Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

OVER THE RAIL – North Ridge Community Association held its Annual Horse Show at Northern Tempo Equestrian Centre on Bea Firth Road on August 27/28. Both English and Western styles were featured. Here, Robin Brand and Sawyer clear the rail.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

BEAUTIFUL JEWEL – Bella Demers guides Diamonds N' Pearls over a jump.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

APPROACHING THE JUMP – Cathy McNeil and Juno approach a jump.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

JUMPING FOR JOY – Jody McKenzie-Grieve and Lyra E clear the rail.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

OVER THE JUMP – Olivia Barker takes Desi over a jump.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

SERIOUS STUFF – Taiya Robins and Valkyri go over a jump.

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