
Whitehorse Daily Star

Hulstein leads the way in Yukon 5-km Road Race Championships

Local runners and walkers were at it again on Tuesday night for the Athletics Yukon's annual 5-kilometre road race championships.

By Freelancer on July 5, 2012

Local runners and walkers were at it again on Tuesday night for the Athletics Yukon's annual 5-kilometre road race championships.

The cool, windy weather seemed to encourage attendance with 43 runners and walkers ranging in age from under 11 to over 60.

Rodney Hulstein announced his return to the Yukon in dramatic fashion. Hulstein is a former varsity runner with Brock University who is known for his almost diabolical power. Not only was he the fastest runner on Tuesday evening with a blistering time of 16:03, but he handily won the men's open category (20-39) and set the fastest 5k time of the season.

Teenage running star Logan Roots (16:48), who finished second overall and first in his category (18-19), was left to run in Hulstein's wake.

Speedy Scott Williams (18:15) is no stranger to the podium in cross-country skiing, cycling or running. He was the fifth fastest runner overall and finished first in his category (Masters, 40-49).

Once again, Tom Ullyett (20:16) benefited from an absence of the fleet of foot in his category and finished first in Masters 50-59.

The indestructible Keith Lay (24:22) handily took first place honours in the Masters 60 to 69 category.

Lauren Whyte has not lost a race this season and it was no different on Tuesday night.

Like Hulstein, Whyte is a former varsity runner having competed in both track and cross country for Montreal's iconic McGill University.

The unassuming Whyte (20:02) was both the fastest female runner overall and the winner of the Women's Open category (20-39).

Janet Clarke (22:07), one of Yukon's fastest female masters runners, placed third overall and captured the crown in her category (Masters, 40-49).

Laurie Drummond, a long time Yukoner but newcomer to the running scene, posted a personal best for the season and won her category (Masters, 50-59) in an impressive time of 24:47.

In the Masters 60-69 category, Marg Merkley (27:08) was the victor.

Other category winners included the fabulously fast Bakia brothers with Thomas winning the 11 + under category in 22:35 and Luke (25:52) taking the 12-13 category.

Sam Bonar (20:05) battled it out with Whyte finishing just three seconds behind her and winning the 14-15 category.

Kieran Halliday (18:07) was the fourth fastest overall and clear winner of his category (16-17).

In the 5-km walking category, Ruth Hall (35:49) showed that she's returned to her winning form as the first walker overall and the winner of the 50-59 Masters category.

For the full results and a list of the upcoming races, please see the "Results” column of the Calendar of Events on the Athletics Yukon website http:/

Submitted by Tom Ullyett

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