Photo by Vince Fedoroff
UP THE CREEK – Philippe Mouchet paddles down the McClintock River near the finish line during the fifth Autumn Classic on Saturday. Mouchet won the single canoe category in a time of 1:03.00.
Photo by Vince Fedoroff
UP THE CREEK – Philippe Mouchet paddles down the McClintock River near the finish line during the fifth Autumn Classic on Saturday. Mouchet won the single canoe category in a time of 1:03.00.
It's difficult to keep canoers and kayakers off the rivers when the sun is shining.
It's difficult to keep canoers and kayakers off the rivers when the sun is shining.
But even the strong winds Saturday couldn't keep competitors from racing in the last canoe and kayak event of the season, the fifth Autumn Classic.
The race began at the highway bridge over the McClintock River by Marsh Lake at noon.
Paddlers negotiated six kilometers upstream, snatched tokens from a marked tree, and then paddled back downstream.
Last year, the tokens were little frogs attached to the bank by flag tape.
Organizer Peter Coates said this year's tokens were just as satisfying.
Farm animals.
It was a pleasure watching adults swap pigs for cows, Coates said.
"We actually had flying pigs,” he said.
Results from the race are as follows:
Philippe Mouchet 1:03.00
Peter Coates 1:22.30
Daniel Girouard, Cynthia Corriveau 1:05.30
Pam Boyde, Jim Boyde 1:05.50
Verana König, Joanie Pelletier 1:05.53
Benjamin Blias, Andreanne La Rue 1:22.20
Iain Seal, Ingabitt Scholven 1:22.40
Lisa Christensen, Michelle Christensen 1:43.30
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