Whitehorse Daily Star

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Photo by Vince Fedoroff

THE RACE BEGINS – Premier Sandy Silver, backdropped by Yukon Liberal Party candidates, calls the April 12 territorial election early Friday afternoon at the Whitehorse Wharf beside the Yukon River in Whitehorse.

Yukoners are going to the polls April 12

In a widely-anticipated move, Premier Sandy Silver has dissolved the legislature and called a general territorial election.

By Tim Giilck on March 12, 2021

Revised — In a widely-anticipated move, Premier Sandy Silver has dissolved the legislature and called a general territorial election.

Silver made the announcement during a news conference at 1:15 Friday afternoon at the Whitehorse Wharf with a gaggle of Liberal candidates in tow.

“We have supported and kept Yukoners safe through a global pandemic,” the Liberal leader said.

“We have the best economy in Canada and we have dramatically improved relations with Yukon First Nation governments.

“We are at a crossroads. Now it will be up to voters to decide what path they want to go down.

“We have been monitoring the COVID situation, waiting for the situation to be safe enough to hold an election. With the strong vaccine uptake and measures in place to stop importation of the virus, I believe that time is now.”

The government is in the fifth year of its mandate, and had to call an election by mid-November at the latest.

“Yukoners have shown great confidence in our government since we took office,” said Silver.

“We humbly ask that you continue your support for our team and re-elect a Liberal government so we can keep the good work going.”

It was obvious by mid-morning Friday the election would be called.

Jeanie McLean, the minister of Tourism and Culture and other portfolios, had an advertisement urging her re-election posted on her Facebook page, as did Liberal candidate Staci McIntosh.

The office of the chief electoral officer told the Star there was nothing improper about that advertising. There are no set rules as to when candidates can begin campaigning.

Silver spent most of the news conference looking to the past and outlining what he considered to be the accomplishments of the Liberals over their term in office since late 2016.

On March 4, the government introduced an election-style, $1.8-billion budget with a record amount of more $420 million in capital spending included on projects across the Yukon.

The campaign will be a unique one, as it will be carried out with strict health regulations in place due to the pandemic and an official state of emergency in effect. Silver announced a 90-day extension of that state on March 3.

It remains to be seen how the candidates will have to adapt to those controls.

Silver said the Liberals planned on continuing with the traditional door-to-door campaign during the election, under the tightened rules issued by the chief electoral officer.

The party is also planning to utilize new methods, such as Zoom, to maximize its public exposure. It planned a news conference with that technology for late this morning.

Silver faced a number of questions from the media – including a very pointed query from CBC reporter Chris Windeyer.

He noted that Silver had been asked repeatedly about when the election would be called, including several times last week alone.

“So you obviously weren’t telling the truth about that,” Windeyer bluntly told the premier.

Silver bristled a little at that question, saying it wasn’t accurate.

The Liberal caucus hadn’t decided on a date until last Thursday night, Silver said, and it was a joint decision.

He attributed the swift enactment of that caucus consensus on the perception that neither of the opposition parties would support the budget.

At dissolution, the Liberals had 10 seats (including Speaker Nils Clarke’s), the Yukon Party six and the New Democrats two. Don Hutton left the Liberal caucus last Monday to sit as the chamber’s lone independent MLA.

Comments (80)

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Nathan Living on Mar 29, 2021 at 10:17 am

Party politics in our large territory with a small population is a joke.
The Yukon Party has one client base and has been an old guard club. They can change of course but their recent past was not good.

Not a great deal of trust in the NDP by industry. Kate is a good leader and there is some promise of party working for people.
The Libs are not bad but tarnished with the long covid lockdown.

Seriously, any governing party just has to work well with First Nations and spend the windfall transfer payments wisely.

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Rod dewell on Mar 20, 2021 at 9:38 am

Thank you, thank you, Whitehorse Star, for allowing a comment section in your paper. Unlike most media and social media outlets you have decided to allow people to be exposed to views other than the mainstream government propaganda, which is being thrown at us. Thank you again!

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Con's only tell lies for power on Mar 18, 2021 at 9:11 pm

Yukoner 71 (yup everyone calls themselves a Yukoner, everyone wants to belong, I guess) Not sure if anyone has told you or not, we are in the middle of a pandemic that has killed over 2.5 million people world wide. We are not doing anything much different to any country that is trying to control the spread. Only cons live under rocks and usually come out during elections to spew their hate.

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Yukoner ‘71 on Mar 18, 2021 at 3:30 pm

To ‘con lies’. Your comment was so funny and deluded that it brought a smile to my face. ‘The closest we have come to a dictatorship’ was under the Harper government huh? Have you been living in a hole in the ground for the last year while our charter of rights and freedoms has been tossed aside under the guise of fear and government control? Non elected officials are currently ruling us by decree with the support of their Liberals masters while constantly moving the goal posts as to when they will relax their stranglehold on us. You are not helping your cause any by making Liberal supporters sound like clueless nut jobs.

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Groucho d'North on Mar 18, 2021 at 9:39 am

The "List of Liberal Accomplishments" has already had a large audience and it is still being circulated in various media.
History and details of the list can be found on the Snopes site here: https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/howie-mandel-justin-trudeau/

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Mike Grieco on Mar 17, 2021 at 10:00 pm

The Liberals have been on election-mode for more than a year now. Bloated with federal transfers and pandering is their game plan. They (the Liberals) didn't just wake-up from their "bubble" and decide to call the election - the fight is fixed. And the jig is up!

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Con lies, con lies, everywhere I look Con lies on Mar 17, 2021 at 8:50 pm

The same old tired con lies, it is like they made a play book 30 years ago and have never bothered updating it.
Canada has not forgotten the disaster that was the Harper years, the closest we have come to a dictatorship. Yukoners have not forgotten the last con territorial government that was a real embarrassment and has pretty much the same cast of characters that do not make a cabinet at all.

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Woodcutter on Mar 17, 2021 at 4:27 pm

Lots of doom and gloom from the folks to the right of extreme. The country's going to hell cries chicken little. They are criminal declares the fear monger. The puzzlement of wonder of how they continue to get re-elected by curious.

Did any of you stop to think that perhaps it's you, that scares the hell out of me, to trust a political organization that actively recruits people such as this ?

Look at the facts - 2/3 of the Yukon is center and left and the only time cons ever win is when the vote is split between the left and center, not cause you have a great track record.

Things have never been better in the 30 plus years I've been here. Jobs everywhere, mines working, construction sector booming, property values growing. Everywhere is opportunity. This was the conservative values back in the day. Now it's regulated to a bunch of gripes complaints, paranoia, fear, xenophobia, and attracts some of the most reviled segments in our society. What a pathetic moment the conservative parties have become.

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Anie on Mar 17, 2021 at 1:33 pm

To Don't Be Fooled: your list is an eye opener. I seriously hope there is some way it can be repeated closer to the federal election, and published in national newspapers. Please consider sharing it with someone who can do that. Perhaps one of the National Post columnists. They don't seem to be as afraid of the federal liberals as some other news outlets.

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Don't be fooled - Continued on Mar 17, 2021 at 8:40 am

@Vern Schlimbesser

By all means, use the list.

Up 18 Down 6

Sign, sign, sign, everywhere a sign... on Mar 16, 2021 at 8:35 pm

@ Liberals? Here, here, I hear, hear, hear! What is happening to Canada and the Yukon is an absolute travesty. “These Liberals” are dangerous, and I agree - criminal. Never have I ever seen our country so Lampoonish and on the verge of a collapse. I am appalled that there is so little insight from such a large swath of the electorate that the keep voting for and supporting these people who are literally calling them racist, sexist, and other while treating them like they are beyond stupid... While these Liberals are stealing their wallets! It’s crazy!! I don’t know what to say sometimes!?!?

Q: Do you know what the difference between a Liberal and a Conservative is?
A: They will both take your wallet but the Liberal will help you look for it.

That’s a very appropriate sign Mostyn... Let’s keep going... It might be under here, check under the couch, sometimes the wallet falls through to the floor... Let’s keep looking... what’s it costin-Mostyn? Too much!

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Vern Schlimbesser on Mar 16, 2021 at 3:36 pm

@ Don't be fooled...
An interesting list, very nearly accurate, but it is incomplete of course. I would like to expand on it, may I use it as a start if giving this forum credit?

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Anie on Mar 16, 2021 at 2:07 pm

It often surprises me how easy it is to get first a party nomination, and then get elected, in the Yukon. Every candidate argues they will 'work hard", they are all "passionate about the environment' and everyone supports families and the middle class.
How about telling us why you should be the minister of whatever? What's your education? What's your work experience? What do you know about how the Yukon Government functions? Have you ever read the budget? Do you have any notion of how laws are made? Ever even sat and watched the legislative assembly in action?
We should expect every single candidate to work hard, protect the environment etc., etc., etc. But how about, for a change, we vote for people with some basic qualifications, or at least some minimal understanding of the job?

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Vote for yourself on Mar 16, 2021 at 10:47 am

In the end, since these are all just fluffy promises to make the parties look good. We all know they'll say what they need to say to be voted in for 2 terms to be able to deliver on their promises. Vote for whomever best represents you and your interests in your riding. That is, hopefully, the way to have your vote count.

Also remember that the people elected are NOT experts in the fields that they are appointed to be ministers of when/if elected.
And finally, if you don't vote, you can't complain, so VOTE!

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Mark on Mar 15, 2021 at 9:15 pm

@ Let the adult talk
Apparently you are the one who needs to keep up.
No this is not a federal election, however a liberal seat lost is a strike against the federal Liberals. One less riding they would have. You see, you apparently are too lost in your own interests to see the bigger picture here. If people voted for the best interest of the country instead of what is in it for them personally, this country would have a chance to succeed.
It is beyond the realms of sanity to think that voting Liberal after all they have done wrong for the well being of Canada. The lies, the scandals after scandals, the ethic violations. What would it take for you to wake up and smell the coffee? Every provincial and territorial election has ramifications on leadership of this country. A vote for the Liberals in this election is in fact a vote for the strength of the federal Liberals.

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Juniper Jackson on Mar 15, 2021 at 8:18 pm

Don't Be Fooled: That's a great post. The Yukon is not part of Canada, but is owned by Canada. We do not have the population to apply for Provincial status. Until such a time as that happens, we are totally dependent on the good will of the Federal government. Where the Feds go? we go too. Justin Trudeau is a corrupt, lying POS. So is his Cabinet. He said, in 2015, how much he admired the Chinese dictatorship. He has consistently sold Canada down the Chinese river, and lately, the Cabinet abstained or did not show up for the vote on the Chinese slaughter of Rohinga..it was voted a genocide without them. All Chinese? Certainly not. But, Xi Jinping is the most brutal dictator in recent history and the world is wisely watching developments. Trudeau is not invited to any strategy discussions and is not privy to any members of the Security Council that I could locate. Trust issues?

The recent amendments to the euthanasia, right to die legislation is equally scary. The clause that permits euthanasia without consent could one day see an end to disabled persons, homeless, vulnerable persons, seniors. If the door is open, someone is going to walk through it. I believe everyone should have the right to live or die, but I strongly oppose anyone getting to make that decision for me. To me, taking my life without my consent? That's murder.
We need those safeguards, like consent, in place to the protection of all.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Assisted_suicide This is a world picture.
These are just 2 issues that I am interested in, in addition to Don't Be Fooled excellent post. The younger generation follows Trudeau, they say, oh..all the parties are crooked and he legalized pot for me, and is going to give me a guaranteed income. They think it's all free. Nothing is free..not even freedom. One way or another, you will pay, as the rest of us do.

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Voting Liberal is for Schmucks! on Mar 15, 2021 at 8:00 pm

@ URR by McPhee: I agree that we need to have mechanisms of redress for bad Lawyers and bad Lawyering. There are some gooders here for sure. The inner sanctum in the Yukon is a nepotistic orgy of self-gratifying, self-promoting, self-serving sell outs of dubious moral character, and intelligence. The legal community outside of the Yukon is well aware of this. McPhee exemplifies these attributes well.

But this is a mirror image of the problems with government generally and government in the Yukon in particular. How appropriate that for a McPhee, we will git er done. For a Phee, she’s happy to be, your back door ministry... Cause she’s TNT, she’s dynamite, no one’s gonna tell her what’s right...

None of these people are worthy of your legitimation. So why do you... We are so f@#%ed because of these people, for a long time to come. Come April let’s mete out our own Justice. Free McPhee from any governmental responsibility!

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Patti Eyre on Mar 15, 2021 at 4:57 pm

I love this! I have 3 kids, if one does something I don’t blame the other 2! I don’t expect Sandy to be responsible for what the federal government is doing! How absurd, don’t be Fooled is trying to fool us, just like Wilf does. Shame!

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unReal on Mar 15, 2021 at 4:21 pm


Get a map!
These are territorial elections!

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Raven on Mar 15, 2021 at 3:51 pm

30 years ago we would vote for a party who would do the most for the Yukon. Next month we will vote for a party that do the least damage to the Yukon.

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Unilateral Removal of Rights by McPhee on Mar 15, 2021 at 3:51 pm

Let's not forget how McPhee... single-handedly REMOVED YUKONERS' RIGHTS to appeal the dismissal of a complaint at the Law Society against a rogue lawyer.
She unilaterally, without consultation with anyone, against the recommendations of the Law Society itself (and specifically Chief Justice Duncan when she was Chair of the Disciplinary Committee at the Law Society) removed the right to appeal the dismissal of your complaint.
Now, for example: a member lawyer can take off with all your money and there's not a damn thing you can do about it (other than file a criminal complaint) unless the Chair of the Committee decides the complaint warrants further investigation. Now, if that Chair is a buddy of the lawyer you are complaining about.... just forget about seeing your complaint go any further. Dismissed. No appeal of that decision. Too bad; so sad. We value our legal brothers and sisters more than we value the public.

The Legal Profession is supposed to regulate itself in the public interest. IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST! How is UNILATERALLY removing the right to appeal a decision made by one person (with no oversight from anyone else) at the very first stage of the complaint considered IN THE PUBLIC INTEREST?

Let's make this an election issue and get back our right to appeal a complaint dismissed at the first stage at the Law Society! Politicians like McPhee who make serious changes to the laws to REMOVE existing rights without consultation with anyone should not be given power to abuse.

Btw, I did ask my MLA to work on changing this back to which I was told, "There is no appetite for that at this time." Tow the party line, Ted. Tow the party line. This cost YOU at least one vote.

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Don't be fooled - Continued on Mar 15, 2021 at 3:26 pm

@ Unreal - all your ranting qualifies you as a former PC candidate.
I hate to disappoint you but I have never been a former PC candidate. Just like @ Let the Adult Talk, you must also be a staunch Liberal supporter. You are correct though, this list of Justin's many, many 'accomplishments' would have been better placed in a Letter to the Editor. Please feel free to copy and submit to the Editor for printing. As they say, hindsight is 20/20. By the by, who needs the grumpy pills????

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Don't be fooled - Continued on Mar 15, 2021 at 3:20 pm

@ Let the Adult Talk
Obviously you are a staunch Liberal supporter. Read Part 1. I did say: Although this is federal, the Yukon Liberals aren't too far behind!!!!

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Liberals? never again, not for a long while. on Mar 15, 2021 at 1:30 pm

@unReal.. you think that poster's comments are ranting?

No, they are facts. Facts of what happens to elected officials when people like you qualify someone's genuine disgust of wasted money, resources, time and criminal behavior as "rants".

Half of that liberal cabinet should be thrown out of government for their behavior of entitlement if not serve some jail time.
It's people like you and that "meh" attitude that we can thank for JT still occupying the PM office. But hey pot is legal and he's got nice socks right?

Meanwhile our economy is in the shi**er, our vaccine roll out is below some 3rd world countries and our financial outlook for the future is printing more money and welcoming a recession in the near future.

Instead of telling someone to "get a map and stop taking those grumpy pills" maybe get a clue, open your eyes and look beyond our little northern enclave and see what is happening to Canada.

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Woodcutter on Mar 15, 2021 at 12:44 pm

Let's elect a conservative government. They are guaranteed to crash the economy and make housing once again affordable, or they will once again experience that feeling when 2/3 of the voters reject their hate, simple mindedness and their attraction of extremist groups. Where is that guy that got 180 votes, you know, the one that jumped on the right wing band wagon. Somewhere between the nNazi party and the western separatist group? Time for another spanking cons.

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Let the adult talk on Mar 15, 2021 at 12:42 pm

@Don't be fooled
Stay in school kid. You're going off half corked about the Federal Liberal government. This is a territorial election. Try to keep up.

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Groucho d'North on Mar 15, 2021 at 11:27 am

I am very pleased for all the contributions being made to this board. Keep them coming, this is an opportunity to share your viewpoints on Yukon political leadership and what is important for you. You can bet the politicians - and those who want to be - are reading your comments here. They may not knock on your door for a chat, so here's your opportunity to tell them what's on your mind.
But let's try to remain polite while we do it.

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JustSayin' on Mar 15, 2021 at 10:33 am

@Patti Eyre
You must work for a government, as that is the only way to explain your ineptitude and inability to form your "opinion" in an analytical/persuasive argument.

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Atom on Mar 15, 2021 at 10:10 am

It's free money to Yukoners and no matter what Party is in they get control if it.
You sound like a YPer. You got that Cather's whine down pat.
Now, there's a lot riding on your leader getting an actual seat in the Legislature isn't there?
Please continue to enjoy the benefits of being a Yukoner.

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Wilf Carter on Mar 15, 2021 at 9:57 am

These liberals live in a dream land not in touch with reality. Canada is in deep trouble financially and economical and the first to feel it will be rural areas like the Yukon.
I would stay low and don't make big investments at this this time until we see a path way that is not blocked big socialist's bolders and false promotions that can't be kept by our liberal MP and Yukon Government.

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unReal on Mar 15, 2021 at 9:45 am

@Don't be fooled, continued:

all your ranting qualifies you as a former PC candidate.
get a grip! anyone that needs more than a 1,000 words to say you don't like liberals needs help themselves.
advice: get a map and stop taking those grumpy pills!

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Ed on Mar 15, 2021 at 4:58 am

The election has been called and we all have the opportunity to send a clear message and make a change. I am not confident there are good alternatives to our Liberals, the Yukon Party has a shady history. The NDP has no history of leadership of the Territory. Kate White has proven herself at least in speech that she is ethical and honest. Not sure these are traits that survive in politics and leadership.
Let’s look at the last four years and our Territorial “leaders”. I will give credit the Covid-19 pandemic could not have been easy to manage. Our Premiere reviewed the Liberals accomplishments at his announcement, what about the failures?
The group home scandal that saw Minister Frost admit to wrongdoing, after first denying it occurred to First Nation youth I might add. Two whistleblowers were fired over that one. An ADM “resigned” a Director who committed the wrongdoing remained along with 2 managers - one who remained silent and was quietly moved to a new assignment despite this being his responsibility and the other who outright lied saying nothing happened and was promoted.
Then there is the Center of Hope that the YG took over from the Salvation Army, Minister Frost again front and Center. This was a complete disaster which resulted in an ethical Director leaving YG. There is the Procurement Policy that has been a disaster. The absent DM at HSS the one who along with Minister Frost motto was “ we were not given accurate information we are sorry”. The mass exodus out of HSS particularly Family and Child Services. The Wann Road Group Home that doubled in cost and was empty for months and months due to “delays”. Minister McPhee and her handling of the Education portfolio, Minister Mostyn and Minister Frost “ come forward with your concerns nothing will happen to you”.
This Liberal government in four short years particularly in Health and Social “Disservices” has had nothing but debacles and scandals. Look around at who is left in the public service - most of the ethical people have left. If we elect a new government which I hope we do - they have a lot to clean up and rebuild. That alone will take four years to undue the massive damage. We can not afford another four years both financially and human resource wise with “leaders” like Premier Silver, Minister Frost, Minister Mostyn, Minister McPhee.

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Wilf Carter on Mar 14, 2021 at 6:43 pm

Wow the comments show a major disappointment in liberals.

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Jc on Mar 14, 2021 at 5:46 pm

Yukon32..I’m not lying. The Yukon Party rep came to my door and asked me what issues were important to me. They wrote them down. I guess technically they did not talk about their platform. So my apologies.. however, I think you know what the real BS is.

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Dave on Mar 14, 2021 at 4:37 pm

@Patti Eyre, how in the world did you ever come up with your comment based on what Former Resident said? The only thing hilarious is that your reading comprehension skills are obviously inept.

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Patti Eyre on Mar 14, 2021 at 3:08 pm

@Josie Wails: Kung flu? Please stop your racist rants. It’s disgusting

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Don't be fooled - Continued - And Finally - Part 5 on Mar 14, 2021 at 3:00 pm

You allegedly destroyed the career of one of Canada's honest military leaders to cover up possible massive government
corruption in shipbuilding contracts.
- You invited Joshua Boyle, an alleged perpetrator of sexual assault and unlawful confinement for a photoshoot in the Office of the Prime Minister.

- You threaten to sue the leader of the opposition then chickn'd out when you realized that your alleged crimes would be exposed in court.
- You offer over $600 million dollars in subsidies to failing mainstream media outlets if they can prove to be trustworthy. You put a union who vows to destroy your opposition in charge of selecting these new "trusted" sources to receive funding. You could school the Russians in election interference.

- You pay off your friends to engage in election ads for you and get Elections Canada to pay for it.
- $200 million to Loblaws for new refrigerators.
- You made public statements of deep admiration for Chinese communism.
- You wore preposterous, inappropriate costumes during a state visit to India, paid for by Canadians.

- You were instrumental in handing WE almost $1 billion for work that could be done by regular already established operations...your mother and brother received over $300,000 from WE for short speeches that normally do not receive payment.
- You have been instrumental in allowing a company with strong communist party ties to perform communications and security work with our embassy's.
- You paid out $54 BILLION in CERT payments to those out of work from Covid-19 to compensate for $21 Billion in lost wages….only you could use taxpayers money to compensate lost wages at over a 2 to 1 ratio.

- You have taken our national debt from $19 BILLION only nine months ago to an astounding $381 BILLION today and heading to $400 BILLION by year’s end….you have created a debt that cannot be repaid by the next 3 generations…it would take only a 1% interest rate increase to force huge tax increases for EVERYONE -(not the illegal immigrants of course ).

You are absolutely immoral, and totally corrupt.
What moral, thinking, intelligent Canadian could possibly justify voting for you?

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Don't be fooled - Continued - Part 4 on Mar 14, 2021 at 2:59 pm

We have an equalization program, but you give half of it to one province.
- You spent $8 million on a skating rink (vanity project) when Canada's largest skating rink is 500 meters -away.
- You added tens of billions to the national debt while lying to Canada's face about it.

- You groped a woman and when caught - laughed about it (MacLean's interview) and said she experienced it differently.
- You elbowed a female MP while dragging another MP by the arm in a petulant huff.
- You renamed Fishermen to "Fisher-folk"
- Peoplekind? (international embarrassment)

- You got India to invest $250 million in Canada but we have to invest $750 million in India first.
- You compared returning ISIS terrorists to Italian immigrants and said they will be an extraordinarily powerful voice for Canada.

- You let terrorists keep their Canadian citizenship.
- You spent $212,234 on the artwork for the cover of the 2017 budget report.
- You think Canada is 100 years old instead of 150.

- You spent upwards to $348,000 on food and alcohol in five flights on our government's plane. On your G20 trip to Argentina, you spent $103,000 on food and alcohol alone. How is that even possible?
- You gave Canadian taxpayers' money to Hamas.
- You voice outrage over fake racist attacks and say nothing about real terrorist attacks.
- You took 10 vacations in a single year. Who does this??

- You spent a little over $1.5 million on the trip to India that did nothing but worsen ties. Plus paid over $17,000 to bring an Indian
chef to India to cook Indian cuisine. And to top it off, invited a convicted attempted assassin to a dinner and posed for pics with him.
- And you're the only PM convicted of ethics violations. (multiple times in fact)

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Don't be fooled - Continued - Part 3 on Mar 14, 2021 at 2:58 pm

You spent $4.5 billion on a 65-year-old pipeline, and now the courts have ruled it shut down. Now it's back on (at a delay cost of $250 million) - a good investment for Canada you said? (And KM uses that money to build a pipeline in Texas).
- You pressured Jody Wilson Raybould repeatedly & INAPPROPRIATELY with several different high ranking officials to offer SNC Lavalin a DPA instead of prosecution for repeated & sustained corruption AFTER the former AG had determined they were ineligible for such a deal. You lied about the above having ever taken place.

- You replaced Canada's old F-18s with Australia's old F-18s.
- Your bizarre love of all things Castro.
- You imposed tough regulations and taxes on oil from Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Newfoundland but not oil from Saudi Arabia.
- Every new project has to undergo strict environmental assessments...except cement plants in Quebec.
- You said that a proposed pipeline must consider "the intersection of sex and gender with other identity factors" (what does that even mean???)
- You think older Canadians should be replaced. How is that moral?
- You chase foreign companies (and their investment capital) out of the country like they have the plague.
- You chased our WW1 soldiers out of our national anthem... lest we forget.
- You continuously use identity politics...then complain about identity politics.

- You forgot Alberta was a province.
- You called small business owners "tax cheats".
- People voice concern over money spent on illegal immigration and you call them intolerant racists.

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Don't be fooled - Continued - Part 2 on Mar 14, 2021 at 2:58 pm

You pledged $241 million to Family Planning around the world including a $20 million donation to the Bill and Hillary Clinton Foundation (because they have integrity!). This all happened while you told veterans that they were asking for too much.
- You pledged $2.65 billion to climate change at the Commonwealth Leaders Summit and now you're trying to bully the provinces into new taxes to pay for this pledge.

- You pledged $300 million to the Rohingya Refugee crisis while we have a refugee crisis of our own flooding into Quebec that you won't address.
- You pledged $125 million to Caribbean Reconstruction while our own infrastructure in cities is falling apart.
- You pledged $650 million to Sexual and Reproductive health in Haiti and around the globe wanting safer abortions for women while many women in our own country are left without a family doctor.

- You pledged $50 million to Palestine for flood relief when NB had some of the worst floods in decades this past spring.
- You pledged $840 million to Syria for Humanitarian Assistance when half the native reserves in our country don't have clean drinking water.
- You gave $10.5 million to a convicted...CONVICTED terrorist in a backroom deal that has lead to another $30.8 million paid out for three others who say they were wrongfully detained.

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Don't be fooled - Continued - Part 1 on Mar 14, 2021 at 2:57 pm

First off, let me say I am in total agreement with Liberals, Never Again. To make you think more about voting Liberals, here is a list by Howie Mandel as to more reasons why you should not vote Liberal. It took a comic to bring this to light. Although this is federal, the Yukon Liberals aren't too far behind!!!!

Trudeau's 4 years of Accomplishments

Here's a list:
- Your Minister of Finance engaged in Insider Trading – should be a 10-year sentence.
- You blew the Asia Pacific deal.
- You blew the helicopter deal with the Philippines.
- You blew the pipeline deal (he's now trying to save himself from it).
- You blew the deal with China.
- You blew the deal with Europe.

- You invited "irregular" immigration into Canada and the taxpayer foots the enormous bill for it.
- You alienated the United States – our largest trading partner.
- At the G7 you pledged $400 million to Education around the world along with another $180 million to the Global Partnership for Education in Europe. None of it is going to fix our messed up school systems here at home. Meanwhile, education costs are skyrocketing for our youth making university a mountain too high for many to climb.

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Wilf Carter on Mar 14, 2021 at 1:53 pm

Hi Patti E do you get the point on putting anyone into position that does not have the experience or training? Like liberals are doing all across Canada.
I am beginning to see your off my best new friend list???

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ProScience Greenie on Mar 14, 2021 at 1:46 pm

EJ - there are two types of conservatives.

1) decent centre-right progressive conservatives, often referred to as Red Tories. They're good people.

2) fascist far-right conservatives, ie the 41% of Canadian conservative voters that support and worship the con artist and life long loser, cheater, liar and traitor Donald Trump**.

The good conservatives need to give that 41% the boot. They can go start their own political party. They could call it The Reform Party if that name is available. Or even better, The Deplorable Party of the Yukon with policies based completely on hate, fear, lies, intolerance and the numerous conspiracy theories that their reptilian-brained red hat US friends are all about.

Up 54 Down 7

Leonard on Mar 14, 2021 at 1:27 pm

@atom, that is the problem with Liberal leaning Yukoners. It’s not free money. Someone, somewhere is paying for your free money. This government has had disaster after disaster each time they announce a new project. Procurement policy for one. Exactly the same as a back door deal. The minister says they consulted with businesses, which turns out to be a lie. Now they are writing cheques for all sorts of vote buying gimmicks. This is not responsible governing. As far as the pandemic, nothing stellar there either. NWT first closed their border and Silver copied that. There was no vaccine negotiations. We got them because we are considered a remote northern with a large First Nation population. They can’t even get their own staff to come back to work. They keep writing pay checks and tell us we are all in this together. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Our debt ceiling has been doubled. Silver says it doesn’t mean he’ll spend it. And when have you ever seen a Liberal government ever leave any crumbs in the cookie jar. But hey, all is good as long as the free money keeps coming.

Up 66 Down 8

Pokemeinthearm on Mar 14, 2021 at 9:39 am

"Let's keep going"

Yes, please do. Keep going. Going away.

Up 42 Down 15

Josey Wales on Mar 13, 2021 at 11:10 pm

Hey ...Liberals? Never again, not for a long while.
Very well done that list, and even without Kung Flu on it!
Yes I am certain you know there is much more to add, but DANG IT ya did good!

Honestly I think too many in our citizenry are suffering big of mental illness, Stockholm Syndrome maybe...dunno.
We have soldiers giving out Kung Flu drugs from aircraft, right?
We should have soldiers absolutely "stand on guard for thee" watching every vote in its chain of custody too!
Zero trust in the Kung Flu Election, after that gong show of election theater that gave the White house to a senile fool...

Yes the SS need be marched outta town & their fine doctor (liberal God) can head south too.
Mayor Dan...at this point should be just...Dan and vacate our hall like a week ago to be nice. Might have two faces, but can only wear one hat at a time.

Up 17 Down 43

EJ on Mar 13, 2021 at 9:54 pm


Ok, so lets look at our local conservative party aka "The Yukon Party" under Currie DIxon.
The government putting all kinds of measures and restrictions around travel, masks and social distancing. What did the Yukon Party do? Supported it. Heck, Currie didn't even want this election called because of the virus!

How about the government announcing Child Care (definitely a socialist policy). What did the Yukon Party say? Currie said he thinks it's good but they want more details.

The government announced a First Nations procurement policy. What did the Yukon Party say? It's a good idea and we support, you just need to do a bit more consultations.

The liberal government cut small business taxes by 3%. What did the Yukon Party say? Great job!
The Liberals decided to expand coverage for Shingrix vaccine and type 1 diabetes. Again, more socialism. What did the Yukon Party say? We agree and why did it take so long!

So tell us again how conservatives are big on freedom and liberty instead of socialism when they agreed with almost everything the Liberals did!

Up 19 Down 67

Atom on Mar 13, 2021 at 4:40 pm

The Yukon gets a bunch of dough from Ottawa every year.
There hasn't been one backroom deal since Premier Silver and Co. took the helm. Everything seems quite well in hand actually.
If folks want 4 or 5 or 10 more years of that along with the free money should vote Liberal.
If folks want to see a return to patronage and old boys club, court cases with First Nations, vote for someone else.
Be honest now, the Liberals have run the Yukon well. Don't go getting all snotty because your YP buddies didn't get the vote again. They aren't good for everybody in the Yukon and have proven that.
And remember, this is a Territorial Election. Not a Federal one.

Up 8 Down 43

Patti Eyre on Mar 13, 2021 at 3:09 pm

@former: haha nice joke! I think it’s hilarious you think it’s funny that women could ever hold a management position.

Up 56 Down 12

YukonGal on Mar 13, 2021 at 2:10 pm

What a relief knowing we may get rid of the fiasco in the legislature! The past 5 years has seen disaster after disaster, money being spend like monopoly money on questionable projects, and just plain words when action was required. They spent more time cleaning up their messes than any actual work.
The issue with the Centre of Hope brought on a lot of friction and safety concerns with neighbours and the public at large walking/driving near the facility. The new Continuing Care facility in Whistle Bend was sorely needed for sure, but the issue of staffing was not well thought out with calls for residents to have the newbies bunk up with them.
Homelessness continues to be an ongoing problem and there didn't seem to be any initiative to encourage developers to build affordable apts for families with lower incomes. Time for a change and serious action.

Up 30 Down 6

Yukoner32 on Mar 13, 2021 at 1:36 pm

@JC So you say the Yukon Party candidate told you their platform even though they haven't released a single thing from it yet publicly?

Yeahhhhh I call BS on that one.

Up 36 Down 13

Josey Wales on Mar 13, 2021 at 1:33 pm

Sad but true...as of 14:20 Hrs the freaking Cooowards at "The State Broadcaster",
removed one post, leveled off at 51 comments...AND shut down comments!!!

Not bad source of information given the 1.5 BILLION of your taxes eh?
Information is the replacement for bullets, and yes folks we ARE at war.
The ruling classes wish to rule us forever, with the help of their sycophants both AT the state broadcaster & the whored out mainstream media.

Speak out against your pimp, a slap you will get...maybe a trim of ones "allowance". Peruse the CBC headlines it is over the top nauseating with a heavy fetish of race?

We learn nothing from our history...and yes these points have relevancy in an election call thread...and how "WE" access that "precious" info called accurate information.
It most certainly is NOT...at the CBC. Seems they are scared of words, live in a safe space echo chamber of love & inclusion...whitey sans of course (less them).

Up 31 Down 13

Josey Wales on Mar 13, 2021 at 1:11 pm

First time in my life, I ever considered the benefits of a dam failure!
When so many socialist engineers/rats gather on a pier, a power douching would be a ...

"Great Reset" for our subjugated citizens.

Up 63 Down 14

liberty on Mar 13, 2021 at 12:32 pm

What is the difference between a conservative political party and the democrats, liberals ?
Freedom definitely you won't get with a left wing ideology, as we clearly see....
all you get with the left is ..... socialism....known for its total failure.
And, the Yukon has the best economy? Just spending money from the Ottawa liberal free money pump does not make a functioning, good economy.....it creates socialism, nothing else!

Up 95 Down 20

Former Yukoner on Mar 13, 2021 at 11:20 am

I moved south from Yukon a few years ago and now work for a federal government department which shall remain nameless. Within the last month we employees were notified that over the course of this coming summer all the remaining men will be transferred out of supervisory positions and by next winter only women and diversity hires will be in those positions at this federal workplace.
This is what the Liberal government is doing in Canada in 2021 and their territorial and provincial counterparts share the same ideals. I cannot even begin to imagine what kind of things the even further left wing NDP would come up with if elected in Yukon.
This is not a joke and it’s not some far off futuristic sci-fi movie, it is happening today and the Liberals are acting like it is a great stride forward in their agenda.
I ask you to think very carefully about who and what you are voting for and the direction this country is going both territorially and federally. There will be those who support government moves like I’ve described but ask yourself if that’s the Canada or Yukon you want your sons to grow up in? Events are being implemented today by government that were completely unimaginable even several short decades ago.

Up 24 Down 23

Groucho d'North on Mar 13, 2021 at 11:20 am

Looks like they have adopted "Let's Keep Going" as their platform phrase. I agree, but I hope their target destination is well beyond the horizon.

Up 41 Down 77

Yukoner32 on Mar 13, 2021 at 11:08 am

I have to laugh at the Yukon Party trying to brand themselves as the party of "change" and Currie DIxon as a "breath of fresh air" ha ha.

The "change" happened in 2016 when Yukon ended 15 years of Yukon Party rule. Voting them into power would be going "back to the future". Half of their candidates were ministers under the Pasloski government including Currie Dixon himself. So this would be a breath of stale air instead.

And when is Currie going to pay back the huge severance package he took when he left politics last time? If you aren't truly done at the trough of politics, then you shouldn't get to keep the big payout you received from Yukon taxpayers! Seeing someone so young, get so rich by being a professional politician is gross.

Up 83 Down 16

Wilf Carter on Mar 13, 2021 at 10:34 am

Wow folks, look at the liberals all gathered together in one happy group, but what's wrong with this picture?
Didn't this liberal governments put in place a limit of no more than 10 people to any gathering because of CV19? There more than 10 here.

Also weren't people suppose to be 6 feet apart??? These people are not 6 feet apart!! Why don't the liberals follow the laws for Yukoners but don't follow them themselves???

Members of Liberal governments Yukon and Federally are above the law as shown here!! Do liberals think they are better than the average Yukoner and don't have to follow laws set for Yukoners - but none for them???

Up 44 Down 15

Josey Wales on Mar 13, 2021 at 9:34 am

Gee...imagine that eh folks, who wudda thunk this one? Besides anyone with a brain that functions?
I have said near everything I can to aid others, entice them into fact land, rid us of this cancer, team SS and yup...the head idiot in Ottawa too!

Today I will say after this "secure" newly morphed "way to the poll" post election? If there is one seat with a team Red SS fool in it?

Not only do we soon do hips at WGH, we clearly already started removing brains!
...is my election chime in.
**wee footnote nnnKay**
Currently our "state broadcaster" has only 52 comments on said call to election article. Throttle much, naaah, hence the state of the west (N.A.)...media manipulation.
Our Brave wee Star has a comment section like no other!!
I am grateful for wee voice in a storm of data, given the epic throttling & outright censorious zealots in full on rabid mode in the last few years...others should be too.

I say our Liberal sycophants at THEE state broadcaster, close their comments before it hits 100. Cannot have the dear leader hear the mere peasants and the vitriolic feedback!
outski Comrades...

Up 69 Down 9

Tom Foolery on Mar 13, 2021 at 9:07 am

Bravo to Chris Windeyer for asking a tough question.
The Premier needed to be called out for his constant fake outrage at questions about an election with his "Puh-leeeeze, how dare you think about an election during a pandemic when we are focused on vaccines?!"

Everyone knew it was coming. When you see MLAs you haven't heard a peep from in 4 and 1/2 years all of a sudden show up in their riding and plaster their face on bus stop benches, you know it's election time.
A perfect example is Paolo: From the Back Bench to the Bus Stop Bench

Up 75 Down 7

Sheepchaser on Mar 13, 2021 at 8:29 am

Let’s hope for a minority government this coming session. A good spanking that’ll force them to play nice with each other. With any luck, this will be the last time anyone ever has to use the term ‘Minister Frost’. One representative voted for by one of the smallest electorates in the Yukon running three of the most important and high budget ministries. A workload even the most successful and competent managers would struggle with. A sign of deep arrogance and disregard for the very system they are intended to lead.

Up 67 Down 16

Liberals? never again, not for a long while. on Mar 12, 2021 at 11:11 pm

Please, do not let the libs have that 1 seat in the HOC.
Their leader needs walking papers at the federal level.

When you vote, please remember the following:

Remember bill C-21.

Remember SNC scandal.

Remember Aga Khan island vacation scandal.

Remember black face not once, not twice but three times.

Remember the bollywood trip to India.

Remember the $10.5 million payout to a terrorist.

Remember JT making a sarcastic remark to an indigenous woman who interrupted a Liberal Party fundraiser to protest about poor living conditions. He told her “Thank you for your donation” as she was escorted from the room.

Remember Trudeau is facing a third ethics investigation of his five years in office over the $912 million dollar WE Charity scandal.

Remember the broken promise for clean drinking water on First Nations reserves.

Honestly, do you want to give these people another chance?

Up 15 Down 39

Clownsz on Mar 12, 2021 at 10:26 pm

Glad to see the a pouring of insults from the little folks.

Just wondering where their thoughts are in terms of an agenda?
Keep typing and changing.

Up 47 Down 7

CJ2 on Mar 12, 2021 at 10:02 pm

@Gringo There's two actual reporters now, Chris Windeyer and the one who wrote this, Tim Giilck. It's pretty rare. The reporters that do their time here tend to be young, not here for long, and they often lack context. These two seem pretty much on the case.

Up 19 Down 24

Snowman on Mar 12, 2021 at 9:48 pm

Currie Dixon has been saying there should not be an election until all of the vaccines have been rolled out. So he is probably pretty upset about this election call.

In reality a good chunk of the population has now been vaccinated, so I don't think he needs to be so scared of the virus anymore. It's weird that he is even more worried about it than Kate White. I thought it would have been the other way around!

Up 66 Down 17

Gone, gone, gone, gone so long I never wanna see a Liberal again... on Mar 12, 2021 at 6:10 pm

Finally... The community can come together and do some good... Thrash those Liberals into victimhood... Eradicate, decimate, and eliminate Liberal pathology from the state... Stop them from spreading more hate!

Up 67 Down 14

Guess social distancing doesn't matter on Mar 12, 2021 at 6:01 pm

So can we admit it's a lie now? That sure as hell isn't 6 ft, 2 caribou, 12 ravens or whatever other stupid measurement your failure of a gov comes up with.

Up 57 Down 15

Joe on Mar 12, 2021 at 5:26 pm

I can't believe liberals would call an election during the scamdemic. Everybody sees right through their tactics and it will cost them dearly at the election. All the lies and backroom deals and now the smell of desperation by trying to take advantage of vaccine we were fortunate to receive ( thanks to CYFN lobby for indigenous priority).

Up 26 Down 83

Nathan Living on Mar 12, 2021 at 5:09 pm

My preference would be a fall election.

Personally, I do not want to go back to a conservative government.
The Peel, the preference given to the mining industry, the YESAB attack, poor relations with First Nations, the secrecy and hidden grant money given to the golf course.

All parties have some good candidates but the Liberals resonate with a better choice.

Up 24 Down 4

Groucho d'North on Mar 12, 2021 at 4:35 pm

If the website is working yet- it wasn't, confirm you are on the voter's list.

Up 61 Down 12

Olav on Mar 12, 2021 at 3:53 pm

The last month has been hard on Sandy and crew.
Reminds me of Pat’s leadership ( or lack there of - fence sitting )

From hero's to zero’ at the end.
At the very least Pauline the puppet has to go.

Up 31 Down 9

TheHammer on Mar 12, 2021 at 3:42 pm

The issue of CTFN and the subdivision of land that impacts on the Caribou herd, the lack of consultation and the failure to abide by the Umbrella Final Agreements, means they just lost my vote.

Up 38 Down 18

bonanzajoe on Mar 12, 2021 at 3:32 pm

JS monk: the Liberal party isn't the only Communist Party. I won't name the other one. But their initials are NDP. And they are the most Marxist of the two.

Up 37 Down 14

Matthew on Mar 12, 2021 at 3:25 pm

I can't wait to ask questions and make politicians eat their own words.. once I'm done with them the public will be begging for a non confident box of the ballots! Fact is we need a blue collar worker in power not a career politician. One that knows what it's like to earn a real living. This is the ONLY way forward for real action.

Up 54 Down 16

JC on Mar 12, 2021 at 3:22 pm

The Liberal candidate in my riding came to my door, did not knock, dropped off a postcard with children's artwork, asking me to be thankful, on my step and walked away. The YP candidate knocked at my door two days later, twice, I answered, and she explained her platform. Hmmmm...'I am thankful...that I have other choices of candidates to use my vote...oh and the Liberals have really done a poor job with FN's...just sayin...

Up 133 Down 24

bonanzajoe on Mar 12, 2021 at 3:13 pm

"Yukoners have shown great confidence in our government since we took over" Whaaaaat?

Up 156 Down 32

Don’t be fooled on Mar 12, 2021 at 3:08 pm

Yukoners don’t get sucked in by all the liberal vote buying gimmicks!! We cannot afford another term of a liberal government!!!

Up 137 Down 13

Gringo on Mar 12, 2021 at 3:02 pm

Wow it’s nice to see an actual reporter, and double wow, being from the CBC, ask a pointed question to a Liberal. Silver was a little caught off guard, I guess, nobody seems to want to take anybody to task anymore, bravo Windeyer!

Up 56 Down 45

Excuse me! on Mar 12, 2021 at 2:56 pm

Can we verify that the new polling systems are secure and can be audited?
I will gladly argue that this election is being called so fast before the new "systems" are trialed or verified. It is a requirement that there be hard copies that can be independently verified. Can the elections committee guarantee this!?

Up 139 Down 39

JSmonk on Mar 12, 2021 at 2:52 pm

I urge everyone to get out and vote the Communist Lieberal party out of office so we can have some common sense, care and decency back into this territory. Please use your right to vote and vote for diversity, prosperity and truth.

Thank you.

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