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DIVISION CHAMPS – The U15/U16 WUFC girls were crowned champions in their division on March 12 at the Surrey Mayor's Cup.

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REACH FOR THE CUP – The U15/U16 WUFC girls celebrate with their trophy after their final game of the tourney, a 3-0 victory over the Coastal FC - Warriors.

Whitehorse United girls crowned division champs at Surrey Mayor's Cup

The U15/U16 Whitehorse United Football Club (WUFC) girls were crowned champions in their division this past weekend at the Surrey Mayor's Cup.

By Morris Prokop on March 16, 2023

The U15/U16 Whitehorse United Football Club (WUFC) girls were crowned champions in their division this past weekend at the Surrey Mayor's Cup.

The tourney took place in Surrey March 10-12.

The girls went undefeated with three wins and a tie.

They originally signed up to play Division 2, but there weren't enough teams for that division. So they were moved to Division 3, along with a bunch of Division 2 teams, resulting in a mix of Division 2 and Division 3 teams.

13 girls competed for WUFC, including Addison Mercier, who lives in Langley, B.C. and plays soccer there. She moved from the Yukon last year.

Most of the girls in the tourney were 15-16 years of age, although WUFC had a few younger players on their team.

Tyler Milton and Johanna Smith coached the team. Clea Roberts was the team manager.

The Star spoke with one of the captains, Jordan Minifie, on Tuesday, who described how the weekend unfolded for the girls.

"We hadn't played outdoor in a long time, so we were all pretty nervous for our first game.

"But it was good."

In their first game last Friday, they tied the Langley United Valkyries 0-0.

"I think it was definitely a good warmup game," related Minifie.

"There was so much more space than in futsal, which we'd been playing for the whole winter.

"I think it was a good game but I think we were all a little disappointed that we didn't win and it gave us (more) motivation, knowing that we might actually have a chance in this tournament."

On Saturday, WUFC beat the CRYSA River City Rapids of Campbell River, B.C. 2-0.

"It was raining, so it was a little bit harder, but it was a good game," recalled Minifie. "It was pretty even.

"It was pretty exciting … after we scored that first goal of the tournament – I think it was Linnea Roberts who scored it, and it was just a really special moment for the whole team. First goals are always special."

Minifie added, "After that game we were all just too tired to celebrate."

Their first game Sunday was bright and early at 8:45 a.m. WUFC defeated the U16 Juan De Fuca Girls 2-1.

The girls conceded their only goal of the tournament on a penalty kick.

At 1 p.m., they took on the Coastal FC - Warriors and prevailed 3-0.

"We were all kind of hobbling in the airport at the end. We were just complaining. I think the coaches were getting sick of us. We were like 'Everything hurts,'" said Minifie.

"None of the games were an easy win for us."

WUFC finished first in Pool 1 with 23 points.

There was a points system in place. Points were based on three for a win, one for a tie, two for a shutout and one for each goal scored by a team.

Langley United and the U16 Juan De Fuca Girls finished tied for second with 14 points each.

Minifie said it felt really good to win the division.

We got our trophy at the end and we got our medals and we took a whole bunch of photos. Everyone was just so pumped. One of our teammates' relatives were there watching and they brought us doughnuts, so it was just a big celebration.

"Because I was captain for that game, I got to receive the trophy for the team. That was a really special moment for me and then everyone got to take pictures of it with their friends on the team. I think everyone was just really proud of each other."

Minifie said everyone described the gold medals they received as "looking like a sugar cookie. They were gold and they say First Place on the back. We wore them in the airport because we were feeling pretty proud of ourselves."

The girls got lots of attention because of the medals.

"We walked onto the airplane and I just happened to be carrying the trophy because I got stuck with it. Me and Teagan ( Ewing). Everyone on the plane was congratulating us and asking what we won.

"That was special because we knew some people on the plane. It was fun."

As for what's next, "We're thinking of going to a camp down in Victoria, first week of summer. It's not really a tournament, but it's an opportunity for all of us to travel together. It's a development camp. It's an ID camp as well, so we can get identified by university coaches."

Minifie said the camp is for high school age girls, including those who have just graduated.

"It's going to be interesting. Playing university soccer is one of my biggest goals for the near future. So we'll see how that goes."

Minife added "It was a lot of fun and I think the team played really great and I'm really proud of everyone.

"Thank you to our amazing supporters back home and Clea and our coaches."

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