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BRILLIANT BRONZE – Laura Ruiz captured bronze in Star 5 Artistic Group 1, left. MULTIPLE MEDALS – Leah Lariviere won gold and bronze at the event.

Arctic Edge mines ‘gold and a whole bunch of silver’ in B.C.

Whitehorse’s Arctic Edge figure skating club brought home gold, silver and bronze from the 2023 B.C./YT. SuperSeries Star Skate Final last weekend.

By Morris Prokop on March 17, 2023

Whitehorse’s Arctic Edge figure skating club brought home gold, silver and bronze from the 2023 B.C./YT. SuperSeries Star Skate Final last weekend.

The event was held at Capital News Centre in Kelowna March 10-12.

Arctic Edge Skating Club had 13 participants in 16 events.

“The results tell us that our pre-competitive and star skate Figure Skating programs are preparing our skaters very well to compete at out of territory competitions,” said Technical Director Anne Milton.

Milton said she and Coach Anne Patrice Gilbert are very proud of the skaters for their composure and successes at this event.

“Across the board we saw all skaters show us well-skated free and artistic programs. The skaters’ strong skating skills and performance components stood out.

“This is our first time attending this event and it was clear that we turned heads, both with our performances and our enthusiastic participation.”

In the Star 2 and 3 categories, the skaters earned a Silver overall assessment. According to Milton, these unranked events evaluate skaters to a standard. Silver indicates a strong performance.

“In addition to the overall standing of Silver we saw many individual elements that were given an evaluation of Gold. This is an exceptional achievement for our skaters,” explained Milton.

The Star 2 skaters were Cathy Zhang, Kyanna Fairfield, Julia Schneider, Nicole Bushuyu Abby Fru and Sophie Stuart.

The Star 3 skaters were Ella Gunderson and Naveed McCann.

In the Star 4 category, in the U13 Group 1 (a ranked event grouped by age), Lily Bowen was sixth and Laura Ruiz was ninth of 12 skaters.

In Star 4 U13 Group 3, Leah Lariviere struck gold.

In Star 5 13 and over, Myla Turner was 10th and Madyson Millar 21st out of 35 skaters.

In Star 5 Artistic Group 1 (ranked and grouped by age) Laura Ruiz captured the bronze medal. Lily Bowen was right behind her in fourth place.

In Star 5 Artistic Group 2, Leah Lariviere took third place and the bronze medal to go with her gold.

In Star 6, Natilee Thompson finished 12th out of 22.

“All of our skaters in the Star 5 and Star 6 events were skating at this Star Skate level for the first time,” said Milton.

“These results are quite good and are showing us that our skaters can compete at these higher levels.”

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