellow dog lay next to the small child.
- Improving childcare in the Yukon makes sense By Early learning and childcare programs are key to ensuring our children have the best start to their learning journey.
Orange team takes the Whitehorse Invitational Co-Ed tournament Over the weekend, seven teams competed for the most prestigious co-ed soccer title in the Yukon,
WOHL Playoff Wrap: Firth, Kilrich win big in round one The Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League kicked off its 2021-22 playoffs this week.
- 2023 – the question really is: what kind of life do you want? (Comment) “Hey, kid!” called a familiar voice.
- This sadistic war is close to the crunch (Comment) It’s time to excommunicate Russia.
How Jesus was found on a power line This may be an appropriate story for Easter, as it is one of resurrection.
- The Arctic Council is needed more than ever (Comment) Six weeks ago, on March 3, seven of the eight Arctic Council (AC) member states – called herein the “A7” – announced an historic, unanimous boycott of AC participation in protest of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
- WOHL Playoff Wrap: Kilrich powers through in OT win; Antonissen shuts down powerful Firth offense The second round of oldtimers playoff games are now done, setting up the stretch run to the playoff championship.
- 2023 – why would anyone want to vaccinate kids? “Mister,” queried the small child with the tousled hair, as the scruffy dog scrunched into the cab. “You used to be a doctor. You haul wood. Can I, ah, may I call you Dr. Wood?”
- YG must deliver a healthy midwifery strategy (Comment) The Yukon Employees’ Union (YEU) has watched with interest as Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee plays “dodge and weave” to avoid any responsibility for the overdue implementation of the Yukon’s midwifery program.
- Our country may be falling apart (Comment) Canadian citizenship is under attack.
- And then there were two... The Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League playoffs are down to the final two teams,
- Worker safety is everyone’s shared responsibility Every year on April 28, we stop to remember and honour injured and deceased workers.
- 2023 – if Mexico can, why can’t Canada? “So, kid, what do you want to eat?”
- Yukoners can use new tool to prioritize health (Comment) Vaccines are the best way to protect oneself from contracting certain vaccine-preventable illnesses and can also help prevent against serious complications from illness.
It was an experience filled with kindness Here is the background of a great experience and the accompanying photo.
YSAA holds Badminton Smash YSAA’s Badminton Smash was held on April 27 and 28 at the Canada Games Centre.
- 2023 – drop it, kid. Let’s go grab a burger! “Well, hello there, stranger. Where were you?” squeaked a small voice attached to untidy red plaits.
- Far-right Yukon Party is deeply divided This is the second part of a series examining the spring sitting of the Yukon Legislative Assembly.
Yukon sisters win bronze medals in judo competition Two Yukon sisters, Jaymi and Lia Hinchey, won bronze at the Pacific International Judo Championships in Richmond, B.C. recently.
- 2023 – I didn’t forget about digital ID “Freedom Camp, here we come!” sang the small child with the tousled hair.
- Ditch the tissues: a pharmacist’s allergy relief tips (Comment) Spring is in full swing – which also means that allergy season has arrived in full force for many of us Whitehorse.
Yukon Orienteering Association runs first event of season The Yukon Orienteering Association (YOA) 2022 season got off to a great start Wednesday on the Downtown Sprint map.
- Volleyball Yukon receives funding for beach volleyball courts According to a press release, Volleyball Yukon has received funding for new beach volleyball courts in Whitehorse.
U Kon Echelon Biking Club holds two events over two weekends U Kon Echelon Biking Club held two events over the past two weekends.
- Yukon Orienteering Association holds Riverdale Sprint The Yukon Orienteering Association held their Riverdale Sprint on May 18.
- Indigenous education can and must be fixed Canadians have talked extensively about Indigenous education, with much of the recent conversation wrapped up in the condemnation of residential schools.
- Yukon Orienteering Association holds first forest event of 2022 Fifty five participants took in the first forest event of the 2022 Yukon orienteering season.
- There are effective ways to quit smoking Tuesday was World No Tobacco Day,
Triniti / JPR grabs early lead in FCBLY 15th basketball tournament The Filipino Canadian Basketball League Yukon held their 15th basketball tournament Saturday and Sunday at F.H. Collins Secondary School in Whitehorse.
- The U.S. is a country nearing the abyss (Comment) “A good guy with a gun.”
Triniti Dental/JPR Cleaning capture FCBLY 35 Under championship Triniti Dental/JPR Cleaning captured the Filipino Canadian Basketball League Yukon with a convincing 119-90 victory over Cornerstone Construction in Game two of the best-of-three final.
DPSAY holds first summer dryland race The Dog Powered Sports Association of the Yukon (DPSAY) hosted their first summer dryland race on Sunday.
Yukon cycling events heating up in June and July Cycling Association of Yukon and its clubs hosted several events and training courses and kicked off youth cycling programs during May.
Middle Distance Yukon Orienteering Championships take place The nice weather held out for the first of three events forming the Yukon Orienteering Championships Wednesday.
- Yukon River Quest sends update to the racers This is a message from the board of the Yukon River Quest on Facebook dated Saturday. The content has been edited due to space considerations.
- YOA holds sprint distance championships YOA used the the Takhini North map for this year’s championship sprint distance.
- The North deserves its own special day (Comment) The Arctic should no longer accept being seen as disconnected small places at the edge of the world.
- Reflecting on where we’ve gone, where we’ll be Ed. note: Yukon Regional Chief Kluane Adamek of the Assembly of First Nations (AFN) released this statement to mark Indigenous Peoples Day 2022.
Showcasing Indigenous artists Dreaming Roots is a presentation from the Yukon First Nations Culture and Tourism Association and part of the 2022 Adäka Cultural Festival.
‘That’s gonna be a hard one to beat’ Just after 1 p.m. Friday, Eric Braul stood on the shore of the Yukon River in Dawson, looking dazed as he soaked his sore wrists in the cold river water.
Looking back on the Yukon’s first hospital Very few in the Yukon have known a time when medical care was not free.
- Patient had to pay his surgeon $2,563 As COVID restrictions lessen, Canadians are increasingly travelling on vacation or business to other parts of their country.
- John Horgan: a flawed environmental legacy (Comment) The king is dead! Long live the King!
Subzero Volleyball Club hosts 2nd Annual Youth Beach Tournament Subzero Volleyball Club hosted its 2nd Annual Youth Beach Tournament #1, on Saturday at the Ghùch Tlâ Community School beach volleyball courts, in Carcross.
The Colourful Five Per Cent Illustrated .
- Yukon Orienteering Association holds Yukon University meet A total of 36 participants came out on a cool and damp summer evening on July 27.
Subzero Alumni take fourth at Volleyball B.C. Beach Provincials U Sport indoor volleyball silver medalist Emma Boyd and her partner Katelyn Holway 4th place at the Volleyball B.C. Beach Provincials.
HopOn program will teach kids the joys of cycling safely If you are the parent or caregiver for a child aged six to 12 who’s got a bike, Cycling Association of Yukon’s HopOn program will be of interest.
Yukon downhill mountain bike champions crowned 21 cyclists took to the rocky, rugged slopes of Mount Sima on Saturday for the 2022 Yukon Downhill Mountain Bike Championships.
- Urgently needed: junior hockey reform (Comment) There’s a name so far unmentioned in the national furore over the toxic nature of junior hockey in Canada.
The day the curtain lowered on Klondike history Sixty years ago this week – on Aug. 17, 1962 – the final curtain descended on Dawson City’s Gold Rush Festival, and pretty much on the stage career of Mary-Ann Corrigan.
- Don’t let Idaho politics keep you from the beach (Comment) Late last month, after almost three years of a pandemic-enforced exile from the United States, it was time to take the plunge across the border into Never Never Land.
Yukon XC Mountain Bike Champions crowned at 2022 Royalty of the Canyon Last year’s King, Ian Parker, returned for a fourth win at the 16th annual Royalty of the Canyon cross-country (XC) mountain bike race held on Saturday.
- Your pharmacist can help manage chronic pain September is Pain Awareness Month, a time to raise awareness about chronic pain, a critical health issue that can be physically and emotionally debilitating.
- Does a dream federal election contest loom? (Comment) Well, Canadian conservatives have finally got their dream candidate for prime minister.
Whitehorse Rapids Over-35 men's soccer league kicks into gear The newly expanded over-35 soccer league started on Saturday with a match between Yukon Brewing and Driving Force.
- KBS and Pepsi batter each other to a stalemate The first game of the morning in over 35’s soccer action was a good contest between two very closely matched teams.
- Mining’s GHG emissions will exceed targets (Comment) A major goal of Our Clean Future – a Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy (Our Clean Future) is to reduce our territory’s greenhouse (GHG) emissions by 45 per cent of 2010 levels by 2030.
Wintemute and Davidson triumph in 2022 One Club Wonder The energy of callow youth and the craftiness of an older generation were both in full display on the victory podium of the 2022 One Club Wonder (OCW) Golf Tournament on Sept. 10 at Mountain View Golf Club.
- The Price is right for Pepsi On loan keeper Anthony Price was the rock on which the Air North ship was broken as Pepsi beat Air North Rangers 4-1 in over-35’s soccer action.
- Report on housing should be a call to action (Comment) On Aug. 1, the residents of all 10 apartments in a Cook Street apartment building were given a two-month eviction notice by their landlord, using the Yukon’s no-fault eviction clause to bypass rent controls on existing tenancies and jack up rents by about 50 per cent.
- Introducing the Yukon’s new Ombudsman Over the past four years, I have worked for the Yukon Ombudsman’s Office to help Yukoners with concerns and complaints regarding what they see as unfairness, either in a service provided, an outcome or a process of the Yukon government or other authorities covered by the Ombudsman Act.
- Walton is sailing the River of Dreams River Walton could be the nicest man in the Yukon,
- WOHL Update: EDI earns last-minute tie with Firth Rick Gingell wafted in a shot from just over the blueline with less than a minute to play to earn EDI a hard-fought 3-3 tie with Firth in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action Sunday at Takhini Arena.
- A scathing critique of the Liberals’ response (Comment) Ed. note: the Yukon Party official Opposition released this statement Thursday.
WOHL: Tetlichi stands on his head to shut out EDI WOHL: Tetlichi stands on his head to shut out EDI
- Connolly and Carre lung busting shift win the day Ciaran Connolly and Justin Carre were just superb in’s 3-1 win over Klondike Business Solutions in over 35 soccer action.
- At this crossroads, it is not looking good (Comment) Ed. note: Whitehorse resident Jason Charlie provided this presentation to city council on Monday evening.
- Hartmann hat trick to no avail Matthias Hartmann scored a peerless hat trick for his team but it was in vain as the mighty Chieftain team ran out 5-3 winners.
Southern Lakes water levels: a false narrative (Comment) My name is Gary Pettifor and I live at 100 Army Beach Drive, Marsh Lake.
Combined Yukon, N.W.T. team gains valuable experience at tourney The U15A Pacific Coast Rep Classic (Oct. 25-27 in Richmond, B.C.) presented a chance for the Yukon Wild to once again join forces with their N.W.T. counterparts for another female tournament.
- The tale of the Yukon Brewing horror show As the Canada Games Centre prepared for Halloween with their annual spooktacular, skipper Jason Steele of Yukon Brewing was having his own nightmares.
- WOHL Update: Wipf nets hat trick as Timmy’s triumphs over CapriCMW Dave didn’t Wipf on many shots as he rifled home three goals to lead Tim Hortons to a 7-5 win over CapriCMW in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action Sunday night at Takhini Arena.
- Glyka hat trick guns down Chieftain Fabian Glyka had the game of his life as he showed the rest of the league how to beat Chieftain in a massive shock in over-35’s soccer on Saturday.
Ryan Downing Memorial Swim Meet a ‘tremendous success’ This year’s Ryan Downing Memorial Swim Meet was a tremendous success.
- WOHL Update: ‘Turkey’ Turcotte takes flight in win over CapriCMW North America is right in between Canadian and U.S. Thanksgivings,
- Hawkins exemplary in win for Driving Force Driving Force picked up another win as their present good form continued and were thankful to Jonathan Hawkins for an excellent performance capped with a hat trick of goals as Driving Force beat Yukon Brewing 4-2.
- WOHL Update: Carli finishes off hatty late to earn tie with Capri Chris had his Car-li in top gear Sunday
U11 Jr. Mustangs take Remembrance Day tourney title The U11 Jr Mustangs headed down to Langley, B.C. Nov. 11-13 for the Ridge Meadows Remembrance Day tournament.
- White hot White roasts Klondike Office Systems Graham White is like the Flash.
- Let’s roll up our sleeves to help our community The cold weather has arrived, and with it, another tough flu season.
- Baby it’s cold, but not as cold as you think Yes, it’s cold out there.
WOHL Update: von Flotow nets goal of the year candidate Yukon Inn may have won the game,
- Shapoval back to inspire Driving Force Val Shapoval was back playing his first game of the season and boy did it make a difference to his Driving Force team.
- ‘Fat eyes’ and powerful thoughts from the past (Comment) A few days ago, I made a simple garden vegetable and hamburger soup to take to a gathering.
- WOHL Update: Tim Horton’s holds off Medicine Chest’s last-minute rally Tim Hortons held off a furious last-minute rally as they hung on to edge Medicine Chest 6-4 in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action at Takhini Arena Sunday.
- WOHL Update: McKenna scores two to lead Yukon Inn to a win over Titanium Willy McKenna admitted to being nervous before his oldtimers game last night,
- When winning is everything, corruption follows (Comment) Canadian junior hockey players will soon be playing in a tournament to determine the best junior hockey team in the world, and Canada will ice a strong team as usual.
A Christmas to remember: Edna Eldorado Far from their homes in the South, three young prospectors mushed their team through the crackling cold.
New Year’s in White Horse in the 1920s Christmas was always a merry time in White Horse during the ’20s, but because there was a high percentage of Scots and those of Scottish inclinations, the big day was New Year’s.
- WOHL Update: Gerry Brandt delivers a fourscore for Yukon Inn Gerry Brandt delivered a four-topping outing to lead Yukon Inn to an 8-2 win over Medicine Chest in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action at the Canada Games Centre over the holiday break.
There were no free rides on the Yukon Quest There was a time, believe it or not, before we had computers, tablets, cell phones – even before we had the clumsy briefcase-sized satellite phones – when journalists had to file stories from remote locations by reading handwritten accounts over land lines to other reporters who could pound the copy, one letter at a time, onto paper using a typewriter.
- KOS win for the first time After 11 games and 440 minutes of soccer, Klondike Office Systems finally got their first win of the season.
- WOHL Update: Team sports are all about, well, the team.
- Chieftain’s juggernaut rolls on with another win Chieftain’s march towards the league title is showing no signs of slowing down, as they won 4-1 over Yukon Brewing in over 35’s soccer action during the early game at the Canada Games Centre on Saturday.
- Review COVID mRNA shots yesterday! “We found one serious adverse event for each 800 (Moderna/Pfizer) vaccinees.”
Yukon cross country skiers qualify for World Champs Four Yukon athletes have qualified for the cross country World Championships.
Get After It! Youth Winter Mountain Bike Training and The Big Fat Butter Tart The snow is blowing, and temperatures might be dropping, but if you listen carefully, you might hear a familiar squeak from the shed.
- WOHL Update: Firth’s Feldman nets hatty in big win over EDI Alfred ‘Freddie’ Feldman took some pressure off his team’s big guns as he connected for a hat trick in Firth’s 8-3 win over EDI in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action Sunday at Takhini Arena.
- Pushpari goal galvanizes Driving Force Joel Pushpari is a man full of enthusiasm and effort and on Saturday his first goal in the league dragged Driving Force back into the game after going down 2-0 to Yukon Brewing in over-35’s soccer action.
Polly the beloved parrot played us all (Comment) Polly the infamous parrot resided in Carcross, Yukon.
- Skagway coming to grips with overdose deaths Late on the night of Jan. 13, Skagway lost 28-year-old Anthony Bowers to a suspected overdose, possibly linked to fentanyl.
- Sim’s double not enough for Klondike Office Systems KOS’s Graham Sim is in the form of his life as he added two goals to his tally, but it wasn’t enough for them as Pepsi’s greater fitness proved decisive, running out 5-4 winners.
- WOHL: Price is right as Kirk scores last minute winner for Air North Kirk was Price-d in as he scored with only 43 ticks left on the clock to give Air North a 4-3 win over Medicine Chest in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action Sunday at Takhini Arena.
- Premier Pillai lacks a democratic mandate (Comment) I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Ranj Pillai for becoming the leader of the Yukon Liberal Party and, in accordance with parliamentary tradition as the leader of the largest party in the legislature, the premier of the Yukon.
- WOHL Update: Cibert scores one of week's hattys to dunk Timmy's Defenceman Carl Cibart, silver locks flowing a la Guy Lafleur, was too much for Tim Hortons to handle as he led his Kilrich team to a 6-3 win over the coffee crew in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action Sunday at Takhini Arena.
- No goals in stalemate In the first goaless draw in recent over-35’s soccer history saw Air North Rangers and Pepsi play out a game short on goals, but high on tension.
The need to reduce GHG emissions is critical (Comment) Healthy runs of migrating chinook and fall chum salmon in the Yukon River and its tributaries contributed to a satisfying lifestyle for many Yukoners.
- Air North keep pressure on for league title Air North Rangers are maintaining their title charge with a comprehensive win 6-1 over Driving Force in over-35 soccer action.
- Honouring a very important document Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon released this statement on Tuesday, the 50th anniversary of Together Today for our Children Tomorrow.
Team Fecteau wins annual Tetra Tech Sportsman’s Bonspiel Old and young. Experienced and novice. Laughs and fun. Great shots, and the hog pot.
- WOHL update: Forty-four is the lucky number for Titanium Storage Forty-four was the lucky number for Titanium Storage on Sunday in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action.
- Heartbreak for Chieftain Chieftain were odds on favourites to win the title for most of the season, and needed to beat to win.
- Skagway reeling after devastating blaze A major fire broke out in the former “Jim Jewell” building on Ninth Avenue last Sunday. The blaze broke out at around 9:45 a.m.
The next train to Whitehorse? The White Pass and Yukon Route (WPYR) railway started service between Skagway and Whitehorse in 1900.
- WOHL update: Threes are wild in Sunday's action Threes were wild in playoff-like Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action Sunday at Takhini Arena.
Mavik MacKinnon strikes silver in Fernie, B.C. Mavik MacKinnon has come home from a B..C Timber Tour freestyle ski series event with a podium placement.
Young Team Yukon building toward bright Brier future There were no grandiose ambitions for Team Yukon heading into this year’s Brier.
- Healing health care: now is our moment to act (Comment) If there is anything that unites Canadians beyond hockey, it must be our belief in high-quality public health care.
- Macdonald back to best for Yukoninfo It’s been a long hard season for Danny Macdonald.
Northern Construction Grinders win WRHL Championship. The Northern Construction Grinders have won the Whitehorse Recreational Hockey League (WRHL) championship.
- Northern security returns to the forefront (Comment) Ed. note: this is the first instalment of a three-part series to be published Fridays.
‘If I save one person, it’s already worth my life’ Daniel Wilk left Canada in March 2022 for Ukraine,
- WOHL Playoffs: Johnstone's late tally lifts EDI over Medicine Chest Kevin Johnstone's one-timer with only 45 seconds left on the clock propelled EDI to a tight 2-1 win over Medicine Chest in the teams' opening oldtimers playoff game at the Canada Games Centre Wednesday night.
Over-35 Men's Soccer: Air North survive massive scare Air North Rangers, the number one seed, had to dig deep to overcome Klondike Office Systems in the first semi final of the morning Saturday.
Why is Canada absent when duty calls? (Comment) Ed. note: this is the second instalment of a four-part weekly series. The first one was published last Friday.
- Public input to determine a Yukon motto Yukon residents are being encouraged to participate in a process to select what will be a first for the territory: a motto.
- WOHL Playoffs: Three teams sent to the sidelines after round 1 .
Over-35 Men’s Soccer: Epic Maratos performance wins the day George Maratos, the Air North Rangers goalkeeper, was like his Greek forebearers of old.
A war made Canada realize the Russian threat Ed. note: this is the third instalment of a four-part weekly series. The first two were published March 24 and March 31.
- Favourites advance to final week of WOHL playoffs Three more teams left the 2022-23 oldtimer hockey playoff scene last Wednesday, as all three favourites advanced to the final set of games this week.
Mavik MacKinnon rounds out medal collection For his final Freestyle ski competition of the year, Mavik MacKinnon is coming home with a Bronze Medal
- Ex-premier Horgan shows his true colours (Comment) So former B.C. premier John Horgan has gone to the dark side.
WOHL playoffs: EDI sweeps final series to capture championship EDI rode their sizzling finish in the regular season to playoff glory as they downed Yukon Inn by identical 5-1 scores to sweep the two-game final series in Whitehorse Oldtimers action at the Canada Games Centre.
Red team captures crown at Co-ed soccer tournament The Co-ed invitational soccer tournament was an unqualified success with over 80 players and seven teams participating for the title.
So how much did Dylan Cozens do? Lots! (Comment) Now that the regular NHL schedule for 2022-23 has come to an end, some readers might be interested in knowing how our local NHL-signed boy did with the team that drafted him five years ago.
CAY spring/summer programs now open First time hopping on a bike?
- A day empowering workers to uphold their rights April 28 is the National Day of Mourning, a day to commemorate those who have died or been injured as a result of their job.
SubZero 14U boys strike gold at B.C. Provincials The SubZero 14U boys have struck gold at the B.C. Provincials.
F.H. Collins Warriors take rugby world by storm Trailblazing high school F.H. Collins competed at the Clearwater Cup in Calgary over the weekend and came away with sunburn, some bruises but with pride intact.
- ‘Bravery, honesty, compassion, integrity, respect’ (Comment) Justice Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee issued this statement earlier this week.
- Here’s how to relieve your allergy symptoms Warm weather is on its way, and with it comes allergy season.
- Mine workers lose out without union rights (Comment) The Yukon mining sector without a union is a disaster waiting to happen.
SubZero 17U and 18U boys strike silver at Nationals Subzero Volleyball Club’s 17U and 18U boys’ teams returned from Volleyball Canada’s 2023 National Championships with silver medals.
Team Yukon competes at Alberta Smallbore Rifle Association Provincial Champs The Yukon North American Indigenous Games (NAIG) Rifle Shooting Team competed at the Alberta Smallbore Rifle Association Provincial Championships in Taber, Alta. recently.
- The elephant in the living room (Comment) There is something we need to talk about.
‘Finish happy and stay in the boat’ As if paddling from Whitehorse to Dawson City wasn’t enough, one family decided to extend the trip from Salt Spring Island, B.C. to Tuktoyaktuk, N.W.T. – travelling the extra kilometres by bicycle.
- Some tourists taking foolish risks with bears ultiple risky bear encounters along the Canadian side of the South Klondike Highway, observed and curtailed by Skagway tour guides, have resulted in them calling for enhanced safety protocols for rental car customers originating from Skagway.
Cadence Cycle Monster Enduro spawns again This past long weekend, the Cadence Cycle Monster Enduro crept back for a third year of terrifying trails and daring descents atop Grey Mountain in Whitehorse.
- Canada’s investment in the North is essential (Comment) During the Northern Premier’s Forum, Western Premiers Conference, and at last week’s Council of the Federation, my provincial and territorial colleagues and I spoke at length about security and sovereignty in Canada’s Arctic.
- A testament to determination, unwavering dedication. (Comment) Ed. note: Tracy-Anne McPhee, the minister of Justice and Health and Social Services, has issued this statement.
In remembrance of lawmaker Peter Jenkins (Comment) Ed. note: MLAs paid tribute to Peter Jenkins, the late Yukon Party and independent MLA, during their special one-day sitting last month in the Old Territorial Administration Building in Dawson City. Applause followed each speaker’s remarks.
- Your pharmacist can support women’s health needs. (Comment) Women are renowned for being great multi-taskers; however, they often forget to put themselves on the long list of to-do’s – which makes it difficult to prioritize women’s health.
- Canada must make major investments in the North. (Comment) During the Northern Premier’s Forum, Western Premier’s Conference, and at this month’s Council of the Federation, my provincial and territorial colleagues and I spoke at length about security and sovereignty in Canada’s Arctic.
Achieving equality continues Premier Ranj Pillai; Jeanie McLean, the minister responsible for the Women and Gender Equity Directorate; and Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee issued the following statement after last Friday’s Pride flag-raising:
- Report’s findings raise questions for the premier Ed. note: the Yukon Party caucus released this statement Thursday.
Are forest fires a signal of worse to come? (Comment) As forest fires continue to rage across Canada, including the Yukon, it’s hard to avoid thinking about the future – a bleak prospect indeed.
- Effective ways to strengthen your community Imagine the year is 2030 or 2040.
YXY Beach Volleyball Club competes in two tournaments The YXY Beach Volleyball Club sent teams to two tournaments recently.
Yukon Orienteering Association navigates Chadburn Lake map The Yukon Orienteering Association went for an outing Wednesday.
It’s time to retire the Yukon gold panner It’s been a wonderful summer for pitching my tent in several Yukon campgrounds.
- Flying saucers: myth or scientific fact? (Comment) At the tender age of 10 and a budding scientist, I became an eager fan of ufology – even though I didn’t know what it was.
Yukon Bike Fest: A week-long celebration of people riding bikes The Cycling Association of Yukon and its partners have organized Yukon Bike Fest, a series of fun events from Saturday, Aug. 26 to Monday, Sept. 4.
61-year-old adventurer finishes solo journey from Yukon to the Bering Sea A 61 year old intrepid adventurer from North County Dublin, Dermot Higgins, has just completed a solo source to sea expedition on the Yukon River.
- When an emergency strikes, we all have a role Ed. note: Community Services Minister Richard Mostyn and Mayor Laura Cabott have released this joint statement.
A Hands-On Effort Highways and Public Works Minister Nils Clarke (left) and Teslin Tlingit Council (TTC) Deputy Chief Alex Oakley cut a log Aug. 22 in Teslin to celebrate a new arrangement.
We find ourselves at a crossroads (Comment) In the face of escalating challenges, the role of firefighters in combating wildfires has become an increasingly complex and formidable task.
Not in my backyard ... already (Comment) Gladiator Metals had its day in court in August.
- We’re making life more affordable across the territory (Comment) Ed. note: Premier Ranj Pillai recently released this statement.
- Poilievre’s values aren’t Yukon values Ed. note: the Yukon Liberal Party released this statement Tuesday afternoon.
- The Greatest Show on turf returns There are few sporting events that are as eagerly anticipated as the over 35’s soccer league at the CGC.
Old guard triumphs in 2023 One Club Wonder Blaine Tessier and Vic Istchenko, perennial victors in the One Club Wonder (OCW) Golf Tournament,
- This land could accommodate 900 homes (Comment) Addressing the housing crisis in Whitehorse is the responsibility of all orders of government.
Nearing The Century Mark .
- Welchs weekend warriors win again Keith Welch is finding captaincy a lot easier the second time round,
- Clearly, trust in the consumption site is rising Ed. note: Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee issued this statement Tuesday.
- Trudeau, Poilievre are bracing for a showdown Cats have nine lives.
- Let’s celebrate tourism all year long Ed. note: Tourism and Culture Minister John Streicker issued this statement observing the recent World Tourism Day.
Billingsley powers Air North to victory over Titanium in high-scoring affair Newcomer Devon Slade continued his torrid early-season scoring pace with four goals in Firth’s 6-4 win over Kilrich in Whitehorse Oldtimers hockey action Sunday at Takhini Arena.
- We have taken action around Alexander Street (Comment) Ed. note: Premier Ranj Pillai issued this statement last Friday afternoon, the day before the Alpine Bakery in Whitehorse closed indefinitely.
Budget-cutting ideas for DND to ponder (Comment) The military planners and bean counters at the Department of National Defence (DND) are combing through the line items of DND finances and capital projects to identify $900 million in savings over the next four years.
Dainton closes the door on Firth in WOHL action; EDI's Morberg has monster game In Sunday's Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League action,
F.H. Collins Warriors compete in M.E. Lazerte Voyageur Volleyball Classic The F.H. Collins Warriors competed in the M.E. Lazerte Voyageur Volleyball Classic held in Edmonton Alberta, on Oct. 12-14,
- Children may be at a higher risk of the flu When it comes to the flu, we often look to Australia’s flu season to help prepare for what’s in store for Canada.
- Tim's hangs on for nail-biting win after nearly blowing six-goal lead It's well known that the worst lead in hockey is 7-1...
- Capri nets first point of season; Nate (Wendel) Clark has big week for Kilrich Cries of “The NHL does this, why don’t we?” reverberated throughout Takhini Arena during the past few oldtimers evenings,
Warriors mine medals at Dawson Invitational Volleyball Tournament In the latest edition of the Dawson Invitational Volleyball Tournament (DIVT) held Oct. 26-28, Dawson once again showcased warm hospitality, and passion for the sport.
- Premier must clarify ‘flip-flop’ on the carbon tax Ed. note: the Yukon Party released this statement Tuesday.
- Citizens’ Assembly is out of touch with Yukoners Ed. note: the Yukon Party released this statement Tuesday.
- A beastly solution to a human-caused tragedy (Comment) Bring on the elephants!
- Territory marked World Pneumonia Day Ed. note: Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee issued this statement last Friday.
- Goalies steal the show in Sunday night Oldtimers action at Takhini Goalies were in the spotlight Sunday night
Double glory as Warriors secure two Yukon Championship banners F.H. Collins’ 9-10 Warriors left an indelible mark on the Yukon Championship, dazzling fans with a stellar performance that earned them not one, but two championship banners.
- If the city acts, we’ll keep our bins open (Comment) Raven ReCentre is a 34-year-old not-for-profit society that started in order to initiate recycling in the Yukon.
Yukon Wild capture gold at Burnaby Remembrance Day tourney The Yukon Wild U18 team travelled to the Burnaby Remembrance day tournament this past weekend (Nov. 11-13) and again walked in not really knowing what to expect.
- Better landfills: an issue of fairness (Comment) We have to do better when it comes to managing our garbage.
5+ Hours of Light Fat Bike Festival returns to celebrate winter solstice The mostly annual 5+ Hours of Light Fat Bike Festival returns to Wolf Creek Campground in Whitehorse on Sunday, Dec. 17.
- Suicide: a health issue that affects all of us (Comment) Ed. note: Health and Social Services Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee issued this statement Thursday.
For the Hands of Hope, the synergy continues It was dark. It was cold.
When times get bumpy, I’ll cherish this story Bruce and I lived in Whitehorse from ’79 to ’83, where Bruce was a family physician with the Whitehorse Medical Clinic and I was a guidance counsellor at the old F.H. Collins Secondary School.
- Want to end the war? Ask John Lennon “And so this is Christmas, and what have you done? Another year over, and a new one just begun.”
Reflections on the very first Christmas Lucy MacNeil paused, her voice catching in the middle of singing the opening line of this seasonal favourite.
A sobering New Year’s thought for all (Comment) In 2022, my long-time friend and Whitehorse scribe, John Firth, sent me a book entitled War – **How Conflict Shaped Us,** by acclaimed Canadian historian and author Margaret MacMillan.
Understanding solar in the Yukon (Comment) Starting by stating the obvious, the Yukon Microgeneration Program was foundational to Solvest.
- Devon Slade tears it up in Whitehorse Oldtimers Hockey League action The scouts were drooling at Takhini Arena this past week as young Devon Slade (well, young for oldtimers at 43) scored nine of his Firth team’s 16 goals in two wins in oldtimers action this past week.
Landed Bakehouse shorts out Grizzly Electric in Squash League action Yukon Squash League action continued last week.
Langbakk finishes first twice in B.C. snowboard competition Fourteen-year-old Snowboard Yukon rider Stian Langbakk did not have ideal preparation for his first competitions of the season after a concussion and a back injury kept him off snow for most of December.
Gold of a different kind: extraordinary Yukoners Ed. note: in this new column, Yukoner Kim Rogers will occasionally profile well-known Yukoners who don’t necessarily make the daily headlines.