Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

FURRY FINISH – Rhonda Kotelko and her team finish the four dog-four mile race in third place.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

REVVED AND READY – Armin Johnson and his team start the six dog-seven mile race. Johnson finished first in the race.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

NO STOPPING NATE – Nate Metzen starts the six dog-seven mile race.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

OFF AND RUNNING – Mikaela Powers and her team start the four dog-four mile race. Powers finished second.

YDMA holds first races of the season

The first race of the season for the Yukon Dog Mushers Association took place Saturday at the Ibex Valley tracks.

By Whitehorse Star on December 14, 2022

The first race of the season for the Yukon Dog Mushers Association took place Saturday at the Ibex Valley tracks.

Here are the results:

4 dog-4 miles:

1st - Virginia Sarrazin: 14:40
2nd - Mikaela Powers: 14:45
3rd - Rhonda Kotelko: 23:39

6 dogs-7miles:

1st - Armin Johnson: 23:33
2nd - Virginia Sarrazin: 24:02
3rd - Jemra Gruben: 25:14
4th - Nate Metzen: 29:23
5th – Bryan Alp: 29:46

10 dogs - 13 miles:

1st - Mandy Johnson: 46:27
2nd - Mitch Jacobson: 47:59
3rd - Armin Johnson: 49:44

Skijoring (1 or 2 dogs) - 4 miles:

1st - Nadele Flynn: 14:57
2nd - Lindsay Caskenette: 15:21
3rd - John Berryman: 15:36
4th - Virginia Sarrazin: 17:26

Comments (1)

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Karin van Breda on Dec 15, 2022 at 5:15 am

Congrats Virginia !!

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