Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

Work To Be Resumed

On The Anaconda, Rabbit Foot and White Horse Group Mines For Which Large Sums Have Been Offered and Refused

By Whitehorse Star on January 9, 1901

The White Horse Star, January 9, 1901

Work To Be Resumed

On The Anaconda, Rabbit Foot and White Horse Group

Mines For Which Large Sums Have Been Offered and Refused

The excellent returns from Messrs. Graingers & McIntyre's properties has given a fresh impetus to copper mining in the White Horse district, and in the course of the next two or three weeks a force of men will be put to work on the Anaconda mine, which has already had sufficient development done to prove it equally rich as the Copper King.

The group of mines comprising the Anaconda, Rabbit Foot and White Horse, is owned by Messrs. J.P. Whitney, A. P. Benton, Ole Dickson, W.A. Pucket, Charley Ward and O'Neil.

Of these the Anaconda is the furthest advanced in development, 135 feet of tunnel having already been run, besides numerous cross-cuts and several shafts to a depth of 20 feet. Last June $100,000 was offered and refused for the Anaconda and five weeks ago an offer of $150,000 for the Anaconda and Rabbit Foot was also declined.

The lode on which these claims are located shows an average width of 75 feet, and assays from picked ore have given values as high as $258 per ton.

At the Anaconda there are now about 100 tons of ore on the dump, but the owners have decided not to ship any of it at present, and will wait for the erection of a smelter close at hand which has every indication of being an accomplished fact during the coming summer.

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