Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

The front page of the Daily Evening Star, December 31, 1901.

Stampede to Bremner District

There is a stampede on from Valdes.

By Whitehorse Star on December 31, 1901

Advices date November 25th, tell of a big rush of prospectors to the Bremner country, where rich diggings were discovered the last of October.

On Nov. 25th the first crowd of stampeders, with fifteen dog teams and freight, including thirty men started out for the scene of the excitement.

Regarding the diggings little is known. It seems that several well known prospectors opened rich ground in the Bremner district and found coarse gold going from $3 to $5 to the pan at the surface.

Running short of provisions they returned to Valdes for a new outfit, which they secured and then returned to the diggings accompanied by friends.

There was little desire to keep the location of the ground a secret and Valdes went "stampede mad.” Every one who could arrange to go, was prepared to leave "light” and stake out a claim.

The diggings are said to be only 90 miles from Valdes, lying between there and the great copper belt.

The Daily Evening Star, Tuesday, December 31, 1901

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