Whitehorse Daily Star

Yukon Pride Centre launches gender gear program

The Yukon Pride Centre has launched the Yukon Gender Gear Program as part of a larger venture aimed to provide direct aid to LGBTQIA2S+ Yukoners in the midst of the pandemic.

By Whitehorse Star on February 9, 2021

The Yukon Pride Centre has launched the Yukon Gender Gear Program as part of a larger venture aimed to provide direct aid to LGBTQIA2S+ Yukoners in the midst of the pandemic.

The program is a partnership project with GenderGear.ca, BYTE, and Northern Voices Rising. It aims to provide free access to essential gender-affirming “gear” to Trans, Two-Spirit, and Non-binary Yukoners.

Ames Val, the program development manager with the Yukon Pride Centre, said Feb. 2 these items are essential, and that free access to gender gear could help community members feel safer and more comfortable.

“It can make a huge difference in allowing us to have a quality of life that we may not have had access to before, especially when people may be facing various barriers that make purchasing directly or ordering online difficult,” the manager said.

Gear refers to items of clothing or prosthetics that alter one’s physical appearance.

Examples are a chest binder, an item of clothing that compresses the chest to help it appear more flat, and a dilator, which assists in relieving pain, maintaining elasticity post-surgery or assisting with kegel-type exercises.

To qualify for the program, individuals must live in the Yukon or Atlin, Lower Post and Dease Lake, B.C. and submit a confidential application through the queeryukon.com website.

The deadline to apply is Feb. 15 for this initial round of funding, provided by the Canadian Red Cross Emergency Support to Community Organizations Program and the federal government.

The Yukon Pride Centre is currently seeking additional funding to continue the program and encourages individuals and organizations who want to see this program continue to consider making a donation.

“I’m stoked to launch this program and wish it was around here when I was younger,” Val added.

The program is part of a larger initiative organized by the Yukon Pride Centre aiming to support members of the LGBTQIA2S+ community through the pandemic.

With staff in Whitehorse, Watson Lake and Dawson City, the Pride Centre has been working to deliver direct aid with community partners such as Blood Ties Four Directions, Inclusion Yukon, the Women’s Transition Home, Hearts and Hands, and the Whitehorse shelter.

LGBTQIA2S+ community members can access services with these community partners without needing to disclose their gender or sexual orientation.

The Pride Centre said the project is intended to support regular services that are already supporting the LGBTQIA2S+ community, knowing the funding would benefit other Yukoners in-need as well.

A number of corporate sponsors have already joined the Pride Centre in helping the program expand its reach.

Meanwhile, Pride Centre staff are planning online events in February that include a Valentine’s Day online dance party, an online painting workshop in partnership with the Northern Cultural Expressions Society, a Queer Caregivers group and an online coffee chat.

The Pride Centre is an initiative launched in 2020, with the goal of supporting LGBTQIA2S+ people living in the Yukon.

The centre is envisioned to be a community-driven and collectively imagined space, with a goal of finding a physical location where community members can gather and access resources, programs and supports.

“As we work together to create something truly exciting, we continue to seek input on this ground-breaking project,” the centre said.

Comments (19)

Up 4 Down 0

Anie on Feb 15, 2021 at 2:29 pm

Dave, I quite agree with your viewpoint. I'm not sure how I escaped the giveaway program, but certainly would have sent my donations elsewhere too.

Up 14 Down 1

Dave on Feb 12, 2021 at 3:33 pm

Ani, I get coasters, calendars, mini reusable shopping bags and packs of different holiday greeting cards. Not to mention thick envelopes filled with literature asking for more donations at least once a month from them and all that stuff must cost a lot just in postage. I’ve even called them over the years to request they stop soliciting and it just keeps coming. I thought everyone who ever donated to the Red Cross must be receiving this never ending promotional stuff. Am I the lucky one?

Up 16 Down 0

Anie on Feb 12, 2021 at 1:51 pm

Dave, isn't that strange, I've been donating to them over 40 years and never received anything. Agree with you, don't want charitable orgs sending me stuff.

Up 17 Down 0

Dave on Feb 11, 2021 at 5:02 pm

@Anie, for every dollar I donated to the Red Cross it seems they spent two dollars soliciting more donations from me. As I didn’t need any more free coasters I moved on to other charities.

Up 13 Down 2

b on Feb 11, 2021 at 4:15 pm

Anie and My Opinion: I dumped the Red Cross at least 20 years ago when I discovered - by their own volition, they were anti-semetic.

Up 31 Down 3

Anie on Feb 11, 2021 at 3:04 pm

Decades ago, I decided to make charitable donations to only one charity, I did my research (and have regularly followed up) and determined that the Red Cross most aligned with my idea of where I wanted the cash to go. I thought their support around the world following emergencies, and their efficient delivery model, was admirable. No more. I don’t intend for my scarce surplus funds to go towards social programs. There are disasters and unfortunate circumstances all over the world. There are people who are in desperate need of food, shelter medicine and even rescue. I will find an organization that focuses on real crises and give my money to them, not to the Red Cross

Up 9 Down 1

JC on Feb 11, 2021 at 3:03 pm

Y'all have one joke. It's so funny, too. Clever, clever people

Up 27 Down 3

Crunch on Feb 11, 2021 at 6:22 am

Just let people do what ever they want, whenever they want, wherever they want for any reason they want and let me know how it turns out.

Up 34 Down 5

My Opinion on Feb 10, 2021 at 4:36 pm

WOW! I had no idea there were that many organizations out there being funded to deal with this. Including this organization that has paid staff in three cities.
Well at least there is some good news, I no longer will be supporting the Red Cross.

Up 30 Down 9

Chinook on Feb 10, 2021 at 3:57 pm

As someone who self identifies as an attack helicopter, this is wonderful news.

Up 6 Down 31

JSmonk on Feb 10, 2021 at 2:42 pm

@Adam Smith, more diversity means more opinions, diversity can only be a strength. Calling me a fake conservative for celebrating people who don't look or act like me is pretty disingenuous. I am as staunchly conservative as it gets, the unfortunate part of living in Canada/Yukon is that our Overton window is shifted heavily to the left and that is just the way it is. I will take whatever Victories we can get as being too picky is how we ended up with the current communist Regime. If you claim that I am a fake conservative I urge you to go throught the public posts i have commented on and see my many comments putting down the kind of socialist/communist policies being abused by the liberal government. I know you may need a dictionary to get through some of what I said, as your intelligence seems to be lacking but please, give your head a shake. Immediately turning into a personal attack and calling me fake is bad faith. Please step up to me with respect if you are going to at all.

Up 34 Down 15

Adam Smith on Feb 9, 2021 at 10:23 pm

Seriously? You think the Yukon Party needs MORE diversity? Currie just announced a First Nation Councillor, a Filipino woman and a woman from the arts community whose bio/resume is more progressive and left leaning than Kate White's (leader of the NDP). He is successfully turning the YP into a progressive party. Which should make people like you happy, and real conservatives like myself wanting to tear up their membership. I am genuinely scared to read his platform when it comes out, I'm scared it will give me an aneuryism. It will likely be interchangeable with that of the NDP.

Up 16 Down 14

Josey Wales on Feb 9, 2021 at 6:15 pm

Not a correction but clarity...in my world a week can identify as a month.
Unless you are a Junialist or a Octoberfobe, rife with hate by disagreeing with me?

Up 23 Down 14

Josey Wales on Feb 9, 2021 at 5:34 pm

I see much positive about this article...
One example, thee best actually is the reminder that May is just around the corner...Ya Hooooooooo!!!!! Huh Josey? ....ready for it...

OJW PSA... May is Mental Health Awareness Month.
Thanks Star for that gleeful reminder, in all this social programming and announcements from the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of Thought, and the Ministry of Virtue...that up coming month is ...up & coming.

Now everyone back to your rest chambers, tune into the state broadcaster for any updates from the Ministries on the next behaviors they will "mandate" to keep you safe and included comrades.
Sorry to all my haters for breaking character and finding a positive here, forgive me for expressing myself in a way not typical or sanctioned by the State & its Ministries.

Double down OJW PSA...Social engineering has its effects on all, only a true idiot would "embrace it" blindly or otherwise.

Up 30 Down 6

JC on Feb 9, 2021 at 5:08 pm

Cant wait for the comments on this, gonna be real quality stuff.

Up 65 Down 16

Matthew on Feb 9, 2021 at 4:29 pm

What ever happened to loving yourself for who you are, and not what you think you want to be.. Can't even keep up with the silliness of this alphabet group, adding something new every year..

Up 23 Down 3

bonanzajoe on Feb 9, 2021 at 4:08 pm

ProScience, what is a fake libertarian? Is is something like a fake marxist liberal?

Up 11 Down 59

JSmonk on Feb 9, 2021 at 2:45 pm

Wow this is really exciting for those who need a safe space from their socialist parents/bosses/ or fake friends. Awesome to see. I wish we had more diversity in the conservative party to really strengthen the party. Super happy for those involved.

Up 19 Down 66

ProScience Greenie on Feb 9, 2021 at 2:25 pm

Good for them. Sadly, the red hat social conservatives and fake libertarians will be outrageously outraged by this even though it has zero impact on their lives.

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