Whitehorse Daily Star

Driving Force maintain 100 per cent record

The Driving Force band wagon continued to gather momentum as they saw YukonInfo.com off 4-3 in the first game of the morning Saturday.

By Whitehorse Star on November 3, 2023

The Driving Force band wagon continued to gather momentum as they saw YukonInfo.com off 4-3 in the first game of the morning Saturday.

Jesse Koeller again was the spear point, picking up two more goals, while the soccer love affair between Sandy Gross and Graham Sim yielded another goal for Sim.

This pair plays together like Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, graceful and in harmony. It certainly is a profitable partnership for Driving Force as they lead the league at this early point of the season.

Yukoninfo.com in the past few games have lost their mojo and will be hoping for a change of fortunes next time out.

They still play good soccer, but they can’t seem to hit the net with as much regularity.

They were indeed indebted to Ernst Cao, who pulled off a series of good saves to stay in the game. They made the game close at the end, but Driving Force got across the line.

Keith Maguire got the other Force goal, while sub Mark Chandler, Michael Zuccarini and John Main got the goals for Yukoninfo.com.

Slick Klondike Office Systems ease to victory

KOS showed their class throughout their encounter with Chieftain with a comprehensive 6-1 win.

Although Chieftain were missing two key players, KOS were able to establish a rhythm from the off and maintained it throughout the game.

Mark Chandler was at his best, running the show. His searing pace was something that Chieftain couldn’t contend with. His link up plays with Marcelo Gortari are so good to watch, which leads to so many chances for his team, who are eager to oblige.

Chieftain battled hard, with captain Kruno Kunovic and Hector Lang giving a wholehearted display in a losing cause. If they can get their star players back they will make some headway in the league table.

Chandler got two goals and there were also two for Huy Nguyen and one each for Gortari and Warren Pearson. Billy Kim got a consolation for Chieftain.

Brewing upset Air North

The biggest shock of the season so far saw bottom of the league Yukon Brewing turn over last year’s champions Air North 4-3 in a glorious game.

This game had it all: skill, goals and drama. The game kept the crowd riveted until the final whistle.

Brewing started as if they meant business, using short shifts to put Air North on their toes.

Skipper Ciaran Connolly must have been pleased with the effort his team put in, as they pursued the opposition with the hunger of a man that has been told he isn’t allowed to eat bacon anymore.

Peter Mather may be as slow as a derelict school bus, but he has the touch of an angel, as he scored two lovely goals. Michael Bores also scored a good goal, as did Connolly to put his side in the ascendancy.

The Rangers hit back with two goals from Carlos Astorquiza and one from Ale Pulido.

As the game got tight, tempers that were already frayed, totally came apart towards the end, and the referee began to hand out cards like candy to calm the teams down.

This game was a great example of two teams playing with pride for the badge.

- subitted by ANDY TODD

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