Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Morris Prokop

PROUD MOMENT – Marg White, left, presents a certificate to the newest member of the Yukon Sports Hall of Fame, Gord Moffatt, Wednesday at Sport Yukon in Whitehorse.

Gord Moffatt inducted into the Yukon Sports Hall of Fame

Yukon curling coaching legend Gord Moffattt has been inducted into the Yukon Sports Hall of Fame.

By Morris Prokop on May 27, 2022

Yukon curling coaching legend Gord Moffattt has been inducted into the Yukon Sports Hall of Fame.

According to a Sport Yukon press release, Moffatt moved to the Yukon in the early 90’s from Swan River, Manitoba.

He has coached many teams on the National stage, including Team Birnie at the 2022 Scotties Tournament of Hearts.

Between 1991-2014, Moffatt coached teams at the Canadian Junior Curling Championships.

He’s coached at two Canada Winter Games, three Optimist International bonspiels, four Scotties and three Briars.

He coached three teams to medals – the 1993 Junior team to bronze, and in 2009-2010 teams to silver and gold medals at the Optimist International bonspiels.

Moffatt was honoured in a well-attended ceremony Wednesday evening at Sport Yukon.

Rose Heisz, a former Moffatt curling pupil and longtime friend and neighbour, spoke about Moffatt before the veteran coach took the podium and talked about what the honour meant to her.

“It means a lot to me. He is recognized for all the years he’s put in to the curling here in the North.

“He coached my team for a while, so that stood out. I curled with his daughter ... he was my neighbour and I remember when he started coaching the young junior team from Atlin and his dedication and calm demeanour on the ice with them.

“It’s satisfying. It’s good,” she added.

Moffatt then entertained the crowd with comical pictures and colourful stories from his lengthy curling past. The Star spoke with him after the memorable acceptance speech and asked him how he was feeling.

“Overwhelmed. It’s a tremendous honour and I’m overwhelmed and probably a little speechless. I’ve had a long speech already,” he joked.

Moffatt said that years ago, he wouldn’t have pictured this happening.

“No, not at all. Not even two weeks ago. It was a total surprise. A shock. And I think I’m still in shock.”

As far as how it ranks among his accomplishments, “it’s a good way to top it off,” stated Moffatt.

“It’s kind of like the cherry on a sundae. It’s a wonderful event and it’s so deeply appreciated for the organizers, Sport Yukon, and everybody who helped and everybody who came. It’s been a neat, neat experience.”

Moffatt was asked what stood out in his long coaching career.

“Probably two things. One was the Atlin Boys team. I remember Bob coming to me in the first year and they were playin’ badminton a lot and I said ‘if you guys want to become good curlers, you’re gonna have to quit badminton.’ And they did. And they devoted their full time. And they wanted me to devote more time with them. And I was able to do that, thank goodness. Maybe not from my wife’s point of view, but my point of view, it was a wonderful experience.

“I took them from juniors right up to the Brier and they showed Canada that Yukon could curl.”

The Atlin Boys in 1993 consisted of Robert Smallwood (skip), Scott Odian (third), Alfred Feldman (second) and Allan Shaw (lead).

Clinton Abel was on the team in 1991 and 1992. He had aged out for the 93 event.

The team beat Kevin Koe three years in a row to represent Yukon/N.W.T. at the Junior Nationals in ‘91, ‘92, and ‘93.

“The other achievement that I’m pretty proud of is working with the Sarah Koltun team. From kids that were 11 years old, up to 21 year old young women that performed at an incredible level at the Scotties in 2014 and that’s probably the real cherry on the top for me. And to be there with my daughter as well. That really, really made a big, big difference in how I feel.”

Moffatt added, “I would just like to say thank you to everybody that came out tonight and listened to my long-winded speech and the folks that watched online. I don’t know how many there were. I’m sure there weren’t millions but there was probably a few, and I’d like to thank them as well.”

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