Opinions Archive
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February 27, 2023
- The Ukraine war and international law (Comment) Just before Friday’s first anniversary of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, France’s President Emmanuel Macron declared that he wanted to see Russia “defeated, but not crushed.”
February 24, 2023
- Ukraine defies a global bully and rogue nation Ed. note: on Thursday, the Yukon Party caucus released statements on what it called “one year of Russia’s unjust invasion of Ukraine.”
Question: whose mandate is it, anyway? (Uffish Thoughts) Ranj Pillai’s ascension to the premier’s office on Jan. 14 seems to have raised questions about whether he has any right to be there.
- The future of mining in the Yukon (Comment) Ed. note: this is a submission from the Yukon Chamber of Mines.
February 22, 2023
- How the world can avoid a war with China “I hope I am wrong. My gut tells me we will fight (with China) in 2025,” declared U.S. Air Force General Mike Minihan late last month.
February 20, 2023
- The floaty-bag problem: now solved? (Comment) The United States has been having “a bit of a floaty-bag problem over its airspace,” as South Africa’s Daily Maverick news-site put it.Indeed it has.
February 17, 2023
- WHO: we don’t believe you anymore! How did we get into an undemocratic nightmare, supercharged by COVID measures overreach, including dangerous gene therapy injections that are not vaccine?
- There are many concerns with this housing plan (Comment) Ed. note: at Monday’s city council meeting, Coun. Ted Laking voted against the city exploring ways to put more tax money toward the Rapid Housing Initiative Project at the former High Country Inn. Here are the remarks he made at the meeting.
February 15, 2023
- Honouring a very important document Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon released this statement on Tuesday, the 50th anniversary of Together Today for our Children Tomorrow.
- The quakes strike, the blame game begins If you are trying to dodge the blame for a great disaster, the best policy is to say that it was God’s will.