Whitehorse Daily Star

Germain grabs gold at Biathlon Nationals

Whitehorse’s Cole Germain skied to gold at the Biathlon Nationals at Prince George, B.C. Sunday.

By Morris Prokop on March 14, 2022

Whitehorse’s Cole Germain skied to gold at the Biathlon Nationals at Prince George, B.C. Sunday. Biathlon Yukon sent eight athletes, three coaches and an official to the event, which runs until March 17.

Here are the results for the Biathlon Yukon team so far:

Senior Boys 6 km Sprint:

  1. Cole Germain 19:53.5

Senior Girls 6 km Sprint:

  1. Lydia Brown 28:38.9

Junior Men 10 km Sprint:

  1. Jake Draper 30.16.0
  2. Romeo Champagne 31.40.3

Junior Women 7.5 km Sprint:

  1. Amelie Latour 33:49.5

Youth Men 7.5 km Sprint:

  1. Noah Marnik 24:28.4
  2. Isadore Champagne 25:12.7
    DNF Alex Brown

Youth Women 6 km Sprint:

  1. Ava Staley-Irving 26:52.2
  2. Isla Hupe 27:00.6

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