Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Chuck Tobin

HEAD TO AHEAD – Jake Paleczny, left, tries to close on Maeve McManus in a 500-metre canoe sprint during Saturday’s Yukon Flatwater Championships on Schwatka Lake.

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Photo by Chuck Tobin

LEADING THE WAY – Bruce Porter is in the lead during Saturday’s sprint for single kayak paddlers.

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Photo by Chuck Tobin

IN SYNC – Young paddlers teamed up for the K4, 500-metre event. From front to back are Micah McConnell, Lia Hinchey, Anya Lera and Baden Anderson-Lindsay.

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Photo by Chuck Tobin

NEVER TOO YOUNG – Alden Paleczny wasn’t about to be left behind for the 200-metre sprint in canoes at Saturday’s Flatwater Championships.

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Photo by Chuck Tobin

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Photo by Chuck Tobin

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Photo by Chuck Tobin

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Photo by Chuck Tobin

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Photo by Chuck Tobin

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Photo by Chuck Tobin

Flatwater Yukon Paddling Society holds championships on Schwatka Lake

Photo Spread

By Chuck Tobin on July 30, 2018

Photos from this weekend.

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