Photo by Morris Prokop
SEAL HOPPIN’ – Girls from several schools take part in the Grade 5-7 seal hop in the Flexihall at the Canada Games Centre during the Arctic Sports Championships. The Championships took place Nov. 29-Dec. 1.
Photo by Morris Prokop
SEAL HOPPIN’ – Girls from several schools take part in the Grade 5-7 seal hop in the Flexihall at the Canada Games Centre during the Arctic Sports Championships. The Championships took place Nov. 29-Dec. 1.
Photo by Morris Prokop
LEAPING INTO FIRST – Holy Family’s Odin Hoffmann participates in the Grade Six triple jump at the the Canada Games Centre Nov. 30. Hoffman finished first in the event.
Photo by Morris Prokop
JUMPING FOR JOY – CSSC Mercier’s Alice Crête-Bergeron competes in the Grade Seven triple jump event at the Canada Games Centre Nov. 30
Photo by Morris Prokop
GREAT START – Holy Family’s Alayna Mortimer gets off to a fast start in the Grade Seven seal hop. She finished first overall in the event.
Photo by Diego Brisebois-Bourget
FUN AND GAMES – Hidden Valley’s Cody Young (left) and Harrison MacDonald pose for the camera. Young finished first in the Grade Five kneel jump and the one foot high kick and third in the triple jump and seal hop.
Photo by Diego Brisebois-Bourget
TERRIFIC TRIPLE JUMPERS– Elijah Smith’s Enna Mills (centre), Holy Family’s Alayna Mortimer (left) and Whitehorse Elementary’s Mirai Traynor (right) finished first, second and third in the Grade Seven triple jump.
Photo by Diego Brisebois-Bourget
WHITEHORSE STARS – Whitehorse Elementary’s Grady Johnson (centre), Harrison Chetcuti (left) and Will Sutton (right) swept the Grade Seven one foot high kick podium.
Hundreds of enthusiastic kids competed in the Arctic Sports Championships recently.
Hundreds of enthusiastic kids competed in the Arctic Sports Championships recently.
The games took place from Nov. 29-Dec. 1 in the Flexihall at the Canada Games Centre.
Harrison MacDonald said he was excited to be there and participate in the Arctic Sports.
His favourite event was the one-foot high kick.
Cody Young, Harrisonʼs friend, said his favourite event was also the one foot high kick.
“I liked the one foot high kick and the kneeling jump.”
When asked about any other favourites, Cody said, “Thereʼs the seal hop where you go on your hands and feet and then stick pull.”
Takhini Elementary’s Cassidy Snowshoe was having fun at the Championships. Her favourite event was the Triple Jump. According to Snowshoe, her second jump was better than her third. She also enjoyed the stick pull and was excited to compete in the seal hop.
Odin Hoffmann from Holy Family won the seal hop for the Grade Six boys. He said he was feeling tired but good.
“I do it a lot. I practice it at home."
His future aspirations include competing at the Arctic Winter Games.
Sam Phillips from Whitehorse Elementary won one of the Grade Six seal hop races and finished second overall.
"It was good. I did well.
“I think I could have had a little bit more hop. I could have maybe gone a tiny bit faster."
Organizer Rose Inglangasuk with the Yukon Aboriginal Sport Circle was very happy with how the games went down.
”It went really good, the events ran really smoothly and the kids had lots of fun.”
She added, “We had about 210 athletes today which is almost 60 above our regular numbers.
We have 14 schools and two communities, so thatʼs great.”
Three age categories participated in the Arctic Sports Championships: Grades 2-4, 5-7 and 8-12.
Holy Family finished on top in the youngest category, followed by Whitehorse Elementary and Hidden Valley.
In the Grade 5-7 category, École Émilie Tremblay finished first, followed by Whitehorse Elementary and Holy Family.
F.H. Collins finished first in the oldest category, with CSSC Mercier and St. Francis tied for second place.
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