Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

INCOMING – Runners on the Schwatka Lake Road take part in the Chocolate Claim 10 Miler Sunday in Whitehorse. 36 runners participated in the race.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

SETTING THE PACE – Geoff Dunbrack, seen here on the Schwatka Lake Road, won the 10 Miler.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

SOLITARY RUNNER – John Parry has a stretch of the Schwatka Lake Road all to himself.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

PUSHING HARD – Runners push the pace on the Schwatka Lake Road.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

FURIOUS FINISH – Amelia Fraser, front, and Anett Kralisch push to the finish. Fraser edged out Kralisch to be the first woman in.

Male winner lays down 'speedy' time in Chocolate Claim 10 Miler

The Chocolate Claim 10 Miler was run on Sunday. The race is a warm-up for the Klondike Road Relay that takes place Sept. 9-10.

By Whitehorse Star on August 30, 2022

The Chocolate Claim 10 Miler was run on Sunday. The race is a warm-up for the Klondike Road Relay that takes place Sept. 9-10.

There were 36 runners in the race.

Race organizer Kelli Anderson said "it turned out really well; lots of good feedback from the runners and a great day for it.

It was like, perfect weather.

"I think anyone that was using it as their training for the Klondike Road Relay was pretty happy with how it went," she related.

Geoff Dunbrack surprised Anderson with how quickly he finished the race.

"Our fastest male did it in 56:45. He was very speedy. He was so speedy that both Bonnie and I, who were at the start line – we were still setting up some snack stuff and he came in and I was like 'Oh, my goodness.'"

Anderson added that Hilary Seymour won a cake from the Chocolate Claim. The Claim also provided funding for the finish line refreshments.

Here are the results:

1) Geoff Dunbrack 56:45

2) John Parry 1:05:34

3) Mark Chandler 1:12:15

4) Amelia Fraser 1:12:42

5) Anett Kralivch 1:12:43

6) Scott Williams 1:13:48

7) Sue Bogle 1:16:11

8) Laura Wells 1:16:42

9) Mavra Sullivan 1:17:36

10) Katherine Babcock 1:18:17

11) Hilary Seymour 1:18:37

12) Kathleen Campbell 1:20:41

13) Samuel Martineau 1:20:50

14) Christopher Griffiths 1:21:32

15) Larra Daley 1:21:32

16) Martin Jahr 1:22:55

17) Chris Reynolds 1:22:26

18) Garnet Muething 1:23:29

19) Loreena Dobson 1:24:00

20) Alena Puskas 1:25:54

21) Rob Dickson 1:25:55

22) Tyler Bradford 1:26:28

23) Cindy Freeman 1:28:13

24) Justine Scheck 1:28:38

25) Marta Bekeova 1:29:10

26) John Storms 1:32:15

27) Ross King 1.:34:04

28) Hayley Henderson-Thur 1:34:33

29) Sheila Merkley 1:34:45

30) Deb Kiemele 1:39:42

31) Emily MacLeod 1:40:41

32) Roselyne Gagne 1:40.43

33) Tammy Neunherz 1:46:21

34) Morgan Brown 1:47:31

35) Clodagh Berg 1:54:00

36) Andree Reynolds 1:59:40

Comments (1)

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MITCH on Aug 31, 2022 at 9:30 am

Anything to do with the actual Chocolate Claim? That place was so mysandric, I could understand why you would need to clarify a "male".

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