Five New Boats
Five New BoatsTo Be Built By The W.P. & Y. Route 150 To 200 Ship Carpenters Will Be Employed In The Work
February 6, 1901
Five New Boats To Be Built By The W.P. & Y. Route
150 To 200 Ship Carpenters Will Be Employed In The Work
Mr. G.C. Mellott is authority for the statement that the management of the W.P.& Y. Route have purchased five steamers from the Canadian Pacific, used formerly on the Stickene river by the C.P.R., and that they will be brought to Skagway and taken down for shipment to White Horse where they will be rebuilt with a view to the needs of river navigation. Hotline & Co., of Seattle, have the contract for the construction of the new boats and will have from 150 to 200 ship carpenters here inside of a month to commence active operations. The boats purchased by the W.P.&Y. Route are the Ogilvie, Hamlin and McConnell, which are now at Wrangel, the Dawson, now on the ways at Vancouver, which, though completed has never been launched and the Walsh, which has been lying in the Fraser river since the failure of the route up the Stickene river to the Yukon. The purchase of these boats give the W.P.& Y. Route absolute control of fifteen first class river steamers, and will practically place the whole of next season's transportation business to the interior in its hands.
Captain Sanborn will superintend the construction and see that they are put up in accordance with contract. The contract calls for their completion by 1st of June next.
A new freight tariff sheet will also be issued in a short time, which will do away with the present system of charges by weight and measurement, and in lieu thereof all freight will be classified and rated according to the grade and quality of the goods.
Among contemplated improvements for the rapid handling of freight a large derrick will be erected on the wharf at White Horse for loading and unloading machinery and other heavy material.
If it becomes necessary another addition to the immense warehouse will also be built, and as soon as the ground thaws sufficiently to allow work to be commenced an electric light plant will be installed for the purpose of lighting the depot, wharf and warehouses.
The White Horse Star
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