Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

REACHING OUT – Yukon Yardworks Diggers’ Jennifer Floyd reaches for the ball as Jim Shockey’s Predators’ Jason Potter returns to second safe.

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

GOT HIM – Jim Shockey’s Predators’ Shawn Burgess is tagged out by Yukon Yardworks Diggers’ Brhy Romat.

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Photo by Morris Prokop

MOTORING ON – Jim Shockey’s Predators’ Creed Swan heads for home.

Co-ed slo-pitch league wraps up with season-ending tourney

The Whitehorse Co-ed Slo-pitch League wrapped up last Sunday with the season-ending tourney at the Pepsi Centre in Whitehorse.

By Morris Prokop on August 24, 2022

The Whitehorse Co-ed Slo-pitch League wrapped up last Sunday with the season-ending tourney at the Pepsi Centre in Whitehorse.

In the Division 2 final, the Jim Shockey’s Predators feasted on the Yukon Yardworks Diggers 18-5.

The Predators’ Creed Swan said they took the long way around to the championship.

“We had a great season – I think we only lost one game all season – and we dropped the game to them (Saturday), so we had to take the back way to get back into the finals.

“And we lost the coin flip, so we were visitors, so that means we had to get up on them early, which we did.

“First two innings, we scored the runs we needed. Bats kind of got quiet there during the middle of the game but our fielding – we just didn’t make a lot of mistakes.”

Swan said experience was the key to their victory.

“Our crew’s been together for a long time and we don’t make too many errors. When we do, it doesn’t cost us too many runs. Then we’ve got a few big bats in our lineup, so we can always get runs.”

Sean (Happy) Munro of the Diggers said, “It was a great game. It was a great season. We were fortunate enough to beat the (Predators) in overtime (one extra inning, on Saturday).

“As we shook hands, they figured we’d see them again in the finals. We did. And they had the better sticks today. Played a great game.

“We had a few simple errors, which was unfortunate to see, but we bonded, the team bonded. We had a great time. At the end of the day, it’s recreation league, and we had a great season.

“I think the difference today is we just got inside of our heads a little too much when we had a few errors in the first two innings and I think we had a hard time recovering from that,” Munro said.

Diggers coach Brhy Romat added, “We started off cold. Not much we could do. Tried fighting back, got some energy, got some sticks, then just kind of lost it at the end.

“Great group of guys to play with, and I’d be happy to play with them again next year,” he added. “It’s unfortunate, but not bad for a first-year team. I’ll take it.

“It’s a tough loss. A tough pill to swallow, but it happens.”

Having said that, Romat thought it was an “awesome weekend. Great weather for it, and George (Arcand) has done a great job for his last weekend in town.”

Meanwhile, in the Division 3 final, Twin Peaks tamed the Bearcats 25-11 and Booster Juice won a close one over Yukon Brewing 19-14 in Division 4.

Speaking of Arcand, as usual, the last word goes to him.

“It was a great weekend, a good final tournament, and couldn’t ask for better weather, teams have been great, so, really good.”

Arcand said that with this being his last tourney, he was feeling “a little nostalgic.

“(I’ve) been having a few conversations here with different people, but ya know what? You come to grips with the inevitability, and it was my decision, so, I’m good.

“This last season has been awesome in the sense that every event we’ve run has been in the sunshine. We’ve been blessed with weather this summer. It’s been great.

“But our big tournaments and this one, all in sunshine, so can’t ask for more.”

Arcand added he’s happy.

“I wish the best to the oncoming folks, and I’m around if they’ve got questions and I hope all my friends in softball have a great time in the future.”

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