Photo by Whitehorse Star
Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker and Premier Sandy Silver
Photo by Whitehorse Star
Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker and Premier Sandy Silver
The Yukon government is launching a new online system that streamlines applications for Good Energy rebates and incentives.
The Yukon government is launching a new online system that streamlines applications for Good Energy rebates and incentives.
The Good Energy E-rebates platform features the government’s energy-efficient incentives for homeowners and residences, and Yukoners can now apply using the online platform.
The new system also offers a virtual energy assessment of homes.
Yukoners enter basic information about their homes and the virtual assessment tool provides recommendations for increasing energy efficiency and decreasing energy costs and carbon emissions. The recommendations link to government’s Good Energy rebate offers.
This initiative supports the Yukon strategy for climate change, energy and a green economy: Our Clean Future, the government said Thursday.
“The Good Energy Rebates are popular,” said Energy, Mines and Resources Minister John Streicker.
“These incentives play an important role in reducing Yukon’s greenhouse gas emissions, and Yukoners want to be more energy-efficient and reduce their carbon footprint. Now, using this new online system, Yukon families can quickly learn how to make their homes more energy-efficient and access the government incentives. Every action counts.”
The Good Energy Rebate program was created in 2007 to reduce energy consumption, energy costs and emissions in support of the government’s 2009 Energy Strategy for Yukon.
Over its lifetime, the Good Energy rebates have expanded from ENERGY STAR®-certified appliances to include energy-efficient renovations to homes and buildings, clean transportation options, and renewable energy generating systems.
The E-rebates platform includes all the Good Energy rebates for homeowners, retrofits or upgrades to buildings and homes, purchasing clean transportation vehicle, and generating electricity from renewable energy sources.
The E-rebates project is partially funded by the federal government’s Low Carbon Economy Fund.
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Comments (9)
Up 9 Down 4
The illusion of choice in a “woke world”… on Jun 22, 2021 at 10:21 am
I am glad that we Yukoners now have a choice in which rebates we can apply for… So sick and tired of applying for “Bad Rebates”…
Up 20 Down 7
Groucho d'North on Jun 21, 2021 at 11:02 am
This story reminded me to wonder what the governments are doing with all the Carbon Tax revenue they have stolen from us. Apart from driving up inflation of course.
"Statistics Canada said the 3.6-per-cent increase in the consumer price index in May was the largest yearly increase since May 2011 and outpaced the 3.4 per cent reading in April, which at the time was the fastest annual rate in nearly a decade."
Remember the twit in charge said "Budgets balance themselves."
Up 17 Down 4
Silver Tongued Devil Has a Fork Too… on Jun 19, 2021 at 9:07 pm
Dear Wilf - If you eliminated bs from a politicians speech they would be mutes incapable of sign language.
Up 27 Down 6
Groucho d'North on Jun 19, 2021 at 10:11 am
How is this news? YG changed their processes to make it easier for EMR staff to work from home. No real benefit to the public.
Up 26 Down 13
Wilf Carter on Jun 18, 2021 at 10:28 am
John and Sandy how much green house gases are in Yukon atmosphere? .04 carbon. 79% nitrogen and 20% oxygen which we live on as people and animals. Our trees remove all the carbon by at least 7 times the carbon released by humans. Stop putting out BS on climate change because the world has moved passed that un-science proven crap. Why are you pushing it, to buy votes?
This program was developed under Yukon Party Government and you have no idea how to apply it other than wasting money on fools gold. Climate change is now 15 on most important things for our earth starting with health number one, economic number 2, education number three food, etc. Get with the times Sandy.
Up 32 Down 9
BnR on Jun 18, 2021 at 8:02 am
The rebate program should be income tested. A household with two YG employees doesn’t need a 300 rebate on a new furnace or an e-bike.
This would free up some cash to increase the rebate to low income households that could really use it. But this won’t happen, because the program itself is literally being dreamed up and implemented by well paid, entitled YG employees who want to have their hybrid cars or e-bikes paid for.
Up 6 Down 20
Isn’t it ironic, don’t you think… on Jun 17, 2021 at 10:34 pm
Dear Matthew - High food prices will mitigate diabetes and eliminate obesity! Win-win. As we are Carbon-based life forms slimmer, people means a reduction in the carbon footprint…
Up 28 Down 11
bonanzajoe on Jun 17, 2021 at 5:22 pm
Mathew, as long as we have socialist Liberals and NDPers running the country, next year it will be 1 trillion. But they don't care, because they won't have to pay it off. But they should at least give their kids and grand kids the heads up. That would be the decent thing to do. But then, when do commys practice decency?
Up 49 Down 22
Matthew on Jun 17, 2021 at 3:31 pm
So... with over $500B added in debt last year, who will be covering these rebates? The tax payer of course.. we are printing our money into a worthless oblivion, when will YOU start caring? After a $10 loaf of bread?