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JOINS THE RACE – Green Party candidate Frank de Jong, born to Dutch immigrant parents, grew up on a dairy farm north of Guelph, Ont.
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JOINS THE RACE – Green Party candidate Frank de Jong, born to Dutch immigrant parents, grew up on a dairy farm north of Guelph, Ont.
Faro resident Frank de Jong has officially become the Green Party’s candidate for the Yukon in the 2015 federal election.
Faro resident Frank de Jong has officially become the Green Party’s candidate for the Yukon in the 2015 federal election.
A nomination meeting confirming his candidacy was held Tuesday evening at the Kwanlin Dun Cultural Centre in Whitehorse.
de Jong was born to Dutch immigrant parents and grew up on a dairy farm north of Guelph, Ont.
He holds degrees from the University of Western Ontario and the University of Ottawa.
He is a public school teacher in Faro, where he lives with his partner, Tove Christensen.
His interest in politics stems from his desire to help build vibrant, prosperous communities in balance with nature, the party said in a statement Wednesday.
de Jong worries that climate change could potentially cause widespread disruption to Canada’s communities and economies, and feels that prudent action should be taken.
He thinks Canada is well placed to be the first country in the world to move to 100-per-cent renewable electricity where all power is generated by wind, water, solar, geothermal and wood fuel co-generation.
He suggests that taxes should be shifted off of jobs, businesses and sales and onto the use and abuse of nature.
Untaxing labour and right-pricing resources would encourage businesses to hire more people and reduce material throughput.
There are far more jobs in value-added production then in simple resource extraction.
People and businesses should “pay for what they burn, not for what they earn,” he said.
de Jong is one of seven siblings who all achieved post-secondary educations.
As a result of this experience, however, he thinks college and university tuition should be low – following the European model – to ensure access to all.
The candidate is a strong supporter of local, community-based arts and music. He is also an avid outdoorsman who enjoys canoeing, hiking and cross- country skiing.
John Streicker, the Greens’ candidate in 2011, did not seek the nomination.
Ryan Leef, the Yukon’s Conservative MP, was quietly renominated for this year’s election in early 2014.
Larry Bagnell, the incumbent Leef beat in 2011, won the Liberals’ nomination last fall.
No one has publicly announced an intention to seek the NDP nomination.
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Comments (7)
Up 18 Down 4
north_of_60 on Feb 14, 2015 at 10:46 pm
Deja Moo: The Greens, NDP and Liberals spread the opposition vote thin enough that even a Conservative could get elected.
Up 30 Down 23
Voters of the Yukon on Feb 14, 2015 at 10:23 am
NDP is wasting their money and time. They should support Larry because all they will do is take votes away from him. It will be interesting with a new green candidate. Where will his votes come from? This makes it an interesting election. The conservative will likely go into power again because everyone loves to hate Harper. Even Harper's own friends don't like his politics. The leader of the NDP talks down to much to people. East coast, most of the west coast, western provinces will not support him. I think you will see Ontario or Quebec will not see him as the leader for Canada. NDP have no direction on the economy, foreign affairs, and would tax resources industries right out of business.
Trudeau is not a leader at all and has no position on anything but pot. So we all become pot heads. Both the NDP and Liberal will reestablish the gun registrar.
Trudeau is a nice person but does not get what it means to be a leader of Canada.
So the only choice we have as voters is to vote for the best of the worst. When the last Trudeau was in power he almost destroyed our economy. This Trudeau does not understand anything about economy or social program.
Harper has invested more money into social programs then any government before him.
Up 19 Down 12
vlad on Feb 13, 2015 at 6:15 pm
Another genius from the SE telling us how it is. Be aware
Up 13 Down 4
Cowleycreek on Feb 13, 2015 at 2:15 pm
"No one has publicly announced an intention to seek the NDP nomination"? You might want to read the story in your own paper (and other media) about Victor Kisoun titled "Local man pursues NDP nomination."
Up 22 Down 7
June Jackson on Feb 13, 2015 at 1:47 pm
Mr. Dejong.. had me interested right up to "People and businesses should “pay for what they burn, not for what they earn,” he said. Well.. who do you think that is going to be? If you are receiving assistance, which is something of a career in the Yukon, Gov. pays for your utilities, government taxing government wouldn't make sense, and big companies/corporations would simply insist on the tax breaks they are receiving now in order to even conduct business in any specific area..So..who is really paying? There they are..that group that is dwindling at an alarming rate.. the taxpayer. Nothing will change with this line of tax reform.
You might not get this one.. but I am sure you could beat Liz.. I'd join the party and vote for you just to get Liz out out of leadership.
Up 25 Down 10
Sounds Good Where the blue Print on Feb 13, 2015 at 12:15 pm
Where is the blue print in how to change the tax and employment?
I agree with renewable energy and value added.
Up 22 Down 19
ProScience Greenie on Feb 13, 2015 at 6:39 am
Seems like a bright and reasonable person giving Yukoners a good voting option besides the stale 'big three' parties and their embedded old boys and girls clubs looking for favors from Ottawa that we have now. Best of luck to de Jong.