
Whitehorse Daily Star

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ROLLIN’ ALONG – Sharla Harries rolls down the trail last November north of Whitehorse. The Fat Bike Rally is coming up Nov. 27 at the Research Station trails.

Attention, fat bikers: it’s time to rally

The snowy season is upon us and Cycling Association of Yukon wants to rally fat bikers to celebrate.

By Freelancer on November 17, 2021

The snowy season is upon us and Cycling Association of Yukon wants to rally fat bikers to celebrate.

The Fat Bike Rally is a free event on Nov. 27 that’s focused on fun and participation.

Whether you’ve been riding a fat bike since the Pugsley days or last week miraculously found something on the buy and sell, the Fat Bike Rally is for everyone.

The Rally starts at 2 p.m. and ends at 5 p.m., and you can show up anytime during this range.

Come by yourself or with friends and family and meet new people. There will be free hot chocolate, coffee and snacks.

Bring your own mug, mask and your proof of vaccination.

When you’re ready to ride, do as many laps as you want of the 5 kilometre course at the Gunnar Nilsson and Mikey Lammers Research Forest trails.

In case you’ve not ridden there, the Research Forest is about 20 minutes north of downtown Whitehorse. The trail system is beginner-friendly and includes a scenic route that overlooks the Takhini River.

To register for the Fat Bike Rally, roll over to and sign up today.

–Submitted by Geof Harries

Comments (4)

Up 7 Down 3

To Ken on Nov 23, 2021 at 2:34 pm

You do realize that this group (and all other sports/recreation) groups are HAVING to follow this protocol? It is MANDATED by the Emergency Measures Act. Don't hate on the groups trying to keep activities happening. But do question yourself as to why you are so anti-vax. Getting pretty sick of those of you who strive to ensure we go into lock down again--kids have to stay home from school again, restaurants shut down, and all sports cancelled. Some of us want to move on from %&*^*^*ing COVID.

Up 13 Down 2

Fatback on Nov 22, 2021 at 5:23 pm

Everyones invited.
Except for Ken. Stay home Ken.
Don’t be a Ken.

Up 20 Down 6

RS on Nov 19, 2021 at 12:33 pm

They want to host an event and as such, are following the government rules. Why are you picking on volunteers who simply want to do good in our community?
I think your negative comments are being directed at the wrong people.

Up 12 Down 27

ken Hetherington on Nov 18, 2021 at 4:53 pm

Mask and vaccination proof for a outdoor event, no thanks. I ride my bike all year, sometimes in a t-shirt even in winter but I shall not show up to your private club event supporting a divided community.

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