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Photo by Whitehorse Star

GOOD REASON TO SMILE– Stephan Huss before the start of the Yukon Arctic Ultra race Feb. 3. Huss finished at about 4:15 this morning at Shipyards Park in Whitehorse.

Three more Yukon Ultra athletes cross the finish line

Three more athletes in the 300-mile category have crossed the Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra finish line at Shipyards Park in Whitehorse.

By Morris Prokop on February 10, 2022

Three more athletes in the 300-mile category have crossed the Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra finish line at Shipyards Park in Whitehorse.

Daniel Benhammou (U.S.) came in at approximately 9:45 last night.

He was followed by Stephan Huss (Germany) at around 4:15 this morning.

Huss and Benhammou had been travelling together for most of the race, but Benhammou went on ahead with about five miles to go.

"Stephan just was very tired," related race organizer Robert Pollhammer.

"He tried to keep up with Daniel, but at some point, he just said he's too tired. And when you get to a certain level of tiredness, you might as well have a break, because you're not making much progress."

Lastly, Aodh O Currain (Ireland) came in at about 8:10 this morning.

England's Philip Cowell is still out on the trail, on his way to Muktuk Kennels, about 22 miles away.

He is moving slowly at about one mile per hour. Whether he will finish the race depends on whether he can reach an overflow section on the Takhini River which everyone else has bypassed, thereby saving time in the process.

"Before we took out that section on the Takhini, he would have not had a chance to finish," stated Pollhammer.

"Now, if he gets to (Dawson) Overland (Trail) by midnight, who knows? He could be here in time if we bring him over to Takhini Bridge."

Pollhammer says there are a few factors involved in whether Cowell will be allowed to finish the race, even if he runs out of time.

"It depends a bit on whether it's dangerous, if we let him continue, if there's any medical issues, overall crew availability. So there are scenarios where we would pull him as soon as we can, and there are others where we just say 'might as well let him finish now,' just to give him the moral victory of having done the same distance, even though he may not be an official finisher."

If Cowell does finish, he'll receive a finisher's medal like the ones everyone else has been given upon completion of the race.

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