Photo by Whitehorse Star
MASS START – Skiers take off in a mass start at the Buckwheat International Ski Classic at Log Cabin off the South Klondike Highway on March 7, 2020. The 37th version of the race runs Saturday.
Photo by Whitehorse Star
MASS START – Skiers take off in a mass start at the Buckwheat International Ski Classic at Log Cabin off the South Klondike Highway on March 7, 2020. The 37th version of the race runs Saturday.
Photo by Whitehorse Star
HOTDOGGIN' IT – Skiers dressed for the occasion race in the Buckwheat at Log Cabin on March 7, 2020.
Photo by Whitehorse Star
ALL DRESSED UP – Skiers came out in costume for the 2020 Buckwheat on March 7.
Photo by Whitehorse Star
FAMILY FUN – Sonjaa Schmidt, left, recent U23 Cross Country World Champion and her father Chris enjoy the Buckwheat on March 7, 2020.
Photo by Whitehorse Star
SNAZZY PANTS – Veteran racers Colin Abbott, left and Matthias Purdon compete in the Buckwheat on March 7, 2020.
The Buckwheat International Ski Classic is set to run again this Saturday.
The Buckwheat International Ski Classic is set to run again this Saturday.
The legendary race is held on the Log Cabin Ski Trails with 32 Km, 16 Km and 10 Km adult racers, and a 5 Km race for kids ages 12 and under.
Entry fees are $50 for the adult races and $25 for the kids’ race.
This year’s theme is “A Buckwheat Odyssey: Monsters, Myths and Mischief”.
A Best Costume Prize features an overnight package to Skagway’s Upper Dewey Lake cabin presented by the Skagway Recreation Center and Temsco Helicopters.
The race is a fundraiser for the Log Cabin Ski Society (LCSS), based in Skagway, Alaska.
Volunteers groom and set track on about 30 kilometres of cross-country ski trails managed by Recreation Sites and Trails B.C.
The trails are located on the South Klondike Highway, 27 miles (43.5 Km) north of Skagway.
LCSS was formed in 2012 to continue the ski race founded by the late Buckwheat Donahue.
The starting window is 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. Alaska Time (two hours earlier than Yukon time). But
there also will be four mass starts for those who want to go out in a big group. They are: 9:30 a.m. – 32 Km; 9:45 a.m. – 16 Km; 10 a.m. – 10 Km; and 10:15 a.m. – Kids’ 5 Km.
Racers and volunteers will gather at the themed aid station for food and refreshments.
The course closes at 2 p.m. Alaska Time.
Details on the race schedule can be found at http://buckwheatskiclassic.com/race-schedule-2/
After the race, an Awards ceremony will take place at the Eagles Hall Theatre at 6th Ave. and Broadway starting at 5:30 p.m. with hors d’oeuvres provided. The top three in each race will receive medals, and there will be special awards including a LCSS members-only drawing for a pair of skis. Racers can sign up for a membership on their entry form.
Updates can be found on Facebook: @logcabinskisociety.
Volunteers can sign up on the the race’s Volunteer Local site at https://logcabinskisociety.volunteerlocal.com/volunteer/?id=83865, or email logcabinskisociety@gmail.com, or call/text Jeff Brady at 907-973-2354.
The deadline to sign up for the race is Friday at 5 p.m. Yukon time.
Registration is open via a link to the race’s Zone 4 registration site on the Race Entry page at: http://www.buckwheatskiclassic.com
Registration includes a shirt and food at the aid station.
As of this morning, 202 racers were registered.
Racers from the Canadian side are reminded to bring their passports.
Car pooling is also recommended, since parking is limited to the main Log Cabin lot. Parking on the highway is not allowed.
– With files from a Buckwheat International Ski Classic press release.
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