Photo by Photo submitted
IN THE HALLOWEEN SPIRIT – Two Whitehorse airport security employees were seen here on the tarmac last Friday decked out in traditional clothing from North Africa.
Photo by Photo submitted
IN THE HALLOWEEN SPIRIT – Two Whitehorse airport security employees were seen here on the tarmac last Friday decked out in traditional clothing from North Africa.
The selection of Halloween costumes by two local airport security employees isn't sitting well with a former Yukoner who was contacted by an upset relative living here.
The selection of Halloween costumes by two local airport security employees isn't sitting well with a former Yukoner who was contacted by an upset relative living here.
The woman, who wants to remain anonymous to protect the identity of her relative, suggested Thursday the incident is akin to the recent furor facing the Royal Canadian Legion in Ontario.
The two employees spent the day at the Erik Nielsen Whitehorse International Airport dressed in traditional ware from the Islamic region of northwest Africa, including swords and full head wraps hiding their identities.
Their choice of costume, she pointed out, comes at a time when the world is on heightened alert because of parcel bombs being shipped out of the Middle East.
The concerned caller did not think the costumes were appropriate for employees working at an airport, particularly while walking around on the tarmac when Air Canada Jazz was loading passengers.
"They should be reprimanded in some fashion,” she told the Star. "I don't think they should lose their jobs, but they should be reprimanded in some fashion.
"They are in a position of responsibility and they should not be doing that.”
Both employees, she added, are supervisors.
Yukon government spokeswoman Jennifer Magnuson said no complaints have been received by airport management or the Department of Highways and Public Works, which is responsible for managing the Yukon's airports.
The employees, whose identities are not being released by airport management, were simply enjoying the Halloween spirit, and didn't give their costumes a second thought, Magnuson said.
"Those staff members have been spoken to but they are not being disciplined,” she said. "Their intention was not to offend.”
She said they are aware now of the issue being raised, and will be keeping it in mind come next Halloween.
What may have been offensive to some, was apparently not offensive to all.
One local resident who was at the airport last Friday said the group he was sitting with and several others around found the moment humourous and had a chuckle when the two individuals walked in dressed in their costumes.
The employees are supervisory security staff and do not wear uniforms, so there was no issue of them being out of uniform, Magnuson said.
She stressed the men were wearing the proper identification badge required by all airport staff when they're on the tarmac.
Magnuson said one of the employees had just returned from a trip to North Africa, where he purchased some indigenous clothing.
One of the outfits, she said, was traditional to the nomadic Taureg people of North Africa and the other was Mauritanian in style.
One of the employees was scheduled for an interview with the Star this morning.
Magnuson said he was called to a meeting and was unavailable.
But the government did issue an official statement.
"Our employees considered this an opportunity to share with their co-workers the traditional attire and culture from northwest Africa,” said the prepared statement read by Magnuson. "The Department of Highways and Public Works promotes a respectful workplace and would never tolerate an employee who purposely acts in a discriminating manner and we regret any confusion or concern by any individual who felt offended.”
Meanwhile, the Legion is conducting an investigation into a Halloween party hosted by one of its Ontario branches.
The incident involved a man dressed up in a Ku Klux Klan outfit holding a noose around the neck of a second man who had painted his face black.
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Comments (20)
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Daniel AJ Sokolov on Nov 15, 2010 at 3:51 am
Please, get a life. Or at least a world map and an encyclopedia.
So there is a bunch of dangerous criminals in Yemen (muslim). And in Afghanistan (muslim). And in Chechnya (christian). And in Ireland (christian). And in Spain (christian). So should we stop dressing up as anything Muslim or Christian? Or maybe we should stop wearing business suits at airports, since that was what the 9/11-terrorists were wearing. In that case the traditional Tuareg-outfit could be the perfect new standard. Traditionally, they were neither Muslims nor Christians but Animists. And they live thousands of miles from any of the places named above (well over 6.000 km as the crow flies from Mauretania to Yemen, for example).
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Max Mack on Nov 12, 2010 at 9:26 am
Much ado about nothing. A typical over-the-top reaction from the kind of people that insist we should all live in a completely sanitized, cookie-cutter world.
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francias pillman on Nov 12, 2010 at 9:11 am
Everyone is a big pro on nothing. Last time I checked, all Muslims are terrorists and they want to kill all westerner's. Sorry, but CNN and CBC tells me how to think so that's what I know. Who dresses up like that on Halloween? Try to remember the last time you saw a costume like that. You can't, either can I. We are hustled through security like a bunch of cattle. And we are all considered the real terrorists. Why? Because the public allows it, and embraces it with open arms. Got nothing to hide?, so why not have some stranger feel you up in the view of even more strangers. Wearing this costume is one thing, but to have in front of an airplane is 100% set-up, to invoke public reaction, plain and simple. And it seems to have done a terrific job at that. So stop calling people racist when everyone is programmed to scream TERRORIST when we see something like that. Go scream RACIST at the media outlets.
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planted yukoner on Nov 12, 2010 at 4:41 am
I have read all the comments on this .. I truly do believe these 2 SUPERVISORS had a lack in total judgment. I really don't think this comes down to racism as to what the 2 SUPERVISORS were wearing but where they where wearing it. One of the supervisors did have a sword and in a secured area of the airport that's what it should come down to, why are they near a a jet with a sword?
Sorry, but I don't all of the Whitehorse airport staff and if I was on that jet I don't care if it is halloween I would have freaked out. In any other airport in the world they may have been either arrested or even worse shot!! This is the world we live in.
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Don McKenzie on Nov 12, 2010 at 12:12 am
Lots of comments here. Has anyone called Rick Mercer, Jay Leno, David Letterman, yet. I bet these guys in the photos got EXACTLY the kind of reaction they have received. Now how about everyone put away their "outrage", and attempt to have a rational discussion about this.
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Virgil on Nov 11, 2010 at 3:08 am
I forgot that somehow the Taliban's plans for destruction of the Western world included an airplane on the tarmac of an airport in the YUKON.
What would the message be?
"HA HA, We killed 50 people that had nothing to do with anything on the international stage while surviving cold weather?"
I'm sure the message would be twisted to show how the Taliban had adapted to the cold... and were very clever by dressing up in African garb.
That's another thing. Do you really think a terrorist is going to dress up like that to commit an act of terrorism? I forgot how the guys on 911 were dressed? Oh yeah!! like regular people. You should be worried about the other people sitting around you. Or according to your logic, we should ban all dress that makes you look like a regular person while African traditional clothing is allowed. Because terrorists dress like regular people. NOT LIKE AFRICANS
How can you take our airport security seriously? It's great walking through the airport and waving at the security guard because you know the guy. It's wonderful going up to the counter and dealing with staff you actually know. Don't ruin a local airport with a bunch of outside fear.
If we have a terrorist attack in Whitehorse that is done by the Taliban while dressed in traditional African garb... I'll eat my words.
and one final thing Jake.
IT WAS HALLOWE'EN ... these guys weren't doing it on a regular day.
Sure ignorance is bliss; but those individuals really annoy those others that have a clue.
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jake on Nov 10, 2010 at 2:05 pm
To everyone posting on here that see nothing wrong with what these people did,why do we bother with airport security at all then? Take the fences down,let anyone in any costume or with any possible weapons wander around the aircraft. Let everyone cover up their faces so security can't tell who they are or what they are up to. It's all in fun right? Who gives a care about what anyone in any costume is doing around planes that everyones' life depends on to get where they are going. Do they work at the airport or are they up to no good? It really doesn't matter because it's probably just in fun right? And if not, oops,too bad it was about 50 people on that airplane that are dead now because some nitwits didn't give a care about who wanders around the planes on the ground.
It's not about race or racism, I don't care if these people were dressed up as martians with ray guns for crying out loud. It's about this being a secured area for very good reason and the fact that there are idiots walking the streets that don't get that fact after 9/11 and all the other attacks that have been carried out by various groups worldwide against airplanes. I don't believe the level of naivety out there!
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Yukonher on Nov 9, 2010 at 11:14 am
Welcome to idiocracy.
If you are sitting on a plane in the Yukon on Halloween and you see someone on the tarmac dressed like that and you think anything other than "hey, cool outfits", you are an idiot.
If they were dressed as birds would that be a problem? Birds sometimes fly into engines and cause problems for planes. oooooh.
This is about stereotyping muslims. If a muslim was on the plane wearing such garb (sans knife, obviously), then what would you do? These people did not do anything wrong. They are wearing traditional clothing that is interesting looking.... on HALLOWEEN people!
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William H Munro on Nov 8, 2010 at 3:15 pm
Wow... these guys have to be held responsible for this blatant disparaging behavior... I can't imagine why one would want to discard their most obvious racist clothing and don for a day, that of a historically, peaceful and tolerant culture that honors multi-culturalism. I can only conclude that they are trying to give us a message!
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Wow on Nov 8, 2010 at 12:05 pm
I think the attire is wonderful for this holiday.
I'm astonished by how easily offended some people are.
Is it offensive and/or racist when people dress up as Indians with cowboys in tow, for halloween?
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kate on Nov 8, 2010 at 9:15 am
The issue here was not intended as a racist option. The issue was that these idiots were in a restricted area in front of a commercial airline where no one is allowed without a 'red' pass displayed above their waist and the picture was posted on a social network.....!!! Why a picture in front of a commercial airline... would the main terminal not have been more appropriate... or even at the welcome to the airport sign... give me a break... this was not appropriate and had the two been in vancouver or calgary... they would have been escorted out if they had even been able to get close to the plane... grow up you idiots.
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dustin hubbard on Nov 8, 2010 at 6:19 am
WOW, I am a teenage student resident of Whitehorse and when I seen this picture I totally couldn't believe that actual staff chose to wear such outfits, being African or from whatever nationality. I would have been very nervous if I would have seen personally.These employees have rules and regulations to follow in regards to being in that type of area, and should be dressed appropriately for their position. In the picture a man had a sword, that's crazy! I can see that it was halloween in 2 days but could they not have went to a party or a bar to show off their costumes that weekend. I sure wouldn't think it was funny if I was travelling with my grandmother, she would have probably not boarded that Air Canada plane or any other plane that left our airport. I don't think that this was taken very serious as I do have to travel and would have not thought was very funny.
Yukon resident student
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Nathan Barowski on Nov 7, 2010 at 1:08 pm
I am sickened by the narrowmindedness and racist attitudes of some Yukoners.
It appears that many responders equate Muslims to terrorists and unusual dress to threats against themselves and society.
I'm proud to live in a multicultural Canada where diversity of religion and dress is mostly tolerated except by rednecks who fear and want to closet anything that looks different than them.
An FBI study that looked at ethnicity and terrorism over a 25 year period states that 42% of terriorist activity was caused by Latinos, 29% by left wing extremists and 7% by Jewish extremists.
Hypocritical purists of society would be better off posting signs at the airport door citing no latinos or left wing rednecks than fearing the next person they see at an airport in an unusual dress. Problem is those latinos and left wing extremists dress just like you and me. Remember the FLQ? It was hard to round those buggers up cause they looked just like most of us. It was too bad they didn't wear flowing blue dresses so we could round them up a lot faster and sleep better at night.
If you're still worried about the sword that was part of the costume, they're not illegal at airports but they won't allow you to pass through passenger screening or board an aircraft with one. Feel better?
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current yukoner on Nov 6, 2010 at 12:49 pm
"Our employees considered this an opportunity to share with their co-workers the traditional attire and culture from northwest Africa,” said the prepared statement read by Magnuson...
I think Magnuson, the minister responsible and the airport authorities should be ashamed that this is the response coming from the government.
A sword, or anything that looks like one in a secure area at a time of heightened security threats, public sensitivity and clear federal regulations about what is and is not allowed within airports is wrong and inappropriate. What do you mean no discipline, their action is worth discipline and someone should be held accountable, starting with you Magnuson for not taking the appropriate actions given the seriousness of the incident and dismissing it so quickly to the public. Are you a union representative or a manager.
As for the clothing, also inappropriate, not because of the culture it resembles, but because these employees are suppose to be security professionals, identifiable to the public for a whole lot of good reasons and ready to respond to issues in a professional manner. With those outfits on, how is that possible.
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ridiculous on Nov 6, 2010 at 8:45 am
This is ridiculous. I can't believe what passes for news. Honestly, Halloween is about getting dressed up in wild costumes and having fun. Everyone is so sensitive and easily offended... how do we even manage to get through the day? Nothing about these employee's costumes is remotely racist. They look like Aladdin. And no one can compare this to the Ontario incident, that was racist. The only solution is for employer's to refuse Costumes in the work place leave it up to the kids to enjoy the day. For the employee's, I support you.
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Colleen Lyons on Nov 6, 2010 at 7:38 am
I can not believe that anyone would dress in this type of costume & have their picture taken by an aircraft with all the worldly terrorism/plots etc.& especially by someone in their profession.Couldn't they have dressed up on their own time? This was totally inappropriate & unacceptable!! Do they not take their jobs seriously or the lives of others? Should we as passengers or other employees working at the airport have to worry? Dare we accept packages arriving by air? I sense lots of safety issues/concerns.These public personnel are actually lucky someone didn't freak out and out of fear for their own safety confront them which could have resulted in someone getting hurt. As a senior & if I would have seen this I would have probably had a heart attack or the like....Someones heads should roll if this gets brushed under the carpet so come on those WHO HAVE THE AUTHORITY...get your heads out of the sand & fire their butts....THIS IS NOT AT ALL FUNNY!
Also former YUKONER!!!
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bobbybitman on Nov 6, 2010 at 1:21 am
DUH FOLKS! This whole thing only an issue because jihadi Muslims are dedicated to blowing up planes to kill Canadians and other westerners. If this guy had have been to Japan and they were wearing kimonos, there'd have been no issue. So let's put the blame where it belongs: with Muslims who make a big deal about the fact that they want to kill non-Muslims. Looks like you can't even wear traditional dress from a Muslim region of the world anymore without being suspected of being a mass murderer. That is very sad for the millions of peaceful Muslims out there.
The sword however is another issue in an airport. That really is inappropriate. You are not allowed to have toy weapons, what's with the sword?
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AnotherformerYukoner on Nov 5, 2010 at 4:20 pm
All this "incident" did was hi-light the blatant racism within our country and narrow mindedness of both this woman and her relative. Since when are people wearing traditional African clothes a threat?? Canadians pride themselves on living in a country where people are presumed to be innocent unless proven otherwise...
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JC on Nov 5, 2010 at 2:18 pm
I totally agree with the woman, it was totally inappropriate. I have a feeling a lot more of this will be said in near future.
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jake on Nov 5, 2010 at 2:00 pm
You gotta be kidding me! The one guy looks like he is wearing a sword walking around on the secure area of the tarmac!
If I was on that plane and looked out the window I would have been freaking out.
This is not acceptable, passengers going through every kind of screening imaginable, it being a federal offense to even make a verbal joke about hijacking,etc. and airport workers are allowed to pull off a stunt like this?
They, their supervisors and the minister responsible responsible for them should be held to account.
If I had seen them walking around the airport in this garb I would have called the RCMP immediately.
There needs to be an investigation as to how this was allowed to happen!