Biggest sled dog teams of the year for Copper Haul
The Yukon Brewing Copper Haul Twister League held the Oscar's Electric Race Day, their biggest sled team race of the season on Sunday.
By Annalee Grant on January 26, 2010
The Yukon Brewing Copper Haul Twister League held the Oscar's Electric Race Day, their biggest sled team race of the season on Sunday.
Teams were allowed to have up to six dogs for sled teams and four for skijor teams. Twenty-six teams were out overall.
The race saw the biggest pet dog turn out yet, with nine teams coming out to race for the top spot. A total of 15 teams competed in the eight-mile race.
After Sunday's race, Tony Radford leads the eight-mile category with 20 points followed by Jon Lucas with 16 and Crispin Studer with 14, Erin Spicer leads the kid's league with 18 with Louve Tweddell and Jesse Doherty's tie of 10 following. Pippa Lawson tops the pet dog league with 28 points, followed by Jon Lucas with 22 and Honzo Balar trails with 10.
The sled teams were helping out the Yukon Quest by testing out the SPOT tracking system, which will be used along the Yukon Quest trail this year to track the mushers in the event of an emergency.
"We were brainstorming about how to mount these to sleds and came up with this idea,” said Wendy Morrison, executive director of the Yukon Quest.
The next Copper Haul Twister race will be the Icy Waters Ltd. eight-mile race on Valentine's Day.
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Eight-mile race
All six dog sleds unless otherwise stated
Name Time
Tony (The Bandit) Radford 26.27
Trevor Braun, four dog skis 32.42
Darryl Sheepway, four dog skis 33.45
Cynthia Corriveau, two dogs skis 33.54
Jim Hajash 34.09
Darrell Otto 34.49
Pippa Lawson, two dog skis 36.02
Claudia Wickert 36.04
Maren Bradley 36.50
Gunter Glaser 37.50
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5 km Kids Race
Both four dog sleds
Name Time
Jesse Doherty 12.30
Erin Spicer 15.17
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5-km one Pet Dog
All skijoring unless otherwise stated
Name Time
Honzo Balar 15.44
Pippa Lawson 17.14
Jon Lucas 18.30
Cynthia Freidrich 20.06
Sandro (running) 21.10
Kam Davies 21.24
Helen Eddy 22.58
Collin MacDonald 23.20
Jason Doucet 25.22
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