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April 21, 2023
So how much did Dylan Cozens do? Lots! (Comment) Now that the regular NHL schedule for 2022-23 has come to an end, some readers might be interested in knowing how our local NHL-signed boy did with the team that drafted him five years ago.
- The broken record messaging is what’s broken (Uffish Thoughs) I have a suggestion for a theme song for Pierre Poilievre’s never-ending campaign to persuade the Canadian public that the entire country is on life support and, to borrow a phrase from his apparent hero, Donald Trump, “only he can fix it.”
April 14, 2023
How a nation chose mediocrity over middle power Ed. note: this is the final instalment of a four-part weekly series.
- We are witnessing pure endemic fear porn Stonewalling science evidence for the COVID-19 status as “endemic”, of the B.C. Centre for Disease Control (in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, Oct. 11, 2022), Health Minister Tracy-Anne McPhee and Premier Ranj Pillai heavy-handedly assert a supposedly continuing “pandemic”. Endemic, pandemic; very different things.
- Ex-premier Horgan shows his true colours (Comment) So former B.C. premier John Horgan has gone to the dark side.
April 12, 2023
- The Good Friday Agreement at age 25 U.S. President Joe Biden is visiting Ireland this week to celebrate an anniversary that almost didn’t happen.
April 10, 2023
- Life before the Great Ukrainian Offensive Last Monday’s stunt, where Yevgeny Prigozhin held a Russian flag in his hands and declared that his “Wagner” mercenary soldiers have finally conquered the Ukrainian city of Bakhmut, probably marks the end of Russian winter offensive.
April 6, 2023
A war made Canada realize the Russian threat Ed. note: this is the third instalment of a four-part weekly series. The first two were published March 24 and March 31.
- Will Alberta redeem itself in the next election? Alberta is a strange place.
April 5, 2023
- Freddy and the ice: messages from the future Two new things on the climate front recently, both bad news.