Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

HEADIN’ OUT – Leah Cramond mushes her team at the start of the youngster’s 3 miler.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

WHATS HAPPENING? – Sarah Gallo’s dog wonders what’s going on as she tips over at the start.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

BUMPY TRAIL – Jacob Heigers at the moguls at the start of the Winterlong Brewing Co. Twister Sunday off of Fish Lake Road. Heigers finished ninth in the 10 miler. The field of 25 was the largest of the season.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

GOIN’ DOWN – Ilana Kingsley, top, lost her team at the start, but bystanders managed to recover it so she could continue.

Winterlong Twister takes off for last time this season

The third and final Winterlong Brewing Co. Twister took place Sunday.

By Whitehorse Star on March 25, 2022

The third and final Winterlong Brewing Co. Twister took place Sunday.

Teams had a challenging start, as there were large bumps in the beginning, causing some teams a bit of difficulty.

Here are the results:

10 miler

Katherine Scheck 0:39:50,
Lindsay Caskenette 0:42:55,
Jonathan Lucas 0:43:36,
Celia Chapon ep. Quignon 0:43:47,
Arianne Des Lauries 0:44:16,
Connor McMahon 0:45:40
Nate Maria Metzen 0:47:06,
Debbie Knight 0:48:20,
Jacob Heigers 0:49:41,
Femke 0:51:49
Andy Mac Mahon 0:53:30,
Ilana Kingsley 0:59:49,
Adam Robinson 1:02:30,
Rhonda Kotelko 1:08:00

3 miler

Nadele Flynn 11:38,
Eivind Kaltenborn 12:54,
Sarah Gallo 15:06,
Guy Lacriox 15:34,
Greg Newby 21:26

3 miler - young people

Darwin 12:30,
Juniper Deline 13:18,
Aven 13:40,
Carter 13:41,
Vera 15:00,
Leah Cramond 17:58

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