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Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon

Yukon Party supports premiers’ call for health summit

Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon has endorsed the premiers’ request for a meeting to secure a fair health care funding deal for the territories and provinces from Ottawa.

By Whitehorse Star on December 20, 2022

Yukon Party Leader Currie Dixon has endorsed the premiers’ request for a meeting to secure a fair health care funding deal for the territories and provinces from Ottawa.

Recently, the premiers have been seeking a sit-down meeting with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to discuss the issue; however, the federal Liberal government has not accepted the request.

“Outgoing Yukon Premier Sandy Silver has undercut the calls of the other premiers,” Dixon said in a statement last Thursday.

According to an article in the Globe and Mail published Dec. 10, Dixon said, “Silver states the best way to facilitate a meeting with the prime minister is to take health care off the table.

“Canada’s premiers have been asking for a meeting with the prime minister regarding health care for months,” said Dixon.

“It’s puzzling to have the outgoing premier suggest the best way to talk to the prime minister is to take health care off the table.

I support Canada’s premiers in their reasonable request to have a meeting with the prime minister to talk about health care funding needs, and negotiate increased federal funding.”

Even the Yukon Medical Association believes the premiers and the prime minister should set aside their differences and get back to the table, Dixon added.

A Dec. 7 release says “governments should work through their differences,” Dixon noted, and urges the Yukon government to work with its national counterparts on a real solution.

Across the country, every jurisdiction has experienced major growth in the cost of delivering health care to its people.

Federal health funding through both the Canada Health Transfer and the Territorial Health Investment Fund has not grown enough to meet the need, the Yukon Party said.

“With the territorial Liberals in the throes of a leadership campaign, candidates need to clarify their stance on this important issue.

“Yukon’s premier should be a strong partner supporting other premiers at the national table, in contrast to the approach taken by the current premier, who acts as a representative of the Trudeau Liberals at the Council of the Federation,” the official Opposition said.

Last Thursday, the Star asked the campaign of Ranj Pillai, the only candidate for the Yukon Liberal Party’s Jan. 28 leadership convention, if a comment might be available on the Yukon Party’s remarks.

There was no response.

Cabinet communication staff did reply to the Star’s inquiry, however.

“Premier Silver has been a strong and reliable leader in the national conversation to increase funding and improve health care delivery,” the cabinet staff said in a statement.

“Earlier this month, Premier Silver met with Prime Minister Trudeau as well as (Health) Minister (Jean-Yves) Duclos and emphasized the importance of premiers and the federal government coming together as leaders to have a serious conversation about moving forward collaboratively on health care for the benefit of all Canadians.

“The Yukon is in the process of transforming the territory’s health and social services system into a national leader as we continue to implement Putting People First,” the statement added.

“This modernization will better meet the needs of Yukoners and serves as an example of a constructive approach to improving health care outcomes that maximizes the value of investment.”

Comments (12)

Up 7 Down 5

Juniper Jackson on Dec 24, 2022 at 1:41 pm

You all know that Trudeau has a bill prepared for the house to REMOVE a persons consent to euthanize? The current MAID requires a person to ask for end of life, consent to euthanize him/her. A person with a mental illness can be euthanized. (Uncle Joe's crazier than a ####house mouse, let's get a court order and off him) The new legislation permits, Doctors to decide you should die. It permits young people, if the Doctor thinks they are mature, to be euthanized. There is not a 12 year old in the world that is 'mature'.

it also allows for Doctors to euthanize your baby, without parental consent.

I raise this issue because Canada already has the highest MAID rate in the world..THE WORLD. https://www.ctvnews.ca/health/more-than-10-000-canadians-received-a-medically-assisted-death-in-2021-report-1.6025922


I don't think anyone will even write a note to Trudeau or whats-his-face? hmm Handly to protest the contents of this legislation. Canadians will sit back and say..oh..thats ok, it can't happen here.. Famous last words.

Up 6 Down 3

Groucho d'North on Dec 24, 2022 at 1:03 pm

Talk is cheap, to wit: “Premier Silver has been a strong and reliable leader in the national conversation to increase funding and improve health care delivery,” the cabinet staff said in a statement."

Show us the money!

Up 6 Down 3

Josey Wales on Dec 24, 2022 at 7:34 am

A health summit...nah!
More applicable would be Nuremberg 2.0 held in Beijing 2.0 where often but not always PM Blackface hides from the rubes.
They seem to love injections so much, post trial of voluminous pallets of facts and evidence ..inject the convicted...with MAID for their final solution.
Certain if we started crowd funding it would scare the living 💩 outta
the self anointed nobility and their sycophants the medicrats or liberal talking heads...certainly not oath responsible medical doctors.

I suggest in the end, a few barrels of said MAID juice would be required to
get close to something resembling ACCOUNTABILITY!

The win win part is many of said fools are ideologically bound to the myth there are too many people on this Orb (...ones they do not like more accurately).
Guess in my ideal scenario illustrated above, be a whole lots more room in traffic across this once great country.
...a health summit ppffft 🤬🤮

Merry Christmas y’all 🎅🏻

Up 6 Down 5

DL on Dec 24, 2022 at 3:51 am

The real goal of the scamdemic was to gut the economy, and without a well functioning economy you can't have a functioning health care system. It's all part of the depopulation plan of the World Economic Forum, with their "Great Reset" agenda proclaimed by Turdeau himself. If you really want to stop the destruction of the health care system, stop those contracts for covid jabs that are neither safe nor effective. They're causing a multitude of debilitating adverse effects which are overwhelming our hospitals.

Up 7 Down 3

Next premier doesnt care about health care on Dec 23, 2022 at 1:25 am

odd that Slick Ranj didn't slide into this article to tell use how he will grease some palms.

maybe not odd as hiding from tough issues that require some action is the MO.

Up 12 Down 7

Anonymous on Dec 22, 2022 at 9:06 am

It does irk me that those who caused untold destruction to our society over lockdowns and vaccine mandates because they were so "compassionate" and "cared about saving grandma" now shrug of thousands of grandmas being given medically assisted suicide like it's no big deal.

Up 9 Down 3

North_of_60 on Dec 21, 2022 at 8:15 pm

The underlying problem is that Canadian hospitals get annual budget funding from the Feds. WGH chooses to spend too much of that budget on a bloated bureaucracy with 10 administrators for every frontline worker.
A better system would have hospitals receive funds for each medical procedure. This would encourage them to do their primary job better instead of growing bureaucracies.
This informative video is worthwhile watching: How Canada Can Fix it's Broken Healthcare System with Dr. Brian Day of the Cambie Surgical Center

Up 28 Down 7

Purposeful Priorities on Dec 21, 2022 at 6:26 am

Does it puzzle anyone else that there’s no issue when it comes to getting addicts their safe supply narcotics, but law-abiding, tax-paying, productive citizens can’t get cancer treatment or Tylenol for their kids? Yet, at the Liberal caucus Christmas party last week after they decided to skip the last two days of paid work as parliamentarians while keeping their full pay, Mr. Trudeau claims the country isn’t broken. Okay, so everything is as intended then?

The only thing government seems to do transparently is consolidate power without the basic competence to manage that which they seek to control. Big, mismanaged, inefficient systems always crush small people. It’s the inevitable consequence taught to us by history over, over and over again.

Up 17 Down 12

bonanzajoe on Dec 20, 2022 at 7:47 pm

@Citizen on Dec 20, 2022: Mr. T already has a very serious health issue. And it's mental. So far I have heard commentators from at least half dozen countries indicate it. The best I've heard so far was from former US Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard's comment "Tulsi Gabbard destroys Justin Trudeau". Even Liberals need to watch this 1 minute clip.

Up 14 Down 10

Politico on Dec 20, 2022 at 5:29 pm

It's amazing that provincial and territorial governments are sitting on wads of cash but can't stear any of the surplus to the medical programs? Instead they want the federal government to do the funding while all the while decrying the out of control spending in Ottawa and the ballooning deficit. Conservative, as usual, do as I say not as I do!

Up 25 Down 4

Lipsticked pigs at the public trough on Dec 20, 2022 at 3:07 pm

STFU - Every time one of you moves your lips to give some platitude about helping all Yukoner’s your solutions do the opposite. You bury any contrary information and you get rid of or cancel the people who know different. You are not motivated by the public good but, rather your own.

The Yukon Government is a great big fat pig mascot with lipstick on it. The YEU is the makeup artist working diligently to keep that pig painted. Who is wearing the pig suit today, Currie, Silver, White… Hmmm… Maybe it is McPhee?

What a disgustingly sick internecine web of deceit, incompetence, and malice. YG is not an organization it is a pathology.

Up 29 Down 13

Citizen on Dec 20, 2022 at 12:19 pm

I hope that Mr. T gets a very serious health issue, and can't get the Health Care that is required like the rest of us who have to hurry up and wait years for addressing any real issues that could be life threatening because the diagnosis wait time is that long. He shouldn't be allowed to "cut in the line" of every other Canadian who has been waiting for years to have their health issues diagnosed! Besides he can afford to pay for his own and not dip into our public health care.

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