Opinions Archive
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June 17, 2022
A knife was thrust, a young life was lost (Comment) Cite “the Taku murder” to those with a brief or even moderate-length residency in the Yukon, and you’ll likely elicit quizzical stares.
- Things are worse in ‘the bright new tomorrow’ (Comment) In 1973, First Nation leaders presented a document, Together Today for Our Children Tomorrow, to the federal government – proposing a settlement agreement that prioritized the protection of the people and future generations.
June 13, 2022
- Boris Johnson is a dead man walking (Comment) “Cad.” “Scoundrel.” “Rotter.” The words that members of the British public used to describe Prime Minister Boris Johnson in the aftermath of the June 4-5 weekend’s failed attempt by parliamentary members of his own Conservative Party to remove him from office had a weirdly antique ring.
June 10, 2022
The night the Tories’ dominance apexed (Comment) If the evening of June 7, 1982 could be analyzed as a baseball game, Chris Pearson surrendered a couple of strataspheric home runs – but strode off the mound as the winning hurler, pummelled by frenzied backslaps and raucous accolades.
- ‘Out of sight – out of mind’ is no solution (Uffish Thoughts) There are some stories you just can’t keep up with when you’re writing editorials.
June 8, 2022
- Northwestel has poor customer relations (Uffish Thoughts) On our most recent telephone bill, I was shocked to discover that I had not paid the previous one.
June 3, 2022
- The U.S. is a country nearing the abyss (Comment) “A good guy with a gun.”
- Again, a dearth of co-operation and communication (Editorial) Why, in 2022, with well-educated senior managers presumably immersed in the invaluable principles of consultation and communication, do certain components of the Yukon government seem so dreadfully disconnected?
June 1, 2022
- There are effective ways to quit smoking Tuesday was World No Tobacco Day,