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November 22, 2021
- COP26: Sharma’s tears didn’t wash out hope (Comment) Closing the two-week COP26 climate summit in Glasgow on Nov. 13, Alok Sharma, the British president of the 197-country conference, declared “We’ve kept 1.5 (degrees Celsius) within reach, but its pulse is weak.”
November 19, 2021
- The ramifications of green energy going dark Atlin has been called “Little Switzerland of the North”.
Watching the river almost stop flowing (Uffish Thoughts) The Yukon River has frozen in front of Dawson – sort of.
- A flawed petition deserves its fleeting spotlight (Editorial) No doubt, Premier Sandy Silver evoked silent cheers within his caucus – and among thousands of Yukoners – on Nov. 10 when he bluntly denounced a petition tabled nine days earlier in the legislature.
November 12, 2021
- Stop this aggressive behaviour Ed. note: Premier Sandy Silver and Dr. Catherine Elliott, the acting chief medical officer of health, issued this statement Wednesday afternoon.
- 2023: it had been fun a long time ago (Comment) A small tousled child, hanging onto the ruff of a big yellow dog, stood staring down the long paved road.
November 10, 2021
- COP26 will probably end up a mixed bag It’s not too early to assess the success or failure of COP26, the climate summit that began in Glasgow on Oct. 31.
November 5, 2021
- Making sure the customer is done a disservice (Uffish Thoughts) I paid my Northwestel telephone and Internet bill the other day.
- Visiting the pharmacy for someone else? The pandemic has changed our community, making us more aware of the vulnerable people around us, including older people, leading many of us to lend a helping hand to friends and loved ones.
- Happy endings depend on political will (Comment) Are we a little too jaded to believe in fairy tales any more?
- A policy outline needing a strong dose of details (Editorial) It’s not beyond imagination that senior figures in the Government of Yukon may have discreetly offered a toast to Canada’s National Advisory Committee on Immunization.
October 29, 2021
- Tough sledding to meet Yukon’s GHG emission goals Yukon’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in 2019, as reported by the Yukon Government (YG), were 738 kilotonnes (kt) of CO2e; a 14 per cent increase from the 2010 level of 684.
Slip-sliding away on a surprise weather day (Uffish Thoughts) This is the time of year when you don’t quite know how to dress to be outdoors, or what will await you when you get to the street.
- Voters’ choices may yield positive results (Editorial) If a political science student was to brandish a masterful, northern-flavoured manual on waging a winning election campaign, Laura Cabott’s name might well adorn its cover.