Whitehorse Daily Star

Jessie Gladish opens up lead at Yukon Ultra

Jessie Gladish has opened up a big lead in the 2023 Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra.

By Morris Prokop on February 10, 2023

Jessie Gladish has opened up a big lead in the 2023 Montane Yukon Arctic Ultra.

As of 1 p.m. this afternoon, she was on her fat bike at mile 338, resting at the Scroggie Creek checkpoint.

Scotland’s Matt Weighman was a ways back in second place on foot at mile 308.2, 30.3 miles from Scroggie.

As of 11 a.m. Italy’s Laura Trentani, Taiwan’s Tommy Chen and Gareth Hardcastle of England were all tied at mile 272, 66.5 miles from Scroggie. All three are on foot.

Chen has now edged ahead back into third. As of 1 p.m., he was at mile 273.6.

Trentani was in fourth at mile 273.3 and Hardcastle was still at mile 272.

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