Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

HAPPY HUSKIES – Rhonda Kotelko and her team finish the four dog race in third place.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

CANINE CHAOS – Eva Nielsen’s dogs are ready and rarin’ to go at the start of the six dog race. Nielsen and her team finished fourth in the six dog race.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

FURIOUS PACE – Two of Eva Nielsen’s dogs flying along during the six dog race.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

COMIN’ AROUND THE CORNER – The Yukon Dog Mushers Association held an Easter race Monday at the YDMA track. The Silver Sled Race Organization held a barbecue along with the races. Above, Mandy Johnson and team take a corner near the end of the six dog race. Johnson finished third in the six dog race and second in the eight dog race.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

FIRST-PLACE FORM – Armin Johnson competes in the eight dog race on his way to a first-place finish.

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