Photo by Whitehorse Star
OFF AND RUNNING – Participants start out on the Run for Mom in Whitehorse on May 14, 2023.
Photo by Whitehorse Star
OFF AND RUNNING – Participants start out on the Run for Mom in Whitehorse on May 14, 2023.
Photo by Whitehorse Star
RUNNING, WALKING, RIDING – Participants from the 2022 Run for Mom in Whitehorse on May 8.
After a five year hiatus, the Learn to Walk/Run Clinics, hosted by Run for Mom in partnership with Athletics Yukon, are back.
After a five year hiatus, the Learn to Walk/Run Clinics, hosted by Run for Mom in partnership with Athletics Yukon, are back.
According to an Athletics Yukon press release, the long absence was due to the COVID pandemic and two years of heavy snowfall resulting in a late spring.
“We are very excited to offer these clinics once again. It’s the kind of event that gets people off the couch after a long winter and hopefully encourages them to support the Run for Mom later in May,” said Val Pike of the Run for Mom committee.
The free clinics will take place starting on Tuesday, April 2 and continuing every Tuesday for the six weeks leading up to the Run for Mom on May 12.
Each week, the participants will head out on a walk/run program designed by the Sports Medicine Council of B.C. along with an experienced leader from Athletics Yukon. The leaders will have the capacity to tailor the training levels based on the participants.
There will be three different levels to choose from – Level 1: Walk (including power walk), Level 2: Walk/Run (Learn to Run) and level 3: Run.
Participants will receive a detailed training plan to follow at home over the course of the week.
Each session will begin at Sport Yukon from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Participants should come prepared to walk/run with proper footwear and clothing.
Guest speakers have also been organized for each week. Topics include proper running and walking techniques, stretching, nutrition, safety, how to stay motivated and proper footwear and gear.
Online Registration for the clinics is advised. Visit Trackie to register: https://www.trackie.com/event/LearntoRun2024. In-person registration will also be accepted.
“These clinics provide an opportunity to people who have thought about running but don’t know where to start and how to stick with a program. That’s where this clinic can be very beneficial as our leaders are keen to work with people and get them moving,” stated Kelli Anderson from Athletics Yukon.
Run for Mom is an annual walk/run event held every year on Mother’s Day to raise funds and awareness around breast health for Yukoners. This is the 26th year of the annual event.
– With files from Athletics Yukon
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