Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by John Tonin

GLIDING ON – Arctic Edge figure skater Bronwyn Hays completes her routine during the Creative Improv portion of the 2019 Gold Nugget Interclub Competition at the Canada Games Centre on Saturday.

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Photo by John Tonin

PUTTING ON A PERFORMANCE – Young Arctic Edge figure skater Laura Ruiz performs her Creative Improv routine for the panel of judges and onlooking crowd during the Gold Nugget show.

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Photo by John Tonin

COMPLETING A SPIN – Yukon Special Olympian and Arctic Edge skater Michael Sumner draws a loud chorus of cheers and applause during his performance in the Gold Nugget Competition.

Figure skaters compete in Gold Nugget show

Figure skaters for the Arctic Edge Skating Club

By John Tonin on December 11, 2019

Figure skaters for the Arctic Edge Skating Club got their first taste of competition this season as they performed in the Gold Nugget Interclub Competition, as well, 2020 Arctic Winter Games hopefuls completed their trials on Saturday at the Canada Games Centre.

Anne-Patrice Cross said the Gold Nugget competition is a good opportunity for the skaters to be in a competitive setting and to see the progress they have made so far in training.

“It’s an annual event and it is a good opportunity to give them a taste of what competition is like, even though it’s against their peers who they skate with every day,” said Cross. “It’s an opportunity for them to get out there and skate on their own and see what competition is all about.”

Cross agreed that it was a good way to create healthy competition within the club but noted that the younger athletes are judged differently.

“The way, especially the way lower level skating is judged, they’re not ranked against each other, they are judged against a standard,” said Cross.

For the younger skaters, Cross said they were meeting that standard at the competition.

“Absolutely in different ways, everybody has their strengths,” said Cross.

“There are different parts of skating they would look at. There are the jumps and the spins and then there is also the performance and skating skills.”

The morning began with Arctic Winter Games trials for level 2 and 3 skaters and was followed by the Creative Improv performances.

“It’s trying to get a feel for the music and perform in a way that suits the style of music being played,” said Cross. “It’s without all the fancy moves, like jumps and spins. It’s movement to music.”

Cross said she is always impressed by the Arctic Edge athletes, especially when they take that first step onto the ice to perform on their own.

“It’s a tough sport to go out there in a small dress, in leotards and skate in front of a panel of judges and a crowd of people, it’s a hard thing to do,” said Cross. “I’m always impressed in the way our skaters handle it.

“It’s fun for a coach to watch them go through the motions.”

A performance atmosphere is tough to replicate in practice, although Cross said Arctic Edge does try.

“We do simulations and have days that are dedicated, in a lead up to an event like this to get an opportunity to skate by themselves,” said Cross. “But it’s always different when you have those butterflies and are nervous.”

Cross touched on what the Arctic Edge coaches are looking for when the athletes step onto the ice.

“We want them to feel comfortable and really embrace competing and try and do something they feel good about and walk away with something they feel proud of,” said Cross. “(We) just want to give them the experience to.

“It’s not very often that they get to compete. I think there are two competitions a year that often these skaters will skate in. So there aren’t too many opportunities to get out there and compete.”

The Arctic Winter Games trials which took place at the top and bottom of the program were separate from the performances in the middle.

Results from the AWG trials:

AWG Trials Level 1 Free Program

Madisyn Millar – 1st
Natilee Thompson – 2nd
Breanna Brown – 3rd
Kiona Vallier – 4th
Myla Turner – 5 th
Heidi Vallier – 6 th

AWG Trials Level 2 Short

Bronwyn Hays – 1st
Anika Kramer – 2nd

AWG Trials Level 2 Free Program

Bronwyn Hays – 1st
Anika Kramer – 2nd

AWG Trials Level 3 Short

Alissa Russell – 1st

AWG Trials Level 3 Free Program

Alissa Russell – 1st

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