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MAINTAINING POSSESSION – Felix Masson dribbles the ball during the E11even Management Premier Showcase Game of Distinction Male Match in Vancouver on Friday. Photo courtesy SHERRICK WILLIAMS/SJSP PHOTOGRAPHY

Young Yukoner plays in all-star game in Vancouver

A young Yukoner was picked to play in the E11even Management Premier Showcase Game of Distinction Male Match in Vancouver on Friday.

By Morris Prokop on April 20, 2022

A young Yukoner was picked to play in the E11even Management Premier Showcase Game of Distinction Male Match in Vancouver on Friday.

Felix Masson (yes, he of the skiing Massons) was in Vancouver to play four games with his club team, the St. Albert Impact High Performance U16 team of the AYSL (Alberta Youth Soccer League), who were there for a showcase tournament on the weekend.

Masson plays midfield and centre-back for St. Albert.

The Impact played games April 15-17, against Coquitlam Metro Ford, Vancouver Island Wave, Mountain United and Kelowna United.

“The weekend went really well,” said Masson.

“My St. Albert team, we played four games, which were our first four games of the outdoor season. So we lost two games, tied one, and won one, but they were all really close and there was some good games to get in at the start of the season.”

“I was pretty happy with how I played ... throughout the weekend. I had a few pretty good games and I was very happy,” said the young Yukoner.

Masson scored two goals for St. Albert on the weekend.

The Impact’s regular season starts in May.

“So it was pretty good to go to Vancouver and get some outdoor games in,” said Masson.

Masson explained how he ended up playing for St. Albert.

“I was just trying to play soccer at a high level and my coach from the Yukon Canada Summer Games team is from Edmonton, so it was just an easy place to go to with high-level soccer. Just to further my soccer career, I guess.”

The coach Masson mentioned, Sean Fleming, is well-known in these parts.

“He’s from Edmonton, so he knows all the teams here, I guess. Jake Hanson also helped me get out of the territory to play soccer, too.”

Masson is from a famous cross-country skiing family, but settled on soccer instead.

“I think I chose soccer because I just love playing it.”

Masson was also picked to play on the all-star team that played the Vancouver Whitecaps U16 Academy Boys team.

They ended up winning a tight one, 1-0.

“It went super-well. We actually won, which was super-fun, but it was a super-cool experience and it was fun to play with players of that caliber.”

Masson was feeling pretty good about playing in the all-star affair.

“It makes me feel pretty proud, I guess, to be a Yukoner.”

Masson said he wants to take his career as far as he can.

“Play university soccer and hopefully play pro someday.”

As for playing for Team Canada, “that’s the ultimate goal for every youth soccer player in Canada, I would hope,” said Masson.

“I am so inspired by the team lately. I got to watch two games here in Edmonton. It was so cool to see the whole country come together for our national team. They were amazing.”

Masson took in the cold-weather game Nov. 16 in Edmonton in which Canada triumphed over Mexico 2-1, a game which historically propelled Canada into the number one spot in the CONCACAF standings.

“It was so cool. The atmosphere was awesome, too. It was wonderful.”

Comments (2)

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Sasha masson on Apr 20, 2022 at 5:29 pm

Get in there bro.

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sherrick williams on Apr 20, 2022 at 1:45 pm

Thanks for selecting my photo it's real joy to see my work in a newspaper, as a young sports photographer I am extremely happy. Thank you.

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