Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

GLIDING TO GLORY – Bryn Knight (left) and David Greer brought home Canada Winter Games medals on March 6, 2007 in cross-country ski races. Greer won the gold and Knight the bronze.

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Photo by Whitehorse Star

BUSY NIGHT AT WORK – Team Yukon goaltender Teneesha Merkel stops one of an incredible 141 shots she faced from Team Saskatchewan in their opening contest of the Canada Winter Games at Takhini Arena in Whitehorse on March 5, 2007.

2027 CWG Bid Committee submits technical review package to Canada Games Council

The 2027 Canada Winter Games (CWG) Bid Committee has achieved its first milestone in the 13-month process to bring the 2027 Games to Whitehorse.

By Whitehorse Star on March 15, 2022

The 2027 Canada Winter Games (CWG) Bid Committee has achieved its first milestone in the 13-month process to bring the 2027 Games to Whitehorse.

According to a joint press release with the City of Whitehorse, the committee submitted a technical review information package to the Canada Games Council last Friday.

This is the first step in a two-step process by the Canada Games Council’s 2027 Games Bid Evaluation Committee and Technical Review Committee to assess Whitehorse's bid to host the Games.

The committee will visit Whitehorse March 29-30 to conduct a site visit of the venues reviewed in the report.

"A tremendous amount of hard work goes into the process of securing a major event,” stated CWG bid committee chair Piers McDonald.

“This is the first stage of our journey to bringing these Games back to the North. We look forward to the next step and the opportunity to welcome athletes and visitors from across Canada to the Yukon for the 2027 Canada Winter Games."

The second step will occur in September, when the bid committee submits the comprehensive community review information package.

The bid committee will review the full proposal and conduct a site visit before making a recommendation to the Canada Games board of directors.

The Games can be expected to generate approximately $80 million to $110 million in economic spending in the host province or territory.

The host community will be announced in November.

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