History Archive
Popular discussions
September 27, 1902
- Cold Blooded Killers A Dominion Creek Miner -- Dufor was shot by LaBelle and his body thrown into the River -- LaBelle's past career.
August 23, 1902
A Record Of A Crime Spree Had four hundred dollars in Bank of Quebec notes when arrested -- Police hot on the trail of Fournier's partner.
July 2, 1902
Semi-Weekly Star Perpetuated Racial Discrimination In Canada the most complex process of racial intermingling occurred in British Columbia,
April 9, 1902
- A Record Breaker Front Page News from The Semi-Weekly Star, Wednesday, April 9, 1902
March 1, 1902
Death on the Rail A distressing accident occurred on the W.P. & Y. Route yesterday at 11:55 a.m. abut two miles south of Frazer station.
December 31, 1901
Stampede to Bremner District There is a stampede on from Valdes.
Bird's Trial Resulted in Guilty The trial of Homer Bird for murder, at Juneau, has declared his life forfeited.
December 12, 1901
A Hazardous Trip The Story of Capt. Lee, who arrived in White Horse Monday night with the Dawson mail
May 15, 1901
A Ghastly Find Early Saturday morning a report was circulated around town that the body of a man had been found on the riverbank beneath the wharf of the W.P.&Y. Route,
February 20, 1901
In the Latter Days. .
In the Latter Days. The Good Book tells us that in the latter days of the world "there shall be ward and rumors of wars," but it also says
February 6, 1901
- Five New Boats Five New BoatsTo Be Built By The W.P. & Y. Route 150 To 200 Ship Carpenters Will Be Employed In The Work
- The White Death Of all the natural phenomena peculiar to the Rocky mountain region none is more strange, or terrible than the mysterious storm known to the Indians as "the white death".
January 23, 1901
- Tragedy on the Trail Two gentlemen, who are stopping at the Savoy, and who arrived from the inside last night, bring a story of another reported tragedy on the trail.
January 16, 1901
- The Snow Blockade Many hardships were endured during the early 1900's in the North. The following is a story of just one instance depicting the trials and tribulations of traveling from Skagway to Whitehorse during the winter.
The New Gold Strike The first authentic news to be received from the new strike on Livingstone creek in the Big Salmon country is that brought out by Mr. Leonard Matchett who, though not the discoverer, was one of the first locators on the creek.
January 9, 1901
Work To Be Resumed On The Anaconda, Rabbit Foot and White Horse Group Mines For Which Large Sums Have Been Offered and Refused
January 4, 1901
- Late Dawson News Dawson Jan. 4 - Four thousand Klondikers have been vaccinated under the compulsory order promulgated some time ago and the work continues unabated, though the disease is gone.
December 30, 1899
Off For Cape Nome Advice to Argonauts Who About to Leave for the Beach Diggings.