Photo by Vince Fedoroff
SETTING THE PACE – Road racer David Jackson completed Wednesday evening’s 17-kilometre time trial in a time of 28:32.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
SETTING THE PACE – Road racer David Jackson completed Wednesday evening’s 17-kilometre time trial in a time of 28:32.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
LOOK OF DETERMINATION – Tori Vollmer pushes along the 8.5-kilometre time trial in the female U-13 class Wednesday.
It was a push to the finish in Wednesday evening’s Carcross Corner time trial put on by the U Kon Echelon Bike Club.
It was a push to the finish in Wednesday evening’s Carcross Corner time trial put on by the U Kon Echelon Bike Club.
Master road racer Geoff Harries posted the fastest time in the 17-kilometre event, but not by much.
Harries clocked in at 28 minutes and 25 seconds, just seven seconds ahead of David Jackson riding in the male Under-23 category. The only other rider in the U-23 class, Shea Hoffman finished 21 seconds back of Jackson.
In the male U-19, Micah Taggart-Cox finished the 17 kilometres first in a time of 32.16.
Caius Taggart-Cox posted a 30:15 for first place in the male U-17 class while Lucas Taggart-Cox recorded first in the male U-15 class.
In the girls U-15 category, Ava Irving-Staley finished the 17-km in first with a time of 30:41.
Tori Vollmer won the 8.5-kilometre time trial in the female U-13 class, with a time of 17.50.
Johna Irving-Staley finished first in the the 8.5-kilometre U-13 class for males in a time of 19.2 while Thomas Vollmer, the youngest rider of the evening, finished in 27.49.
The next event on the road racing calendar is this weekend’s Tour de Skagway, which includes the punishing hill climb – straight up, and up, and up.
The three-race tour is organized by U Kon Echelon and Skagway’s Sockeye Cycle Company. It begins Saturday morning with the Fraser time trial that involves a 20-kilometre sprint north from the parking lot at Fraser back to just beyond Log Cabin and then back to finish at Log Cabin.
Drafting is not allowed in the time trial event.
Stage two on Saturday afternoon involves a 24-kilometre loop from the Summit to Canada Customs and back to the Summit. Youth will be required to complete one or 1.5 loops depending on age; sport will be required to complete 2.5 loops; and experts will be covering 84 kilometres or 3.5 loops.
And then on Sunday morning at the crack of 9 a.m., the 19.8-kilometre hill climb begins on the flats at the turnoff to Dyea and ends up – way up – at the Summit.
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Trena Irving on May 17, 2018 at 4:13 pm
One correction: Skagway Hill Climb begins at 10 am on Sunday ( Yukon time). Don't show up too early folks! If it's foggy, race will be postponed until it clears. Hope to see you out on the hill.