Whitehorse Daily Star

Late Dawson News

Dawson Jan. 4 - Four thousand Klondikers have been vaccinated under the compulsory order promulgated some time ago and the work continues unabated, though the disease is gone.

By Whitehorse Star on January 4, 1901

The White Horse Star, January 9, 1901

Late Dawson News

Dawson Jan. 4 - Four thousand Klondikers have been vaccinated under the compulsory order promulgated some time ago and the work continues unabated, though the disease is gone. There is not now a single case of small pox in the whole Yukon country.

Dawson. Jan. 4 - Mr. Snooks who just returned from the Koyukuk, says there are 250 men employed at mining in the district this winter. He says nearly all of them are working for themselves and that there will be work for 300 more men next summer there at mining. The results are encouraging.

Dawson. Jan. 4. - Reports from Circle City tell of a good shortage at that place, amounting to almost a famine in certain commodities. Flour is held at $45 a sack, and is only purchasable from men with outfits, the stores having run out. Butter, bacon, sugar and rice are not obtainable at any price. Already enterprising men have laid plans to relieve the shortage.

Dawson, Jan. 4 - Pantages, manager of the Orpheum theater, has secured an injunction restraining Prof. Walter Parkes from using his famous projectoscope in Dawson. Pantages claims that he furnished Parkes with money to get new pictures to be shown only at the Orpheum, and he claims that the other theaters are negotiating with Parkes for the use of the machine.

Dawson, Jan. 4 - Some more extremely cold weather will be welcome in Dawson and on the creek. From many points on the creeks some reports of work interfered with on account of too much water and the gravel not yet frozen. Thew weather is 18 below today and many of the oldtimers prophecy another siege of cold weather which will freeze everything solid. The warm weather may affect the winter's output of gold.

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