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THROWIN’ AROUND – Eban Basnett, right, attempts to throw Bernard Briggs during the Judo Yukon shiai (competition) at Carcross on Dec. 1.
Photo by Photo Submitted
GRAPPLING GIRLS – Laila Knopp-Cullen (in blue) holds down Lainie Richardson in a U10 Mixed Knowledge match. Knopp-Cullen finished first and Richardson took third place in the division.
Judo Yukon held their first competition (shiai) of the season in Carcross on Dec. 1.
Judo Yukon held their first competition (shiai) of the season in Carcross on Dec. 1.
According to a Judo Yukon press release, there were 81 participants in 35 categories, including four “Judo Knowledge” divisions that have not been in place since 2015.
Six Yukon clubs were represented at the shiai: Faro Judo club, Golden Horn Judo, Hiroshikai Judo (Carcross), Marsh Lake Judo, Northern Lights Judo (Whitehorse) and Shiroumakai Judo (Whitehorse).
Officials at the comp included Alex Spinks, Bernard Briggs, Michael Bellon, Robert Bellon, Jaymi Hinchey, Lia Hinchey, Dan Poelman, Chris Saunders, Huxley Briggs, Jason Basnett, Liam Gishler, Aaron Jensen, and Leah Mclean.
Parent volunteers included Rob and Tonja Hinchey, Brooke Davis, Isabelle Corriveau, and Megan Anderson.
Judo Yukon also thanked Beverly James and the Carcross Recreation board for their continued support.
Results are available online at http://www.judoyukon.ca/tournaments/38-carcross-2023-shiai-results
The next Judo Yukon event will be the Northern Lights shiai planned for Jan. 20 at Elijah Smith Elementary school gymnasium. Doors are expected to open at 10 a.m. with the first match by 11 a.m.
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