Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

COMING DOWN THE TRAIL – Connor McMahon and friends on the trail.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

COOL DOWN – Racing dogs in warm weather requires prop- er care. The facilities at the Caribou Crossing Trading Post have misting stations for this purpose. During other sum- mer races, mushers provide pools to keep the dogs cool.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

HEAD FOR THE HILLS! – Nicolas Cardona and his friends react to the large bear sculpture along the trail.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

WOAH! BEAR! – Sarah Gallo and her friend were slightly startled by the large bear sculpture along the trail.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

LAST NOT LEAST – Louve Twedell was the red lantern racer.

DPSAY holds second dryland race of summer season

The Dog Powered Sports Association of the Yukon held their second dryland race of the summer season Saturday at the Caribou Crossing Trading Post grounds near Carcross.

By Whitehorse Star on June 30, 2022

The Dog Powered Sports Association of the Yukon held their second dryland race of the summer season Saturday at the Caribou Crossing Trading Post grounds near Carcross. There were 10 human racers and their canine friends taking part.

Thanks to everyone who came out.

Also thanks to Caribou Crossing Trading Post for hosting on their trails and Winterlong Brewing Co. for sponsoring again. The trail was excellent and the canine athletes were able to cool down with misty showers after!


Connor McMahon 3:58 Bike 1st
Sarah Gallo 4:07 Bike 2nd
Simon Angeron 4:10 Bike 3rd
Peter Mpala 4:19 Bike 4th
Renee Cook 5:12 Run 5th
Nicolas Cardona 5:31 Run 6th
Nathaniel Hamlyn 5:41 Run 7th
Adam Luciano 6:07 Run 8th
Andy Drys 7:48 Run 9th
Louve Twedell 8:27 Run 10th

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