Whitehorse Daily Star

It’s time to recognize COVID-19’s true reality (Comment)

Is it time to change the “P” word to the “E” word? I think so.

By Whitehorse Star on January 31, 2022

Is it time to change the “P” word to the “E” word? I think so.

As you’ve probably figured out already, the two words I’m talking about are pandemic and endemic.

Pandemic, according to my abridged Oxford English Dictionary, is defined as a disease “prevalent over the whole of a country, or continent or over the whole world,” while endemic is defined as a “disease habitually prevalent in a certain country and due to permanent local causes.”

Some epidemiologists say COVID-19 has passed its peak.

Others say the world-wide surge of Omicron means there could be worse COVID-19 variants down the road. So, no loud hallelujahs, please, or breaking out the bubbly. We’re not out of the swamp yet.

Can there be any doubt about the deadly swamp we’re in?

A horrific world-wide COVID-19 death toll of 5.59 million lost souls, according to the Jan. 22 update by Our World in Data.

This includes 32,217 deaths in Canada, 864,000 in the U.S. (more than the First and Second World Wars and Vietnam combined), 153,000 in the U.K., 318,000 in Russia, 128,000 in France and many thousands in China (but no official number released).

Those are awfully horrific numbers no matter what your stand is on COVID-19.

So, what do these numbers mean?

University of California infectious disease specialist Dr. Monica Gandhi says COVID-19 will become endemic rather than pandemic when the COVID-19 death rate becomes low and hospitalizations steadily decrease.

“But it’s going to take past the Omicron surge,” she says, and who knows when that will be?

Is indeed the wild card in the COVID-19 nightmare because its infection rate is dropping in some places, but surging in others, including Cranbrook, B.C., with Joseph Creek Village reporting an outbreak this week?

Interior Health announced the outbreak at Joseph Creek last week but gave no details.

However, Interior Health also said Cranbrook is experiencing its highest COVID-19 case counts since the pandemic began.

In the Yukon, where I used to live, there have been 16 COVID-19 deaths since the pandemic began almost two years ago.

Nevertheless, Bonnie Henry, B.C.’s top public health doctor, said at a news conference on Jan. 21 that contact tracing is no longer considered an effective way of controlling COVID-19 or the Omicron variant, and “we have to change our way of thinking.”

Could this be a hint that B.C. Health and other health agencies in Canada and around the world have finally reached the point of acknowledging their COVID-19 fighting strategies over the past two years – well intended as they’ve been – have been fundamentally wrong?

Canadians are a dutiful people. In terms of COVID-19, we’ve done what the “experts” told us.

We’ve worn the masks. We have one of the best vaccination rates in the world.

We’ve socially spaced. We’ve curbed our social behaviour to next to nothing. (More than Boris Johnson ever did!)

We’ve closed our restaurants, bars, theatres, arenas, businesses, churches, gyms and schools.

We’ve then partially reopened them only to close them again until many of us are in a black funk to the point of crying out for Prozac or trying – mostly unsuccessfully – to flee to the Caribbean or Vegas, at least.

And what has all of this gotten us? Next to nothing. Nada – or very close to it.

Obviously, then, it’s time for a different strategy, and many are suggesting that it’s time – way past time, in fact – to recognize that the pandemic is permanent and likely to be with us for a long, long time.

Perhaps forever, as indeed it has always been historically with past viruses.

Therefore, it’s time for a new strategy. One that recognizes the permanence of COVID-19 and comes up with a new protective vaccine that we’ll receive annually like the flu shots of the past.

In other words, a strategy that acknowledges that COVID-19 has morphed yet again from a pandemic to an endemic disease.

And this should surely please the recalcitrant anti-vaxers too.

Former Star reporter Gerry Warner is a retired journalist who thinks it’s time for a different strategy fighting COVID-19. He lives in Cranbrook, B.C.

By Gerry Warner

Comments (2)

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Linda Leon on Feb 2, 2022 at 7:38 pm

I disagree with Gerry Warner about whether the strategies of our health care leaders has been wrong. Covid-19 is a moving target. Earlier restrictions kept us safe before we had vaccines. Mask wearing continues to keep our infection rate lower than it would be otherwise. Vaccines prevented many of us from being infected at all by by Delta and Gamma varients. With Omicron, our vaccines keep most people out of hospitals, when infected. Imagine what our death rate would be now without vaccines and other precautions. You can extrapolate those numbers by looking at the percentage of the minority of unvaccinated people now overwhelming our health care system. And if vaccine mandates keep the unvaccinated out of restaurants and airplanes, that is a good thing. Consider that many anti-vaxxers are also vehement anti-maskers, rendering them even more likely to carry and spread Omicron. And the next varient.

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Dan Davidson on Feb 2, 2022 at 2:30 pm

Well said, Gerry. Just annoyed that you've made all the main points I was going to make in my next Uffish Thoughts column.

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