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CURLING CONSULTATION – Yukon third Laini Klassen, left and skip Terry Miller line up a shot during a game against Quebec Wednesday at the Canadian Mixed in Prince Albert. Photo courtesy OF MELANIE JOHNSON PHOTOGRAPHY

Team Yukon pulls off ‘biggest victory’ at Mixed Champs

Team Yukon pulled off a huge upset on the last day of the round-robin of the Canadian Mixed Curling Championships en route to a strong finish Wednesday in Prince Albert, Sask.

By Morris Prokop on November 10, 2022

Team Yukon pulled off a huge upset on the last day of the round-robin of the Canadian Mixed Curling Championships en route to a strong finish Wednesday in Prince Albert, Sask.

Team Yukon, including skip Terry Miller, third Laini Klassen, second Peter Andersen and lead Laura Wilson dominated from start to finish, blanking previously unbeaten Quebec 8-0.

Yukon put the game away with a steal of three in the fifth end.

Miller’s team opened with the hammer and scored two in the first end.

Yukon followed with steals of one in the third and fourth, setting up the big fifth end.

Felix Asselin’s Quebec rink conceded after giving up another steal of one in the sixth.

The Star spoke with Miller Wednesday afternoon following another Yukon win over Nunavut.

According to the Yukon skip, it was a minor miracle that they even made it to the Mixed.

“I don’t know if you heard what happened to us but we ended up sleeping in the airport,” related Miller. “We had five flights canceled. It was just a gong show for us to get here.”

As a result, Yukon had to forfeit their first game against B.C.

“That was the most frustrating but … we’ve gotten over that, now we’re here. I wish we would have gotten here in time, we might have been a serious contender here.”

Miller described their big win.

“This morning we played against Quebec, they’re favourites to win this … all of a sudden everything clicked … it was amazing. From top to bottom we’ve played really well … I don’t think our team has ever played that well together.

“It’s always amazing to beat anybody. It’s amazing to be here. But to beat a contender, it’s like that’s just over the top. You come off the ice, you get a standing ovation from everybody, it feels very good.

“I would say that’s our biggest victory at the mixed,” stated Miller.

“And then we just played against Nunavut, had a good game against them, just beat them. But the unfortunate thing is, you know losing that forfeit game and the next two games sort of took us out of the championship round so now we’ll be in the seeding pool, which is fine. We got … three more games yet. We’re here and we’re having fun. So that’s what it’s all about.”

The game against Nunavut was a close one, with Yukon coming out on top 7-6.

“Both teams played very well. I had to draw the side of the four foot for the win and made that, fortunately, pulled that off. Laini played amazing that game, our third, she made two run backs to rocks on the four foot. Just like you’d see on TV when you’re watching the Brier or the Scotties. She played amazing that game.”

Next up for the Yukon foursome is the seeding round.

“We’ve got three more games,” said Miller. “Let’s put three more wins on the board. Like, that’s what it’s all about. It’s all about winning and you got to have some fun. So obviously when you’re winning, you’re having more fun than when you’re losing.”

Miller added “It’s always great to represent the Yukon at an event like this and you know, wear the colours proudly … when you asked about, “do you (Quebec) think we’re a pushover, well, maybe they did but they don’t think that anymore. Not that team, anyhow.”

– With files from the Canadian Press.

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