Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

ON EDGE – Hans Gatt corners as Mandy Johnson and her team follow in the 10-dog, 15-mile race. Gatt won the race. Johnson finished second.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

EAR-RAISING RACE – Virginia Sarrazin and her team come into the finish of the two-dog skijoring race. Sarrazin finished fourth.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

THREE-LEGGED FUN – Justine Benjamin and her pals race in the skijoring 2-dog, 4-mile race. They finished fifth in the race.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

FROSTY FRIENDS – Jemra Gruben comes into the finish in the four-dog, four-mile race. Gruben finished third.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

FOGGY FUN – Connor McMahon and his dogs are ready and rarin’ for the start of the 10-dog, 15-mile race. They finished seventh.

YDMA holds Babe Southwick dog sled races

The Yukon Dog Mushers Association (YDMA) held the Babe Southwick Memorial races over the weekend.

By Whitehorse Star on February 3, 2023

The Yukon Dog Mushers Association (YDMA) held the Babe Southwick Memorial races over the weekend. There were two days of racing with a 10 -dog, 15-mile race; six-dog, seven-mile race; skijouring two-dog, four-mile race and four-dog, four-mile races.

Southwick was a musher who raced in the 1965 Sourdough Rendezvous races and tragically died of a heart attack after the first day of racing. On day two, ten mushers lined up at the starting gate, each wearing a black arm band.

Her number 8 remains retired from Yukon Rendezvous dog sled races.

Here are some photos from the Sunday races.

Results can be seen on the YDMA Facebook page.

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