Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

FROSTY DOGS – Nate Maria Metzen mushes her team in to the finish of the four dog five mile race

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

FLYING DOGS – Laura Vinnedge and her team near the finish of the four dog five mile race.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

HAPPY DOGS – Jessie Landers dogs in the four dog five mile race.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

INCOMING – Annie Grenier near the finish of the four dog five mile race.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

DOG PILE – Alexandra Rochat's dogs are raring to go in the six dog eight mile race.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

HI THERE – Armin Johnson's dogs in the ten dog 15 mile race at the start.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

CLOSE FINISH – Jessie Landers and Mandy Johnson come in to the finish of the ten dog 15 mile race.

FirstMate Babe Southwick races take place at Ibex Valley

The FirstMate Babe Southwick races took place Feb. 12-13 at the Ibex Valley Tracks at Km 1448 on the Alaska Highway.

By Whitehorse Star on February 17, 2022

The FirstMate Babe Southwick races took place Feb. 12-13 at the Ibex Valley Tracks at Km 1448 on the Alaska Highway.

There were three races: the four dog – five mile, six dog – eight mile and the 10 dog – 15 mile races. Times were based on the two days of racing.

The total race purse was $20,000.

The first Babe Southwick kids' races and skiijouring took place on Feb. 5, as reported on in the Feb. 9 Star.

The final results for the two day First Mate Babe Southwick races are: five mile race – four dog: first Mathieu Devred, second Mandy Johnson, third Laura Vinnedge, fourth Virginia Sarrazin and fifth Jessie Landers. There were 11 entries in this race.

In the six dog – eight mile race, first was Alexandra Rochat, second Jessie Landers, third Mandy Johnson and fourth Lindsay Caskanette. There were only four entries in this race.

In the ten dog race – 15 mile, first was Jessie Landers, second Mandy Johnson, third Don Cousins, fourth Hans Gatt, fifth Armin Johnson and sixth Nathaniel Hamlyn. There were six participants in this race.

Here are some photos from the Sunday event.

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