Photo by Vince Fedoroff
SOME CRICKET – Angelique Bjork and her horse Cricket navigate their way Friday evening during the Gymkhana Gig in the 39th Annual Horse Show at the Northern Tempo Equestrian Centre.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
SOME CRICKET – Angelique Bjork and her horse Cricket navigate their way Friday evening during the Gymkhana Gig in the 39th Annual Horse Show at the Northern Tempo Equestrian Centre.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
PICKING UP THE PACE – Maranda Halliday on Cassie’s Lucky Star looses her hat as she takes part in the Gymkhana Gig at the Annual Horse Show. Halliday won the event.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
Sidney Stahl on Mr. Bo Jangles.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
Marina Boulerice on Zeus.
More than 50 riders and horses competed over the weekend in the 39th Annual Horse Show hosted by the Yukon Horse and Rider Association.
More than 50 riders and horses competed over the weekend in the 39th Annual Horse Show hosted by the Yukon Horse and Rider Association.
The three days kicked off Friday with the lighter but challenging side of riding, involving games like the barrel racing, stake race and pole bending.
It was down to more serious business Saturday and Sunday with equitation – the art of horsemanship that evaluates the rider’s skills and abilities.
Show secretary Val Holmes explained many of the riders train all winter at the Northern Tempo Equestrian Centre’s indoor riding rink off of Burns Road on the North Klondike Highway.
The riders and their horses were tested for how well they walk, trot, canter and jump together.
The competed in both Western Equitation and English Hunt Equitation.
“Equitation is really where they ride and do different things and they get judged on how well they do things,” said Holmes.
She said the different heights in fence jumping may not seem too signficant, but they are.
“To go from two feet, six inches to three feet, is probablty a three year progression,” Holmes explained. “It’s not something you do overnight.”
In all, there were riding champions named in 10 events, and winning or top horses named in nine events. There was also the Cathy and Allan Stannard Sportsman Trophy awarded to Whitehorse Grade 11 student Claire Campbell.
“It’s just an overall sportsmanship award for the weekend,” she said. “She is a good rider, she is always positive and always encouraging. That is why she got the award this year.”
Holmes said thanks have to be extended to Ron and Inge Sumanik for making available the riding centre and the equipment needed to hold the championships.
Inge, a local riding coach, is off to Anchorage this weekend with 15 or so riders and horses to compete in a couple of shows, she noted.
Horses, Holmes insisted, are incredible animals.
“The things they do with those kids, they are just amazing.”
Equitation champions for 2018 are as follows:
(Junior – age 13 and under, Youth – age 14-17, Open – age 18+)
Junior Yukon Champion: TIE
Alix Walchuk, with horse Taffy
Kinley Battersby, with Doc
Junior Yukon Reserve Champion: TIE
Dannika Mikkelsen, with Cinder
Sidney Stahl, with Patches
Youth Yukon Champion:
Erin McBryan, with Star of Wonder
Adult Yukon Champion:
Jauna Doland, with Dun Made Money
Adult Yukon Reserve Champion:
Malorie Hanson, with Yukon Zena Warrior
Junior Yukon Champion:
Laina Prentice, with Highlands McDuff
Junior Yukon Reserve Champion:
Marina Boulerice, with Zeus
Youth Yukon Champion:
Claire Campbell, with River
Adult Yukon Champion:
Brooke Nielsen, with Lola
Adult Yukon Reserve Champion:
Laura Holmes, with Jay
Hunter 2’6” Champion
Redline, ridden by Katherine Morrison
Hunter 2’6” Reserve Champion
Jay, ridden by Laura Holmes
Hunter 2’9” Champion
Highlands McDuff, ridden by Laina Prentice
Hunter 2’9” Reserve Champion
Lola, ridden by Brooke Nielsen
Hunter 3’0” Champion
Lola, ridden by Brooke Nielsen
Hunter 3’0” Reserve Champion
Highlands McDuff, ridden by Laina Prentice
Yukon Halter Champion
Baileys ‘n Cinnamon, owned and shown by Heidi Miller
Yukon Bred Halter Champion
Medallion, owned by Inge Sumanik and shown by Maya Heebink
Yukon Bred Overall Champion
Yukon Zena Warrior, owned and shown by Malorie Hanson
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