
Whitehorse Daily Star

Elderactive volunteers honoured in Teslin

Several communities from around the Yukon gathered at the Teslin Recreation Centre on April 15 to participate in various games,

By Freelancer on April 22, 2010

Several communities from around the Yukon gathered at the Teslin Recreation Centre on April 15 to participate in various games, ie carpet bowling, floor shuffleboard, whist, crib and dominoes.

Shortly before lunch the group was surprised by two special guests, Clara Jules, mayor of Teslin and Hart Bezner.

Jules presented Bill Simpson, President of the Elderactive Recreation Association with a beautifully carved eagle in honour of all the work he has done for ERA and the numerous communities in the Yukon. His time and efforts have been very much appreciated.

Then there was another surprise. Ken and Dorothy Burke were called to the front of the group.

Bezner had been busy gathering historical tidbits that tied the Burkes to Calgary, Teslin and Whitehorse.

A couple from Calgary had moved to Teslin in 1976. One of their daughters, Sarah Hall, had babysat the Burke girls in Calgary. The Burkes moved to the Yukon in 1977 and paid a visit to Nancy and Ben Hall and family in Teslin.

The Halls were the only family the Burkes knew in the Yukon at that time. It was heart warming and encouraging to know another family from Calgary who had made the same pilgrimage to the North.

Sarah Hall has remained in the Yukon, currently residing in Whitehorse as an ordained deacon of the Anglican Church. After these revelations, Bezner thanked Ken and Dorothy for all their time and dedication to the ERA and presented them with a similar carved eagle.

Submitted by the ERA.

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