Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

SKATE-A-THON – Speed skaters took to the ice at the Canada Games Centre Sunday to raise money for the Kids Recreation Fund. Pictured from left are Phil Hoffman, Shea Hoffman, Micah Taggart-Cox, Daryn Covell, Hannah Wirth, Christopher Ritchie and Malcolm Taggart.

Skate-a-thon raises $1,400 for Kids Rec Fund

The Kids Recreation Fund was the ultimate winner at Sunday's skate-a-thon fund-raiser at the Canada Games Centre, hosted by the Whitehorse Rapids Speed Skating Club.

By Whitehorse Star on November 6, 2012

The Kids Recreation Fund was the ultimate winner at Sunday's skate-a-thon fund-raiser at the Canada Games Centre, hosted by the Whitehorse Rapids Speed Skating Club.

Twenty-six skaters circled the ATCO ice surface 1,333 times and raised more than $1,400 for the Kids Rec Fund.

"What a great event,” said Laini Klassen, one of the volunteer event organizers.

"It is so rewarding to give back to the community, especially to an organization that helps out so many kids throughout the territory.”

Of the experienced skaters, Phil Hoffman, Shea Hoffman and Daryn Lovell skated the most laps in their 30 minute time limit – a thigh-burning 111 times around the rink. Ten-year-old Micah Taggart-Cox was not far behind with 104 laps.

Among the novice skaters, Caius Taggart-Cox circled the rink a very respectable 57 times, while Caleb McPherson managed to cross the line 51 times.

As for fund-raising, Christopher Ritchie from Haines Junction stood on the podium after raising the most at $248, while Hanna Wirth collected $165 from her sponsors.

Bronwyn Hayes represented the figure skating community in the celebrity category, with Megan Freese and Britta Andreas lacing up their skates and doing their fair share of laps as representatives of the Kids Rec Fund.

"We really appreciate everyone who sponsored skaters,” said Klassen."And who knows? Maybe some of the funds we raised will end up exposing some kid to speed skating who otherwise wouldn't have the opportunity.”

The Kids Recreation Fund is a Sport Yukon program that provides low-income families a chance to apply for funding to allow their children to participate in recreational programs within the Yukon.

Now in its 13th year, the Kids Rec Fund has benefited more than 6,000 local children with over $1.6 million dollars in grants to help pay for registration fees or sports equipment.

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